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1、此部分全部上机操作完成。此部分全部上机操作完成。2012年上海市高中学业水平考试(英语科)听说样题I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a

2、 question, read the four possible answers on the screen and click the letter before the answer to decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Disappointed. B. Satisfied. C. Angry. D. Worried.2. A. He checked out and left the hotel. B. All his things were stolen. C

3、. His luggage was removed by mistake. D. He was robbed of his suitcase. 3. A. He was asked to leave the hotel. B. The receptionist was rude to him. C. All his things were in disorder. D. He was sent to a dirty room. 听力材料:Last month I went to Manchester for a work meeting. I booked into a very nice h

4、otel for two nights, and I was very happy with it. My room was beautiful, and the restaurant served very good food - in fact my dinner there that first night was delicious. But when I came back from my meeting on the second day, I found my room empty. All my things had disappeared, I checked that I

5、was in the right room, and then I rushed down to reception. I was really worried because I thought Id been robbed. When I got to reception, I said, “My rooms empty! All my things have been stolen!” But the receptionist said, very politely, “Oh, very sorry, sir. That was a little mistake of ours. We

6、thought you were leaving the hotel this morning, so we packed your things and took the suitcase downstairs, so that the cleaners could clean the room for the next guest. Then we realized we had made a mistake. Heres your case.” And she handed me my case with all my things just thrown inside, all in

7、a mess. I was angry, and I immediately asked to see the manager. Question: 1.How did the man feel about the hotel on the first day? 2.What happened to the man on the second day? 3.Why did the man want to see the manager? Section B Section B Directions:Directions: In Section B, you will hear one conv

8、ersation. The conversation will be read In Section B, you will hear one conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation you are required to fill in the numbered blanks twice. After you hear the conversation you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the i

9、nformation you have heard. with the information you have heard. Please type in your answers in the given area.Please type in your answers in the given area. Taxi Order Form Taxi Order Form Name:Name:Time: Time: To: To: From: From: Phone Number:Phone Number:John Smith John Smith 5:30 a.m., 5:30 a.m.,

10、 7 7 , June 8th , June 8th The The 8 8 . . 99 Kent Street, near 99 Kent Street, near CarlingtonCarlington 9 9 . . 10 10 . . II. Speaking II. Speaking Section A Section A Directions: Read aloud the following sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to

11、read.1. “Nothing was wrong with the satellite,” he answered. 1. “Nothing was wrong with the satellite,” he answered. 2. Now that e-readers are cheaper and more plentiful, they have gone mass market, 2. Now that e-readers are cheaper and more plentiful, they have gone mass market, reaching consumers

12、across age. reaching consumers across age. Section B Section B Directions:Directions: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. and thirty seconds to read. Dogs are living lo

13、nger. Twenty years ago, people considered a 12-year- Dogs are living longer. Twenty years ago, people considered a 12-year-old dog to be very old. Today, many dogs live to be 15 or older. Dogs live 25 old dog to be very old. Today, many dogs live to be 15 or older. Dogs live 25 percent longer now th

14、an they did then! The main cause for this change is that percent longer now than they did then! The main cause for this change is that dogs eat better food. dogs eat better food. In the 1970s, more people began treating dogs as members of their families. In the 1970s, more people began treating dogs

15、 as members of their families. People spent more money to keep their dogs well. Then, other things began to People spent more money to keep their dogs well. Then, other things began to change. Dog-food companies sold more kinds of food for dogs. Puppies, change. Dog-food companies sold more kinds of

16、 food for dogs. Puppies, adult dogs and old dogs need different kinds of food. Some dog foods contain adult dogs and old dogs need different kinds of food. Some dog foods contain medicines that help prevent diseases.medicines that help prevent diseases.Section CSection C Directions: Directions: Ask

17、two questions about each situation given below. At Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation.least one special question should be asked about each situation.Questions1-2:Questions1-2: Your friend is showing you his pictures

18、 taken in Your friend is showing you his pictures taken in Beijing one week ago. Ask him two questions about his trip there. Beijing one week ago. Ask him two questions about his trip there. 【参考答案参考答案】 1. These pictures are terrific. Can you tell me something interesting about your trip? 2. How abou

19、t the food?【能力要求能力要求】能运用所学的语言功能意念知识,能运用所学的语言功能意念知识, 根据情景要求根据情景要求进行讯问以获得所需的信息。进行讯问以获得所需的信息。【知识内容知识内容】功能意念功能意念/询问相关信息。询问相关信息。Section DSection DDirections:Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the

20、following pictures in at least five sentences. Begin your talk with about the following pictures in at least five sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given. the sentence given. One day,Xiao Ming was eating a banana. III. Listening and SpeakingIII. Listening and SpeakingSection A Directions:

21、 In Section A, you will hear four sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard. 1.Of all the subjects, I like English best. Whats your favourite?【参考答案】 Maths is my favourite subject. 【能力要求】能听懂日常会话用语, 并对此作出应答。 考生需要根据所听到的句子做出快速应答。考生需要根据所听到的句子做出快速应答。共共4 4个句子需要考生作答。个句子需要考生作答。 考生所听到的句子

22、不显示在屏幕上。考生所听到的句子不显示在屏幕上。Section BSection BDirections:Directions: In Section B, you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read twice. In Section B, you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read twice. After you hear the passage, After you hear the passage, answer the first question

23、 with the information you hear and answer the first question with the information you hear and the second in your own opinion with at least 3 sentencesthe second in your own opinion with at least 3 sentences. . You will have one minute to You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to ans

24、wer the questions. prepare and another minute to answer the questions. 1. What are the three maps sports in the USA according to the passage?1. What are the three maps sports in the USA according to the passage?2. Which sport do you like best? Why?2. Which sport do you like best? Why?考生在听完一篇短文后,回答两个

25、问题。考生在听完一篇短文后,回答两个问题。 第一题主要回答文章中所提及的内容。第二第一题主要回答文章中所提及的内容。第二题主要对文章中某要点进行评论。题主要对文章中某要点进行评论。 短文共读两遍,屏幕上不显示。短文共读两遍,屏幕上不显示。在考生听短文的同时,问题显示于电脑屏幕上。在考生听短文的同时,问题显示于电脑屏幕上。 听力材料Americans enjoy sports. The three national sports are American football, played in the fall; basketball, played in the winter; and bas

26、eball, played in summer. The crowds at these events may surprise you. The World Series and the Super Bowl will attract tens of thousands of fans to the stadium and there will be much shouting and cheering, but even if the spectators become very angry there is rarely any violence. Besides there big e

27、vents, sports as recreations are enjoyed throughout the country. Golf, tennis, sailing, surfing, and jogging, are popular recreational activities. You will find that the equipment for these sports can often be rented, so that even visitors are not excluded. Playing the sports you like is considered

28、an essential part of a persons life. Luckily, the great natural resources such as lakes, mountains and vast seacoasts in the country all Americans the space they need to enjoy themselves. 1. 1.What are the three maps sports in the USA according to the What are the three maps sports in the USA accord

29、ing to the passage?passage?【参考答案参考答案】 American football, basketball and baseball. 【能力要求能力要求】能获取和归纳重要信息。能获取和归纳重要信息。2. 2.Which sport do you like best? Why?Which sport do you like best? Why?【参考答案参考答案】 I like basketball best, though I am not a good player myself. I like watching basketball games, especi

30、ally the NBA games. They are always so tense and breathtaking. It is a great enjoyment to watch the players excellent and magical skills in playing the games. 【能力要求能力要求】能结合材料内容,能结合材料内容, 表达个人信息。表达个人信息。此部分全部上机操作完成。此部分全部上机操作完成。2012年上海市高中学业水平考试(英语科)笔试样题I. Grammar and VocabularySection A Section A Direct

31、ions:Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. completes the sentence. 1

32、. Bill suggested _ a meeting on what to do for the coming term 1. Bill suggested _ a meeting on what to do for the coming term during the vacation. during the vacation. A. hold B. to hold C. holding D. held A. hold B. to hold C. holding D. held 【答案答案】C C【能力要求能力要求】能在具体语境中识别、理解并正确运用语法知识。能在具体语境中识别、理解并正

33、确运用语法知识。【知识内容知识内容】语言知识语言知识/ /语法语法Section BSection B Directions: Directions: Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of each line to Read the text below. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. form a word that fits in the space in

34、 the same line. Im a great Im a great (lover lover )of bread. Whenever I smell freshly baked bread, love of bread. Whenever I smell freshly baked bread, love it reminds me of my early it reminds me of my early (childhoodchildhood) when I used to visit the child when I used to visit the child little

35、bakery that my grandfather owned. little bakery that my grandfather owned. And, of course, there are (And, of course, there are (variousvarious) good medical reasons why we vary ) good medical reasons why we vary should not forget the (should not forget the (importanceimportance) of eating plenty of

36、 bread. ) of eating plenty of bread. important Bread contains nearly all the protein needed for childrens (important Bread contains nearly all the protein needed for childrens (growthgrowth) ) grow and for adults to stay fit and well. We can get a (grow and for adults to stay fit and well. We can ge

37、t a (thirdthird) of our ) of our three daily protein (three daily protein (requirement(srequirement(s) ) from just six slices of bread. Bread ) from just six slices of bread. Bread require (require (unlikeunlike) some popular foods which are not particularly good for ) some popular foods which are n

38、ot particularly good for like you, gives (like you, gives (strengthstrength) to bones and teeth when they are developing ) to bones and teeth when they are developing strong and keeps them healthy as we get older. Additionally, bread helps strong and keeps them healthy as we get older. Additionally,

39、 bread helps addition us to feel (addition us to feel (energeticenergetic) as it contains iron as well as several ) as it contains iron as well as several energy essential vitamins. energy essential vitamins. 【能力要求能力要求】能在具体语境中理解并正确运用词汇能在具体语境中理解并正确运用词汇【知识内容知识内容】语言知识语言知识/ /词汇词汇 Section CSection CDirec

40、tions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the contextC and D. Fill in each blank with

41、the word or phrase that best fits the contextThe most important characteristic for a coputer game programmer (电脑程序员)is a love of games. You must also love 1 a game down into its smallest parts and seeing how the parts fit into a whole. You must have creative problem-solving kills. A computer game pa

42、sses through many hands before it 2 it to the store itself. But the most important job is that of the programmer. 3 you want to be a game programmer, you need to learn a computer 4 . The most popular languages are C and C+, 5 any computer language will work as long as you know it well. You will also

43、 need a compiler. A compiler is a computer program that changes a computer languages used by humans 6 a language that a computer can perform. The best way to 7 a career as a computer game programmer is to write a game. Write 8 as soon as possible. It doesnt have to be a good game. It doesnt have to

44、be a complex game. It just needs to 9 . You can use this first game as a stepping-stone for your next game. Your first computer game is part of your learning. Continue to play games. Learn computer languages. Imagine complex story lines. And most 10 have fun!1. A. break B. brokenC. breakingD. broke

45、2. A. will makeB. makesC. has madeD. had made3. A. If B. AfterC. BecauseD. Unless 4. A. programB. softwareC. language D. skill5. A. butB. orC. thereforeD. since 6. A. forB. intoC. withD. from 7. A. beginB. studyC. acceptD. end 8. A. thatB. yourselfC. thisD. one 9. A. workB. operateC. doD. go 10.A. s

46、urprisinglyB. happilyC importantlyD. luckily 【答案答案答案答案】1.C 2.B 3.A.4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A.10.C1.C 2.B 3.A.4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A.10.C1.C 2.B 3.A.4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A.10.C1.C 2.B 3.A.4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A.10.C【能力要求能力要求能力要求能力要求】能在具体语境中识别、理解并正确运用语法知识能在具体语境中识别、理解并正确运用语法知识能在具体语境中识别、理解并正确运用语法知识能在具体

47、语境中识别、理解并正确运用语法知识; ; ; ;能在能在能在能在 具体语具体语具体语具体语境中理解并正确运用词汇。境中理解并正确运用词汇。境中理解并正确运用词汇。境中理解并正确运用词汇。 【知识内容知识内容知识内容知识内容】语言知识语言知识语言知识语言知识/ / / /语法与词汇语法与词汇语法与词汇语法与词汇II. Reading Comprehension II. Reading Comprehension Section A Section A Directions: Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is foll

48、owed by several Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best accordin

49、g to the information given in A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.the passage you have just read.For the past few weeks, the case of two innocent women arrested by police has been the For the past few weeks, the case of tw

50、o innocent women arrested by police has been the lead story in all the newspapers and on TV news broadcasts. lead story in all the newspapers and on TV news broadcasts. As a bus shopping centre, tow women, Ms. Brown, 30, and Ms. Austin, 29, were sitting As a bus shopping centre, tow women, Ms. Brown

51、, 30, and Ms. Austin, 29, were sitting in their parked car in front of the main entrance to a department store. All of a in their parked car in front of the main entrance to a department store. All of a sudden, their car was sandwiched by two vehicles, stopping them from leaving. sudden, their car w

52、as sandwiched by two vehicles, stopping them from leaving. About eight men with guns jumped out and forced them to open their car doors. It About eight men with guns jumped out and forced them to open their car doors. It was only later that the women found out that they were actually plainclothes po

53、lice was only later that the women found out that they were actually plainclothes police officers. officers. In an complaint made against the Police Department, the women claimed they were In an complaint made against the Police Department, the women claimed they were roughed up by the police. They

54、said that the police hit their car, smashed a window, roughed up by the police. They said that the police hit their car, smashed a window, then slappedthen slapped(掌掴(掌掴) their faces and accused them of hiding drugs. They were ) their faces and accused them of hiding drugs. They were finally taken t

55、o the police station. finally taken to the police station. According to police spokesperson Roger Hardy, it was simply a case of mistaken According to police spokesperson Roger Hardy, it was simply a case of mistaken identity and the police had not slapped the women. They might have accidentally ide

56、ntity and the police had not slapped the women. They might have accidentally pushed the women and he apologized for their actions. However, the women still pushed the women and he apologized for their actions. However, the women still plan to take legal action. plan to take legal action. When asked

57、why they didnt open their car doors, the women said that the men did not When asked why they didnt open their car doors, the women said that the men did not look like police officers. They were thinking that the men were going to rob them, look like police officers. They were thinking that the men w

58、ere going to rob them, or even worse, hurt them. or even worse, hurt them. 1. According to the passage, the case of the two women has become_. A. strong B. unbelievable C. uninteresting D. popular 【答案】D 【能力要求】能理解文章中的重要事实信息。 【主题/内容】公共场所。2. The sentence “their car was sandwiched” in Paragraph 2 is clo

59、sest in meaning to _. A. sandwiches were left in the car B. their car was blocked thereC. sandwiches were thrown at the car D. there was no parking space for the car 【答案】B 【能力要求】能根据语言线索,上下文线索和背景知识猜测句子和词语的含义。 【主题/内容】公共场所。3. Roger Hardly, the police spokesperson, said that the police officers _. A. di

60、d not like the two women B. did not arrest the two women C. arrested the wrong women D. thought the women had stolen the car 【答案】C 【能力要求】能理解文中的重要事实信息。 【主题/内容】公共场所。4. The passage is mainly about _. A. two brave women B. a mistaken police actionC. plainclothes police officers D. a mysterious case 【答案】

61、B 【能力要求】能归纳文章大意。 【主题/内容】公共场所。Section BDirections: Read the following advertisement and complete each sentence. Write one word or more in each space. NEWTEON THEATREFORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONSMonday, 8 January for 2 weeksMY FAT FRIENDCharles Laurences popular comedyWednesday, 24 January toSaturday, 27 Ja

62、nuaryShanghai Festival BalletPresentsSWAN LAKEMonday, 29 January for one weekFun and killTim Danbys exciting mystery1.The Shanghai Festival Ballet will perform on (four) evenings. 2.( My Fat Friend) will be the most amusing play. 3.If you like dancing, you should see (Swan Lake). 4.The play written

63、by (Tim Danby) is very exciting. 【能力要求能力要求】 能读懂阅能读懂阅读材料,读材料, 并根据并根据题目要求完成任题目要求完成任务。务。Section CSection C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possibl

64、e words. statements in the fewest possible words. If you were asked what a hospital is, its possible you would say that it is a place If you were asked what a hospital is, its possible you would say that it is a place where doctors and nurses work. Well, you would be right about the medical staff. B

65、ut have where doctors and nurses work. Well, you would be right about the medical staff. But have you ever thought about the other people who work there? They all do important jobs too. you ever thought about the other people who work there? They all do important jobs too. There are secretaries, nur

66、sing aides, cleaning staff, cooks, engineers and more. There are secretaries, nursing aides, cleaning staff, cooks, engineers and more. Some hospitals even bring in teachers to give sick children lessons when they cant go to Some hospitals even bring in teachers to give sick children lessons when th

67、ey cant go to school. school. Most patients who go to hospitals have to wait a long time before they can see a Most patients who go to hospitals have to wait a long time before they can see a doctor. Doctors and nurses are always busy and have to attend to many patients needing help. doctor. Doctors

68、 and nurses are always busy and have to attend to many patients needing help. Some of them are in hospital for a day; others need to stay there much longer. For those Some of them are in hospital for a day; others need to stay there much longer. For those staying in hospital for a long time, they ne

69、ed to take clothes and perhaps a lot of books or staying in hospital for a long time, they need to take clothes and perhaps a lot of books or comics to read. Friends and family often send cards and flowers to people they know in comics to read. Friends and family often send cards and flowers to peop

70、le they know in hospital before they visit them. hospital before they visit them. In many hospitals, patients, especially children, are often entertained by clowns. In many hospitals, patients, especially children, are often entertained by clowns. Everyone is happy to see a clown and no one walks by

71、 one without smiling. It is easy to hug Everyone is happy to see a clown and no one walks by one without smiling. It is easy to hug clown, and most of all, it is easy to talk to a hospital clown. Children seem to see clowns as clown, and most of all, it is easy to talk to a hospital clown. Children

72、seem to see clowns as somewhere between there favourite aunt and a teddy bear gentle, comfortable, non-somewhere between there favourite aunt and a teddy bear gentle, comfortable, non-threatening, funny, and ready to play with anything and anyone. threatening, funny, and ready to play with anything

73、and anyone. Even though hospitals are full of people who are there to help, it seems odd that Even though hospitals are full of people who are there to help, it seems odd that everyone wants to go home as soon as possible. everyone wants to go home as soon as possible. (Note: Answer the questions or

74、 complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)What does “medical staff” in Paragraph 1 refer to? 1.From the passage we know a hospital is not only a place where medical staff work but also a place where _, too. 2.How are patient children taught in some hospitals? 3.Why are clowns needed in h

75、ospitals? 4. 4.【答案答案】1.Doctors and nurses 1.Doctors and nurses 5. 5. 2. the other people do important jobs 2. the other people do important jobs6. 6. 3. Teachers are brought in to teach them. 3. Teachers are brought in to teach them. 7. 7. 4. They can help to entertain patients, especially children

76、4. They can help to entertain patients, especially children 【能力要求能力要求】能读懂阅读材料, 并根据题目要求完成任务。【主题/内容】工作与就业。III. WritingIII. Writing Section ASection ADirections:Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets Complete the following sentences by translating the Ch

77、inese in the brackets into English. into English. 1. _ 1. _ (众所周知)(众所周知)that smoking can cause many diseases. that smoking can cause many diseases. 【参考答案】It is known to all【能力要求】能根据所提供的英语语境和中文提示补全英语句子。【知识内容】语言知识。Section BSection B Directions: Directions: Translate the following sentences into Englis

78、h, using the words given in the Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.brackets.1. 1. 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营里度过的日子。 (remind) (remind) 【参考答案】The photo reminds me of the days we spent in the summer camp. 【能力要求】能用所给的英语词语, 把中文句子译 成英语。【知识内容】语言

79、知识。Section CDirections: Write an English composition in between 100 and 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese. 作文满分为作文满分为1515分。分。 例例1 1:假设你是英国学生约翰,:假设你是英国学生约翰, 上周六搭乘大众出租车(车号为上周六搭乘大众出租车(车号为34563456)回旅馆后,)回旅馆后, 发现遗失了钱包,发现遗失了钱包, 请给该出租车公司写信,请给该出租车公司写信, 请他们帮助寻找。请他们帮助寻找。 你的信中必须包括:你的信

80、中必须包括: 钱包丢失的过程;钱包丢失的过程; 简要描述该钱包的外形及内容,简要描述该钱包的外形及内容, 并说明其重要性;并说明其重要性; 联系方式联系方式【能力要求能力要求】能按照情景要求对事件或物品做出简单描述,能按照情景要求对事件或物品做出简单描述, 并能用正确的格式写并能用正确的格式写出信函。出信函。例例2 2:以:以“ “选修课(选修课(elective courses/optional courses”elective courses/optional courses”为主题写一篇作文,为主题写一篇作文, 该文章必该文章必须包括以下内容:须包括以下内容: 学校开设了多种选修课,学校

81、开设了多种选修课, 供学生挑选;供学生挑选; 介绍你选修的课程;介绍你选修的课程; 你对选修课的态度和看法。你对选修课的态度和看法。 【能力要求能力要求】能按照情景要求对事件做出简单描述,能按照情景要求对事件做出简单描述, 并能发表自己的意见。并能发表自己的意见。例例3 3:根据下列图表(对学生早餐的调查),:根据下列图表(对学生早餐的调查), 分析学生早餐的情况。分析学生早餐的情况。 针对问题提出针对问题提出建议。建议。Your class has made a survey about the breakfast the students take. The information You

82、r class has made a survey about the breakfast the students take. The information you have collected are as follows.you have collected are as follows. The way students take breakfastThe way students take breakfastPercentagePercentageHaving Having breakfast breakfast regularlyregularly1. porridge(1. p

83、orridge(粥)粥)10%10%2. bread and milk only2. bread and milk only40%40%3. bread, milk and egg or 3. bread, milk and egg or fruitfruit15%15%Having breakfast irregularlyHaving breakfast irregularly25%25%Shopping breakfastShopping breakfast10%10%【能力要求能力要求】能对文字提示、图画和表格所提供的信息进行简单的能对文字提示、图画和表格所提供的信息进行简单的描述,描述, 并能发表自己的意见。并能发表自己的意见。Thank you! Good Luck!



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