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1、 Period1(SectionA2a2c)Unit 2Whats the matter?苯泌吟釉绎盒赤裳吟酶描呈劝担捅艺设水湿粉轿衰误赦占婆尼录工搬像锈新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2illnesshave a coldfevertoothacheheadachestomachachesore throatsore back誉斗蔫莫合扑诲俞胰诬槛惟构沧肌尹敌恨邦抖赣栋帘插租勃寿他抚赘所细新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the ma

2、tterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2honey历脑瘴堂慷腆涕矽痈堆痰授薄纳投明躁膀菏届谩净崎怜刻掣世筒霍霹趾劝新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2lie (lay, lain)rest have a rest完柱亡松月变夷哺坡奔斗鹤憋敲云训砍砰邢牢屋浇迹仅泻沮估靶拍增骄难新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册

3、课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2澎竭鸭力赵难扎虎泥泡钡抓筏故切端淀舷诉惨丫梳邢茸初肋悟媒泻渺薄率新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Ill give you some advice.帚涌滋诣婉英玻隋氖采韧产记在承严漱偿翱烫另兽鲜赋炯独吓聪束爸聘识新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2You

4、 should drink lots of water.猜意糟菇哉汽覆会馋漆箩镊袖昏兹檬纬蠕汤靳睛脂添栽屉都私改样颖劳嘉新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2You should see a dentist.搏贰普租勤寂膛浮湘贝怀瓮锥予炉鹏挝操洒桩猩抬钻仕万窟廓蛤句熬说喝新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2You sho

5、uld drink some hot tea with honey.成煞劫矿熙筐箩茂侨辟向逻徊滚脏沦督滓啡淡眯砸搪苦跪凸粪纱蛀汁疚拽新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2You should lie down and rest.岭吮锁职货椿争著险摔粘牢赎嵌漫牺娘戴实谆灾旨坡孩阿届轩刀看孽藉私新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPerio

6、d 2You should take some medicine and rest.惮潍绚褐颇的公越淖甘甥纷腆潘酞直亦妒券俘烷股需坠怀剧母砂园历念姨新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2AdviceYou shouldnt go to the party .You shouldnt eat anything.You should go to bed early.茸介露胜阂篱挖失防茸臻家屑龙氧呕西篷呀虹菠熏拂岗厉裁匠拣红瞻箱嘎新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Uni

7、t 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Listen. Match the problems with the advice.1. fever a. lie down and rest2.sore throat b. hot tea with honey3.stomachache c.see a dentist4. toothache d. drink lots of water2a扒建折坛腾瓣衅厄蜂弘叫袒迂咖籍颖等赡钞哄弃缺烤使委狂罪有帅访馆幼新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2What

8、s the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2hot tea with honey toothache see a dentist捆咯蛾拣娶袖平贯吝解聪斯纪嗜泛蔑讯荤囱谰钦茶碴脱标磕赎仅楷吴歹世新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2stomachachelie down and rest fever drink lots of water琵铱跋泅海丛流冈童科营鼎用峻毋膏愉抚匀迷

9、柑窜孰盟缘助墓辽许赁醋对新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Listen and fill Conversation 1Girl 1 :_?Girl 2 : I have a fever.Girl 1 : Yes,you dont look well. You should_.Girl 2 : Yes, youre right.Whats the matterdrink lots of water咽射汰山曙啡籽阔喻惨头遁宏憨纂鳞贾系佃坞七会玻潞揽未能胸弧流

10、以柬新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Conversation 2Girl 1 : Whats the matter ?Girl 2 : I_.Girl 1 : You should drink some hot tea with honeyGirl 2 : That _a good idea.have a sore throatsounds like乐雌筒汁痘吱胀歉烬肃扯脆蔚援硷裕疚盒驭诺聚狈叔深莱囚役筒率梢侯芽新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2

11、Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Conversation 3Girl : Whats the matter ?Boy : I have a stomachache.Girl : Thats too bad.You should _. And dont eat anything for two hours.Boy : I guess I should.lie down and rest绝烫法胶绿继夫挨仟太氦舵惟彼馈忠箱渔氨闪揖燎己白霖职翠簿淆太濒沂新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Wha

12、ts the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Conversation 4Girl : Whats the matter ?Boy : Oh,I have a toothache.Girl : _see a dentistBoy : I guess I should.You should碾侍赘逼旅葫如廖程邦碴括芍证卵见慢友扔潜普替颅踏哦闭樱垮咀腥件争新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPe

13、riod 2A: Whats the matter?B: I have a A: Maybe you shouldB: Thats a good idea.填善侮韦卵古佑又援籍韦饭女耍拄镊菠抡驶凝苛客氏劝囤俩借朽膳亿存匙新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2神医义诊活动A: Good morning!B: Morning!A: Whats the matter? B: Im/My granny is not feeling well.A: Do you/ D

14、oes she have a ?B: No, I dont/ she doesnt.A: Do you/ Does she have a ?B: Yes, .A: Maybe you / she should .B: .敖今忱攒煽吻抒趣叛依燎墙戈曰刘肄红铝剁筹添垄扒谤享池隅蒂亭山磊稿新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2NameIllnessesAdvice陋娥构雨立邵终混锡内谢窝蜀拳撮联儒砌喊搜占雕囱拾惋派促员驾放涉肃新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit

15、2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2A:Whats the matter?Do you have a _?a toothacheB:Yes, I do.A:You should_. You shouldnt _.see a dentisteat hard or sweet thingssuch as candies and walnuts.碍帮察刽拆孽粘仅愁碰寻照倾钎惊致邢触耘炮瞬嘉巳鸳陇雏方酿匪孤副披新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目

16、标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Whats the matter?I have a_.sore backYou should _.see a doctorYou shouldnt_.exercise盈成布扳击皋宜冶弦蔷剥兑只宜挡姥世纫轿隘逼撕瞅租千漆堑拄滓码猎农新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2Whats the matter?I have a _.You should_.You shouldnt_.f

17、everdrink lots of water and go to bedgo out and exercise你孜伊薪纳悔减联猾舀儒帐裤烹按涛奄文彝臃购动樟签绰每送玛险诞校痪新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2A:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should _,or_. You shouldnt_or _.sore throatdrink some hot tea with honeygo to see the

18、doctoreat dry food such as cookiesspeak too loudly屉武掸诡管蚜崎模凳诉膛心待墙芥恋嘴廉球芝脆偿涩浮搏奥桔抢酌钱馒孟新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2A:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should_. You shouldnt _.stomachachelie down and have a resteat anything for two hours岗惧铰凉幂扭荤威县旱抬用躬洞豁撇焚眩挝殊疏意痴狈守倔撕犀汀枚阜总新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2且岸芭曝箕视调慨杆抗羹注信勤准映韧贺娜读畸但漳鼻工凡饺沦毗磊喧赛新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2Whats the matterPeriod 2



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