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1、英语报纸杂志常见英语词汇英语报纸杂志常见英语词汇dross英音:英音:drs 名词名词 n. 1. 浮渣;渣滓;废物confiscate英音:英音:knfiskeit 及物动词及物动词 vt. 1. 没收,将.充公;征收The government confiscated the land. 政府征用了那片土地。 The traitors property was confiscated. 那个叛国者的财产被没收了。 形容词形容词 a. 1. 被没收的;被没收了财产的auxiliary英音:英音::gziljri 形容词形容词形容词形容词 a. a. 1. 1. 辅助的辅助的auxiliary

2、 machinery auxiliary machinery 辅助机器辅助机器 2. 2. 附属的附属的; ;从属的从属的 3. 3. 预备的预备的; ;后备的后备的The auxiliary units are called in only when the main The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed. force has been overtaxed. 只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。 4. (4. (帆船帆船)

3、)装有发动机的装有发动机的 5. 5. 【军】【军】( (舰船舰船) )非战斗用的非战斗用的; ;辅助的辅助的an auxiliary transport an auxiliary transport 辅助运输舰辅助运输舰 auxiliary 名词名词名词名词 n. C n. C1. 1. 辅助者辅助者, ,助手助手; ;辅助物辅助物The doctor is hoping to find two auxiliaries to work The doctor is hoping to find two auxiliaries to work under him. under him. 这位医生

4、希望能找到两名帮他工作的助手。这位医生希望能找到两名帮他工作的助手。 2. 2. 附属组织附属组织, ,附属机构附属机构This club has a womens auxiliary. This club has a womens auxiliary. 这家俱乐部有一个附属的妇女组织。这家俱乐部有一个附属的妇女组织。 3. (3. (装有发动机的装有发动机的) )帆船帆船 4. 4. 外国援军外国援军, ,盟国援军盟国援军PP 5. 5. 【语】助动词【语】助动词tenure英音:英音:tenju 名词名词 n. U1. (财产、职位等的)占有;占有权2. 占有期;任期;占有条件3. 【主美

5、】(教授等的)终身职位A lecturer in the English Department has recently been refused tenure. 英语系一名讲师最近未能获得终身职位。 consist英音:英音:knsist 不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词 vi. vi. 1. 1. 组成组成组成组成, ,构成构成构成构成(+of)(+of)A university consists of teachers, administrators and A university consists of teachers, administrators and student

6、s. students. 大学由教师大学由教师大学由教师大学由教师, ,行政人员和学生组成。行政人员和学生组成。行政人员和学生组成。行政人员和学生组成。 The House of Commons consisted of 658 members. The House of Commons consisted of 658 members. 下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。 2. 2. 在于在于在于在于, ,存在于存在于存在于存在于(+in)(+in)The beauty of the picture con

7、sists in its balance of The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors. colors. 这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。 Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others. others. 宽容在于尊重别人的意见。宽容在于尊重别人的意见。宽容在于尊重别人的意见。

8、宽容在于尊重别人的意见。 3. 3. 一致一致一致一致, ,符合符合符合符合(+with)(+with)The information consists with his account. The information consists with his account. 消息与他的表达相符合。消息与他的表达相符合。消息与他的表达相符合。消息与他的表达相符合。gauge英音:英音:geid 名词名词名词名词 n. n. 1. 1. 标准尺寸标准尺寸, ,标准规格标准规格UCUCThe amount of money one makes is not the only gauge of one

9、s The amount of money one makes is not the only gauge of ones success. success. 挣钱的多少不是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准。挣钱的多少不是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准。 2. 2. 测量仪器测量仪器; ;规规, ,表表, ,计计CCMy cars gas gauge indicated that there was little gas left. My cars gas gauge indicated that there was little gas left. 我车上的汽油表显示剩下的油不多了。我车上的汽油表显示剩下

10、的油不多了。 3. 3. 大小大小, ,程度程度; ;范围范围; ;容量容量UUThis has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance. This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance. 这已超出她的忍受范围。这已超出她的忍受范围。 4. 4. 估计估计( (或判断或判断) )方法方法CC 5. (5. (枪管枪管) )的口径的口径;( ;(铁道的铁道的) )轨距轨距UCUCA 12-gauge shotgun was found at the crime scene. A 12-gauge shotgun

11、 was found at the crime scene. 在犯罪现场发现了一支十二口径的猎枪。在犯罪现场发现了一支十二口径的猎枪。 gauge6. (6. (金属板等的金属板等的) )厚度厚度;( ;(钢丝等的钢丝等的) )直径直径UCUC及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 量量, ,测测2. 2. 估计估计, ,判断判断The servant tried to gauge his masters mood. The servant tried to gauge his masters mood. 那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。那个仆人想揣测他主人的心思。 3. 3

12、. 给给.定规格定规格lift英音:英音:lift 及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 举起举起; ;抬起抬起(+up)(+up)This box is too heavy for me to lift. This box is too heavy for me to lift. 这个箱子太重了这个箱子太重了, ,我提不起来。我提不起来。 2. 2. 振作振作( (精神精神); );提高提高( (声音等声音等)(+up)(+up)The good news lifted our spirits. The good news lifted our spirits. 这好

13、消息使我们精神振奋。这好消息使我们精神振奋。 3. 3. 空运空运OOFood is being lifted in by helicopter. Food is being lifted in by helicopter. 食品正用直升机空运进来。食品正用直升机空运进来。 4. 4. 【口】偷窃【口】偷窃; ;抄袭抄袭All the main ideas in the article are lifted from other All the main ideas in the article are lifted from other works. works. 这篇文章的主要思想都是从其

14、它作品中剽窃来的。这篇文章的主要思想都是从其它作品中剽窃来的。 lift英音:英音:lift 5. 5. 挖出挖出( (山芋等山芋等); );拔起拔起( (秧苗等秧苗等) )School boys were hired to lift the potatoes. School boys were hired to lift the potatoes. 雇用了学生来挖马铃薯。雇用了学生来挖马铃薯。 6. 6. 解除解除( (封锁等封锁等) )The authorities lifted the ban on swimming in this river. The authorities lift

15、ed the ban on swimming in this river. 当局解除了不许在这条河里游泳的禁令。当局解除了不许在这条河里游泳的禁令。 7. 7. 偿还偿还We lifted the mortgage on the house last month. We lifted the mortgage on the house last month. 我们上个月付清了房屋的抵押贷款。我们上个月付清了房屋的抵押贷款。 不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词 vi. vi. 1. 1. 被提被提( (或举或举) )起起; ;升起升起The window wont lift. The wi

16、ndow wont lift. 窗子提不起来。窗子提不起来。 2. (2. (云、雾等云、雾等) )消散消散The rain stopped and the clouds lifted. The rain stopped and the clouds lifted. 雨过天晴。雨过天晴。 lift英音:英音:lift 3. 3. 耸立耸立The island peaks lifted above the horizon. The island peaks lifted above the horizon. 岛上的山峰高耸于地平线之上。岛上的山峰高耸于地平线之上。 4. (4. (地面地面) )

17、隆起隆起 名词名词名词名词 n. n. 1. 1. 提提, ,吊吊, ,升升, ,举举CCWith a graceful lift of her hand, she dismissed him. With a graceful lift of her hand, she dismissed him. 她轻盈地一抬手把他打发走了。她轻盈地一抬手把他打发走了。 2. 2. 【英】电梯【英】电梯CCHe took the lift to the top floor. He took the lift to the top floor. 他搭电梯来到顶楼。他搭电梯来到顶楼。 lift3. 顺便搭载CH

18、e gave me a lift to the station. 他让我搭便车去车站。 4. 举起之力CU5. 【口】鼓舞;情绪激昂SThe promotion gave her a real lift. 提升使她的情绪大为振奋。 6. 吊车;起重机Cobsolete英音:英音:bs,li:t 形容词形容词 a. Z1. 废弃的,淘汰的2. 过时的,老式的3. 【生】退化的,不发育的impediment英音:英音:impedimnt 名词名词名词名词 n. C n. C1. 1. 妨碍妨碍, ,阻碍阻碍; ;障碍物障碍物(+to)(+to)The main impediment to deve

19、lopment is the The main impediment to development is the countrys huge foreign debt. countrys huge foreign debt. 发展的主要障碍是国家欠下的巨额外债。发展的主要障碍是国家欠下的巨额外债。 2. (2. (口吃等的口吃等的) )语言障碍语言障碍Its difficult to understand him because he has Its difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment. a speech

20、 impediment. 他的话很难听懂他的话很难听懂, ,因为他讲话口吃。因为他讲话口吃。 3. 3. 【律】合法婚姻的障碍【律】合法婚姻的障碍4. 4. 【律】缔结合同的法定障碍【律】缔结合同的法定障碍PPunanimity英音:英音:,ju:nnimiti 名词名词 n. 1. 同意;全体一致;一致同意moderate英音:英音:mdrit 形容词 a. 1. 中等的,适度的The hotel is moderate in its charges. 这家饭店收费适中。 2. 有节制的,不过分的He is a moderate eater. 他吃饭有节制。 moderate3. 稳健的;温

21、和的;不偏激的He holds moderate opinions. 他的意见稳健不偏激。 4. 普通的,一般的;平庸的He is a child of only moderate ability. 这孩子能力平平。 moderate 名词名词 n. n. 1. 1. 温和主义者温和主义者, ,稳健派稳健派He is a political moderate. He is a political moderate. 他是一个政治上的温和派。他是一个政治上的温和派。 moderate2moderate2及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 使和缓使和缓, ,减轻减轻, ,减少减少, ,节

22、制节制He did what he could to moderate the grief of his friend. He did what he could to moderate the grief of his friend. 他尽了一切力量来减轻他朋友的痛苦。他尽了一切力量来减轻他朋友的痛苦。 2. 2. 主持主持( (会议讨论会议讨论, ,节目等节目等) )The commissioner moderated the public meeting. The commissioner moderated the public meeting. 特派员主持了这次公众集会。特派员主持了

23、这次公众集会。 moderate不及物动词 vi. 1. 变温和;变弱;静息The wind is moderating. 风势渐渐缓和。 2. 主持会议(或电视节目等)Mr. White moderated on a weekly panel show. 怀特先生主持每周一次的电视讨论节目。sleet英音:英音:sli:t 名词名词 n. U1. 冻雨;雨夹雪;雨夹雹An icy sleet was beginning to fall. 天开始下起了冰冷的冻雨。 2. 雨凇不及物动词不及物动词 vi. 1. 下冻雨;下雨夹雪endorse英音:英音:ind:s 及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动

24、词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 在在( (发票、票据等发票、票据等) )背面签名背面签名, ,背书背书; ;签署签署( (姓名姓名) )She has already endorsed the check. She has already endorsed the check. 她已在这支票背书。她已在这支票背书。 2. 2. 批注批注( (公文等公文等); );【英】在【英】在( (驾驶执照背面驾驶执照背面) )注上违注上违章事项章事项His driving licence has been endorsed. His driving licence has been endorsed. 他

25、的驾驶执照上有违章记录。他的驾驶执照上有违章记录。 3. 3. 赞同赞同; ;认可认可Many senators endorsed the new bill. Many senators endorsed the new bill. 很多议员赞同该项新法案。很多议员赞同该项新法案。maritime英音:英音:mritaim 形容词形容词 a. 1. 海的;海事的;航海的That country was a great maritime power. 那个国家曾是海上强国。 maritime law 海事法 2. 沿海的;海边的the maritime provinces of Canada 加

26、拿大滨海诸省infringe英音:英音:infrind 及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 违犯违犯; ;侵犯侵犯; ;违反违反This action infringed the constitution. This action infringed the constitution. 这个行动违反了宪法。这个行动违反了宪法。 不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词 vi. vi. 1. 1. 侵犯侵犯; ;侵害侵害(+on/upon)(+on/upon)Sorry to have infringed upon your property-Sorry to have

27、 infringed upon your property-rights. rights. 对不起对不起, ,我侵犯了您的产权。我侵犯了您的产权。 incinerate英音:英音:insinreit 及物动词及物动词 vt. 1. 烧成灰;焚化;灰化exaggerate英音:英音:igzdreit 及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 夸张夸张, ,夸大夸大; ;对对.言过其实言过其实He exaggerated the importance of the event. He exaggerated the importance of the event. 他夸大了这事

28、件的重要性。他夸大了这事件的重要性。 2. 2. 使增大使增大, ,使扩大使扩大; ;使过大使过大不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词不及物动词 vi. vi. 1. 1. 夸张夸张, ,夸大其词夸大其词Take his words with a grain of salt. He always Take his words with a grain of salt. He always exaggerates. exaggerates. 对他的话要打折扣听。他总爱夸张。对他的话要打折扣听。他总爱夸张。 toll英音:英音:tul 名词名词 n. C n. C1. (1. (路路, ,桥等的桥等的)

29、 )通行费通行费Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll. a toll. 过这座桥的人都要付通行费。过这座桥的人都要付通行费。 2. 2. 使用费使用费; ;服务费服务费3. 3. 长途长途 费费The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum. sum. 长途长途 费数目相当可观。费数目相

30、当可观。 4. (4. (市场的市场的) )设摊费设摊费 toll5. 5. 损失损失; ;伤亡人数伤亡人数SSThe death toll has risen to 200. The death toll has risen to 200. 死亡人数已上升到两百人。死亡人数已上升到两百人。 6. 6. 通行通行( (或使用或使用) )费征收处费征收处及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 向向.征收捐税征收捐税( (或通行费等或通行费等) )不及物动词不及物动词 vi. vi. 1. 1. 征收捐税征收捐税( (或通行费等或通行费等) ) tolltoll2toll2及物动词及物动词

31、vt. vt. 1. (1. (缓慢而反复地缓慢而反复地) )敲敲( (钟钟) )Bells were tolled all over the country at the Bells were tolled all over the country at the Presidents death. Presidents death. 全国为总统逝世而鸣钟。全国为总统逝世而鸣钟。 2. (2. (钟钟) )鸣报鸣报, ,召唤召唤; ;发出发出The church bell tolled the hour. The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的钟声报时。教堂的

32、钟声报时。 toll不及物动词 vi. 1. (钟)缓慢而反复地敲响For whom did the bell toll? 丧钟为谁而敲? 名词 n. 1. 钟声,丧钟声Sscrap英音:英音:skrp 名词名词 n. n. 1. 1. 碎片碎片, ,小块小块CCPut the scraps of paper in the wastebasket. Put the scraps of paper in the wastebasket. 将碎纸片放到废纸篓里。将碎纸片放到废纸篓里。 2. 2. 少量少量, ,一点点一点点S(+of)S(+of)Jimmy does not have a scra

33、p of imagination. Jimmy does not have a scrap of imagination. 吉米一点想像力也没有。吉米一点想像力也没有。 3. 3. 垃圾垃圾, ,破烂破烂UUAll he could do was sell it for scrap. All he could do was sell it for scrap. 他只得把它当废物出售。他只得把它当废物出售。 4. 4. 片段片段, ,选段选段CCShe read aloud scraps from the letter. She read aloud scraps from the letter

34、. 她高声朗读那封信的片断。她高声朗读那封信的片断。 scrap英音:英音:skrp 5. (5. (从报刊剪下的从报刊剪下的) )资料资料, ,图片图片CC 6. 6. 残羹剩饭残羹剩饭PPHe gave scraps of food to the dog. He gave scraps of food to the dog. 他把剩余的食物喂了狗。他把剩余的食物喂了狗。 7. 7. 切削切削; ;废料废料, ,废金属废金属UUAbout half of our new steel is old steel, otherwise About half of our new steel is

35、old steel, otherwise known as scrap. known as scrap. 我们大约有一半的新钢是旧钢我们大约有一半的新钢是旧钢, ,也叫作废钢。也叫作废钢。 及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 将将.作为废物作为废物; ;将将.拆毁拆毁It is high time that the old plane was scrapped. It is high time that the old plane was scrapped. 这架旧飞机该报废了。这架旧飞机该报废了。 scrap 2. 2. 废弃废弃We had to scrap our plans.

36、 We had to scrap our plans. 我们不得不放弃我们的计划。我们不得不放弃我们的计划。 scrap2scrap2名词名词 n. n. 1. 1. 【俚】争吵【俚】争吵, ,打架打架SSLets not have a scrap about it. Lets not have a scrap about it. 我们不要为这事争吵了。我们不要为这事争吵了。 不及物动词不及物动词 vi. vi. 1. 1. 【俚】争吵【俚】争吵, ,打架打架These two dogs are always scrapping. These two dogs are always scrap

37、ping. 这两条狗总是打架。这两条狗总是打架。scrape英音:英音:skreip 及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词 vt. vt. 1. 1. 刮刮, ,擦擦; ;括括( (或擦或擦) )干净干净He scraped the potatoes before frying. He scraped the potatoes before frying. 他炸马铃薯前先将马铃薯刮皮。他炸马铃薯前先将马铃薯刮皮。 2. 2. 刮落刮落, ,擦去擦去, ,削掉削掉O(+off/away/out)O(+off/away/out)He scraped the paint from the surface

38、. He scraped the paint from the surface. 他把面上的漆刮掉。他把面上的漆刮掉。 3. 3. 擦伤擦伤; ;刮破刮破Mary scraped her knee when she fell off her Mary scraped her knee when she fell off her bike. bike. 玛丽从自行车上摔下来擦伤了膝盖。玛丽从自行车上摔下来擦伤了膝盖。editorial英音:英音:,edit:ril 形容词形容词 a. 1. 编辑(上)的;编者的;主管的Hearst expanded his editorial staff. 赫斯特扩大了他的编辑部。 2. 社论的;社论式的



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