人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语期中复习:话题作文 学案(含范文)

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1、人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语期中复习:话题作文 学案Unit 1 You and Me介绍个人信息【典例导引】本单元以“结交新朋友”为话题,根据所给信息并做自我介绍或介绍他人。写时首先确定要介绍的内容。若写自我介绍应用第一人称,若介绍他人应用第三人称,然后根据所给信息有条理地进行写作。本单元相关话题写作素材有:(1)Hello!Good morning!Im你好!早上好!我是(2)My / Her/ His full namefirst namelast name is我/她/他的全名名字姓是(3)You can call me 你可以叫我(4)I am / She is / He i

2、s years old. 我/她他岁(5)I am / She is / He is from我/她他来自(6)I live /She /He lives inwith 我/她他和住在(7)My / HisHer favouriteis我/他她最喜欢的是(8)I like a lot/ very much. /I really like 我非常喜欢(9)I often play with my friend after school. 我经常在放学后和朋友一起(10)There are people in my family. Theyaremy(grandparents), my( fath

3、er), my( mother),my( sister) and( I).我家有口人。有.(11)Would you like to be my friend? 你愿意成为我的朋友吗?【典例】假如你是 Ella,刚来到一所新学校,班上的同学都不认识你,老师让你向全班做自我介绍。请写一篇介绍自己的短文。不少于60词。提示词:full firstlast name,years old,be from,live in,favourite sport/color/food, hobby 开篇问好,引起注意 Good morning!/Hello! Im . My first name is . My

4、last name is .I am . years old. I am from . I live in .My favourite colour is . and my favourite sport is . I like . 具体情况, 自我介绍 展开介绍 结尾询问对方意愿 Would you like to be my friend?范文:My name is Ella. My last name is Brown. I am 12 years old. I am from the UK. Now I live in Beijing with my parents. My favou

5、rite colour is blue, and my favourite sport is tennis. I really love Chinese food. I like Beijing roast duck best. It is so delicious. I like music a lot, and I play the guitar in the band. Would you like to be my friend?【专项训练】你是否知道获得乒乓球男团体、混双、男双、男单冠军的中国运动员王楚钦吗?请根据表格信息向大家介绍一下吧!写一篇 60词左右的短文。nameWang

6、ChuqinAge (年龄)24fromJilin,ChinaJob(职业)ping-pong playerfavourite colorblackFamily memberFather and mother【参考答案】His name is Wang Chuqin. He is 24 years old. And he is from Jilin,China. He is a ping-pong player. He plays ping-pong very well. A lot of people really like to watch him playing it. There ar

7、e three people in his family. They are his father, his mother and he. His parents love him very much. His favorite color is black, because he thinks its cool. Do you like him?【详情解析】总体分析 题材:本文是一篇材料作文; 时态:时态为“一般现在时”; 提示:写作要点已给出,学生应注意不要遗漏“要点提示”。包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、职业、最喜欢的颜色以及家庭成员等。适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。写作步骤第一步,开门见山直接介

8、绍他的姓名。第二步,具体介绍他的个人信息。包括年龄、籍贯、职业、最喜欢的颜色以及家庭成员等高分句型 There are three people in my family.(There be 句型) A lot of people really like to watch him playing it. (like to do, watch sb doing)My favorite color is black, because he thinks its cool.(because 引导原因状语从句)Unit 2 Were family ! 介绍家庭成员【典例导引】本单元以“家庭”为话题,主

9、要围绕“介绍家庭成员”展开。写作时首先要理清人物之间的关系,其次要注意语言表达准确、有条理,主谓搭配一致。写此类话题作文多用第一人称,时态为一般现在时,行文中注意对家庭成员的称呼。本单元相关话题写作素材有:(1)Heres a photo of这是一张的照片。(2)This is, on the left/right.这是,在左边/右边(3)The man / woman/ girl/ boy in the middle is 在中间的那个男士/女士/女孩/男孩是(4)She/ He is kind and(clever, beautiful, handsome, funny)她/他和友善且(

10、5)His Her favouriteis他她最喜欢的是(6)HeShe really likes他她非常喜欢(7)HeShe playsevery week他她每周都玩(弹、踢、拉、打)【典例】英语老师要求每位同学带一张家庭照片,并向全班介绍一下各自的家庭成员。假如你是John,请向全班介绍你的家庭照片。介绍家庭成员 开门见山,引出话题 ImHeres a photo ofThis is, on the left/right. The man / woman/ girl/ boy in the middle is She/ He is kind andHis Her favouriteis详

11、细介绍家庭成员 总结全文,表达感情 I have a happy family.范文:Good morning! Im John. Here is a photo of my family.These are my grandparents. They are very kind and love me very much. The man on the left is my father, he is doctor, and he is very busy. Can you see the beautiful woman? She is my mom. I think she is the

12、best mom in the world. The girl is my sister. She is a middle school student. Im the boy with an orange hat. Orange is my favourite colour. I have a happy family. We love each other very much. 【详情解析】文章运用了“总分总”结构介绍家庭成员,条理清晰,行文流畅。文中恰当运用了本单元所学句型“Here is ”“They are” “Can you”等,使文章内容丰富,句式灵活,值得借鉴。高分句型 Her

13、e is a photo of my family.(Here be 句型) I think she is the best mom in the world. (宾语从句,形容词最高级) Im the boy with an orange hat.(with的灵活运用)【专项训练】1假设你叫李明,下面这张照片是你的全家福。一天,你的好朋友 Frank 来你家做客,看到了这张全家福。请根据图片及表格中的信息,以“My Family”为题向 Frank 介绍你的家庭成员。词数 60左右。家庭成员祖父母爸爸和妈妈双胞胎妹妹要求:(1)句子通顺,语义连贯;(2)包含图表中的全部信息;(3)文中不得出

14、现真实人名、校名等。参考范文My FamilyWelcome to my home! This is my family photo. These are my grandparents, they live with us. The man on the left is my father. My father is very handsome. This is my mother. She is on the left. She is beautiful and kind. The boy is me. The girl next to me is my twin sister. We look like each other. But we are very different. I like sports, but my sister likes reading. Unit 3 My school!向朋友介绍自己的学校【典例导引】本单元的话题是“介绍学校”,针对这一话题,我们可以围绕介绍某物在何处、某地有某物以及物体的方位展开写作。此类作文通常会以邮件的方式进行考查,文体



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