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1、Unit 1 Art 选修六第一部分选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛2. aim n瞄准;目标,目的瞄准;目标,目的v瞄准,对准,旨在瞄准,对准,旨在(1)without aim漫无目的地with the aim of以期,意在achieve ones aim达到目的(2) aim at doing sth.力争做到aim to do sth.旨在做某事be aimed at目的是,旨在(3)aimless adj.无目的的选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛2完成句子(1)Research is being done _(特定目标是)monitoring customer

2、 trends.(2)He _(瞄准一只鸟),fired and missed it.选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(3)_(我想)lose 4kg before the summer holidays.(4)_(我的目标是)catch up with my classmates in a month.答案答案:(1)with the specific aim of(2)took aim at the bird(3)Im aiming to(4)My aim is to选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛3. possess vt.拥有;具有;支配拥有;具有;支配(1)p

3、ossession n(尤作复数)所有;财产be in ones possession(或be in the possession of)为所有;归所有be in possession of sth.拥有某物;占有某物选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛have possession of拥有take possession of sth.拥有(占有)某物;拿到某物(2)possessed adj.be possessed of具有(某种品质、能力等)选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛3完成句子(1)They used all the money _(他们拥有的)(2)The

4、finance company now _(拥有这所房子的所有权)选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(3)She is possessed of _(非常文静的性情)答案答案:(1)they possessed(2)has possession of the house(3)a wonderfully calm temperament选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛4. value n价值价值v珍重珍重(1)n.价值价值观(pl) (2)vt.估价,评价(at)重视 (3)valuable adj.值钱的,贵重的Be of value=be valuble选修_Uni单词

5、讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛【注意】valuable 的反义词是valueless或worthless,而不是invaluable。be of great/little/some/no value to sb.对某人有很大/没什么/有些/毫无价值family/moral/traditional values家庭观念/道德观念/传统观念选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛4完成句子(1)This dictionary _(对你没有什么帮助)(2)I _(估计)this necklace at $5,000.(3)My father _(把诚实看得比什么都重要)选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线

6、讲坛名师一线讲坛(4)The true worth of Shakespeares plays cannot be measured _(用剧场的商业价值)答案答案:(1)is of little value to you(2)value(3)values honesty beyond all things(4)by their commercial value to the theater选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛5. belief(1)n.相信;信念;信仰beyond belief令人难以置信Its ones belief that.某人相信in the belief t

7、hat.相信to the best of ones belief据某人所知选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(2)believe v相信;信任believe sb.相信某人(的话)believe in sb.信任某人believe it or not信不信由你选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛5完成句子(1)_(我深信)is that the visiting team will lose.(2)You can _(信任)him;hell never let you down.(3)I find his behaviour _(令人难以置信)选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛

8、名师一线讲坛(4)He came to me _(相信我能帮助他)答案答案:(1)My belief(2)believe in(3)beyond belief(4)in the belief that I could help him选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛6.appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求有感染力;呼吁;求助助vt. 将将上诉上诉 n呼吁;恳求呼吁;恳求 (1)appeal(to sb.)for sth.(向某人向某人)呼吁呼吁(2)appeal to sb.吸引某人吸引某人(3)appeal to sb.to do sth.恳求/呼吁某人做某事选修_Uni单词讲

9、解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(2)appeal for恳求;呼吁make/launch an appeal发出呼吁(3)appealing adj.有吸引力的,有趣的;求助的,恳求的选修_Uni单词讲解The advertisement _. Does the idea of it _?aims at appealing to people not to smokeappeal to you选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛6完成句子(1)The police _(呼吁公众提供有关这宗罪案的信息)(2)Does the idea of working abroad _(引起你的兴趣)?

10、选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(3)Bob_(发出了紧急呼吁)the famine victims.(4)Teaching as a career _(因长假而吸引许多人)答案答案:(1)are appealing to the public for information about the crime(2)appeal to you(3)launched an urgent appeal for(4)appeals to many people because of the long holidays选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛7. attempt n努力;尝

11、试;企图努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试,企图尝试,企图(1)make an attempt to do/doing/at doing.尝试做at ones first attempt某人的第一次尝试in an attempt to do sth.试图做某事,希望做某事选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(2)attemptn./pron.尝试attempt to do/at doing尝试(试图)做某事(3)attempted adj.未遂的attempted murder谋杀未遂选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛7完成句子(1)Someone _(企图刺杀总统)(2)I pas

12、sed my driving test _(第一次尝试)(3)The prisoners _(企图逃跑),but failed.选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(4)他被指控谋杀未遂。(汉译英)_答案答案:(1)has made an attempt on the Presidents life(2)at the first attempt(3)attempted an escape(4)He was accused of an attempted murder.选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛8. consequent adj.作为结果的,随作为结果的,随之发生的之发

13、生的(1)be consequent on/upon.随发生的;作为结果的(2)consequently adv.因此,所以(3)consequence n结果,后果 take/suffer/face/deal with theconsequences承担后果选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛as a consequence of/in consequence ofas a result of由于,因为as a consequence/in consequence=as a result因此,所以选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛8完成句子(1)If you insist

14、on eating so much sweet food,_(你就得承担后果)(2)He broke the law and he must _(承担后果)选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(3)Whatever you do,you must _(承担后果)your actions.(4)His success _(是勤奋工作的结果)选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛(5)The governor was found guilty,_(因而失去了职位)答案答案:(1)youll have to suffer the consequences(2)face the cons

15、equences(3)accept the consequences of(4)was consequent on his hard work(5)and lost his position in consequence选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛9. scores of许多;大量许多;大量具有类似用法的短语:dozens of许多,大量tens of数十(个等)hundreds of许多,数百thousands of许多,成千上万tens of thousands of大量,无数,数以万计的选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛millions of大量,无数,数百万billions of大量,无数,数十亿several 选修_Uni单词讲解名师一线讲坛名师一线讲坛9完成句子(1)There are _(许多房间)in the hotel.(2)Ive seen the film _(很多遍)选修_Uni单词讲解此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!34选修_Uni单词讲解



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