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1、Part A Les talk Lets play 袁巷小学 黄敏Unit 3 WeatherCan I go outside now?我现在可以出去吗?我现在可以出去吗?-Yes, you can. Its warm today.can 可以outside外面Can I go outside?-Yes, you can. Its cool today.Can I go outside now?-No, you cant. Its very cold today.Can I go outside now ?-No, you cant. Its very hot today.Its time f

2、or breakfast.7:30 a.m.Can I drink some milk?Yes, you can.Can I go home?10:00a.m.No,you cant.Can I go to the playground?No, you cant.Can I go to the park?Yes, you can.星期天,你想去外面,并星期天,你想去外面,并和妈妈征求意见。和妈妈征求意见。Mom,can I go outside now ? Yes, you can. Be careful !小心!Be careful !小心!Questions : 连环回答连环回答Liste

3、n, watch and answer: 1、 What time is it?2、What does Mike ask about?3、What does Mikes mother say?播放影片A Lets talkMum, what time is it?Its 11:00.Can I go outside now?No,you cant. Its cold outside. What time is it?A.11:00 B. 10:00What does Mikes mother say? A. No, you cant. Its cold outside. B. Yes, you

4、 can. Have some lunch, Mike.OK! Can I have some soup?Yes,you can.Be careful! Its very hot.What does Mike ask about? A. He asks his mother: Can I go outside now? B. He asks his mother: Can I sleep now? Mike: Dad,what time is it ?Mike:Can I _?Dad:Its _?Game 1:我会表演。我会表演。Dad:No, you cant.Its_. Mike: OK.

5、 Can I _? Dad:Have some _ ,Mike.Dad:Be careful ! Its very_.Dad:Yes, you can.Mike: Dad,what time is it ?Mike:Can I go outside now?Dad: Its 11:00.Dad:No, you cant.Its cold outside. Mike: OK. Can I have some soup? Dad:Have some lunch ,Mike.Dad:Be careful ! Its very hot.Dad:Yes, you can.John: Dad,what t

6、ime is it ?John: Can I _?Dad:Its _?Game 2:我会编。我会编。Dad:No, you cant.Its_. John: OK. Can I _? Dad:Have some _ ,John.Dad:Be careful ! Its very_.Dad:Yes, you can. John和他的爸爸在家谈论炎和他的爸爸在家谈论炎热的天气,你能用我们学过的热的天气,你能用我们学过的知识把回话补充完整吗?知识把回话补充完整吗?A Lets playCan I go outside?No, you cant. Its cold outside.U3APLAY1.S

7、WFU3APLAY1.SWF慧眼识珠。(选出正确的选项)慧眼识珠。(选出正确的选项)( ) 1. Can I go outside? I A. Yes, you cant. B. No, you can. C. No, you cant. Its cold outside. ( ) 2. I have some soup? A. Am B. Can C. hot( ) 3. Its 11:00.A. What time is it ? B. Can I go outside? C. Is it warm?( ) 4、 你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达:你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达:A、You

8、cant go outside. B、Its cold outside. C、Its hot outside.( ) 5、妈妈叫你小心,汤很热,她会说:、妈妈叫你小心,汤很热,她会说: A、Would you like some soup? B、Have some soup. C、Be careful. Its very hot.CBABC My summary(我的我的总结)Can I ?句型是用来征求句型是用来征求对方方许可的。可的。如果如果对方同意就用方同意就用Yes, you can.来回答,来回答,如果如果对方不同意就用方不同意就用No, you cant.作答。作答。 )( 1 1

9、、我们要知道自己是家庭的一员,、我们要知道自己是家庭的一员,有责任做点家务活,懂得这也是爱父母有责任做点家务活,懂得这也是爱父母和长辈的表现和长辈的表现, ,要从小培养做家务活的要从小培养做家务活的好习惯。好习惯。 2 2、外出时一定要告诉家人,并且、外出时一定要告诉家人,并且要得到家人的允许。外出一定要注意安要得到家人的允许。外出一定要注意安全,并且随时注意天气的变化。全,并且随时注意天气的变化。同学们:Homework1.Talk about the weather with your parents, classmates or friends like a weather reporter.2. 用英语向父母、同学、朋友咨询天气情况。用英语向父母、同学、朋友咨询天气情况。 2. Choose three of your favorite sentences, read and write them down. 选出课文中你最喜欢的三个句子,念熟选出课文中你最喜欢的三个句子,念熟并写下来。并写下来。



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