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1、形容词副词级的变化形容词副词的级形容词副词的级1.形容词的原形就是原级.very / so / too / quite +原级(副词修饰形容词,副词)原级(副词修饰形容词,副词) She is very beautiful. The weather is so terrible. The math problem is too difficult. The boy is quite tall. He works very hard.2.比较级,表示较或更一些的意思。本单元我们学习加er,ier和more的比较级。A +(be;实义动词)实义动词)+比较级比较级+than +B比较级,要变化,一

2、般词尾加er。(long-longer, tall-taller)词尾若有哑音e, 直接加r就可以。(nice-nicer)重读闭音节,单辅音字母要双写。(hot-hotter, big-bigger, thin-thinner)辅音字母若加y, 记得把y变为i。(happy-happier, funny-funnier) 多音节更容易,词前加more 便可以。(outgoing- more outgoing)让我们归纳让我们归纳:比较级(形容词比较级(形容词/副词)的构成口诀副词)的构成口诀Gong Hanlin is _ _ Liu Huan.Liu Huan sings _ _ Gong

3、 Hanlin.better thanthinner thanGao Yuanyuan is as _ (漂亮漂亮) as Sun Li.Sun Li works as _ (努力努力) as Gao Yuanyuan. hardbeautiful1.This book is much more interesting than that one.2.His word is much better than mine.3.Physics is a little harder than Chemistry.4.Today weather is even colder.5.Transportati

4、on in this city is a lot busier.6. Our school is much beautiful than it was last yearmuch, even, far, a little, a lot + 比较级比较级但不能用但不能用very, so, too , quite 来修饰来修饰“的多的多”“稍稍一点一点”。“甚至甚至”, “更更”,“的多的多”“的多的多”much ,a little, far , a bit ,even, still, a lot 1.My hair is_(一点一点) shorter than yours.2.Today is

5、_(得多得多) hotter than yesterday.3.Its cold yesterday,its _(甚至甚至 )colder today.4.He feels _ today than yesterday. A. tired B. many tired C. more tireder D. much more tired a littlemuchevenasas同级比较同级比较, 两个两个“as”之间之间 必须使必须使用形容词或副词原级。意为用形容词或副词原级。意为“如同如同一样一样”, not as / so as “不如不如一样一样”3)as表示同级比较用法tallrun f

6、astfunnyTina is as tall as Tara.Tina runs as fast as Tara.Tina is as funny as Tara.根据句意填入单词的正确形式:1.Mybrotheristwoyears_(old)thanme.2.Tomisas_(fat)asJim.3.Isyoursister_(young)thanyou?Yes,sheis.4.Whois_(thin),youorHelen?Helenis.5.Whosepencil-boxis_(big),yoursorhers?Hersis.6.Maryshairisas_(long)asLucys

7、.7.Ben_(jump)_(high)thansomeoftheboysinhisclass.8._Nancysing_(well)thanHelen?Yes,she_. older fat younger thinner bigger long jumps higher Does better does9.Fangfangisnotas_(tall)astheothergirls.10.Myeyesare_(big)than_(she).11.Whichis_(heavy),theelephantorthepig?12.Whogetsup_(early),TimorTom?13._theg

8、irlsgetup_(early)thantheboys?No,they_.14.Jimruns_(slow).ButBenruns_(slow).15.Thechilddoesnt_(write)as_(fast)asthestudents. tall bigger hers heavier earlier Do earlier dont slowly more slowly write fast 1. His computer is cheaper than I.2. Mary is very younger than her brother.3. Shanghai is bigger t

9、han any city in China.4. Tom is taller of the two brothers.烦恼一 同类事物才能比较烦恼二烦恼二 错用修饰语。 修饰比较级只能用much / even / far / a little. 不能用very / so / too / quite来修饰。烦恼三烦恼三 同一事物不能比较。 同一事物在某一范围内进行比较,常用结构 比较级+than any (other)+单数名词烦恼四烦恼四 表示“是两者中更的一个”时, 用 “the + 比较级+ of the two”结构。the 不可缺。使用形容词比较级时需注意以下几点:使用形容词比较级时需

10、注意以下几点:1) than后面接代词时后面接代词时, 一般要用主格形式,一般要用主格形式, 但在口语中也可使用宾格形式。但在口语中也可使用宾格形式。 如:如: My brother is taller than I / me. 2) 当需要表示一方超过另一方的程度时,当需要表示一方超过另一方的程度时, 可以用可以用much, a lot, a little, a bit, even, still 等来修饰形容词比较级。注意等来修饰形容词比较级。注意: 比较级比较级不不 能能用用very, so, too, quite等修饰。如:等修饰。如: He is much more serious t

11、han Sam.3) 上下文明确的情况下上下文明确的情况下,形容词比较级可单独形容词比较级可单独 使用不用连词使用不用连词than 。如:。如: My sister is tall, but my aunt is taller.4) .“比较级比较级and比较级比较级”意为意为“越来越越来越” 。多音节比较级用。多音节比较级用“more and more形形容词原级容词原级”如:如:Its getting worse and worse. The group became more and more popular.5). “Which / Who is + 比较级比较级,A or B?”比较

12、比较A、B两事物两事物, 问其中哪一个较问其中哪一个较时用此句时用此句型。如:型。如:Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate?Which one is more popular among students, going to concerts or going to movies?6) less / least +原级结构示表示降级的比较级.意为“不如”.表示一方不如另一方如:This room is less beautiful than that one . 这个房间不如

13、那个房间漂亮。“not as /so+形容词或副词原形+as” 如:It is not as/so warm today as yesterday. 今天不如昨天暖和。 He did not come as /so early as Wang Lin. 他不如王林来得早。 = It is less warm today than yesterday.= He came less early than Wang Lin.1.Tom is than Sam.(calm)2.Pedro is than Paul.(short)3.Tina is than Tara.(friendly)4.Paul

14、is than Pedro.(thin)5.Ruth is than Rose.(serious)6.Bob is a little than me.(outgoing)7.Lilei is than I am.A. funny and outgoing B. more funnier and outgoingC .funnier and more outgoing D. more funny and outgoingcalmershorterfriendlierthinnermore seriousCmore outgoing达标检测达标检测一.用单词的正确形式填空二二.用方框内所给词的正确

15、形式填空。用方框内所给词的正确形式填空。1. She is more and more _( beautiful )2. My bag is _( big ) than _( he ).3. Who is _ (old ) , Tom or Sam ?4. Peters story much _ (funny ) than that one. 5. Im _ (heavy ) than Tara.6.6. Her hair is _( short ) than _ ( you ).beautifulbiggerhisolderfunnierheavieryoursshorterone of t

16、he+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数最高级+of/in/amongThis is/ was the最高级最高级+名词名词+that定语从句定语从句LuXunisoneofthegreatestwriterslastcentury.Thisistheworstfilm(that)Ihaveseentheseyears.Ofallthemoviestars,IthinkZhangZiyiisthebest.用来修饰动词、形容词、用来修饰动词、形容词、其它副词、全句或其它副词、全句或 名词词组及句子的词。名词词组及句子的词。e.g. very, early, out, soon, quickly,

17、etc.1. The bread is _ than these cakes A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious2. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting A. far B. farther C. the farthest D. quite far3. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _A. happily B. happy C.

18、happier D. happiestCCA 4. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August A. hotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D. hot hotter 5. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in china. A. large B. larger C. largest D. most largest 6. An elephant is _ than a tiger . A. heavy B.

19、very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavierDCD 7. A horse is _ than a dog . A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D. more heavy 8. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless 9. Which subject is _ , physics or chemistry ? A. interesting B. most inter

20、esting C. more interesting D. the most interesting CDC10. He is _ enough to carry the heavy box . A. strong B. stronger C. much stronger D. the strongest 11. Li lei often talks _ but does _ so everyone says he is a good boy . A. less, more B. few , much C. more, little D. little ,many 12. When the famous singer started to sing , everyone began to shout very _ . A. loudly B. loud C. heavily D. high AAA



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