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1、模块复习:模块复习: Book2 unit5一、单词识记一、单词识记 1. _ n. 爵士音乐爵士音乐2. _ n. 工具;乐器工具;乐器3. _ n. 胡须胡须4. _ n. 工作室;演播室工作室;演播室5. _ n. 现金现金cash jazzinstrumentbeardstudio6. _ n. 酒馆;酒吧酒馆;酒吧7. _ vt. 浸;蘸浸;蘸8. _ v. 系上;附加系上;附加9. _ vt. 假装;假扮假装;假扮10. _ vt. 赚;挣得;获得赚;挣得;获得earn pubdipattachpretend11. _ adj. 敏感的;痛疼的敏感的;痛疼的12. _ adv. 然

2、后;后来然后;后来13. _ n.& v. 广播;播放广播;播放14. _ adj. 简短的简短的 n. 摘要摘要15. _ v. 滚动滚动 n. 摇晃摇晃rollsensitiveafterwardsbroadcastbrief二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生 1. _v. 邀请邀请; 招待招待 _ n. 邀请邀请; 招待招待 _ adj. 诱人的诱人的; 有有魅力的魅力的 inviting inviteinvitation2. _ n. 幽默幽默; 诙谐诙谐 _ adj. 幽默的幽默的; 诙谐的诙谐的3. _ v. 吸引吸引; 引起引起 _ n. 吸引吸引; 吸引力吸引力

3、_ adj. 吸引人的吸引人的; 有吸引力的有吸引力的attractive humor/humourhumorousattract attraction4. _ adj. 自信的;确信的自信的;确信的 _ n. 信心;信任信心;信任5. _ vt. 奉献;致力于奉献;致力于 _ n. 投入;热爱投入;热爱 _ adj. 忠实的;投入的忠实的;投入的devoted confidentconfidencedevotedevotion6. _ v. 表演;履行;执行表演;履行;执行 _ n. 性能性能; 表演表演; 执行执行; 绩效绩效 _ n. 表演者表演者performperformancepe

4、rformer三、短语翻译三、短语翻译 1. _ 梦见;梦想;想梦见;梦想;想2. _ 戏弄戏弄3. _ 说实在地;实话说说实在地;实话说4. _ 依赖;依靠依赖;依靠rely on dream ofplay jokes onto be honest5. _简言之,简明扼要地说简言之,简明扼要地说6. _ 大约大约7. _ 打碎打碎; 分裂分裂; 解体解体8. _另外另外; 也也in addition in briefor sobreak up9. _ 分类分类10. _ 尤其重要的是;首先尤其重要的是;首先11. _认为认为重要重要sort outabove allattach great

5、importance to灵活运用:灵活运用:1. Though he _ (invite) to the meeting, he refused the _ (invite) because he was opposed to the programme. was invitedinvitationThough invited to the meeting, he refused the invitation because .invite sb.to do sth.invite sb.to +n.2. Some famous _ (perform) will give a _ (perfo

6、rm) at the concert this evening.performersperformance3. He _ (devote) himself to the protection of rare animals for years and his _ (devote) will arouse peoples awareness of wildlife protection.has devoteddevotiondevote oneself tobe devoted to运用运用 :4.说实在的说实在的, 大部分家长们都认为教育很重要大部分家长们都认为教育很重要。_, most pa

7、rents _ _.importance to education attach greatTo be honestthink highly of, take sth.seriouslyto tell the truth, to tell you the truth5.有时候他可以依靠别人去取得成功。有时候他可以依靠别人去取得成功。Sometimes he can _ to get success.rely on others1.Jane昨晚梦见了她的朋友昨晚梦见了她的朋友, 多数都是她的多数都是她的同学。同学。 Jane _ last night,_.dreamed of her frien

8、dsmost of whom were her classmates.几个句型:Jane dreamed of her friends last night and most of them were her classmates.2. 简言之简言之, 无论发生什么事我们都会成功。无论发生什么事我们都会成功。_,_, we will succeed.In briefno matter what happensIn brief,whatever happens,we will succeed.in a word, in short, briefly, to be brief3.Their per

9、sonal life was regularly discussed by other people(就像他们是密就像他们是密友一样)友一样)_.as if they were close friends 四、语言知识运用四、语言知识运用1. Helen说她说她梦想梦想成为歌星。成为歌星。Helen said that she dreamed of becoming a pop star.2. 我想她是在跟我我想她是在跟我开玩笑开玩笑。I thought she was playing a joke on me.3. 说实话说实话, 她连乐谱她连乐谱(music score)都不都不熟悉熟悉。

10、To be honest, she was not even familiar with music score.4. 大多数人都大多数人都认为认为乐谱乐谱很重要很重要。4. Most people attach great importance to music score.5. 另外另外, 她也不知道怎样她也不知道怎样把把歌曲歌曲分类分类。5. In addition, she didnt know how to sort out songs.6. 大约大约两年之后两年之后, 她的家庭她的家庭破碎破碎了。了。6. After two years or so, her family brok

11、e up.7. 她只好她只好依靠依靠她的姨妈生活。她的姨妈生活。7. She had to rely on her aunt.8. 最重要最重要的是的是, 她姨妈她姨妈足够足够好心来帮助她好心来帮助她。8. Above all, her aunt was kind enough to help her.9. 在在姨妈的姨妈的帮助下帮助下, 她最终她最终实现实现了自己的了自己的梦想梦想。 9. With the help of her aunt, she made her dream come true in the end.合并句子合并句子:1、把上述句子合并成一篇五句话短文、把上述句子合并成

12、一篇五句话短文2、注意文章要连贯(、注意文章要连贯(conjunction ) 3、句子结构准确、句子结构准确写作文前问问自己:(评分标准)写作文前问问自己:(评分标准)1.内容信息点齐全吗?内容信息点齐全吗?2.有好词好句吗?有好词好句吗?3.篇章连贯吗?篇章连贯吗?4.书写漂亮吗?书写漂亮吗?你认为还有什么呢?你认为还有什么呢?. .范文欣赏:请找出好词好句范文欣赏:请找出好词好句 Helen said that she becoming dreamed of a pop star but I thought she was playing a joke on me. , she was

13、not even familiar with music score and at that time, most people attached great importance to music score. To be honest , she didnt know how to sort out songs and then after two years or so, her family broke up. she had to rely on her aunt. , her aunt was kind enough to help her and with the help of her aunt, she made her dream come true in the end.In additionBelieve it or not,Above allThank You !



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