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1、ReportWritingReportWritingWhats a report?lA report is a structured document written for a particular purpose and aimed at a specific audience. It should provide clear and concise information written in a formal, academic style.Purpose of a reportlTo provide information rather than present an argumen

2、t. lSections can be numbered or lettered. lShort statements using bullet points can be used to present facts. lGraphs and tables may be used. lRecommendations may be included. lAppendices may be attached as a source of extra information. The structure of a reportlTitle Page lAbstract (if required)lT

3、able of Contents lExecutive summary lIntroduction / BackgroundlMethodologylMain Body (Findings / Analysis)lConclusion lRecommendations lBibliography / References lAppendices NB: Check what is needed with the person who set the work.Example of student title and contents page - Cameron, S (2002) Busin

4、ess Students Handbook. Abstract lShould summarise whole report, including remit, key arguments and conclusions and recommendationslCheck with tutors if requiredExample of student title and contents page - Cameron, S (2002) Business Students Handbook. Executive summarylThis is a most important part o

5、f reports and may well be the only section that some readers look at in detail. It should be carefully written and should contain a complete overview of the message in the report, with a clear summary of the recommendations.Introduction /backgroundlShould establish topic importance, approach to be u

6、sed, and (if no summary) preview arguments and conclusionslShould cover anything essential to understanding the report. lDetailed background information may be better appended.Methodology l should establish, justify and describe approach in sufficient detailThe main body of the reportlFindings / Ana

7、lysislshould be structured using a system of major and minor headingsConclusions should:lClear & conciselNo new informationlflow naturally from earlier argumentsldraw these arguments togetherlclarify their implicationsAnd/Or RecommendationslShould flow naturally from evidence, arguments and conclusi

8、onslShould be clear proposals for actionlShould be sensible and realisticlNo new informationReferences should:linclude all quoted sourceslfollow approved style - Harvardlbe in alphabetical orderluse italics for title of journal or booklgive date of access if online sourceAppendiceslUse these to prov

9、ide any more detailed information which your readers may need for referencelDo not include key data which your readers will need in the main body of the report. lAppendices should be relevant and numbered so that they can be referred to in the main body.PresentationlGenerous spacing 1.5 lineslFonts

10、clear & convey formal style (12 point )lHeadings & Sub headings can be larger and in boldlDiagrams, graphs or tables - number these and put them at the point where they are first referred tolUse consistent and suitable formatting and numberingNumbering1. HEADING(a)Sub-heading one.(b)Sub- heading two

11、OrA. HEADING(i)Sub-heading one(ii)Sub-heading twoReport Writing TipsEThink Before You WriteEBe Clear What Your Purpose IsEIdentify What Information You Want To ConveyEDiscard Everything IrrelevantEArrange Material In a Logical SequenceEStructure ReportsEUse a Layout Which Helps the ReaderEWrite Clea

12、rly, Directly and ConciselyEChoose the Right Words for Meaning & ReaderEAvoid Repetition, Padding & PretentiousnessERead and Correct Your WorkESeek High StandardsReport Writing TipsEUse Plain EnglishEKeep Your Sentences ShortEWrite With the Reader in MindEWrite ObjectivelyEAlways Sound PositiveEUtilise the Appendix AppropriatelyEStick to the Word CountEHave You met with the Learning Outcome?ReferenceslCameron, S (2002) Business Students Handbook. Learning skills for study and employment 2nd EditionPrentice Hall lhttp:/结束结束



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