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1、范文范例参考Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother, George.我是佩奇。这是我的弟弟乔治。 This is Mummy Pig. Andthis is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig. 这是我的妈妈。这是我的爸爸。 Muddy Puddles 泥坑 It is raining today. So,Peppa and George cannot play outside.rge cannot play outside. 今天下雨了,今天下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能在所以佩奇和乔治不能在 外面玩。外面玩。Daddy, its stopped ra

2、ining. Can we go out to play?爸爸,雨停了,我们能出去玩吗? Alright, run alongyou two. 好的,你们两个去玩吧。 Peppa puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里玩。 I love muddy puddles. 我喜欢在泥坑里玩。 重点词组讲解: muddy: adj.1. 泥泞的 2. 暗的,模糊 的, 糊涂的 loves jumping in muddypuddle:n.1. 水坑; (尤指道路上的)雨 水坑 muddypuddle: 泥坑 run along:1. 走开 2. 延伸,贯穿 Peppa.If you jump in mud

3、dy puddles, you must wear yourboots. 佩奇,如果你在泥坑里跳你必须穿上靴子。 boot:n.靴子 Sorry, Mummy. 对不起,妈妈。 George likes tojump in muddy puddles, too. 乔治也喜欢在泥坑里跳。George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wearyour boots. 乔治,如果你要在泥坑里跳,你必须 穿上靴子。 Peppa likes to look after her little brother,George. 佩奇喜欢照顾他的弟弟,乔治。 loo

4、k after: 1.注视 2. 照顾, 照看 George, lets find some morepuddles. 乔治,我们再去找几个泥坑吧。Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 佩奇和乔治玩的很开心。 Peppa has found a little puddle.完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考George has found a big puddle. 佩奇找到了一个小泥坑。乔治找到了 一个大泥坑。 Look, George. Theres areally big puddle. 你看,乔治,有一个很大的泥坑。George wan

5、ts to jump into the big puddle first. 乔治想第一个跳进大泥坑里玩。 Stop, George. I mustcheck if its safe for you. Good. It is safe foryou. 停下,乔治。我得检查一下这里安不 安全。很好,你可以放心的玩了。 Sorry, George. Its only mud. 对不起,乔治,只是些泥而已。 mud:n.泥, 烂泥 Peppaand George love jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治喜欢在泥坑里跳。 Come on, George. Lets go

6、andshowDaddy. Goodness me. 来吧,乔治。我们去给爸爸看看。我 的天啊。 goodness me: 天哪 Daddy. Daddy.Guesswhat weve been doing. 爸爸,爸爸,你猜猜我们刚才干了什 么? Let me think.Have you beenwatching television? 让我猜一猜。你们看电视了? No.No. Daddy. 不对,爸爸 Have you just had a bath? 你们洗澡了? No. No. 不对不对。 I know. Youve beenjumping in muddy puddles. 我知道

7、了。你们刚才在泥坑里玩了。 Yes. Yes. Daddy. Weve been jumping inmuddy puddles. 是的爸爸,我们刚才在泥坑里玩了。 Ho.Ho. And look at the mess youre in. 看看你们弄得多脏啊。 mess:n. 杂乱, 脏乱; 脏东西;不整 洁 in amess:又脏又乱 Oooh.Oh, well, its only mud. Letsclean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess. 没事,只是些泥而已。我们在妈妈看到之前快点洗干净。 Daddy,when weve cleaned u

8、p, will you and Mummy come andplay, too? 爸爸,我们清理干净之后,你和妈妈 也一起来玩吗? clean up:1. 打扫;清理 2.(给自己) 洗脸(洗手, 洗澡) Yes, we can all play in the garden.完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考是的,我们都可以在花园里玩。 Peppa and George arewearing their boots. 佩奇和乔治穿着他们的靴子。Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots. 妈妈和爸爸也穿着他们的靴子。Peppa loves jumping

9、 up and down in muddy puddles.佩奇喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。 up and down:上上下下Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.大家都喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。 Oh, Daddy pig, look atthe mess youre in. 爸爸,你看你弄得多脏。 Itsonly mud. 只是些泥而已。 Im Peppa Pig. This is mylittle brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And thisis Daddy Pig. 我是佩奇。这是我的弟

10、弟乔治,这 是我的妈妈,这是我的爸爸。 Peppa Pig. Bicycles! 自行车!It is a lovely, sunny day, and Peppa and George areriding their bicycles. 这是个阳光灿烂的日子,佩奇和乔治在骑自行车。Thats a fine pumpkin, Daddy Pig! 爸爸,这个南瓜长得真好! pumpkin:南瓜,南瓜的果肉 Daddy Pig is veryproud of his pumpkin. 爸爸对他的南瓜很自豪。Pumpkins are the only thing I can grow. Probab

11、lybecause I love pumpkin pie! Come on, George. Danny,Suzy, Rebecca! 南瓜是我唯一能种的东西。可能是因 为我喜欢吃南瓜派!快点,乔治。丹妮, 苏西,瑞贝卡!Peppa and her friends,Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep andRebecca Rabbit, are riding their bicycles. 佩奇和他的朋友们,小狗丹尼, 小羊苏西和小兔瑞贝卡在骑自行车。George is riding his tricycle. Hes going so slowly.乔治在骑三轮车。他骑的好慢。 tr

12、icycle:三轮车Letsrace toDaddy Pigs pumpkin.If We race to Daddys Pumpkin, We have to be very完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考careful not to bumpinto it. Daddy would be verysadthe pumpkin got broken. 让我们比赛骑到那个南瓜那。如 果我们骑到爸爸的南瓜那里,我们必 须很小心不要撞到南瓜。南瓜被撞坏 了爸爸会很难过的。 race: 比赛。赛跑 bump: 碰,撞 Dont worry, Peppa. 不用担心,佩奇。 Race you!

13、比赛开始! Peppa and her friends areracing to Daddy Pigs pumpkin! 佩奇和她的朋友们在比赛谁最快 到爸爸的南瓜那。 Hey! Watch outfor mypumpkin! 嘿,小心我的南瓜! watch out: 小心,留神,注意 Hurray! Peppa! Look out! Daddys Pumpkin!佩奇,小心!爸爸的南瓜! Sorry, Daddy! 对不起,爸爸。Look at George! Hes going so slowly! 看看乔治!他骑的好慢! George is still riding a baby bik

14、e! 乔治还在骑童车。 Yours is a baby bike, too, Peppa!Youve still got stabilizers! 你的车也是一个童车,佩奇。你 还在用辅助轮。 stabilizer: 有安定作用之物,安定 装置,水平尾翼 I can ride without mystabilizers. 我可以不用辅助轮骑。 Me, too. And me.Lets ride up the hill again.Are you coming, Peppa?我也是。还有我。我们再骑上那个小山吧。佩奇,你来吗?No, I think Ill stay here. 不了,我想在这呆

15、着。See you later! Bye! 一会见,再见。 off. 轮。Peppa wishes she did not have stabiIizers on herbicycle. 佩奇希望她的自行车上没有辅助Daddy, I dont want stabilizers anymore. 爸爸,我不想用辅助轮了。 Do you think you can ride withoutthem? Yes. 你觉得你能不用他们骑吗?是的。 Alright,Peppa. Lets take them好吧,佩奇。我们把它们拿掉。 Daddy Pig is taking完美 Word 格式整理版范文范

16、例参考thestabilizers off Peppas bicycle. 爸爸把佩奇自行车上的辅助轮拿 掉了。 Are you sure you want to ridewithout stabilizers? Yes! 你确定你不用辅助轮骑吗?是的 Youve never done it before. I can do it. Ican! I can! 你以前还没有试过。我可以,我 可以!Arrgh! Its not funny! Riding without stabilizersis not easy. 一点都不好笑。没有辅助轮骑车并不容易。Would you like some h

17、elp, Peppa? 你想要一些帮助吗,佩奇? Yes, please, Daddy. 是的,爸爸。 Alright.Ready. Steady. GO! 好吧,准备好了吗?坐好了,走吧! steady: 稳定的,平稳的, 沉稳的 Dont let go,Daddy! 不要放手,爸爸。 let go: 放开, 释放 Dontworry. Ive got you. Youre doing really Well,Peppa. 别担心。我扶着你呢。你做的很 好,佩奇。 Holdon, Daddy! Just keep peddling. 抓住,爸爸,继续踩踏板。 hold on:坚持, 保持,

18、继续Peppaisridingonherown,without stabilizers! 佩奇在自己骑,没有辅助轮!Daddy! You let go! 爸爸,你放手了! Youve beencycling on your own for ages.你已经自己骑了很久了。完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考for ages:有一段时间了 Have I? 我吗? Youre reallyvery good at it! 你做的真的很好! Am I? Oh, I cando it! Look at me!Look at me! I can ride my bikeproperly. 是吗?哦,我

19、做到了!看我!看 我!我能骑两轮的自行车了。 Danny! Suzy! Rebecca! Look! I dontneed my stabilizers anymore! Look at me!Hurray! 丹尼,苏西,瑞贝卡,看,我再 也不用辅助轮了。看!Race you to Daddys pumpkin!我们比赛骑到南瓜那里。 Wheeeee! Peppa, look out mypumpkin! 佩奇,小心我的南瓜。 Im going to win! 我要赢了。 Peppa isnt looking where she is going!Wahhhh! Oops!Oh, dear,爸

20、爸,我保证一定会看路的。 Good. Anyway, now thepumpkin is broken, I can make it into pumpkin pie!好,不管怎样,现在南瓜已经坏 了。我可以用它做南瓜派I love pumpkin pie! 我喜欢吃南瓜派。 And becauseDaddy PigsPeppa has squashed Daddy Pigs pumpkin! 佩奇没有看前面的路。 哦, 天啊, 佩奇把爸爸的南瓜压扁了。squash: 被压扁, 挤入 Sorry I squashed your pumpkin,Daddy. 爸爸,对不起我把你的南瓜压扁 了。

21、Never mindthe pumpkin. The important thing is that you areokay. In future, you really must look where you aregoing. 南瓜不要紧。重要的是你没有受 伤。以后,你骑车一定要看路。 I promise I will, Daddy.pumpkin is so big, there will be enough pumpkin piefor everyone! 而且,爸爸的南瓜太大了,我们 每个人都有南瓜派吃了。 Hurray! 太棒了! Mr. Dinosaur islost 恐龙先生不

22、见了。 重点词组讲解 dinosaur: n.1.完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考恐龙 2. 守旧落 伍的人;过时落后的东西 Georgesfavourite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. 乔治最喜欢的玩具是恐龙先生。 George loves Mr.Dinosaur.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 乔治最喜欢恐龙先生了。Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr.Dinosaur. 有时候,乔治喜欢用恐龙先生 吓唬佩奇。Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Too scary. 太吓人了。 scare:vt.

23、恐吓;使惊恐 vi.受 惊吓,感到害怕 scary: 使人惊恐的;吓人的; 可怕的 Eeek.还是恐龙先生? At bath time, George shares his bathwith Mr.Dinosaur.Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. 洗澡时,乔治和恐龙先生一起洗。 bathtime: 放松沐浴时光Goodnight, Peppa. 晚安,佩奇。 Goodnight, Mummy. 晚安,妈妈。 Goodnight, George. 晚安,乔治。At suppertime, Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George. 吃晚饭的时候,恐龙先生坐在 乔治旁边。

24、supper 晚餐。晚餐时间: at supper time I beg your pardon.Wasthat you George,or was it Mr. Dinosaur? 抱歉,那是你(发出的声音)Andgoodnight,Mr.Dinosaur.Grrrrrrrrr. 晚安,恐龙先生。 When George完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him. 乔治睡觉的时候,恐龙先生和 他窝在一起。 tuck: n.1.(衣服的) 褶, 裥 2. 折 叠 vt.1. 塞进 2. 翻折 3.盖住,卷

25、起tuck up:折起 Georges favourite game is throwing Mr.Dinosaur up in the air. Wheeeeeee. andcatching him when he falls back down. Wheeeeeeeee.乔治最喜欢的游戏就是把恐龙 先生扔到空中,然后当他落下来的时 候接住他。 throw: 投; 掷; 扔; 抛 Peppaand Daddy Pig are playing draughts. 佩奇和爸爸在玩跳棋。 draughts n.英国际跳棋 I win, Daddy. 我赢了,爸爸。 Oh, well done Pe

26、ppa. George? whats thethings. 侦探George has lost Mr. Dinosaur.乔治把恐龙先生弄丢了。Dont worry George.Well find Mr. Dinosaur. Its ajob for a detective. 别急乔治,我们会找到恐龙先 生的。现在该侦探出场了。 detective:n. 侦探,警探,私人Daddy, what is a de-tech-tiff? 爸爸,detechtiff 是什么?A detective is a very important person who is goodat finding th

27、ings. 侦探是非常擅长找东西的人。 Me.Me. Im good at findingWhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa. Whaaaaaaaaa.George, matter?我,我,我擅长找东西。 Alright. Peppa is thedetective. 好的,那佩奇是侦探。完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考下的好,佩奇。乔治?怎么了 乔治? George, have youlost Mr. Dinosaur? 乔治,你把恐龙先生弄丢了?George. I am the de-tech-tiff. 乔治,我是侦探了。 Iwill help you find Mr.Dinosau

28、r. 我会帮助你找到恐龙先生的。 Maybe thedetective should ask George some simple questions.也许侦探应该问乔治一些简单 的问题。 George?Dinosaur? 乔治,恐龙先生在哪? George does not knowwhere Mr. Dinosaur is. 乔治不知道恐龙在哪。 Thedetective could try and guess where Mr. Dinosaurmight be. 侦探也许应该试着猜恐龙现在 应该会在哪。 Iknow. I know where he is. 我知道。我知道他在哪了。Ge

29、orge always has Mr. Wheres Mr.bath. 恐龙先生不在浴缸里。 Oh. I know.I know whereMr. Dinosaur is. 我知道了。我知道恐龙先生在 哪了。George always hasMr.Dinosaur in his bed at night.So thats where heis. 乔治晚上经常带着恐龙先生在 床上。所以他在床上。Mr. Georges bed. 恐龙先生不在乔治的床上。 Oh.Maybe we should try the garden. 也许我们应该去花园里找一找。 Yes, the garden. I was

30、 going to say that.是的,花园。我正要说去花园 呢。 Where is Mr.Dinosaur? 恐龙先生在哪呢? Mr. Dinosaur is veryhard to Dinosaur is not inDinosaur with him in the bath.So Mr. Dinosaur is inthe bath. 乔治经常带着恐龙先生去洗澡, 所以恐龙先生在浴缸里。 Mr. Dinosaur is not in the完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考find. 恐龙先生很难找啊。 Oh. anywhere. 哪里都没有恐龙先生。 George? You d

31、o love to throw Mr. Dinosaurin the air. 乔治,你最喜欢把恐龙先生扔 到空中。 。 。 I wonder if this time you threw Mr.Dinosaur just a bit too high. 我想是不是这次你把它扔的有 点高。 wonder:vt.1. 想弄明白;琢磨 2.感到好奇;对感到惊讶;急欲知道 There he is. There heis.I saw him first. 他在那,他在那。我先看见他 的。Well done, Peppa. You really are a very gooddetective. 干得好

32、,佩奇。你真是一个好 侦探。 Georgeis so happy to have Mr. Mr. Dinosaur isntDinosaur back again. Wheeeeeeeeee. 乔治很开心找回了恐龙先生。 Maybe it isnt a good idea to play withdinosaurs near trees. 看来在树旁边和恐龙玩真不是 个好主意。 Best Friend 最好的朋友 Peppa is waitingfor her best friend, Suzy Sheep. 佩奇在等她最好的朋友,小羊 苏西。Hello, Suzy! 你好,苏西。 Baaaa

33、! Hello, Peppa. 你好,佩奇。 Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa.Peppa loves Suzy. Suzy loves Peppa. They are bestfriends. 小羊苏西来和佩奇玩。佩奇喜 欢苏西。苏西喜欢佩奇。她们是最好 的朋友。 Peppa, why dont youandSuzy go and play in your bedroom? 佩奇,你和苏西为什么不去你 的卧室里面玩呢? Yes, Mummy! 好的,妈妈!George wants to play, too. 乔治也想一起玩。 Peppaand Su

34、zy love playing in Peppas bedroom. So doesGeorge. 佩奇和苏西喜欢在佩奇的卧室 玩。乔治也喜欢在那玩。 No, George.This game is just for big girls.Go and play with your own toys. 不行,乔治。这个游完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考戏只适合 女孩玩。你去玩你自己的玩具吧。 Peppa andSuzy want to play on their own.佩奇和苏西想自己玩。on their own: adv.靠自己 Im a tiny little fairyprince

35、ss! Im going to wave my magic动我的魔法棒了。 。 。把你变成青蛙! tiny: adj. 极小的, 微小的, 微量的 tiny little: 小小的 fairy: n.小仙子, 小精灵 wand: n.1. 棍, 棒 2. 魔杖, 指挥棒George doesnt like playing on his own. Georgewants to play, too. 乔治不喜欢自己玩。他也想一起玩。No, George! Im playing with Suzy.Youll have toplay somewhere else. 不行, 乔治! 我在和苏西玩。 。

36、 。 你应该去其他的地方玩。 George wants toplay With Peppa. He feels a bit lonely. 乔治想和佩奇玩。他觉得有点 孤单。 lonely: adj.孤独的, 寂寞的George, I need some help! Im making chocolatechipwand.and turn you into a frog! 我是小小的仙女公主!我要挥cookies!Someone needs to lick out thebowl. 乔治,我需要帮忙。我在做巧 克力饼干。我需要你把碗舔干净。 chip: n. 小片, 薄片, 炸马铃薯 条lic

37、k:舔 George likes helping Mummy make cookies.Buthe likes playing with Peppa more. 乔治喜欢帮助妈妈做饼干。但 是他更想和佩奇玩。 I want to be a nurse!我想当护士。 I want to be a doctor. 我想当医生。But whos gonna be the sick person?但是谁做病人呢?GEORGE! 乔治! ! Peppa and Suzy love playingdoctors and nurses. So does George. 佩奇和苏西喜欢完美 Word 格式整理

38、版范文范例参考扮演医生和护 士。乔治也喜欢。 胶布 咳嗽。 chest.PeppalistenstoGeorges佩奇听听乔治的胸腔。 chest: n. 胸部, 胸腔 Now,George, take a big breath in.then cough. 现在,乔治,深吸一口气然后cough: 咳嗽 Mm, I think your hearts a bitloose.Ill put a plaster on it. Open wide,please. 我想你的心脏有点慢,我在上 面贴个创可贴。请把嘴张大一点。 loose adj. 散漫的,松的, 宽 松的,不牢固的; 不结实的;不坚 固

39、的 plaster:n. 膏药;创可贴;护创Suzy temperature.takesGeorges苏西给乔治量体温。 temperature: 温度;体温 Oh, dear,youre very, very hot.I think you have to stay in bed for three years.哦亲爱的,你的体温很高。 我想你得在床上躺上 3 年了。完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考Daddy Pig has come to find George. 爸爸来找乔治了。Oh, no! Whats wrong with George?哦不,乔治怎么了?Dont worry,

40、 Daddy. Its only a game.George is ourpatient. 不要担心,爸爸,这只是个游 戏。乔治是我们的病人。 Oh, I see. 哦我明白了。 Can the patienthave a 逗乐是的,这是乔治的。这是让乔 治好起来的药。 Um,excuse me, doctor,can you help me? I have a soretummy. 抱歉,医生,你能帮我吗?我肚子不舒服。 sore:adj.疼痛的;酸痛的 tummy:肚子, 胃 That tickles! 好痒啊! tickle vt. & vi.1.发痒 2. 愉快,I can hear

41、it rumbling. I think youre hungry,Daddy.Then I think I need lots of cookies to makeme better. 我听到咕噜咕噜声。我想你是 饿了,爸爸。我想我需要吃很多饼干 来让我好点。 rumbling n.辘辘声And me!还有我! And me!还有我! for And me! 还有我!Polly Parrot 鹦鹉波利 parrot:n.鹦鹉 2. 应声虫, 学舌visitor?Just for a little while. He might get tired.Cookies! 那我能来探望病人吗?只能一

42、 小会儿。他可能会很累。饼干! Yes, theyreGeorge.Theyre his medicine to make him feel better.者 Peppa and her family are visiting Granny Pig andGrandpa Pig. 佩奇一家去探望爷爷和奶奶了。 Granny:祖母,外祖母 Granny Pig! Grandpa Pig! Ganggy Ig!Baba Ig! 爷爷奶奶! Hello, my little ones. Comeinside,We have a surprise. 你们好,小宝贝们!进来吧,完美 Word 格式整理版

43、范文范例参考我们有一个惊喜给你们。 What is it? 是什么惊喜? Wehave a new pet. Can you guess what it is? 我们有一个新的宠物。你们猜 猜是什么? pet: 宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人 Dine-saw? 恐龙? No. its not a dinosaur.Comeand see. 不是,不是恐龙。快来看看。 鹦鹉。 parrot.Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have a pet parrot. 爷爷和奶奶有一个宠物鹦鹉。Peppa, George,this is our pet佩奇,乔治,这是我们的宠物Shes c

44、alled Polly. Pretty Polly. 她叫波利,漂亮的波利。 Pretty Polly. 漂亮的波利。Oooh. WoW. 哇哦。 Im a clever parrot. 我是一只聪明的鹦鹉。 Im a clever parrot. 我是一只聪明的鹦鹉。Mummy, Why does Polly copy everything that Grannysays? 妈妈,为什么波利重复奶奶说 的每句话? copy:模仿,仿效 Thats what parrots do. Illshow you. Hello, Polly. 鹦鹉会重复人说话。你看着。你好,波利。 Hello, Po

45、lly. 你好,波利。 What asweet little parrot! 多么可爱的一只小鹦鹉! What asweet little parrot! 多么可爱的一只小鹦鹉! Come on,everyone, teatime! Peppa, George. Come on! 大家过来吧,来喝下午茶!佩 奇,乔治,过来啊。 teatime:下午茶 Theres cake!Coming, Granny! 这有巧克力蛋糕! 来了, 奶奶! Peppa and George love eating chocolatecake. But today, they are in a hurry to

46、get backand play with Polly Parrot. 佩奇和乔治最喜欢吃巧克完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考力蛋 糕。但是今天,他们急匆匆的吃完回 去和鹦鹉波利玩。 Finished! What noisy little one chocolateyou are! 吃完了!你们两个小家伙真吵 啊! Granny,please, can We leave the table and go and see PollyParrot? 奶奶,我们能离开餐桌去和鹦 鹉波利玩了吗?Are sure youve completely finished your cake? Offyo

47、u go, then. 你们确定蛋糕已经吃干净了吗?那就去吧。Off you go: 你可以出发了 Hurray!George, saysomething to Polly. 太好啦!乔治,和波利说点什 么。hurray: 好哇,加油,欢呼声, 加油声 vi. 欢呼 Georgeis a little bit shy. 乔治有点害羞。 Hello.你好Hello.你好 Peppa and George are really enjoyingplaying with Polly Parrot.佩奇和乔治真的很喜欢和鹦鹉 波利玩。 Im Peppa Pig!我是佩奇。 Im Peppa Pig!我

48、是佩奇。 George, saysomething. 乔治,你和它说话呀。 Peppa and GeorgeareYes, Granny.是的,奶奶。 Polly is such a sweetparrot. 波利真是个可爱的鹦鹉。 Yes, Granny. 是的,奶奶。 Im a cIever parrot. 我是一只聪明的鹦鹉。Im a noisy parrot! 我是一只很吵的鹦鹉。 Im anoisy parrot! 我是一只很吵的鹦鹉。pretending to be parrots. 佩奇和乔治在假装自己是鹦鹉。 pretend:假装,装扮,扮作,模 拟 Im PollyParro

49、t, Peppa is thinking of something else to sayto Polly Parrot. 我是鹦鹉波利。佩奇在想和鹦 鹉波利说点别的。 Im a noisy parrot!我是一只很 吵的鹦鹉。Im a noisy parrot!我是一只很 吵的鹦鹉。 Peppa,完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考George,have you been playing With Polly?佩奇,乔治,你们在和鹦鹉玩 吗?Ohh! Oh, my word! 我的天啊! Hide and Seek 捉迷藏hide and seek: 捉迷藏 hide: 隐藏;躲避;隐匿

50、seek:寻找 探寻 Peppa and George are playing hide andseek. It is Georges turn to hide. He must quicklyfind somewhere to hide before Peppa finishescounting! 佩奇和乔治在玩捉迷藏。轮到完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考乔治藏起来了。他必须在佩奇数完之 前快点找到地方藏起来。 counting:计算 One. two. three.four.five. six. seven. 1。 。 。 2。 。 。 3。 。 。4。 。 。 5。 。 。 6。

51、。 。 7。 。 。 George hasfound somewhere to hide. 乔治找到地方藏了起来。Eight.just in time! nine.ten. Ready or not.Here I come! Peppa has to find where George ishiding. 8。 。 。 正好赶在佩奇数完之前藏 好。9。 。 。 10。 。 。 准备好了吗?我来啦! 佩奇要找到乔治藏在哪了。 just in time! 正好赶上,及时, 分秒不差。 Found you! Peppa has found George. George,I could see you

52、 too easily. 找到你了!佩奇找到了乔治。 乔治, 我一眼就看到你了, 太容易了。 Now it isPeppas turn to hide.One. erm. three. 现在轮到佩奇藏起来了。 1。 。 。恩。 。 。3。 。 。 Ill help George to count.One. two. three.four. five.six. seven.eight.nine. ten! 我来帮乔治数数吧。 1。 。 。2。 。 。 3。 。 。4。 。 。5。 。 。6。 。 。7。 。 。8。 。 。9。 。 。 10! Okay, George, openyour eye

53、s! 好了, 乔治, 睁开你的眼睛吧! Georgehas to find where Peppa is hiding. 乔治要找到佩奇藏在哪。 Oh.Peppa isnt hiding under the table. 哦,佩奇没有藏在桌子底下。 George, have you thought oflooking upstairs? 乔治,你想去楼上看看吗? upstairs:adv. 在楼上 adj. 楼 上的 n.楼上 Peppa isnt underthe bed. What was that strange noise? Peppaisnt behind the curtain.

54、佩奇没有在床底下。那个奇怪 的声音是什么?佩奇没有藏在窗帘后 面。 curtain:窗帘;幕;遮盖物 There is that strange noise again!完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考What can it be? George has found where Peppa washiding. 又有那个奇怪的声音了。会是 什么呢?乔治找到了佩奇藏在哪。 George found me!乔治找到我 了! Nowits Daddys turn to hide! 现在轮到爸爸藏起来了。Oh, I think George should have another turn. 我

55、想乔治可以再来藏一次。 But George isnt very good athiding. 可是乔治不是很擅长藏起来。 Im sure hellbe better this time. Close your eyes and startcounting. 这次我相信他会藏好的。闭上你的眼睛开始数数吧。 One. two.three. Oh, dear.1。 。 。2 。 。 。 3。 。 。哦,亲爱的。 Peppawill easily find George. four.five.six. George!Come over here. seven.eight. nine. ten!Rea

56、dy or not, here I come! 这样佩奇会很容易找到乔治的。 4。 。 。 5。 。 。 6。 。 。乔治,到这来。7。 。 8。 。9。 。10. 准备好了吗?我来了! Oh,George isnt hiding under the table! But Georgealways hides under the table! 哦,乔治没有藏在桌子下面。 但是乔治总是藏在桌子下面啊。 Have youthought of looking upstairs? I know where he is!George is in the toy basket. 你觉得他会不会藏在楼上?我

57、 知道他在哪了!乔治在玩具篮子里。 basket: 篮;筐Oh.George is not in the toy basket! 哦,乔治不在玩具篮子里。完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考Where can he be? Peppa can not find George anywhere.他会在哪呢 ? 佩奇哪里都找不 到乔治。 Daddy? I cantfind George anywhere. 爸爸,我哪都找不到乔治。 Oh,dear, I wonder where he can be. Actually, I thinktheres something newspaper. 哦亲爱

58、的, 我也想知道他在哪。 事实上,我想报纸上有关于乔治的消息。 。 。 George! Found you! 乔治,我找到你了。 Oh,George! That was a good place to hide! 哦乔治,那真是个玩捉迷藏的 好地方! George was hiding behindDaddy Pigs newspaper all the time! 原来乔治一直藏在爸爸的报纸 后面! about George in thisThe Playgroup 幼儿园 Playgroup: 幼儿园 Peppa andGeorge are going to the playgroup.

59、It is Georgesfirst day. 佩奇和乔治要去幼儿园。这是 乔治第一天去幼儿园。 George, are you lookingforward to the playgroup? 乔治,你想去幼儿园吗?look forward to: 期盼 Daddy, maybe George is toosmall to go to my playgroup? 爸爸,乔治去我的幼儿园会不 会年纪太小了。 Hell be fine, Peppa. 佩奇,他没事的。 Therell be you and Mr.Dinosaur there to keep him company. Dine-S

60、aw! 你和恐龙先生会陪他的。But I want to play with the big children! NotGeorge and his toy dinosaur.但是我想和其他小朋友一起玩, 不想陪乔治和他的恐龙玩具。 Oh dear, Peppa doesnt want George to go toher playgroup. 哦天啊,佩奇不想让乔治去她的幼儿园。完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考Hello! This is my little brother, George. 你们好,这是我的弟弟乔治。 Hello, George. 你好乔治。 Baa! Iwish I

61、 had a little brother like George.Were here! 我们到了 Daddy, are you sure George isbig enough? 爸爸,你确定乔治能上幼儿园 吗? Hellbe fine. Alright, he can come. 他没事的,好吧,那来吧。 Bye bye. 再见。 Madame Gazelle looks after thechildren at the playgroup. 羚羊夫人照顾幼儿园的小朋友。 Madame 夫人,太太 Gazelle 小羚羊 looks after照顾,照看 棒了。我也想有个像乔治一样的弟弟。

62、 Really?真的吗? Hello!Im Danny Dog.你好, 我 是小狗丹尼。 Woof! Is thata dinosaur? 那 是个恐龙吗? Its just a toydinosaur. 那只是 个玩具恐龙。 Dine-Saw! Dine-Saw!brilliant! 恐龙!真棒。真的很吓人。太 Brilliant!Woof!Reallyscary.ThatsGeorge is my brother. Hes brilliant. 乔治是我的弟弟。他很棒。 Peppa is proud of her little完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考brother, Geor

63、ge. 佩奇为他的弟弟感到自豪。 be proudof: 为.感到骄傲 Shall we show George how we paintpictures? 我们让乔治看看我们是怎么画 画的? Georgeis not very good at painting. 乔治不太擅长画画。Well, maybe you could help him? Yes, Im very good!好吧。 也许你能帮助他。 是的, 我很会画画。 I willshow him how to paint a flower. 我要给他看看怎么画小花。 George, today Im going to teach y

64、ou how topaint a flower. 乔治,今天我要教你怎么画一 朵小花。First, you paint a big circle. 首先,要画一个大圆圈。No, George, thats the wrongcolor. 不对,乔治,颜色弄错了。 Now you paint theflowers petals. 现在画花瓣。 petal: 花瓣 George!shape! 乔治,形状不对! Now you paint the stalk andthe leaves. 现在画茎和叶子。 stalk: n. 主茎, 花梗,叶柄 Perfect! 完美! George, youve

65、done it allwrong! 乔治,你全都画错了。 Now what do we havehere? 你们画的怎么样了? Thats the wrongIve painted a flower. 我画了一朵花。 Thats verygood, Peppa.佩奇,你画的很好! And George has painted adinosaur. 乔治画了一只恐龙。 Grrr. Brilliant! 恐龙。真棒! I think George and Peppas picturesshould go on the wall. 我想乔治和佩奇的画都可以贴在墙上。 Hurray! 好啊! Pepp

66、a, You must be veryproud of your little brother. 佩奇,你一定为你的弟弟感到 自豪。 Yes, I am.是的。 It is home time andthe childrens parents are here to pick them up. 放学了, 家长们都来接他们了。 home time 回家时间 pickup n.接送 Can George come next time? 猪 Dine-Saw!完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考Woof!乔治下次能来吗? Yes, and he can paint us anotherlovely

67、 picture. 是的,他可以给我们再画一幅可爱的画。And What will you paint next time, George? 乔治,你下次会画什么呢? Dine-Saw! Grrr! 恐龙。 Anotherdinosaur picture? 再画另一个恐龙? Well, maybe youcan show us all how to paint a dinosaur? 好吧,也许你能教教大家怎么 画恐龙。 Woof! Brillant! Yes!Brilliant! Bri-y-ant! 太棒了! 对呀,太棒了!Piggy in the Middle! 中间的小George i

68、s playing with his ball in the garden.Peppa wants to play,too. 乔治在公园里玩球。佩奇也想 玩。 George, youredoing it all wrong! This is how to catch a ball.Not like this. Thats what you do. 乔治,你做的不对!要这样接 球。而不是这样。你就是这样做的。 What acheeky little one, pig Peppa is. Peppa 真是个没有礼貌的小 猪! cheeky: 无礼的,不要脸的, 厚颜无耻的What a cheeky

69、 little one, pig Peppa is. What a +adj + sth + be 感叹 句 George! Come back! Youlittle piggy! 乔治,回来!你个小家伙! Maybe Peppais teasing了。 tease: 欺负,嘲弄,取笑 Peppa, have you beenteasing George? 佩奇,你是不是在欺负乔治? Notreally, Mummy, I was teaching him how to catch. 不是的,妈妈。我在教他怎么 接球。 Really? Oh, well, Iknow a game that w

70、ill teach George how to完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考catch.Its Piggy-in-the-Middle. 真的吗?哦好吧。我知道一个 游戏可以教乔治接球。叫做小猪在中 间。Peppa, you take the ball and stand over there andGeorge, you stand over there. 佩奇, 你拿着球站在这,乔治, 你站在那边。 Good! You have to throw theball to each other and I have to try and catch it.calledGeorge ju

71、st a bit too much. 也许佩奇逗乔治逗的有点过分好!你们把球扔给对方,我试 着接住它。ball to me. 来吧,乔治。把球扔给我。 Oop!Im the piggy in the middle. Mummy is the piggy inthe middle. 我就是中间的小猪。妈妈是中 间的小猪。Catch, George! Oh! Missed it! 乔治,接住!哦,我没接住! George has caught the ball. Hurray! 乔治接住了球。太棒了! Well done, George. Now you throw theball to Pepp

72、a. 做得好,乔治。现在你要把球扔给佩奇。Oop! Try again. 哦,再试一次。 Oh! Try again. 哦,再试一次。 George cant throw the ball past MummyPig. 乔治不能把球扔到妈妈那里。 Come on, George.Give the 治。Silly George.I can do that, too. Oh!Peppa wants tocopy George but shes too big and has got stuck. 傻孩子乔治,我也能那么做。 哦,佩奇想学乔治,但是她太大了被 卡住了。 stick: 粘住,放置 Iv

73、e got the ball.Peppa, now its your turn to be piggy. 我拿到球了。佩奇,现在轮到 你做中间的小猪了。 George! Catch!完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考Hurray! 乔治!接住!太棒了! Caught it! George,youre the piggy! George! Catch. 接住了!乔治,你来做中间的 小猪!乔治,接住。 Catch the ball, George.Catch, George. 接住这个球,乔治,接住,乔George, catch. 乔治,接住。 Heres the ball George.球在

74、这呢,乔治。 Weeeeeeeeeee Oh, dear! Peppa, you住,乔治。 Hurray!太好了! Thats not fair! 那不公平。 Yes, it is. I just gave George a helping hand.公平。我只是帮了乔治一下。 give sb. a helping hand.给某 人帮助 helping hand:助手 Mummy, can I have ahelping hand? 妈妈,你能帮我一下吗? Of course youcan, Peppa. 当然可以,佩奇。 To me! George! 扔给我,乔治。 Catch, Geor

75、ge. 接住,乔治。shouldnt tease George like that. 哦,天啊!佩奇,你不该那样 欺负乔治。 Sorry, George! 对不起,乔治!Whats all the noise? 什么声音? Daddy, George istoo little to play Piggy in the middle. 爸爸,乔治太小了,不能做中 间的小猪。 too.to. :太 以 至 于 不 能 Oh, Im sure hes bigenough. 哦,我确定他足够大了。 No, he isnt, Daddy,watch. Catch it, George. 不,他不行,爸爸

76、。你看,接Peppa loves catching the ball. George lovescatching the ball.Everyone loves catching the ball. 佩奇喜欢玩接球。乔治喜欢玩 接球。大家都喜欢玩接球。完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考Gardening! 种菜种 Seeds grow into plants. I just make a littlehole and put the seed in.gardening: 园艺 Peppa and George are playing atGranny Pig and Grandpa Pig

77、s house. 佩奇和乔治在爷爷和奶奶家里玩。 Grandpa! Catch!Catch! 爷爷,接住!接住了!Then I cover it with earth and water it. Everythingin my garden grows from tiny seeds like these. 种子会长成植物。我只要挖一 个小洞,把种子放进去。然后我用泥 土把种子盖上,再浇水。我花园里的 每一样都是从这样小小的种子长成的。 hole: 孔,洞 cover sth. with覆盖Whats this? 这是什么? Dine-Saw! A dinosaur!恐龙!Grandpa, d

78、oing? 爷爷,你做什么呢? Im plantingthese seeds. Seeds? What do seeds do? 我在种种子。种子?种子是干 什么的? seed: n. 种子,萌芽; vt.播 What are youearth: 泥土 Even the big apple tree? 连这个大苹果树也是? Oh! Yes!哦,是的! This tiny seed.Willgrow into a little apple tree, like this. And thatlittle apple tree will grow into a big apple treelike

79、this. 这个小种子。 。会长成一棵小的苹果树,像这棵。然后这棵小的苹 果树,会长成像这棵这么大的苹果树。 Ouch!Mmmm !完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考And inside this apple are more seeds. To make moreapple trees! 而且在这个苹果里有更多的种 子。可以长成更多的苹果树。 Exactly! 没错! Grandpa! Grandpa!I want to plant a seed! 爷爷,爷爷,我想种种子。Would you like to plant a strawberry seed? 你想种一颗草莓种子吗? str

80、awberry: 草莓 Yes, please! 是的,我想! This seed will grow into a lovely strawberryplant. First, make a little hole.Then I put theseed in and cover it with earth. 这个种子会长出一个可爱的草 莓苗。首先,挖一个小洞。我把这个 种子放里面然后用土盖上。 Shall I water it for you? 用我替你浇水吗? No! No! I want to water it. 不, 不,我想自己浇水。 家了。 home. grow. Peppa.Go

81、od! Now we wait for it to grow. 好的。现在我们就等它长大了。 Peppa and George are waiting for theseed to grow. 爷爷和乔治在等种子发芽。 Its notdoing anything! 它什么变化都没有。 You Will have tobe patient,佩奇,你得有耐心。 It Will take a long time to他需要很长时间才能发芽。 Peppa! George! Its timeto go佩奇,乔治,时间到了,该回But were waiting for my strawberry plan

82、t to grow!I wanted strawberries for teas. 但是我们在等我的草莓发芽。 我还想用草莓泡茶呢。 Dont worry, Peppa.Next time you come, the seed will have grown完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考into a plant. And we will have strawberries! Yes.Come on, Peppa. 别着急,佩奇。下次你来的时 候,种子会长成一株草莓苗了。我们 就有草莓吃了!是的,来吧,佩奇。 Bye bye, Grandpa. Bye bye, strawberry.再

83、见,爷爷,再见,草莓。 Grandpa Pig looks afterand George have come to play again.爷爷,我们来了。佩奇和乔治 又来玩了。 Grandpa! Grandpa! Did myplant grow? 爷爷,爷爷,我的草莓苗长了 吗? Yes!Look!Oooo!Strawberries! Thank you, Grandpa! 是的,你看。草莓!谢谢你,爷爷! Grandpa, something else?爷爷,我们能种点别的吗? Yes! Now, its Georgesturn to choose. 当然了! 现在, 轮到乔治选了。 Y

84、es!You choose, George. can we plantPeppas strawberry plant. 爷爷照顾佩奇的草莓。 lookafter: 照看,照顾 After many days, Grandpa Pigfinds a tiny plant growing. Day by day, the plantgrows bigger and bigger. 很多天以后,爷爷发现一株小植物长起来了。一天一天过去,这株 小植物越来越大。Then one day, Grandpa Pig finds something veryChoose. a carrot! Grandpa,

85、 I think George wantsto grow a carrot. 好的,你选吧,乔治。选。 。 。 胡萝卜。爷爷,我想乔治会选种胡萝 卜。 George, Wouldyou like tospecial.StraWberries! 然后有一天,爷爷发现了一些 很特别的东西!草莓! Grandpa! Were back! Peppagrow a carrot? No! 乔治, 你想种胡萝卜吗?不想!What Would you like to grow? 你想种什么呢? George完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考something he has wants thought t

86、o of grow. Ready!车。 their car.Peppa and George love佩奇和乔治喜欢他们的小Iseverybodyready?Dine-SaW! George wants to grow a dinosaur tree! 乔治想到他想种的东西了。恐 龙!乔治想种一棵恐龙树!Silly George! Dinosaurs dont grow on trees. Dine-saw. 傻孩子,乔治,恐龙不会长在 书上的。恐龙。 Thenew car. 新车。 Today, Peppa and her family aregoing for a drive in the

87、ir red car. 今天,佩奇和她的家人要 开着他们的红色小车出游。 Shall we have theroof down? Yes, please! 把车篷放下来好吗?好 roof:顶板,屋顶 know. 病。 不是? 了!大家准备好了吗?准备好Then lets go! 那我们出发啦! I love our car! 我喜欢我们的车! And our car loves us, too!Dont you?我们的车也喜欢我们,是Oh, dear, the car does not sound very well. 哎呀,车子听起来有点毛Whats wrong, daddy? 爸爸,怎么了

88、? Hmmm! Er. I完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考dont我也不知道怎么回事。 Lets take it to GranddadDogs Garage. He can fix it. 我们把它开到狗爷爷的修车厂吧, 他能把它修好的。 Thats a good idea, MummyPig. 真是个好主意,妈妈。 Woof!Granddad Dog runsthe garage; 狗爷爷开了家修车厂。 he is very good atmending cars. Woof! 他很擅长修车。 Oh, dear, DaddyPig!Your car does not sound ve

89、ry well. 哎呀猪爸爸,你的车听起 来不太好。 Can please,Granddad Dog? 请问你能修好它吗? Yes.but it will take all day.当然,但是可能要花一天 you fix it,时间。 Ohhh. We wanted to go for a drive in ourcar. 我们本想开车去兜风呢。 Woof! Dont worry. Youcan borrow this new car while I fix yours. Hurray!别着急。我修你们的车的 时候,你可以借走这辆新车。Thank you, Granddad Dog. 谢谢你,

90、狗爷爷。 Would youlike the roof down? Yes, please! 你们想把车篷放下来吗? 好的! Ill just press this red button. 我只要按这个红色的按钮。 What a clever car! Wow. 多智能的车啊。 Woof! When you come back,I will have fixedyour car. 你们回来的时候,我就把车修好了。 Thank you, Grandad Dog. Goodbye. Goodbye!Bye bye! 谢谢,狗爷爷。再见。再 见。 Goodbye! Woof!再见。 Peppa an

91、d her family like the new blue car.佩奇和她的家人喜欢这辆 蓝色的新车。 There are somany完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考windows go down. 爸爸,把神奇的窗户放下 来吧。 Whatdoes the blue button do? 这个蓝色的按钮是干什么的?I dont know. Lets see. Arrgh! 我不知道。我看看。I love this new car. Can we keep it? 我喜欢这个新车。我们能 留下它吗 No, we cant keep it, Peppa. 不行,我们不能留下它, 佩奇。

92、 Lets see. 我看一下。 Magicwindows! 是神奇的窗户! magic:有魔力的,魔术的Daddy! Make the magic to rain. 哦,不,我想要下雨了。Weve only borrowed it for today. Ohh. 我们今天只是借一下。 Oh, no, I think its goingbuttons in this new car. 这辆车有好多的按钮。 Whatdoes the green button do, Daddy? 这个绿色的按钮是干什么 的,爸爸?Yes, Ill just put the roof up. 是的, 我要把车篷升

93、起来。 Now, which is the button to close the roof?可是,哪个按钮是升车篷 的? Oops! Silly me. Aha!This must be the button. 哦,我太傻了。啊哈,应 该是这个按钮。 Silly me.愚蠢的我 Arrgh! The new carhas squirted Daddy Pig with water. 新车朝猪爸爸脸上喷了一 脸的水。 squirt: 喷射 Silly Daddy, thatsnot the roof! 傻爸爸,不是那个。 This button! Oops!Not that one! 是这个按

94、钮,哦,不是那个! it? again?raining. me! 升起车篷。This button!Arrgh! Help! 这个按钮! 救命! DaddyPig has forgotten which button closes the roof. 猪爸爸忘了哪个按钮用来I dont think this car likes完美 Word 格式整理版范文范例参考我觉得这个车不喜欢我! Lets try the red button. 试试这个红色的按钮。 Hurray! 好棒! But now itsstopped但是雨停了。 Can we open the roof我们能再把车篷打开吗?

95、Er, yes. Which button was好的。是哪个按钮? The red one! 红色的! Hurray!好棒!Granddad Dog has fixed the car. 狗爷爷已经把车修好了。 Your car is fixed. 你的车修好了。 Hurray!Thank you, Granddad Dog, and keep the change. 太棒了!谢谢狗爷爷,不 用找钱了。 Thank you, DaddyPig.Woof! Woof! Goodbye! 谢谢,猪爸爸。再见。Goodbye! Goodbye! Bye bye! 再见。 Ahhh! Its goodto get our old car back again! 把我们的旧车拿回来真好呀! I liked the new car but I like our old carbetter. 我喜欢那辆新车,但是我更喜欢我们 的旧车。And I think our old car likes us, too. Dont you?而且我觉得我们的旧车也喜欢我们,是不是?完美 Word 格式整理版



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