广东省惠州市高二英语《Unit 3 Life in the Future:Reading & Language Points》课件

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1、Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points重点难点探究重点难点探究词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研1 FIRST IMPRESSIONS第一印象第一印象品味经典品味经典They say that first impressions are very important.他们说第一印象是很重要的。他们说第一印象是很重要的。He left a good impression on me.他给我留下了很好的印象。他给我留下了很好的印象。The new teacher made a good impression on the students.新教师给学生

2、留下了一个好印象。新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。For some reason she got the impression that you didnt like her.由于某种原因,她的印象是你不喜欢她。由于某种原因,她的印象是你不喜欢她。Tell me your impressions on the whole text.告诉我你对整篇文章的感想。The thief had left a series of impressions of his feet in the garden.小偷在花园里留下一串脚印。自我探究自我探究impression nC 印象印象;感想;印记。;感想;印记

3、。leave/make a/an.impression on sb.给某人留下给某人留下的印象的印象。归纳拓展归纳拓展The boy has impressed his doctors with his courage and determination.这个男孩的勇气和决心给医生们留下了深刻印象。My father impressed on me the value of hard work.My father impressed me with the value of hard work.父亲要我铭记努力工作的重要性。My teachers words are strongly impr

4、essed on my memory.老师的话深深印在我的记忆中。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)The _ on his face told me that he was angry.Aimpression BsightCappearance Dexpression解解析析:选选D。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为:他他脸脸上上的的表表情情告告诉诉我我他他生生气气了了。A项项表表示示“心心里里留留下下关关于于某某事事、某某人人的的印印象象”,B项项表表示示“视视力力、情情境境”,C项项表表示示“表表面面、外外表表”,而而D项项意意为为“表表达达、词词组组”,但但其其也也可可引引申申为为a loo

5、k on a persons face“表表情情”,故选故选D项。项。(2)(2011年年 泰泰 安安 高高 二二 检检 测测 )She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great _ on her employer.Ainfluence BpressureCimpression Deffect解解析析:选选C。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。根根据据语语境境“她她说说话话非非常常自自信信,因因为为她她想想给给雇雇主主留留下下一一个个好好印印象象”可可知知应应选选C项项。make a great impression on.给给

6、留留下下好好印印象象。influence“影影响响”;pressure“压压力力”;effect“影响影响”都不符合语境。都不符合语境。2 I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.我依然无法相信我是在接受去年我赢得的奖励。品味经典品味经典In order to get the job,Ive to take up his suggestion.为了得到这份工作,我只好接受他的建议。为了得到这份工作,我只好接受他的建议。She took up his offer of a drink.他

7、请她喝一杯,她接受了。他请她喝一杯,她接受了。自我探究take up意为接受,是动副搭配。take up a challenge接受挑战。归纳拓展He takes up a pen and writes down his name.他拿起笔来写下自己的名字。I have taken up teaching since I graduated from university.我大学毕业后就从事教学工作。Lets take up the text where we finished yesterday.我们从昨天停下的地方继续学课文。Writing the paper took up most o

8、f the weekend.写那篇论文占去了周末的大半时间。His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.他投资这家公司的唯一理由就是要接管它。Lacking necessary social experience,teenagers tend to be taken in by ill people.由于缺乏必要的社会经验,青少年很容易被坏人欺骗。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)(2009年年高高考考安安徽徽卷卷)We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all

9、_.Agiven away Bkept awayCtaken up Dused up解解析析:选选C。句句意意:我我们们想想要要找找一一个个七七人人餐餐桌桌,但但它它们们都都被被占占用用了了。give away泄泄露露;分分发发;keep away使使离离开开;use up用用尽尽,均均不不合合题题意意。take up占据,符合题意。占据,符合题意。(2)After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook overCtook

10、 up Dset up解解析析:选选C。考考查查动动词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:简简在在医医学学院院学学了了五五年年后后,在在乡乡村村从从事事医医生生工工作作。A项项“着着手手,开开始始”;B项项“接接收收,接接管管”;C项项“占占据据,开始从事开始从事”;D项项“设立,竖立设立,竖立”。 3 I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我必须不断地提醒自己,我真的已经到3008年了。品味经典The doctor reminds me that I should see her again in two mo

11、nths.医生提醒我两个月后应该再去看她。自我探究remind vt.提醒;使想起。归纳拓展归纳拓展This song reminds me of my childhood.这首歌曲使我想起了我的孩提时代。这首歌曲使我想起了我的孩提时代。He reminded the children to wash their hands.他提醒孩子们去洗手。他提醒孩子们去洗手。牛刀小试牛刀小试单项填空单项填空(1)In our childhood,we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.Ademanded Bremi

12、ndedCallowed Dhoped解解析析:选选B。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:我我们们小小时时候候祖祖母母经经常常提提醒醒我我们们注注意意吃吃饭饭时时的的礼礼仪仪。remind“提提醒醒;使使想想起起”符符合合语语境境。demand“要要求求”,不不用用于于demand do的的结结构构中中。allow“允允许许”,hope“希望希望”不符合语境。不符合语境。完成句子完成句子(2)提醒我今晚买些牛奶。提醒我今晚买些牛奶。_ me _ some milk tonight.答案:答案:Remind;to buy(3)那使我想起了上周我听到的一个笑话。那使我想起了上周我听到

13、的一个笑话。That _ me _ a joke I heard last week.答案:答案:reminds;of4 At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.开始的时候,新的环境让我难以忍受。(1)surroundings品味经典The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings.这所房子所处的环境非常优美。自我探究surroundings npl.环境;周围的事物。归纳拓展归纳拓展surrounding adj.周围的;周边的周围的;周边的surrounding a

14、reas周边地区周边地区be surrounded by/with.被被环环绕绕着着;周周围围都都是是Police are still searching the town and surrounding areas for the child.警察仍在小镇及周边地区搜寻那个小孩。警察仍在小镇及周边地区搜寻那个小孩。易混辨析surroundings,environmentsurroundings专指自然环境,从周围的事物这一专指自然环境,从周围的事物这一客体着眼。客体着眼。environment可指自然环境,也可指精神环境,可指自然环境,也可指精神环境,均从环境对人的感受、道德及观念均从环境对

15、人的感受、道德及观念的影响着眼。的影响着眼。The children grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.孩子们在美丽的环境中长大,但是却缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)Everyone involved in the filming has enjoyed working in such beautiful _.Asurrounding BsurroundingsCsituation Dconditions解解析析:选选B。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:每每一一个个参参

16、与与电电影影拍拍摄摄的的人人都都喜喜欢欢在在这这么么漂漂亮亮的的环环境境中中工工作作。surrounding是是 形形 容容 词词 , 意意 为为 “周周 围围 的的 ”;situation“情况情况”;conditions“条件条件”都不合语境。都不合语境。(2)tolerate品味经典I cannot tolerate her rudeness.我不能容忍她的粗鲁无礼。As taxpayers,they felt that they could no longer tolerate not having a say in the government.作为纳税人,他们对于在政府没有发言权感

17、到不能再容忍。自我探究tolerate vt.容忍;忍受。注意:tolerate后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,不接动词不定式。易混辨析tolerate,bear,stand,put up withtolerate“容忍;忍受容忍;忍受”。特别用于忍受某人或某。特别用于忍受某人或某种行为而不反抗,语气最弱。种行为而不反抗,语气最弱。bear“忍受忍受”。强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦。强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦恼以及责任的承受力恼以及责任的承受力(常用于否定句中常用于否定句中)。stand“忍受,顶住忍受,顶住”,多用于口语中,常用于,多用于口语中,常用于否定句中,若用于肯定句,则意为否定句中,若用

18、于肯定句,则意为“不屈不屈不挠,经受得起不挠,经受得起”。put up with与与tolerate意义相近,有意义相近,有“不计较,将就不计较,将就”之意,多用于口语。之意,多用于口语。牛刀小试牛刀小试(2)Would you slow down a bit,please? I cant _ you.Akeep up with Bput up withCcome up with Dtolerate解解析析:选选A。考考查查词词语语和和短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:你你能能不不能能走走得得慢慢一一点点,我我跟跟不不上上你你。keep up with在在这这里里意意为为“跟跟上上”。put up

19、with“容容忍忍,忍忍受受”;come up with“想想出出”;tolerate“容容忍忍,忍忍受受”都都不不符符合合语境。语境。5 Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。品味经典A lack of food caused her to grow weak.缺乏食物导致她长得很弱。He has got a bad headache through lack of sleep.因缺乏睡眠他患上了严重的头痛。He did not finish his schooling because of lack of money

20、.由于缺钱,他没有完成学业。自我探究lack nU,C 缺乏;短缺的东西。归纳拓展(1)for/through/due to/because of lack of.因缺乏(a) lack of.的缺乏(2)lack vt.& vi.缺乏;缺少lackn.缺乏;没有 lack wisdom/common sense/money缺乏智慧/常识/金钱 lack for sth.缺某物(常用于否定句)lack for nothing一无所缺be lacking in sth.缺乏(某种品质、特点等);不够Lacking confidence,Tom missed a couple of opportu

21、nities to get the job.由于缺乏自信,汤姆错失了好几次得到工作的机会。 They are so rich that they lack for nothing.他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。I dont think Jim is a good employee because he is lacking in patience.我认为吉姆不是一个好的雇员因为他缺乏耐心。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)(2009年年高高考考山山东东卷卷)He says that my new car is a _ of money.Dont you think those words are just s

22、our grapes?Alack BloadCquestion Dwaste解解析析:选选D。句句意意:他他说说我我的的新新车车是是浪浪费费钱钱。你你不不认认为为这这是是吃吃不不到到葡葡萄萄说说葡葡萄萄酸酸吗吗?lack缺乏;缺乏;load负担;负担;question问题;问题;waste浪费。浪费。(2)Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise.Alimit BlackCneed Ddemand解解析析:选选B。句句意意:健健康康问问题题与与不不良良的的饮饮食食习习惯惯和和

23、缺缺乏乏锻锻炼炼密密切切相相关关。lack作作名名词词时时常常构构成成a lack of短语。短语。6 Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared.就在我努力地调整自己去适应新环境时,王平出现了。品味经典Moving to the city has been a difficult adjustment for us.搬到城市里住对我们来说是个艰难的适应过程。Weve had to make some adjustments to our original p

24、lan.我们不得不对我们最初的计划进行一些调整。His adjustment to the company was effective.他对公司的调整很有效。自我探究adjustment nC,U调整;调节。归纳拓展归纳拓展You can feel free to adjust the seat.你可以随意调整座位。My eyes had to adjust to the darkness inside.我的眼睛不得不去适应里面的一片漆黑。She must learn to adjust herself to life in New York.她必须学会适应纽约的生活。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)(

25、2011年年金金华华高高二二检检测测)The new tax would force companies to _ energy-saving measures.Aadopt BadjustCadapt Daccept解解析析:选选A。考考查查词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:新新税税收收将将迫迫使使企企业业采采取取节节能能措措施施。adopt“采采取取;收收养养”;adjust“调调整整;调调节节”;adapt“改改造造;适适应应”;accept“接受接受”。(2)(2011年年 宜宜 春春 高高 二二 检检 测测 )Since everything develops,we have to mak

26、e adjustment _ the changing situation.Aat BonCto Dthrough解解析析:选选C。考考查查adjustment的的介介词词搭搭配配。句句意意:既既然然一一切切都都在在发发展展,我我们们不不得得不不对对日日益益变变化化的的形形势势做做出出调调整整。make adjustment to调调整整;调调节节。其其余搭配形式都不对。余搭配形式都不对。7 However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many

27、carriages flying by in all directions.但是,当我们到达一个看起来像巨大市场的地方的时候,王平不见了。因为很多来自四面八方的气垫车都从身边飞过。品味经典Because of the thick fog we lost sight of the road in front of us.由于大雾我们看不清前面的路。自我探究lose sight of意为看不见;忘记,忽略。sight用作不可数名词时,意思是“视力;目光”。作为可数名词时,意为“景物,景象;风景,名胜(常用复数)”。Last summer we had seen the sights of Beij

28、ing.去年夏天我们游览了北京的名胜。归纳拓展牛刀小试牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)凯特挥着手直到那辆车看不见为止。凯特挥着手直到那辆车看不见为止。Kate waved until the car was _.答案:答案:out of sight(2)汽车驶过时瑞克看见了司机的脸。汽车驶过时瑞克看见了司机的脸。Rick _ the drivers face as the car raced by.答案:答案:caught sight of(3)六年前他开始失明。六年前他开始失明。He began to _ six years ago.答案:答案:lose his sight(4)我妹妹一看到昆

29、虫就会哭。我妹妹一看到昆虫就会哭。My sister usually cries _ insects.答案:答案:at the sight of单项填空单项填空(5)At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _.Aout of sight Bout of reachCout of order Dout of place解解析析:选选A。句句意意:在在火火车车站站,那那位位母母亲亲挥挥手手和和女女儿儿告告别别,直直到到火火车车离离开开视视线线。out of sight意

30、意为为“看看不不见见”,表表示示状状态态,符符合合题题意意。out of reach“手手不不能能及及,非非某某人人能能力力所所及及”;out of order“出出故故障障;工工作作不不正正常常”;out of place“不不在在适当的地方;不适当的适当的地方;不适当的”。8 Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.然后王平快速触动电脑屏幕上的一个开关,接着一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术似地

31、从地板下升了起来。品味经典There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.墙上有一个电灯的开关。Could you switch the TV over?请你换个电视频道好吗?自我探究switch nC开关;转换 vt.转换 vi.改变;打开(或关掉)开关。归纳拓展归纳拓展I parked the car and switched off the engine.我停好车并关掉了发动机。Developing countries can do this if they switch from importing food to pro

32、ducing it.如果发展中国家从进口粮食转变到生产粮食,他们就能做到这一点了。Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.然后我起床,下楼,打开客厅的电视。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)(2011年年济济南南高高二二检检测测)At first,the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country but halfway in his speech,he suddenly _ to another subject.Adevot

33、ed BswitchedCattached Dtransmitted解解析析:选选B。考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。switch to改改变变成成;transmit to传传输输,传传送送到到(某某地地);devote to献献身身于于;attach to附附加加上上。句句意意:起起初初,发发言言人人讲讲的的是是国国家家的的污污染染问问题题,但但讲讲着着讲讲着着,他他突突然改变成另一个话题了。然改变成另一个话题了。(2)You drive first and then well _.Aswitch on Bswitch offCswitch over Dswitch in解解析析:选选C。

34、考考查查switch所所构构成成的的固固定定短短语语。根根据据句句意意“你你先先驾驾驶驶,过过一一会会儿儿咱咱们们再再换换着着开开”可可知知应应选选择择C项项。switch over在在此此意意为为“转转换换,变变换换”,其他选项均不符合题意。,其他选项均不符合题意。9 At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.开始的时候,新的环境让我难以忍受。句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析品味经典The book is easy to understand.这本书容易理解。The problem is difficult to sett

35、le.这个问题难以解决。归纳拓展本本句句属属于于“sb./ do”句句式式,在在这这一一句句式式中中,主主语语与与不不定定式式之之间间在在逻逻辑辑上上是是被被动动关关系系,但但形形式式上上却却用用主主动动形形式式表表示示被被动动意意义。义。常常用用于于该该结结构构的的形形容容词词有有:easy,hard,difficult,interesting,heavy,pleasant,good,comfortable,dangerous等。等。牛刀小试牛刀小试(2010年年高高考考四四川川卷卷)In many peoples opinion,that company, thou

36、gh relatively small, is pleasant _.Ato deal with Bdealing withCto be dealt with Ddealt with解解析析:选选A。考考查查不不定定式式主主动动表表被被动动。在在某某些些形形容容词词后后经经常常用用不不定定式式的的主主动动形形式式表表被被动动,此此时时,不不定定式式动动作作和和句句子子的的主主语语存存在在动动宾宾关关系系。又又如如:The apartment is comfortable to live in.FIRST IMPRESSIONSSpacemail:liqiang299AGreatAdventur

37、eSpaceS15/11/3008 (Earthtime)Dear Mum and Dad,I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first译文助读译文助读译文助读译文助读few days.As a result,I suffered from “time la

38、g”This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying,but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.So I was very nervous and uncertain at first.However,my friend and guide,Wang Ping,was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which helped a lot.Wellknown for the

39、ir expertise,his parents company,called “Future Tours”,transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.I can still remember the moment when the space stewardess called us all to the capsule and we climbed in through a small opening.The seats were comfortable and after a calming drink,we felt

40、 sleepy and closed our eyes.The capsule began swinging gently sideways as we lay relaxed and dreaming.A few minutes later,the journey was completed and we had arrived.I was still on the earth but one thousand years in the future.What would I find?At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolera

41、te.The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared.“Put on this mask,”he advised.“Itll make you feel much better.”He handed it to me and im

42、mediately hurried me through to a small room nearby for a rest.I felt better in no time.Soon I was back on myfeet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can move swiftly.Wang Pi

43、ng fastened my safety belt and showed me how to use it.Soon I could fly as fast as him.However,I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.He was swept up into the centre of them.Just at that moment I had a “time

44、lag” flashback and saw the area again as it had been in the year AD 2008.I realized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my hometown! Then I caught sight of Wang Ping again and flew after him.Arriving at a strangelooking house,he showed me into a large,bright clean room.It h

45、ad a green wall,a brown floor and soft lighting.Suddenly the wall movedit was made of trees!I found later that their leaves provided the room with muchneeded oxygen.Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.“Why not sit

46、down and eat a little?”hesaid.“You may find this difficult as it is your first time travel trip.Just relax,since there is nothing planned on the timetable today.Tomorrow youll be ready for some visits.”Having said this,he spread some food on the table,and produced a bed from the floor.After he left,

47、I had a brief meal and a hot bath.Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.More news later from your loving son,Li Qiang第一印象太空邮件:liqiang299AGreatAdventureSpaceS15/11/3008 (地球时间)亲爱的爸爸妈妈:我仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。我得不断提醒自己,我真的已经进入到公元3008年了。我很担心这次旅行,所以头几天心里总是不踏实。结果,我得了“时间滞后症”。这就与你们乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似,所不同的是,






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