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1、Statement at the 2003 Session of United Nations Disarmament Commission在在在在20032003年年年年联联合国裁合国裁合国裁合国裁军审议军审议委委委委员员会会会会会会会会议议上的上的上的上的报报告告告告主讲:10号38号资料收集:42号PPT制作:43号PartOnePartTwoPartfourPartThreeCONTENTSPart oneThe background of the text Part one The United Nations Disarmament The United Nations Disar

2、mament Commission Commission is the is the specialized agencies specialized agencies of of the UNs review the UNs review Disarmament issues, Disarmament issues, belonging belonging to the United Nations general to the United Nations general assemblyassembly ( (隶属联合国大会隶属联合国大会). ).According to the com

3、mission in may According to the commission in may 19791979, , thethe first first disarmament to establish special disarmament to establish special general assemblygeneral assembly resolution, its resolution, its predecessor was established in 1952 the predecessor was established in 1952 the disarmam

4、ent commission. disarmament commission. Its job is to Its job is to review the various problems in the field of review the various problems in the field of disarmamentdisarmament and and put forward the put forward the proposal.proposal.The United Nations Disarmament Commission.(联合国裁合国裁军委委员会会) Part

5、oneThe author of the textHuXiaodiistheChineseambassador(大使大使)totheUnitedNationsDisarmamentCommissionandheadedtheChineseDelegation(中国代表中国代表团)tothe2003SessionofthisCommission.Part twoThe structure of the text Part twoPart1(paras.1-2)Part2(paras.3-5)Part3(paras.6-27)Part4(paras.28-29)Text something her

6、ePart 2 (paras. 3 -5): Faced with military confrontation and some non-traditional security threats , we need to create a favorable international security environment to promote a sound development for disarmament and arms control .StructureofthetextText something herePart 1 (paras. 1 -2): The spokes

7、man express his congratulations to the chairman for taking up the position of chairman of the current session and his gratitude to what contribution chairperson of last session made.StructureofthetextText something herePart 3 (paras. 6 -27): The speech point the two issues on this year s agenda “way

8、s and means to achieve Nuclear Disarmament ” and “practical Confidence Building measures in the field of conventional arms ” . Therefore ,China put forward some corresponding measures and make great efforts with the United Nations Disarmament Commission and other countries.StructureofthetextText som

9、ething herePart 4 (paras. 28 -29): The expectation of the final document can take his statement as a basis and cooperation with all other parties for the success of this session .StructureofthetextAnalysis of the textAnalysis of the textThisisaspeechmadebyHuXiaodiatthe2003SessionofUnitedNationsDisar


11、uresfornucleardisarmamentonbehalfofChina.Atlast,HuXaiodisummarizedhisstatementandwishacompletesuccessofthissession.Part twoPart threeExplanation of the glossary Explanation of the glossary from this from this texttextNew security concept (New security concept (新安全新安全观) ) MultilateralismMultilaterali

12、sm ,mltltrlzm( (多多边主主义) ) Part threePart threeNewsecurityconcept(新安全新安全观)The new security concept is a security policy enunciated by the Peoples Republic of China in the late 1990s. The concept is that in the postClod War period (冷冷战), nations are able to interest their security through diplomatic a

13、nd economic of competing and antagonistic blocks is outdated.Part threeMultilateralism(多多边主主义)In international relations, multilateralism is multiple countries working in concert on a given issue. Multilateralism was defined by Miles Kahler as “international governance of the many,” and its central

14、principle was “opposition of bilateral discriminatory arrangements that were believed to enhance the leverage of the powerful over the weak and to increase international conflict.” In 1990, Robert Keohane defined multilateralism as “the practice of coordinating national policies in groups of three o

15、r more states”. Part fourThe gist of the paragraphs0404030302020101phraseswordsStructure of sentence translationPart fourText something hereParagraph 2:The Chinese Delegation would like to congratulate you on your assumption of the chairmanship of the current session and stand ready to fully coopera

16、te with you and other delegations. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mme. Diane Quarless of Jamaica for her contribution as chairperson of the last session.Text something hereDelegation dlen:n Delegation dlen:n a group of people representatives or delegates a group of people repres

17、entatives or delegates 代表代表团,委派,派遣,委派,派遣e.g. : I can tell you that both my e.g. : I can tell you that both my delegationdelegation as well as myself, we have had an excellent as well as myself, we have had an excellent visit so far .visit so far .我可以告我可以告诉你,我你,我代表代表团的成的成员包括我个人,目前包括我个人,目前为止,我止,我们的的访问

18、非常愉快。非常愉快。Authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions Authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions 授授权,委托,委托e.g. e.g. :Most of all , you should be clear about the reasons for Most of all , you should be clear about the reasons for delegationdelegation and what it is meant to achieve. an

19、d what it is meant to achieve.最最为重要的是,你重要的是,你应该清楚清楚授授权的原因,以及授的原因,以及授权所要所要达到的目达到的目标 。 Phrase : Phrase : member delegation member delegation 成成员委派委派 parents delegation parents delegation 带上父母上父母Text something hereStructureofsentencecongratulate you on your assumption of the chairmanship of the current

20、 session : expressmycongratulationstoyouonyourtakingupthepositionofchairmanofthecurrentsessionText something here中国代表团向您表示祝贺,祝贺您担任担任此次会议的主席。我们愿与您以及其他代表团通力合作。同时,借此机会,我想向牙买加的戴安夸尔斯夫人在担任上届会议主席时所做的贡献表示感谢。translationWhy is the world situation uncertain and unpredictable?Why is the world situation uncertai

21、n and unpredictable?Paragraph 4:With the rapid development of globalization, countries are becoming more and more interdependent both economically and in terms of security. While the international security situation has been stable on the whole, uncertainty and unpredictability are sharply increasin

22、g. Military confrontation caused by disputes over territory, resources, religion and interest continues. And non-traditional security threats characterized by terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction have become more salient. Against such a backdrop, the multilateral disarmament an

23、d arms control process is facing a severe test.Text something hereInterdependent Interdependent .nt(r)dpendnt :adj.nt(r)dpendnt :adjmutually dependent 互相依互相依赖的,互相依存的的,互相依存的e.g.e.g.然而,要构建一个系然而,要构建一个系统,我,我们也必也必须能能够打开打开这个盒子,向里个盒子,向里面看,看一下哪些相互作用,相互关面看,看一下哪些相互作用,相互关连或或相互依相互依赖的元素构成的元素构成了系了系统。However , to

24、build a system , we must also be able to open the box , However , to build a system , we must also be able to open the box , look inside , and see what set of interacting , interrelated , or look inside , and see what set of interacting , interrelated , or interdependentinterdependent elements make

25、up the system. elements make up the system.Text something hereconfrontation .knfrnte()n:n confrontation .knfrnte()n:n a face-to-face meeting or encounter, especially a challenging or hostile one a face-to-face meeting or encounter, especially a challenging or hostile one 面面对;对峙峙e.g. : Honesty is the

26、 best policy; the only way out is deeper in: a candid e.g. : Honesty is the best policy; the only way out is deeper in: a candid confrontationconfrontation with with existence is dizzying, liberating.existence is dizzying, liberating.诚实是最好的手段,深入是唯一的出路:坦是最好的手段,深入是唯一的出路:坦诚面面对存在本身令人眩存在本身令人眩晕,也,也让人解放。人解

27、放。hostility between nations stopping short of actual warfare, though probably involving armed hostility between nations stopping short of actual warfare, though probably involving armed forces forces 摊牌,牌,对抗抗conflict between ideas, beliefs, or opinions, or between the people who hold them conflict b

28、etween ideas, beliefs, or opinions, or between the people who hold them 对抗局面抗局面e.g. : Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than e.g. : Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than confrontationconfrontation, and , and partnership is better than rivalship.part

29、nership is better than rivalship.合作比遏制好,合作比遏制好,对话比比对抗抗好,伙伴比好,伙伴比对手好。手好。Synonym : Synonym : opposition ; argument ; disagreement ; altercation opposition ; argument ; disagreement ; altercation Text something hereSalient selint:n&adj Salient selint:n&adj a part of a military front, line, or fortifica

30、tion that projects outward into enemy-held territory or toward the enemy突出部,突出突出部,突出阵地地e.g. e.g. : He was perhaps the only man in the : He was perhaps the only man in the salientsalient who supplemented his ration with home- who supplemented his ration with home-grown vegetables.grown vegetables.阵地地

31、突出部突出部一一带,也,也许只有他一人自己种菜只有他一人自己种菜补充充军粮。粮。 an angle that projects outwards from a polygon 突出部分突出部分e.g. :e.g. :其其实痛苦与快痛苦与快乐都很都很突出。突出。 Both pain and pleasure are Both pain and pleasure are salient.salient.describes an angle that projects outward from a polygon describes an angle that projects outward fr

32、om a polygon 显著的;明著的;明显的的e.g. : As Capitalism develops, monopoly has already become a e.g. : As Capitalism develops, monopoly has already become a salientsalient characteristics of characteristics of business purchasing and combination.business purchasing and combination.垄断随着断随着资本主本主义的的发展,已展,已经成成为企企

33、业购并的并的显著的著的特征。特征。.sticking out from a surface .sticking out from a surface 凸起的凸起的Why is the world situation uncertain and unpredictable?Why is the world situation uncertain and unpredictable?Its uncertain and unpredictable because military confrontation caused by disputes over territory, resources,

34、religion and interest continues. Text something here随着全球化的迅速发展,各国在经济上的相互依存不断加深,在安全上的相互联系日益密切。在安全上的相互联系日益密切。在国际安全局势总体保持稳定的情况下,不确定和不可预测因素明显增多。由领土,资源,宗教,利益冲突等引发的军事对抗还在持续。而且以恐怖主义,大规模杀伤性武器扩散为特点的非传统安全威胁已经变得更加突出。在此背景下,多变裁军与军控进程正面临着一个严峻的考验。translationText something hereParagraph 5:To promote a sound develop

35、ment for disarmament and arms control, we need to create a favorable international security environment. To this end, we advocate a new security concept based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation with the aim of establishing common security for all countries. We stand for resolu

36、tion of conflict through dialogue and cooperation. We strive for maintenance of the multilateralism and promotion of the democratization of international relations.Text something heredialogue da.ldialogue da.l:v&nv&nV.to take part in a conversation, discussion, or negotiation to take part in a conve

37、rsation, discussion, or negotiation 对话e.g. : They e.g. : They dialogueddialogued for three hours but failed to come to an agreement. for three hours but failed to come to an agreement.他他们谈了三个小了三个小时,没有达成一致。,没有达成一致。N. the words spoken by characters in a book, movie, or play, or a section of a work N.

38、the words spoken by characters in a book, movie, or play, or a section of a work that contains spoken words that contains spoken words 对话,会,会话N. a work of literature in the form of a conversation N. a work of literature in the form of a conversation 对白白e.g. : There are also left-over tensions from t

39、he war, which may be able to be e.g. : There are also left-over tensions from the war, which may be able to be diffused through the diffused through the dialogue dialogue created between the communities.created between the communities.战争争遗留下来的留下来的紧张关系或关系或许也可以透也可以透过创造社群之造社群之间的的对话来消解来消解e.g. : I met wh

40、o will have to wait, the e.g. : I met who will have to wait, the dialoguedialogue in much of his future, I heard the wind in much of his future, I heard the wind from the subway and huge me in love with the number.from the subway and huge me in love with the number.我遇我遇见谁会有怎会有怎样的的对白白,我等的人他在多,我等的人他在多

41、远的未来,我听的未来,我听见风来自地来自地铁和人海和人海我排著我排著队拿著拿著爱的号的号码牌。牌。Text something hereStrive forStrive for:奋斗;斗;争取争取你必须为你的权利而奋斗你必须为你的权利而奋斗You have to strive for your rights.You have to strive for your rights.世界和平是一项我们都应该为之而争取的事业。世界和平是一项我们都应该为之而争取的事业。World peace is a cause we should all strive for.World peace is a cause we should all strive for.Text something here为了促进裁军与军控事业的健康发展,我们需要创造一个良好的国际安全环境。为此,我们主张以互信,互利,平等与合作为基础的新安全观,其宗旨在于建立各国的普遍安全。我们主张通过对话与合作解决争端。我们致力于维护多边主义,促进国际关系的民主化。translationThankYou



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