Unit 2 Healthy Eating:课件十四(13张PPT)(人教版必修3)

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1、Unit 2 Healthy Eatingearn ones living: to earn money in order that one can afford his own life .glare at: look at sb. Angrilyspy: to watch secretly upset: make sb. worriedlimited: a certain amountserve: to offer sth. or provide with sth.admit: to agree with sb. or bine: unitecut down: here means red

2、ucebefore long: in a short timeever after: from then on Q1: Why was Pengwei worried when he thought his restaurantwould no longer be popular? Q3:What did Pengweis research show?Q4:Why did Pengwei suggest they provide a combined menu?Q2:WhyYonghuiwasveryangrywhenshecametoPengweisrestaurant?Because he

3、 could no longer earn his living.Because she thought he had spied on her restaurant.His research showed neither menu was balancedBecause this would provide a balanced diet.1.As we know , junk food is bad for our health, why do people go to the fast food restaurant?2. Why is it not good for you to ea

4、t too much sugar and fat?3. What can we do to keep a balanced diet?1.We must change our eating habits to keep up with the times. 2. Our bodies need different kinds of nutrients to grow and stay healthy. 3. We should know about the nutrients and functions of different kinds of food so that we can cho

5、ose healthy food to eat. 4. Having a balanced diet is the best way to stay healthy. 5. A good diet will help us lead a more successful and happier life. SpeakingSituation 1Student A (doctor)Student A (doctor)Ask the patient what is wrong and give him or Ask the patient what is wrong and give him or

6、her some advice.her some advice.Student B (patient)Student B (patient)I am coughing all the time. I have a fever and a I am coughing all the time. I have a fever and a headache.headache.Situation 2Situation 3Student A (Patient)Student A (Patient)My left arm is broken. It really hurts.Student A (Doct

7、or)Student A (Doctor)Ask the patient what is wrong and give him or her some advice.Student B (Doctor)Student B (Doctor)Ask the patient what is wrong and give him or her some advice.Student B (Patient)Student B (Patient)I cant sleep at night, so I am always very tired.TalkingUseful expressionsPatient

8、 Im worrying about being too fat.Theres something wrong with my weight / stomach / my dietWhat should I do?Doctor Whats the matter?You must/must notWhat seems to be the trouble?I suppose you had betterI think you ought toLanguage points:1.He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaura

9、nt was no longer popular.他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债.debt: c sum of money owed to sb. that has not been paid.债务债务;欠款欠款1) (习语习语) be in debt: owe a lot of money 欠债欠债2) be out of debt: not owe a lot of money 还清债务还清债务Eg. He had been in debt for one year, but now he is out of debt.他欠了一年的债他欠了一年的债,但现在

10、已经还清了但现在已经还清了.3) be in sbs debt: feel grateful to sb. for his help, kindness, etc.欠某人之情欠某人之情Eg. 你救了我的命你救了我的命,我永远感恩不尽我永远感恩不尽. You saved my life, I am forever in your debt.2. glare (at): V. look at sb. angrily 怒目而视怒目而视Eg. 老板愤怒地瞪着那个没有完成任务的工人老板愤怒地瞪着那个没有完成任务的工人.The boss glared at the worker who didnt fin

11、ish the task.3. move round: to move continually from here to there.不停移动不停移动,来回走动来回走动.Eg. The teacher moves round the classroom.4. I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food.吃了这些多油腻的吃了这些多油腻的,难消化的食物难消化的食物,我都觉得恶心我都觉得恶心.heavy(of food): difficult to digest. 指食物难消化的指食物难消化的Eg. He liked to eat heavy meals

12、. 他喜欢吃难消化的饭他喜欢吃难消化的饭.heavy rain: “rain cats and dogs”heavy rain: “rain cats and dogs”大雨大雨, 倾盆大雨倾盆大雨5. I do have to rest a lot.我的确需要休息一下了我的确需要休息一下了.do: 在谓语动词前在谓语动词前, 根据人称和时态根据人称和时态,加上加上do, does或或did进行强调进行强调,加强语气加强语气,表示表示”确实确实”Eg. 他学习的确很努力他学习的确很努力.He does study very hard.I did try my best to win the game.又又eg. 我的确尽力去比赛了我的确尽力去比赛了. Homework :Using words and expressions on P50Translate the sentences into English.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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