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1、in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lecture s, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hong ze County Health Conference a s a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued a responsibility objectives, complete the task and pro

2、moting comprehensive, coordinated a nd sustainable devel opment of health service in our hospital. 1, investment and construction continue to intensify investment promotion efforts, to follow up the implementation of project towards the project in hongze. Continue to do a Miyoshi satisfaction, servi

3、ce star and other w ork, strengthen the partys principles and policies, strengthening the construction of party organizations; to continue to pay special attention to a clean, climate appraisal and comprehensive way. Strengthening construction of medical ethics, training medical staff of loving, ded

4、icated, serious and responsible w ork style, to improve service, buil ding harmonious relationship between doctor and patient. 2, further strengthening the construction of the key departments, continue to implement the waste management action to improve medical w ork to a new level. To further stren

5、gthen its training and ability to constantly improve the quality of health personnel, strengthening health, nursing and medical technology management, improve the quality of basic health services. Normal pain clinic, and continue to implement waste management actions. 3, further preventive work and

6、normalized management of basic public healt h services project, insisting on i nnovation and excellence, achieve a new bright spot. o advance the ba sic public health service items in my town of scientific development, strengthen the target responsibility system to ensure that public health service

7、proje ct implemented. 3.1, further improve the prevention and basic public health service items in regular work. 3.2, completed 65 years of age or olderfree of charge medical examination, in accorda nce with the .4, further improve information construction. Establishment of medical a nd preventive h

8、ealth care public health information platform interopera bility, information sharing, telemedicine, providing people with safe medical care, preventive health care, healt h servi ces and health preservation and rehabilitation. Anyway, I will conti nue to insist on the Countys Healt h Department and

9、the town government under the leadership of hongze County, accordi ng to County General plan, deepening the reform, standardizing management, improving technology and with the enha nce d servi ces a nd further improve the level of service, allows peopl e to enjoy safe, secure, efficient, affordable

10、basic public health services a nd basic medical services, successful completion of the 2016 targets. Work of summing up the center hospital in 2015 and 2016 work plan, 2015 work summary in 2015, our hospital conscientiously Xi series of important speech as the guide, around the director of the week

11、in The county health work Conference spee ch and County Health Bureau annual objectives of the responsibility to carry out the work, conform to the requi in 2015, I work conscientiously implement the County, the County Government Center and the deployment environment work, combined with the environm

12、ental inspection activities, Continue to water quality, air pollution control, iron a nd steel enterprise environment, livestock pollution control, the implementation of pollution abatement and other a spe cts, strengthening the consciousness of serving, strict environmentalregulations raise the ove

13、rall level of ecological civilization construction. Now summary following: a, a nd main work completed situation 2015 1-September, I County water environment quality General keep good, which County 13 a concentrated type drinking water water standard rate for 100%aojiang basin (luoyuan paragraph) Ri

14、ver country control, and province control monitoring secti on, and junction section waters function standard rate are up 95% abov e; ne ar Bank waters water, and focus basin water has obviously improved. According to Fuzhou, Fuzhou monthly on the 2015 in each County (City) area of environmental air

15、quality bulletin, 2015/1-September I urban environment air quality, composite index up 3.56, ranking a bove the average in the city. (A) the river basin water environment comprehensive improvement and further strengthen the Countys mining, stone processing, day-to-day supervision of in-use and waste

16、 residue, inspecti ons incre ased from time to time thenight strength, further spe cifications in the slag dam and construction of rain sewage distri bution systems, comprehensive investigation security risks. Garden Creek, bl ue, 2015 1 September . 5 coal-fired boiler in our County, a total of 6 bo

17、ilers. 2 companies of boilers have been disabled, to be demolished. Rest of the 3 companies, 2 compa nies of the boiler being transformed, and 1 will be completed by the end of October the boiler of the demolition w ork. 3. soli d dust comprehensive control of container yards. Strengthened port and

18、the enterprise open heap coal field, and heap material field, and industrial waste yard, dust pollution control, reduced particles real of no organization emi ssions, all open stacked of coal heap, and material field take cover or constructi on automatically spray got device, and dust network, wind

19、inhibition dust facilities, port, and steeenterprise of large coal heap, and material heap should installation video monitoring facilities, and and I Council ofvideo monitoring platform networking. 4. implementation of the hydrocarbon pollution. Continue t o increase oil st orage, gas stations a nd

20、a tanker of oil and gas recovery improvement efforts, enha nci ng oil and gas pollution control facilities operation supervision, urged ow ners to do routine maintenance, ensure the equipment in good conditi on, normal operation, avoid empty. At present, 14 service stations in our County, 7 oil and

21、gas recovery and treatment work has been completed. 5, incre ases i n atmospheric environmental monitoring and emergency response capacit y. Is to improve the regulatory framework. o furt her improve controls, tradable permits, total motor vehicle pollution contr ol, emergency warning, the legal res

22、ponsi bility of the system. Second, strengthening environmental regulatory capacity. In July 2015, Binhai Park, new air quality monitoring station has been built, expanded the County air quality monitoring areas; Jingang will build an air station for real-time monitoring of industrial, real-time dis

23、semination of the Countys air quality in the network. Strengthen the standardization construction of environmental monitoring stations and equipment, guaranteed on business premises, staffing, further push forward standardization construction of environmental monitoring and enforcement capability, e

24、 nvironmental emergency response. (C) the total emissions of major pollutants according to the Fuzhou issued by emission reduction goal and plan of the 2015 total emissions of major pollutants in our County, and project implementation of emission reduction小学三年级上册数学精选例题1填空(1)2 个 可以换_个 4 个 可以换 _个 。一张

25、可以换 _个 一张 可以换 _个 (2)人民币的单位有()、()、()以角为单位的人民币的面值有()角、()角、()角(3)1 角()分 40 角()元2 元()角 4 元 7 角()角35 角()元()角 100 分()元2在里填上“”“”或“”1元9 角 8 分 8 角8角 1 分2 角20 分 34 角3 元 4角5元 6 角4 元 8角 48角5 角 1 分 1 元 3角23 角 70 分8角3判断题(对的打,错的打)(1)10元 7 角9 元 9 角()(2)1 支笔要 4 角,一个小球要 1 元,笔比球贵()(3)小玲买 1 支自动铅笔用去 3 元 5 角,买 1 个卷笔刀用去 2

26、 元,共用去 3 元7 角()(4)小方买 1 盒彩笔用去 8 元,找回 1 元,她付了 9 元钱()(5)一张五元可以换2 个 5 角()参考答案1 (1)10,8,5,10 (2)元,角,分, 5,2,1 (3)10,4,20,47,3、5,1 2,3(对的打,错的打)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)三年级上册数学应用题综合练习1、 用一根长 2 米的木料,锯成同样长的四根,用来做凳腿,这个凳子的高大约是多少?2、 在一辆载重 2 吨的货车上,装 3 台重 600 千克的机器,超载了吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共

27、5 页in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lecture s, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hong ze County Health Conference a s a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued a responsibility objectives, complete the task and

28、promoting comprehensive, coordinated a nd sustainable devel opment of health service in our hos pital. 1, investment and construction continue to intensify investment promotion efforts, to follow up the implementation of project towards the project in hongze. Continue to do a Miyoshi satisfaction, s

29、ervice star and other w ork, strengthen the partys principles and policies, strengthening the construction of party organizations; to continue to pay special attention to a clean, climate appraisal and comprehensive way. Strengthening construction of medical ethics, training medical staff of loving,

30、 dedicated, serious and responsible w ork style, to improve service, buil ding harmonious relationship between doctor and patient. 2, further strengthening the construction of the key departments, continue to implement the waste management action to improve medical w ork to a new level. To further s

31、trengthen its training and ability to constantly improve the quality of health personnel, strengthening health, nursing and medical technology management, improve the quality of basic health services. Normal pain clinic, and continue to implement waste management actions. 3, further preventive work

32、and normalized management of basic public healt h services project, insisting on i nnovation and excellence, achieve a new bright spot. o advance the ba sic public health service items in my town of scientific development, strengthen the target responsibility system to ensure that public health serv

33、ice proje ct implemented. 3.1, further improve the prevention and basic public health service items in regular work. 3.2, completed 65 years of age or olderfree of charge medical examination, in accorda nce with the .4, further improve information construction. Establishment of medical a nd preventi

34、ve health care public health information platform interopera bility, information sharing, telemedicine, provi ding people with safe medical care, preventive health care, healt h servi ces and health preservation and rehabilitation. Anyway, I will conti nue to insist on the Countys Healt h Department

35、 and the town government under the leadership of hongze County, accordi ng to County General plan, deepening the reform, standardizing management, improving technology and with the enha nce d servi ces a nd further improve the level of service, allows peopl e to enjoy safe, secure, efficient, afford

36、able basic public health services a nd basic medical services, successful completion of the 2016 targets. Work of summing up the center hospital in 2015 and 2016 work plan, 2015 work summary in 2015, our hospital conscientiously Xi series of important speech as the guide, around the director of the

37、week in The county health work Conference spee ch and County Health Bureau annual objectives of the responsibility to carry out the work, conform to the requi in 2015, I work conscientiously implement the County, the County Government Center and the deployment environment work, combined with the env

38、ironmental inspection activities, Continue to water quality, air pollution control, iron a nd steel enterprise environment, livestock pollution control, the implementation of pollution abatement and other a spe cts, strengthening the consciousness of serving, strict environmentalregulations raise th

39、e overall level of ecological civilization construction. Now summary following: a, a nd main work completed situation 2015 1-September, I County water environment quality General keep good, which County 13 a concentrated type drinking water water standard rate for 100%aojiang basin (luoyuan paragrap

40、h) River country control, and province control monitoring secti on, and junction section waters function standard rate are up 95% abov e; ne ar Bank waters water, and focus basin water has obviously improved. According to Fuzhou, Fuzhou monthly on the 2015 in each County (City) area of environmental

41、 air quality bulletin, 2015/1-September I urban environment air quality, composite index up 3.56, ranking a bove the average in the city. (A) the river basin water environment comprehensive improvement and further strengthen the Countys mining, stone processing, day-to-day supervision of in-use and

42、waste residue, inspecti ons incre ased from time to time thenight strength, further spe cifications in the slag dam and construction of rain sewage distri bution systems, comprehensive investigation security risks. Garden Creek, bl ue, 2015 1 September . 5 coal-fired boiler in our County, a total of

43、 6 boilers. 2 companies of boilers have been disabled, to be demolished. Rest of the 3 companies, 2 compa nies of the boiler being transformed, and 1 will be completed by the end of October the boiler of the demolition w ork. 3. soli d dust comprehensive control of container yards. Strengthened port

44、 and the enterprise open heap coal field, and heap material field, and industrial waste yard, dust pollution control, reduced particles real of no organization emi ssions, all open stacked of coal heap, and material field take cover or constructi on automatically spray got device, and dust network,

45、wind inhibition dust facilities, port, and steeenterprise of large coal heap, and material heap should inst allation video monitoring facilities, and and I Council ofvideo monitoring platform networking. 4. implementation of the hydrocarbon pollution. Continue t o increase oil st orage, gas stations

46、 a nd a tanker of oil and gas recovery improvement efforts, enha nci ng oil and gas pollution control facilities operation supervision, urged ow ners to do routine maintenance, ensure the equipment in good conditi on, normal operation, avoid empty. At present, 14 service stations in our County, 7 oi

47、l and gas recovery and treatment work has been completed. 5, incre ases i n atmospheric environmental monitoring and emergency response capacit y. Is to improve the regulatory framework. o furt her improve controls, tradable permits, total motor vehicle pollution contr ol, emergency warning, the leg

48、al responsi bility of the system. Second, strengthening environmental regulatory capacity. In July 2015, Binhai Par, new air quality monitoring station has been built, expanded the County air quality monitoring areas; Jingang will build an air station for real-time monitoring of industrial, real-tim

49、e dissemination of the Countys air quality in the network. Strengthen the standardization construction of environmental monitoring stations and equipment, guaranteed on business premises, staffing, further push forward standardization construction of environmental monitoring and enforcement capabili

50、ty, e nvironmental emergency response. (C) the total emissions of major pollutants according to the Fuzhou issued by emission reduction goal and plan of the 2015 total emissions of major pollutants in our County, and project implementation of emission reduction600*3=1800(千克) 2 吨3、 京广中心大厦是北京市目前最高的摩天大

51、楼,高约 209 米,它比中央电视塔约矮 196 米。你知道中央电视塔有多高吗?4、 副食店运来 410 千克鸡蛋,上午卖出 152 千克,下午卖出 174千克,还剩多少千克?5、 科技园上午有游客852 人,中午有 265 人离去。下午又来了403位游客,这时园内有多少游客?全天园内来了多少游客?6、 小明家、小红家和学校在同一条路上。已知小红家到学校有312米,小明家到学校只有 155 米。小明家到小红家有多远? (他们两家和学校的位置可能有几种情况?)7、 客轮上原有 205 人,到了九江后有79 人下船,有 128 人上船,再开船时客轮上有多少人?8、 电话机 书桌 录音机 电风扇 电

52、饭锅 手表 自行车210 元 328 元 208元 85 元 152元 120 元 445元用 500 元可以买哪些商品,还剩多少钱?9、 用 900 个鸡蛋孵小鸡,上午孵出337 只小鸡,下午比上午多孵出118只。(1) 下午孵出了多少只小鸡?(2) 这一天共孵出了多少只小鸡?(3) 还剩下多少个鸡蛋?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lecture s, accept the

53、ir advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hong ze County Health Conference a s a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued a responsibility objectives, complete the task and promoting comprehensive, coordinated a nd sustainable devel opment of health service in our ho

54、spital. 1, investment and construction continue to intensify investment promotion efforts, to follow up the implementation of project towards the project in hongze. Continue to do a Miyoshi satisfaction, service star and other w ork, strengthen the partys principles and policies, strengthening the c

55、onstruction of party organizations; to continue to pay special attention to a clean, climate appraisal and comprehensive way. Strengthening construction of medical ethics, training medical staff of loving, dedicated, serious and responsible w ork style, to improve service, buil ding harmonious relat

56、ionship between doctor and patient. 2, further strengthening the construction of the key departments, continue to implement the waste management action to improve medical w ork to a new level. To further strengthen its training and ability to constantly improve the quality of health personnel, stren

57、gthening health, nursing and medical technology management, improve the quality of basic health services. Normal pain clinic, and continue to implement waste management actions. 3, further preventive work and normalized management of basic public healt h services project, insisting on i nnovation an

58、d excellence, achieve a new bright spot. o advance the ba sic public health service items in my town of scientific development, strengthen the target responsibility system to ensure that public health service proje ct implemented. 3.1, further improve the prevention and basic public health service i

59、tems in regular work. 3.2, completed 65 years of age or olderfree of charge medical examination, in accorda nce with the .4, further improve information construction. Establishment of medical a nd preventive health care public health information platform interopera bility, information sharing, telem

60、edicine, provi ding people with safe medical care, preventive health care, healt h servi ces and health preservation and rehabilitation. Anyway, I will conti nue to insist on the Countys Healt h Department and the town government under the leadership of hongze County, accordi ng to County General pl

61、an, deepening the reform, standardizing management, improving technology and with the enha nce d servi ces a nd further improve the level of service, allows peopl e to enjoy safe, secure, efficient, affordable basic public health services a nd basic medical services, successful completion of the 201

62、6 targets. Work of summing up the center hospital in 2015 and 2016 work plan, 2015 work summary in 2015, our hospital conscientiously Xi series of important speech as the guide, around the director of the week in The county health work Conference spee ch and County Health Bureau annual objectives of

63、 the responsibility to carry out the work, conform to the requi in 2015, I work conscientiously implement the County, the County Government Center and the deployment environment work, combined with the environmental inspection activities, Continue to water quality, air pollution control, iron a nd s

64、teel enterprise environment, livestock pollution control, the implementation of pollution abatement and other a spe cts, strengthening the consciousness of serving, strict environmentalregulations raise the overall level of ecological civilization construction. Now summary following: a, a nd main wo

65、rk completed situation 2015 1-September, I County water environment quality General keep good, which County 13 a concentrated type drinking water water standard rate for 100%aojiang basin (luoyuan paragraph) River country control, and province control monitoring secti on, and junction section waters

66、 function standard rate are up 95% abov e; ne ar Bank waters water, and focus basin water has obviously improved. According to Fuzhou, Fuzhou monthly on the 2015 in each County (City) area of environmental air quality bulletin, 2015/1-September I urban environment air quality, composite index up 3.5

67、6, ranking a bove the average in the city. (A) the river basin water environment comprehensive improvement and further strengthen the Countys mining, stone processing, day-to-day supervision of in-use and waste residue, inspecti ons incre ased from time to time thenight strength, further spe cificat

68、ions in the slag dam and construction of rain sewage distri bution systems, comprehensive investigation security risks. Garden Creek, bl ue, 2015 1 September . 5 coal-fired boiler in our County, a total of 6 boilers. 2 companies of boilers have been disabled, to be demolished. Rest of the 3 companie

69、s, 2 compa nies of the boiler being transformed, and 1 will be completed by the end of October the boiler of the demolition w ork. 3. soli d dust comprehensive control of container yards. Strengthened port and the enterprise open heap coal field, and heap material field, and industrial waste yard, d

70、ust pollution control, reduced particles real of no organization emi ssions, all open stacked of coal heap, and material field take cover or constructi on automatically spray got device, and dust network, wind inhibition dust facilities, port, and steeenterprise of large coal heap, and material heap

71、 should installation video monitoring facilities, and and I Council ofvideo monitoring platform networking. 4. implementation of the hydrocarbon pollution. Continue t o increase oil st orage, gas stations a nd a tanker of oil and gas recovery improvement efforts, enha nci ng oil and gas pollution co

72、ntrol facilities operation supervision, urged ow ners to do routine maintenance, ensure the equipment in good conditi on, normal operation, avoid empty. At present, 14 service stations in our County, 7 oil and gas recovery and treatment work has been completed. 5, incre ases i n atmospheric environm

73、ental monitoring and emergency response capacit y. Is to improve the regulatory framework. o furt her improve controls, tradable permits, total motor vehicle pollution contr ol, emergency warning, the legal responsi bility of the system. Second, strengthening environmental regulatory capacity. In Ju

74、ly 2015, Binhai Park, new air quality monitoring station has been built, expanded the County air quality monitoring areas; Jingang will build an air station for real-time monitoring of industrial, real-time dissemination of the Countys air quality in the network. Strengthen the standardization const

75、ruction of environmental monitoring stations and equipment, guaranteed on business premises, staffing, further push forward standardization construction of environmental monitoring and enforcement capability, e nvironmental emergency response. (C) the total emissions of major pollutants according to

76、 the Fuzhou issued by emission reduction goal and plan of the 2015 total emissions of major pollutants in our County, and project implementation of emission reduction10、一个长方形花坛的长是5 米,宽是 3 米。这个花坛的周长是多少米?11、用 90 厘米长的绸带能把边长是2 分米的手帕围一圈吗?12、李叔叔每天绕着长米,宽米的长方形花坛跑圈,李叔叔每天跑步多少千米?13、 用两个长是厘米, 宽是厘米的长方形分别拼成一个正方形和

77、一个长方形。它们的周长分别是多少厘米?14 一块长方形菜地,长6 米,宽 3 米。四周围上篱笆,篱笆长多少米?如果一面靠墙,篱笆至少要多少米?15、一根绳子长 19 米,剪 8 米做一根长跳绳,剩下的每2 米做一根短跳绳。可以做多少根短跳绳?还剩多少米?16、 四月份有 30 天,四月份有几个星期?还多几天?17、 森林餐厅的 9 张空桌,每张空桌可以坐 4 只小动物,这时来了 35 只小动物,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, d

78、iabetes and other health lecture s, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hong ze County Health Conference a s a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued a responsibility objectives, complete the task and promoting comprehensive, coordinated a nd sustai

79、nable devel opment of health service in our hos pital. 1, investment and construction continue to intensify investment promotion efforts, to follow up the implementation of project towards the project in hongze. Continue to do a Miyoshi satisfaction, service star and other w ork, strengthen the part

80、ys principles and policies, strengthening the construction of party organizations; to continue to pay special attention to a clean, climate appraisal and comprehensive way. Strengthening construction of medical ethics, training medical staff of loving, dedicated, serious and responsible w ork style,

81、 to improve service, buil ding harmonious relationship between doctor and patient. 2, further strengthening the construction of the key departments, continue to implement the waste management action to improve medical w ork to a new level. To further strengthen its training and ability to constantly

82、 improve the quality of health personnel, strengthening health, nursing and medical technology management, improve the quality of basic health services. Normal pain clinic, and continue to implement waste management actions. 3, further preventive work and normalized management of basic public healt

83、h services project, insisting on i nnovation and excellence, achieve a new bright spot. o advance the ba sic public health service items in my town of scientific development, strengthen the target responsibility system to ensure that public health service proje ct implemented. 3.1, further improve t

84、he prevention and basic public health service items in regular work. 3.2, completed 65 years of age or olderfree of charge medical examination, in accorda nce with the .4, further improve information construction. Establishment of medical a nd preventive health care public health information platfor

85、m interopera bility, information sharing, telemedicine, provi ding people with safe medical care, preventive health care, healt h servi ces and health preservation and rehabilitation. Anyway, I will conti nue to insist on the Countys Healt h Department and the town government under the leadership of

86、 hongze County, accordi ng to County General plan, deepening the reform, standardizing management, improving technology and with the enha nce d servi ces a nd further improve the level of service, allows peopl e to enjoy safe, secure, efficient, affordable basic public health services a nd basic med

87、ical services, successful completion of the 2016 targets. Work of summing up the center hospital in 2015 and 2016 work plan, 2015 work summary in 2015, our hospital conscientiously Xi series of important speech as the guide, around the director of the week in The county health work Conference spee c

88、h and County Health Bureau annual objectives of the responsibility to carry out the work, conform to the requi in 2015, I work conscientiously implement the County, the County Government Center and the deployment environment work, combined with the environmental inspection activities, Continue to wa

89、ter quality, air pollution control, iron a nd steel enterprise environment, livestock pollution control, the implementation of pollution abatement and other a spe cts, strengthening the consciousness of serving, strict environmentalregulations raise the overall level of ecological civilization const

90、ruction. Now summary following: a, a nd main work completed situation 2015 1-September, I County water environment quality General keep good, which County 13 a concentrated type drinking water water standard rate for 100%aojiang basin (luoyuan paragraph) River country control, and province control m

91、onitoring secti on, and junction section waters function standard rate are up 95% abov e; ne ar Bank waters water, and focus basin water has obviously improved. According to Fuzhou, Fuzhou monthly on the 2015 in each County (City) area of environmental air quality bulletin, 2015/1-September I urban

92、environment air quality, composite index up 3.56, ranking a bove the average in the city. (A) the river basin water environment comprehensive improvement and further strengthen the Countys mining, stone processing, day-to-day supervision of in-use and waste residue, inspecti ons incre ased from time

93、 to time thenight strength, further spe cifications in the slag dam and construction of rain sewage distri bution systems, comprehensive investigation security risks. Garden Creek, bl ue, 2015 1 September . 5 coal-fired boiler in our County, a total of 6 boilers. 2 companies of boilers have been dis

94、abled, to be demolished. Rest of the 3 companies, 2 compa nies of the boiler being transformed, and 1 will be completed by the end of October the boiler of the demolition w ork. 3. soli d dust comprehensive control of container yards. Strengthened port and the enterprise open heap coal field, and he

95、ap material field, and industrial waste yard, dust pollution control, reduced particles real of no organization emi ssions, all open stacked of coal heap, and material field take cover or constructi on automatically spray got device, and dust network, wind inhibition dust facilities, port, and steee

96、nterprise of large coal heap, and material heap should inst allation video monitoring facilities, and and I Council ofvideo monitoring platform networking. 4. implementation of the hydrocarbon pollution. Continue t o increase oil st orage, gas stations a nd a tanker of oil and gas recovery improveme

97、nt efforts, enha nci ng oil and gas pollution control facilities operation supervision, urged ow ners to do routine maintenance, ensure the equipment in good conditi on, normal operation, avoid empty. At present, 14 service stations in our County, 7 oil and gas recovery and treatment work has been c

98、ompleted. 5, incre ases i n atmospheric environmental monitoring and emergency response capacit y. Is to improve the regulatory framework. o furt her improve controls, tradable permits, total motor vehicle pollution contr ol, emergency warning, the legal responsi bility of the system. Second, streng

99、thening environmental regulatory capacity. In July 2015, Binhai Par, new air quality monitoring station has been built, expanded the County air quality monitoring areas; Jingang will build an air station for real-time monitoring of industrial, real-time dissemination of the Countys air quality in th

100、e network. Strengthen the standardization construction of environmental monitoring stations and equipment, guaranteed on business premises, staffing, further push forward standardization construction of environmental monitoring and enforcement capability, e nvironmental emergency response. (C) the t

101、otal emissions of major pollutants according to the Fuzhou issued by emission reduction goal and plan of the 2015 total emissions of major pollutants in our County, and project implementation of emission reduction它们都有座位吗?18、 (1)我们班有 44人,玩丛林探险, 每辆小车坐 6 人,最多可以坐满几辆车?会有剩余的人吗?(2) )我们班有 44 人,玩激流勇进,每船工坐5 人

102、,该租几条船? (注意:这两个问题的区别 ) 19、 一列火车有 9 节车厢,每节车厢有 118个座位,这列火车一共有多少个座位?20、300 个同学乘 4 辆汽车去郊游。前3 辆车各坐 78 个同学,第 4 辆车要坐多少个同学?21、少年宫乐队有女同学18 人,男同学 17 人。合唱队的人数是乐队的3 倍,合唱队有多少人?22、一块巧克力,小东吃了,小红吃了 ,一共吃了几分之几?还剩几分之几?23、 一块菜地的种了白菜,剩下的种芹菜。种芹菜的地占整块菜地的几分之几?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页in the s

103、teering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lecture s, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hong ze County Health Conference a s a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued a responsibility objectives, complete the task and promoting c

104、omprehensive, coordinated a nd sustainable devel opment of health service in our hospital. 1, investment and construction continue to intensify investment promotion efforts, to follow up the implementation of project towards the project in hongze. Continue to do a Miyoshi satisfaction, service star

105、and other w ork, strengthen the partys principles and policies, strengthening the construction of party organizations; to continue to pay special attention to a clean, climate appraisal and comprehensive way. Strengthening construction of medical ethics, training medical staff of loving, dedicated,

106、serious and responsible w ork style, to improve service, buil ding harmonious relationship between doctor and patient. 2, further strengthening the construction of the key departments, continue to implement the waste management action to improve medical w ork to a new level. To further strengthen it

107、s training and ability to constantly improve the quality of health personnel, strengthening health, nursing and medical technology management, improve the quality of basic health services. Normal pain clinic, and continue to implement waste management actions. 3, further preventive work and normaliz

108、ed management of basic public healt h services project, insisting on i nnovation and excellence, achieve a new bright spot. o advance the ba sic public health service items in my town of scientific development, strengthen the target responsibility system to ensure that public health service proje ct

109、 implemented. 3.1, further improve the prevention and basic public health service items in regular work. 3.2, completed 65 years of age or olderfree of charge medical examination, in accorda nce with the .4, further improve information construction. Establishment of medical a nd preventive health ca

110、re public health information platform interopera bility, information sharing, telemedicine, provi ding people with safe medical care, preventive health care, healt h servi ces and health preservation and rehabilitation. Anyway, I will conti nue to insist on the Countys Healt h Department and the tow

111、n government under the leadership of hongze County, accordi ng to County General plan, deepening the reform, standardizing management, improving technology and with the enha nce d servi ces a nd further improve the level of service, allows peopl e to enjoy safe, secure, efficient, affordable basic p

112、ublic health services a nd basic medical services, successful completion of the 2016 targets. Work of summing up the center hospital in 2015 and 2016 work plan, 2015 work summary in 2015, our hospital conscientiously Xi series of important speech as the guide, around the director of the week in The

113、county health work Conference spee ch and County Health Bureau annual objectives of the responsibility to carry out the work, conform to the requi in 2015, I work conscientiously implement the County, the County Government Center and the deployment environment work, combined with the environmental i

114、nspection activities, Continue to water quality, air pollution control, iron a nd steel enterprise environment, livestock pollution control, the implementation of pollution abatement and other a spe cts, strengthening the consciousness of serving, strict environmentalregulations raise the overall le

115、vel of ecological civilization construction. Now summary following: a, a nd main work completed situation 2015 1-September, I County water environment quality General keep good, which County 13 a concentrated type drinking water water standard rate for 100%aojiang basin (luoyuan paragraph) River cou

116、ntry control, and province control monitoring secti on, and junction section waters function standard rate are up 95% abov e; ne ar Bank waters water, and focus basin water has obviously improved. According to Fuzhou, Fuzhou monthly on the 2015 in each County (City) area of environmental air quality

117、 bulletin, 2015/1-September I urban environment air quality, composite index up 3.56, ranking a bove the average in the city. (A) the river basin water environment comprehensive improvement and further strengthen the Countys mining, stone processing, day-to-day supervision of in-use and waste residu

118、e, inspecti ons incre ased from time to time thenight strength, further spe cifications in the slag dam and construction of rain sewage distri bution systems, comprehensive investigation security risks. Garden Creek, bl ue, 2015 1 September . 5 coal-fired boiler in our County, a total of 6 boilers.

119、2 companies of boilers have been disabled, to be demolished. Rest of the 3 companies, 2 compa nies of the boiler being transformed, and 1 will be completed by the end of October the boiler of the demolition w ork. 3. soli d dust comprehensive control of container yards. Strengthened port and the ent

120、erprise open heap coal field, and heap material field, and industrial waste yard, dust pollution control, reduced particles real of no organization emi ssions, all open stacked of coal heap, and material field take cover or constructi on automatically spray got device, and dust network, wind inhibit

121、ion dust facilities, port, and steeenterprise of large coal heap, and material heap should installation video monitoring facilities, and and I Council ofvideo monitoring platform networking. 4. implementation of the hydrocarbon pollution. Continue t o increase oil st orage, gas stations a nd a tanke

122、r of oil and gas recovery improvement efforts, enha nci ng oil and gas pollution control facilities operation supervision, urged ow ners to do routine maintenance, ensure the equipment in good conditi on, normal operation, avoid empty. At present, 14 service stations in our County, 7 oil and gas rec

123、overy and treatment work has been completed. 5, incre ases i n atmospheric environmental monitoring and emergency response capacit y. Is to improve the regulatory framework. o furt her improve controls, tradable permits, total motor vehicle pollution contr ol, emergency warning, the legal responsi b

124、ility of the system. Second, strengthening environmental regulatory capacity. In July 2015, Binhai Park, new air quality monitoring station has been built, expanded the County air quality monitoring areas; Jingang will build an air station for real-time monitoring of industrial, real-time disseminat

125、ion of the Countys air quality in the network. Strengthen the standardization construction of environmental monitoring stations and equipment, guaranteed on business premises, staffing, further push forward standardization construction of environmental monitoring and enforcement capability, e nviron

126、mental emergency response. (C) the total emissions of major pollutants according to the Fuzhou issued by emission reduction goal and plan of the 2015 total emissions of major pollutants in our County, and project implementation of emission reduction24、一张长方形纸的涂红色,涂蓝色。没涂色的占这张纸的几分之几?25、小明和爸爸、妈妈乘火车到青岛去玩,每张火车票215 元,回来还乘火车,这次旅游买火车票一共花了多少钱?26、一架航班飞机上午:从南昌出发,上午:到达乌鲁木齐。已知这架飞机的每小时飞行千米,问从南昌到乌鲁木齐有多少千米?27、三()班有名女生,名男生,每人分一个学习小组,可以分成几个学习小组?还多几人?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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