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1、关于 AESC 锂电池性能的调查报告姓名:孙继国学号:13120023 专业: 控制理论与控制科学班级:研 13 电气指导老师:秦岭精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 15 页一、公司简介 : Company Name Automotive Energy Supply Corporation (AESC) 汽车能源供 应公司Location 2-10-1 Hironodai, Zama City Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan 252-0012 Business Description Research

2、, develop, manufacture, and sell high performance lithium-ion batteries for automotive applications 研究,开发,制造,以及汽车应用销售高性能 锂离子电池Established April 19, 2007 Capital 2.345 billion yen (capital reserve of 2.345 billion yen) 资产: 2.345 十亿日元Capital Contribution Ratio Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.: 51% 日产汽车有限公司:51NE

3、C Corporation: 42% NEC 公司: 42NEC Energy Devices, Ltd.: 7% NEC 能源设备有限公司:7Representative Representative Director and President Shigeaki Kato Number of Employees Approximately 500 (As of March 31, 2014) Sales Approximately 43.8 billion yen (FY2012) 约 43.8十亿日元( 2012 年度)Organization 二、主要产品特点 : 精选学习资料 - -

4、 - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 15 页1.该公司的锂电池在汽车应用中性能优越AESC 的锂离子电池的最主要特点是:(1) 采用高稳定锰酸锂在阴极(2) 采用轻巧,紧凑,叠层电池结构,具有良好的散 热性。其结果是,从 AESC展览兼具高 稳定性和先 进性能的 锂离子电池,可以很容易地在 车辆中装载,并且也是最佳的 电池在成本方面 。2.采用锰锂酸使其电池的安全性更好,价格更低廉。采用锰酸锂的好处是:锰酸锂晶体结构比较稳定,没有过充电状态,而且锰储量丰富,价格稳定3.轻巧,简洁,叠层的电池结构,具有良好的散热性其锂电池结构:阴极,通过在铝箔上

5、涂覆的锰酸锂制成,阳极,通过涂覆在铜箔上的碳材料形成,交替地层叠具有夹着隔膜,然后用层压薄膜的密封结构。该结构使电池表面积大,呈片状,结构简单,因而良好的散热性,并允许自由的设计电池形状,以适应在加载电池装入车辆。做到了汽车应用中良好性价比。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 15 页三、AESC 的主要产品AESC 的主要产品为: electric vehicles (EV) 锂电池和hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) 由于电动汽车和混合动力汽车对电池的要求不同,这两种锂电池在材料、 结构和性能上

6、各不相同。 EV 电动汽车电池设计为高容量型电池,这样可以实现单次充电后续航能力。而 HEV 混合动力汽车则被设计为高输出型电池这样可以提高瞬间传输电力。1.AESC 高容量锂电池(支持快速充电)由于电动汽车仅由5 车载电池提供能量,必须具有大容量电池,实现大续航能力;另外,当出行时,必须具有快速充电能力。AESC 锂电池可实现 30Ah 或更高的电池容量,这是普通手机锂电池的1030 倍。该类电动汽车锂电池主要有以下3 中型号:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 15 页(1)高能电池单元 Lithium-ion cell

7、:High energy cell 具有高散热和高能量密度的特点,其阴极和电极分层layering cathodes and electrodes ,形状为 290mm 216mm,结构紧凑,容量大。混合了锂镍氧化物的锂锰阴极使电池的稳定性好,寿命长,并且由于电池的层叠结构使电池的表面积大,散热性能好。(2)模块:高能量模块Module:High energy module 该模块具有紧凑的形状,增加了装载在车辆上的效率。通过4 个锂电池单元通过 2 并联,2 串联装在金属盒中制成,这样既可以避免锂电池单元振动,又可以灵活的包装为简单紧凑的形状。该模块在日产尼桑和其他汽车中广泛采用精选学习资料

8、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 15 页(3)高能量电池组Pack:High energy battery pack 该电池组可以实现为车辆量身定制设计通过连接多个模块的传感器,控制器,以及其他元件,然后容纳单元中的自定义设计用于每个车型。由 48 个电池模块连接成的电池组已在日产尼桑和the Renault Kangoo上使用,具有 360V的输出电压和 24kWh的容量,可供一个标准家庭2 天使用。具体结构如下:Voltage, temperature, and such are constantly monitored by

9、sensors attached to the modules in the pack. The data is sent from the battery controller to the vehicle control unit via a CAN (Controller Area Network).When a vehicle is maintenanced at a service factory, the circuit is interrupted by operating the SDSW (Service Disconnect Switch) so that work can

10、 be safely performed. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 15 页2.AESC 混合动力汽车用高输出锂电池混合动力电动汽车( HEV )是由发动机和电动机的组合供能。当车辆第一次启动或其他时间需要一个大的转矩移动时,需要电动机和发动机共同驱动;而在其他时间,驱动能量被回收并用于对电池进行充电。因此,该电池特别注重电池的瞬加输出电能的能力。 AESC 生产的 HEV锂电池具有结构紧凑,重量轻,并且可提供远超其他公司锂电池的高输出能力。主要有以下三种型号:(1)高能电池单元Lithium-ion cell:

11、High energy cell 该单元高散热和高功率密度的特点,形状为290mm 216mm ,由层叠阴极,电极和分离器包装在一起组成。由于采用了层叠结构,该单元散热性能好。阴极由锂镍氧化物掺入锂锰材料组成,阳极材料采用无定形碳。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 15 页(2)高能模块 Module:High energy module 该模块具有紧凑的形状, 增加了装载在车辆上的效率,由 8 个 HEV 单元连接后装在金属盒中组成,可以避免HEV 单元受振,又可以灵活的包装为简单紧凑的形状(3)高能量电池组Pack:H

12、igh energy battery pack 该电池组可以实现为车辆量身定制设计,通过连接多个模块的传感器,控制器,以及其他元件,然后容纳单元中的自定义设计用于每个车型的情况下形成的。由12 个 HEV模块连接组成的电池组已在Nissan Fuga Hybrid and the Nissan CIMA上使用,具有 1.4kWh的容量和 346V的输出电压。为四、技术支持精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 15 页AESC inherited the results of R&D conducted by both Niss

13、an and the NEC Group and has reached the stage of real world applications with our batteries now being used in mass production vehicles. With these results, we have established a foundation of mass production capabilities and products that exhibit not only cost performance but also performance and q

14、uality that are backed by the safety performance that is essential for automotive applications. With this foundation, AESC will continue to endeavor to provide advanced lithium-ion battery products to a wide range of customers around the world. 1.采用理想的锰系阴极材料(AESCs Manganese Spinel Cathode Material)

15、与其他阴极材料的锂电池对比,锰系锂电池安全性好,性价比更高。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 15 页(1)Manganese Spinel Structure that is Stable Even with Overcharging When lithium-ion batteries are charged, lithium ions move from the cathode material to the anode material.Because lithium manganate is a spinel s

16、tructure with the manganese in a lattice shape, the material remains stable even when charging. (2)Manganese, a material with abundant reserves and a stably low price. Manganese has become an important material in AESCs lithium-ion batteries, and compared to nickel and cobalt, which are classified a

17、s rare metals, abundant reserves of manganese have been confirmed. Therefore, manganese is inexpensive, and the price remains stable. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 15 页2. 采用层叠结构形式,实现了散热好,重量轻,结构紧凑的特点。AESCs cell is a sheet shaped cell that is sealed by a laminate film.Because o

18、f the broad surface area, the cells demonstrate excellent heat dissipation, and because of their simple, compact structure, the cells provide a high degree of design freedom to accommodate loading the batteries into a vehicle.AESCs lithium-ion batteries (cells) for both EV and HEV applications featu

19、re a structure in which cathodes and anodes are alternately stacked with a separator sandwiched between and then sealed with a laminate film. The batteries are able to achieve a large capacity even while having an extremely compact shape. In addition, because of the simple structure, the batteries a

20、re lightweight and maintain a competitive advantage from a cost perspective as well.A laminated cell structure that boasts of advanced heat dissipation compared to conventional cylindrical cells.Because the laminated cell has a broad surface area, the cell is better able to dissipate heat, and incre

21、ases in the overall temperature of the cell due to charging and discharging can be kept low.Therefore, vehicles that adopt batteries from AESC can simplify countermeasures against heat. 3.Mechanism behind rechargeable lithium-ion batteries Why do the batteries repeatedly charge and discharge? 精选学习资料

22、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 15 页Lithium-ion batteries typically use a lithium metal oxide in the cathode and a carbon-based material in the anode. The lithium-ion batteries produced by AESC use lithium manganate in the cathode and a carbon-based material in the anode. When the ba

23、tteries are charging, electrons move from the cathode to the anode, and lithium ions move from the cathode and into the carbon-based material of the anode. If the cathode and the anode are connected in this state, lithium ions flow from the anode and return to the cathode, and the electrons travel t

24、hrough the connection to the cathode and combine with the lithium ions. When this occurs, an electric current is generated from the cathode to the anode. Superiority of lithium-ion batteries compared to other batteries.The basic performance (energy density, power density, etc.) of a battery includin

25、g the voltage is determined almost entirely by the combination of metals used in the cathode and anode. Comparing voltages, the lead-acid storage battery used in vehicles has a voltage of 2V with a combination that includes the use of lead dioxide in the cathode and lead in the anode. (Vehicles use

26、12V batteries that are configured by connecting six of these 2V batteries in a series.) NiCad (Ni-Cd) batteries have a voltage of 1.2V using a combination of nickel hydroxide in the cathode and cadmium hydroxide in the anode, and nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries have a voltage of 1.2V using a

27、combination of nickel hydroxide in the cathode and a hydrogen storage alloy in the anode. In contrast, the voltage of lithium-ion batteries is in a range of 3.23.8V , which means that a voltage that is three times higher than that of NiCad batteries and Ni-MH batteries can be obtained. In addition,

28、the energy density of lithium-ion batteries is also superior with a volume energy density that is roughly 1.5 times that of Ni-MH batteries and a weight energy density that is roughly double. Therefore, if the batteries are of the same capacity, the rechargeable lithium-ion battery can be fabricated

29、 with a more 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 15 页compact, lightweight design with just two-thirds the volume of the Ni-MH battery and half the weight. 4. 加工过程五、公司荣誉精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 15 页附录:主要产品特点 : 1. AESC s lithium-ion batteries offer optimu

30、m performance for automotive applications (1)the use of high stability lithium manganate in the cathode (2) the adoption of a lightweight, compact, laminated cell structure with good heat dissipation. As a result, lithium-ion batteries from AESC exhibit both high stability and advanced performance,

31、can be easily loaded in a vehicle, and are also the optimum battery in terms of cost. 2.Adoption of lithium manganese enables advanced safety performance and lower costs Some benefits of lithium manganate, which is used by AESC as a cathode material, include (1) the fact that it is safe with a cryst

32、alline structure that does not change even in an overcharged stated, and (2) that manganese reserves are abundant and the market price is stable. 3.A lightweight,compact,liminated cell structure with good heat dissipation AESCs cells feature a structure in which cathodes, formed by coating lithium m

33、anganate on an aluminum foil, and anodes, formed by coating a carbon material on copper foil, are alternately stacked with a separator sandwiched between and then sealed with a laminate film. The features include a broad surface area, a sheet-like shape, and a simple structure, and because of these

34、features, the cells demonstrate good heat dissipation and allow for a high degree of freedom in the design of the battery shape to accommodate loading the batteries into a vehicle. AESCs batteries also demonstrate the high performance that is needed for automotive use while remaining low in cost. AE

35、SC 的主要产品为: electric vehicles (EV) 锂电池和 hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) AESC produces batteries for electric vehicles (EV) and batteries for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). Both are types of lithium-ion batteries, but because battery requirements differ for EV and HEV applications, the materials, stru

36、ctures, and performance also differ. The batteries for EV use are designed as high capacity type batteries in order to extend the distance that can be driven on a single charge, while HEV batteries are designed as high output type batteries that can instantaneously transfer a large amount of power.

37、1.AESCs high capacity lithium-ion batterie for EV applications supports rapid charging Electric vehicles are powered only by the energy that is stored in the on-board batteries. Therefore, EV batteries must be designed as large capacity batteries so that vehicles can travel long distances on a singl

38、e charge. In addition, sometimes electric vehicles must be charged away from home, so the batteries must be capable of being charged with a rapid charger. The cell capacity of AESCs lithium-ion batteries lithium-ion batteriefor EV applications is 30Ah or greater, which is 10-30 times the capacity of

39、 lithium-ion batteries for smart phones. (1)Lithium-ion cell:High energy cell Superior Heat Dissipation and High Energy Density are Achieved 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 15 页AESCs cells for EV applications are formed by layering cathodes and electrodes and then packing them

40、in a laminate pack. The cells are sheet shaped with a dimension of 290mm 216mm, and while they are compact, they also demonstrate large capacity. Stability is ensured and a long life span and large capacity are realized by blending lithium nickel oxide with a cathode material that is based on lithiu

41、m manganese.Another characteristic of AESCs cells is the excellent heat dissipation that results from the laminated structure with a wide surface area. (2)Module:High energy module A Compact Shape that Increases the Efficiency of Loading in Vehicles The modules for EV use are formed by connecting 4

42、cells in a 2-series, 2-parallel formation and then housing the unit in metal case. The case functions to protect the cells from vibration and such and also increases the flexibility of the pack design because of its simple, compact shape. The EV modules adopted in the Nissan Leaf and other vehicles

43、feature a 2-series, 2-parallel formation, but applications with a 4-series formation are also possible. (3)Pack:High energy battery pack Vehicle Tailored Designs are Possible The pack is formed by connecting multiple modules to sensors, a controller, and other components and then housing the unit in

44、 a case custom designed for each vehicle model.The battery packs for both the Nissan Leaf and the Renault Kangoo are formed by connecting 48 modules in a series. AESCs modules can be installed vertically or flat, and the pack can be designed with a shape that is tailored to the shape under the vehic

45、le floor.The packs for both the Nissan Leaf and the Renault Kangoo are designed with a voltage of 360V and a capacity of 24kWh and can store electric power that is equivalent to 2 days of electric power used by a standard home. 2AESC s high output lithium -lon battery for HEV applications Hybrid ele

46、ctric vehicles (HEV) are powered by a combination of an engine and an electric motor. When the vehicle first starts to move and at other times when a large amount of torque is required, the battery pack and motor operate to assist the engine, and at other times, driving energy is recovered and used

47、to charge the batteries. Therefore, emphasis is focused on performance that allows the batteries to instantaneously transfer a large amount of electric power.AESCs lithium-ion batteries for HEV applications are compact and lightweight and boast of an overwhelmingly high output. (1)Lithium-ion cell:H

48、igh energy cell Superior Heat Dissipation and High Power Density are Achieved AESCs cells for HEV applications are sheet shaped with a dimension of 290mm216mm and are formed by layering cathodes, electrodes, and separators and then packing them in a laminate pack. Superior heat dissipation is ensure

49、d by adopting a laminated structure. Lithium nickel oxide blended with a base of lithium manganese is adopted for the cathode material, and amorphous carbon is adopted for the anode material. (2)Module:High power module A Compact Shape that Increases the Efficiency of Loading in Vehicles The modules

50、 for HEV use are formed by connecting 8 cells and then housing the unit in a metal case. The case functions to protect the cells from vibration and such and also increases the flexibility of the pack design because of its simple, compact shape. (3)Pack:High energy battery pack Vehicle Tailored Desig

51、ns are Possible The pack is formed by connecting multiple modules to sensors, a controller, and other components and then housing the unit in a case custom designed for each vehicle model. The battery packs for both the Nissan Fuga Hybrid and the Nissan CIMA are formed by connecting 12 modules in a series, and compared to the 24kWh capacity of the battery pack for EV use, the 1.4kWh capacity of the battery back for HEV use is significantly smaller, but the voltage of 346V is about the same 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 15 页



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