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1、定语从句和同位语从句的区别作者:日期 : 定语从句和同位语从句的区别一、定语从句是形容词从句,其作用相当于一个形容词,是用来修饰前面的名词或代词的;同位语从句是名词从句,其作用相当于一个名词,是对前面的名词作进一步解释的。例如:1 We heard the news that he had told her. 我们听到他对她说的消息。2 We heard the news that he had won the game. 我们听到消息他赢得了比赛。例 1 中的 that从句的作用相当于一个形容词,其作用是修饰the news ;例 2 中的 that从句的作用相当于一个名词,是对the ne

2、ws的进一步说明。二、定语从句的引导词在从句中充当一定的成分,可作主语、宾语、状语等;而同位语从句中的引导词在从句只起连接作用,不作任何句子成分。例如:1. A plane is a machine that can fly. 飞机是一种能飞的机器。2. The fact that they didnt finish the work has to be faced. 必须面对事实,他们没有完成工作。例 1 中的引导词that在从句中充当句子成分,作从句的主语,故为定语从句;例2 中的 that只起连接作用,引导从句解释fact的内容,不作任何句子成分,故为同位语从句。三、引导定语从句的关联词

3、在从句中作宾语或状语时,可以省略或被其他词代替;而同位语从句的引导词一般不能省略,更不能被代替。例如:1. The news that she heard is true. 她听到的消息是真的。2. The news that she will go abroad is true. 她将出国这消息是真的。例 1 是定语从句,that可省略;例2 是同位语从句,that不能省略。3. The reason why he was chosen remains unknown. 他为什么被选上的原因还是不清楚。4. The idea why he was chosen attracted our a

4、ttention. 他为什么会被选上,这一想法引起我们的注意。例 3 中 why 引导的是定语从句,why 可以被 for which 或 that 代替;例4 中 why 引导的是同位语从句,why 不能省去,也不能被其它词代替。四、同位语从句与其所修饰的名词之间是一种同位关系,二者之间存在逻辑上的系表关系,可用“主 +系+表”结构来表示。例如:The news that he won the first place is true. 他赢得冠军的那个消息是真的。上句若用“主+系+表”结构来表示,则是: The news is that he won the first place. 消息是

5、他赢得了冠军。意思合理,系表结构成立,故为同位语从句。五、定语从句所修饰、限定的先行词可以是各类名词,可以有复数形式;而同位语从句一般都与抽象名词同位,一般没有复数形式。例如:1. The possibilities that she was offered seemed very great.她得到的可能性似乎大些。2. Her mother was worried about the possibility that her daughter dislike to go to school. 她的母亲很担心,她女儿有可能不喜欢上学。例 1 中的 possibilities是定语从句的先行词

6、,可用复数形式;例2 中的 possibility是抽象名词,后接的是同位语从句,一般不用复数形式。六、由 when, why, where引导的定语从句分别修饰或说明表示时间、原因或地点的词,但它们引导的同位语从句一般不和表示时间或地点的词同位。例如:1. I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 我仍然记得初次来北京的那天。2. I have no idea when she will be back. 我不知道她何时回来。3. This is the house where I lived two years ago.

7、这是我两年前住的房子。4. The question where we shall have a meeting hasnt decided. 我们到什么地方去开会,这个问题没有决定。例 1、3 中的 when和 where 引导的是定语从句,day 和 house 分别表示时间和地点;例2、4 中的 when和 where 引导的是同位语从句。同位语从句练习题1.Th at _ he orksard iswellknwn to us all. t at B.w at C.why D.whic he fa _ he as succssful oves hi abilty. A. hat B.w

8、h t C which .why 3.Th ew _ h w idnapped surpi e us greatly. . hat B.that C.w y D.when .Hi sug stion _ e ting e de yed as turned down. wich .th C/ D t . ve n idea _ e wi l start. A whe B. a wat ./ 6. e come from the overnment with a m ssge _ the meeting wot be he d orrow Aif B tha .wet r D.which .Th

9、thought _ig fail in he am wori him. A.wen B.wh h C. hat D hat 8.The oder _ e risoner b set fr e rri ed t late. A whi h B.wheth r C.th t D. hat 9.Th urse a e t yin t e r be t re ue e paie ts fear _ e ould di o the sease. A t a B.as o whi h D.which 10. of en asked m the question _ the w rk a wor h doi

10、ng A.wheth r were C.thaDwhe名词性从句一、语法知识( 一), 主语从句 1, 由 what 等代词引导的从句 , 表示”所的 ( 东西)”, 实际上等于一个现行词加上一个定语从句 . 也可以由 eer 等代词引导 . Wat they are al ing abut is not ing valua le. ?Wh I really want is to have a ood res . Whater sh did is wrng. Wer passe t e exam aget 50 y an. Whoever sed to h e oth r name rae o

11、ur an.?2, 由 a引导的从句,通常用形式主语来代替at he a di apered orries hs prent . It worrihi pa nt that h ha isappear d. ? It is not l kely that e cw the lottery It i big surp is at he is till l e.?3, 由连接代词或连接副词或whther 引导的从句 When shwill be ba till ust on. ? Werte had ut the es t led the sy Wther he wil t ke ar in th

12、e ay is l a. ?het er or n s wll o o Jan is up to her. ?( 二), 宾语从句 1 , 由连接代词或副词引起的从句. lease sow me how to make him happ? I dnt now who did al the caing. ?ae y u decided whom y u will tke to Autr lia? Sh stil wderd hen she wou d le v s hoo. ? a oderi whether/if e dr is too shorte advise m whic books I

13、 shou d ead. 还可以做介词的宾语 . The i ger s i wrr es abo t w ere t l ve. ?Te price epends on ho many you ll by. 2, 由关系代词型 what 等代词引起的从句 ? I w ll tel you wha now.?We llgive whatevr help you need? I plan to ad whchver book you recommend. ? H s f her was sat sfied with w t e ha. ?She aked up t I ood. 3 ,由hat

14、引起的从句 , 在 bei ve, hink, supoe 后常不加 t at. ?在 t ink, elieve, spose, expect 等动词引起的宾语从句中 , 有时谓语尽管是否定意思 , 也只将前面的词否定 I n hink you n beat . He d esnt expe t we nee worry. ?有时在宾语和谓语之间可以插入一个间接宾语或状语 . Sh reminded e t a had a mti g ttend. The explaind to s at t ey di n mean to make s angry. 有时在这种带有复合宾语的句子中, th

15、 引起的从句常常移到后面,前面用一个作为形式宾语. tho ht i v r mpos ble t at se ould c me. The too it or graned ha th s ngwas min. ?(三), 表语从句是接在系动词后面的宾语从句( 四), 同位语从句 , 在 i a, fact rumr ,ne, pe,belif , thou t, doub等等词后面 , 常常用 tha 或连接代词或副词引导从句.? had no idea th he wer i t plane. He et e messg hat e oud uy m a tick to he r ck

16、concert The ews that we will hv a on-mn vaca ion is not true. ? 二、练习与检测1 _ w ned m e rcti e is uite cle r. ? hn B What?C Ta D. / 2. _ accept gift or refuse i i non of y ur busine s. A. I B. Whether . ve f D. mater wen ?3 _ nows the truh about it il tell ou. A. ho t t B. That Whoe e DTha who 4. _ he

17、i doin seems qte if cul . ?A. How B. Th Which Dhat 5. _ ceta n that hi nvenion ill l ad to th delopmt of prouction. A. h . s is ?C. s D. Wt s6. _ tha there is nhr god harest th s year ?A I say B. It i aid ?C It wa ad DHe was si . _ tha h h s eceived a dctor s deg ee.?A. t s splendid news B. his l nd

18、 news C I s s eni n s D. This is s l nd news ?8 It is str nge _?A. that no sho ld like his oo?B. tha no on i ed this book C. that w y n o e l ks th s b k? . h n ne l ke t s book t i sugg sted that the experiment _ ue lo t pe e?. ma es B. i make? . houd b mae D. ill mad?0. _ stil ne ds t be di cussed

19、?A. How is the plan o be caried ou? B. ow h l n t cai d ou C. Wh is the plan carried ou?D. Why the plan carried ut?11. _ is unknown o us all. . Whee di she ut it B. Whe he pt it C Tha here sh put it D In whih she t 12 _ nothing to do wit us. ?A. Wat e did is B. hat he h one is ? Wha d he do h D. hat

20、 e has don has . hats _ he Party calld on us to do.?A. what B. at C. h D. w y 4. Se ooked _ she were e y ars younger.? . that Blike C. as D. s ouh?15 . he r s I have to go is _if I do . ?Ahat she will be disappointed ? . becuse she wl b isa poi ted C occn f h r being dspoi ed? D. ta s ill e disapp i

21、nting 16 I as _ _ he w re ard t he s cceeded. A beca se B. snce a D. for 17. It eeme th t he gi l _? A. ad lost iportan some hin . had losomething pot n C. ost mpo tant things . ost somethi imp tan ?8 The f _ he is an advanced orker is well kon. A at . w ch C. th t D. why?1 . The c _ in he pst ew ya

22、s proes t our ar s policyi co rec . ?A. t at great chie em nt was ae?B. which eat a hi vm t we e made C. wha ha e been mde at gr ahevent have been mad ?20 I hav no idea _ A. hat does h wrd “in inity” me n?B wat the wor“nfi ty ”means C. what e meaning f t e wrd “infinity”? D. t the ord “nfi i ” mea21

23、. His ugesti n _ to see the art exhbtio in rt d eve y one f u. A. ha we go B. which e sh ul go C that e wuld go D he e houl go . I ll c rta nly tel th Eperor _ _ pleased I am ith i. A. how B. w at ho D. whom 3. I w ner _ he asked such a i ly question ubl. ?A. how hat C hat D why ?2 . _ do yo hnk w l

24、l teach s ths net term? ? A Whom . Who?C. Wt D. at?25 . will giv this dct nary to _ ants o have it. ?A. whome er B. whoever . wh m . hateve 2. D _ t n i right _ dff cult es you m y have. what/heve . tha /wha C. wh te er/wh ever D. at/w ate er ?2 Are yu se _? A. het er she is hnest B. ha she s honey?

25、C. she i onst . s se honest 8. H w i terest i _ he hd se n at he exhbt on ?A. whic . ht ? C. all ha D. all th t?29 of n hinks of _ h ca do ore for the four moderniati n. wha . ho?C. t at hich 30. Take _ h yoant and _yu want to. A ho ee/whe Beever how ? C. hoe /whoeer D howeer/whenev r 三、练习与检测答案1CCDC

26、 6 10 BCA B1115 BDADA1AB D?125 AADBB 26 DCD D 二、用适当的连词填空:1 I cadecide _ _ dic onay I shoul uy. 2. Thats _ h r f sed y i vt tion. 3. I am very interested in _ has proved his ronuiation suc a sort tme. 4. _ _ we e is m re time. . The ct _ _ she ad no aid an hing t me tin surprse ever boy. 6. _ and _ _

27、 t ey wl ee h s n t eedecided ye . . Please ell me _ you re waitin for . s tha _ _you re looking fr? 9. ould yo p ease el me _ _h ares post of ce s? 0. I dot _ _ he wil age o the plan or ot 定语从句 练习改错?1Th s i the f ctr whreweviitd lat w ek. 2This i the watcho hch Tm looking.?3The pesn t wo you pok is

28、 astudntofGra e T o 4. T hous hat we l ve is ve ymall ?. Thesungies off lightad armth, tha kes it possi or lans to gro . ?6 . I v read a lth boks wicI boro e rom th li rary.?7 Th s is thebestfilm which I v eersen. 8. yatherand Mr m th aled a ut t ingsand p rsoswho hey rem mbei heco ty9. Eveythi g hi

29、h we aw was of gr ineet. 10. Hi do, that was w very ol ,e me ll and d e? . The esn wh ch he ngoto schoolis that he as ll. 12. ose wo wns to go ith me p t ur ha d. 3. The b y, hs motherdid last yea, tud es v yhard.?14 I hve twoisters, th of hardctors.?1 Weregoin to vi it th cholwher yor br thr orks th re. 16. He i the ony n o thesudentsho h e ben i ted teE liE ening. ?1 Th s the way w c ey rk 1. Tho e ave estions can ak t teachers or a ce. 19. sth mn w o h s h t hirs?20 . I wi lever f rget th as wh h w hd a ooimetogthera the sea.



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