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1、Introduction practiceHomeworkArtists and worksChinese paintersGreat BuildingsChinese paper artPabol PicassoWassily KandinskyDavid HockneyRoy LichtensteinworksworksworksworksPicasso Born Pablo Blasco on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain, to Jos Ruiz Blasco, and Maria Picasso-whose name he took after
2、 1901. Picasso is largely considered one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. He is best known as the inventor of the revolutionary art style, principally Cubism; and for his contributions as a sculptor, painter, and designer. Guernica(1937)wasPicassosresponsetothebombingofamost
3、lycivilianSpanishvillaintheBasqueregionbyGermansalliesofSpanishdictatorFranciscoFranco.瓦西里瓦西里康定斯基康定斯基(WassilyKandinsky)第一个真正尝试将音乐展现在画布上的艺术家就是当时身居慕尼黑的俄国艺术家瓦西里康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky,1866-1944)。康定斯基出生于莫斯科,他早年学习了钢琴和大提琴,因此音乐对于他而言是开启艺术之门的一把金钥匙。 AboutKandinsky Wassily Kandinsky was born in Russia 1866. A p
4、ainter and writer on art he was one of the most important pioneers of abstract art, abandoning a promising university career teaching law to travel to Munich in 1896 to study painting. In 1901 he was one of the founders of an avant-garde society called Phalanx, which was the main forum for Art Nouve
5、au in Germany. His pictures combined features of Art Nouveau with his memories of Russian folk art, to which he added a fauve-like intensity of colour. By 1908 he had begun to eliminate the representational element from his work and by 1913 had arrived at pure abstraction. BorninYorkshirein1937,Davi
6、dHockneywasassociatedwiththePopArtmovementwhichemergedinBritainandtheUnitedStatesintheearlypartofthesixties.Heisnowanimportantrealistpainterofportraitsandexoticlandscapes.DavidHockney(1937-present) RoyLichtenstein羅依羅依 李奇登斯坦李奇登斯坦PopArt普普(流行)藝術畫家普普(流行)藝術畫家Roy LichtensteinAmerican Pop Artist, 1923-1997
7、Pop Art is an involvement with what I think to be the most brazen and threatening characteristics of our culture, things we hate, but which are also powerful in their impingement on us.- RoyLichtenstein, quoted in Art News, November 1963practiceWordstudyListeningSpeakingLearn the Key Words about pai
8、nting:Style: realistic abstract pop cubistSubject: landscape portrait warColours: light dark bright softShapes: round geometric squareLines: straight wavy clearWordstudyGuernica- PicassoImprovisation28-WassilyKandinskyAbiggersplash-DavidHockneyIknowBrad-RoyLichtensteinListeningLISTEN AND IDENTIFY TH
9、E PAINTINGS.1.I definitely think this ones the_. The woman looks so_. It looks like shes _and her eyes are almost watching you. Even though the painting is quite_, it feels like it is_.2._, I think this one is_. Its got very strong lines and you can almost feel the music. And the colours-theyre grea
10、t theyre really bright. I like _because you have to use your own imagination to understand what the painter is trying to do. I think.3.This ones my_. It shows _really well with the dark, dark colours and the terrible pictures. The lines and shapes are_. They show violence and pain. Look at the horse
11、 and the mother with her dead child. Its a very _ painting because 4.Well, I think this ones the best. I really like the _and the _. I love the color of the water in the swimming pool. The styles strange its_, but very simple at the same time.Listenandfilltheblanks.bestpeacefulkeeping a secretdarkgo
12、odPersonallyfull of lightabstract paintingsfavoritesquare and hardwarfrighteningbright colorsclear linesrealisticWORK IN PAIRS: 1. TALK ABOUT THE PAINTINGS. WHICH OF THEM DO YOU LIKE MOST? WHY? 2. WHAT KIND OF ART DO YOU PREFER? WHY?SpeakingNewwondersAncientWondersTHEDOGESPALACEEileanDonanCastleChryslerBuildingLazienkiParkAncientWondersNewwondersTHEDOGESPALACE意大利威尼斯公爵(总督)宫意大利威尼斯公爵(总督)宫EileanDonanCastle(Scotland)ChryslerBuildingNewYorkLazienkiPark湖上公園湖上公園(蕭邦紀念公園蕭邦紀念公園)http:/ the new words.Prepare for lesson21.