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1、全面解析土工布(中英文版)A comprehensive analysis of geotextile ( in English) 土工布是土工合成材料大家族中的一员,大量用于公路、 铁路、水利、大型建筑、电厂灰坝建设、有色金属尾矿处理、环保工程、水土保持等方面。应用工程:水利工程建设:海堤、江堤、湖堤达标工程;水库加固工程;滩涂围垦工程;防汛抢险。Geotextiles geosynthetics is a member of the large family of widely used in highway, railway, water conservancy, constructio

2、n, large, power plant ash dam construction, non-ferrous metal tailings disposal, environmental engineering, soil and water conservation. Application: the construction of water conservancy project: the seawall, dyke, Lake embankment project target; reservoir reinforcement engineering; reclamation pro

3、ject; flood control. 土工布原料是涤纶、 晴纶、锦纶等高分子聚合物的合成纤维. 按照制造方法分为 :有纺土工布和无纺土工布两种类型. 一般工程主要是使用的无纺土工布. 土工布具有防渗、反滤、排水、隔离、加固、防护、密封等多种功能, 它与常规的砌石及砼材料防渗效果相比 , 具有投资低 , 施工工艺简单 , 工期短 , 防渗效果好 , 渠道有效利用系数高等优点 , 如咸阳市渭河堤防工程施工中, 有针对性地对两段河堤 , 分别采用土工布与传统方法施工. 经过两种施工方案进行比较, 使用土工布修筑的500m河堤, 共投资 20.55 万元, 投劳 1.56 万个工日 . 而用传统方

4、案修筑同样长度河堤, 则需投资 27.37 万元, 投劳 1.84 万个工日 , 两方案相比较 , 运用土工布新材料后, 投资、投劳可分别降低25% 和 15%.宝鸡峡灌区东四支渠节水改造、北干渠72km抢险工程中成功使用了这种新型材料, 不仅取得了明显的防渗效果, 而且降低投资 , 缩短了工期 , 可谓一举多得 . 土工布具有很好的防渗隔离作用. The geotextile material is synthetic fiber polyester, acrylic, nylon and other high molecular polymer. According to the manu

5、facturing methods are divided into: there are two types of nonwoven geotextiles and geotextile. General engineering is the use of nonwoven geotextile, geotextile has cut-off, filtration, drainage, isolation, and multifunctional solid, protection, sealing, compared with the masonry and concrete anti-

6、seepage effect of conventional, has the advantages of low investment, simple construction process, short construction period, good anti-seepage effect, channel advantages of effective utilization coefficient, such as Xianyang Weihe dike engineering, the two section of riverbank, respectively geotext

7、iles and traditional methods of construction. After two kinds of construction schemes are compared, the use of geotextile built the 500m River, a total investment of 205500 yuan, 15600 man-days labor. While the traditional scheme to build the same length of embankments, need to invest 273700 yuan, l

8、abor 18400 work day, two schemes compared, using geotextile new materials, investment, labor is the new material success using reduced 25% and 15%. of Baoji Gorge Irrigation District East Branch Canal water-saving transformation, respectively, the north channel 72km emergency project, not only achie

9、ved obvious seepage prevention effect, and reduce the investment, shorten the construction period, Can kill. Geotextile has cutoff effect very well. 土工布产品特点 . Geotextile product features. 1、强力高 , 由于使用塑料扁丝 , 在干湿状态下都能保持充分的强力和伸长. 1, high strength, due to the use of plastic tape, can maintain sufficient

10、 strength and elongation in dry and wet conditions. 2、耐腐蚀 , 在不同的酸碱度的泥土及水中能长久地耐腐蚀. 2, corrosion resistance, long corrosion in soil and water in different pH value. 3、透水性好在扁丝间有空隙 , 故有良好的渗水性能 . 3, good water permeability, a void in the flat, so the seepage performance is good. 4、抗微生物性好对微生物、虫蛀均不受损害. 4,

11、microbial resistance were not affected by the damage to the good microbes, insects. 5、施工方便 , 由于材质轻、柔 , 故运送、铺设、施工方便 . 5, construction is convenient, because the material is light, soft, so transporting, laying, construction is convenient. 6、规格齐全 : 幅宽可达 6 米. 是目前国内最宽产品 , 单位面积质量:100-600g/ . 6, complete

12、specifications: width up to 6 meters, is currently the most wide products, mass per unit area: 100-600g/ square meters. 当前土工布的用途 : Use of the geotextiles: 1、水利工程 : 海堤、江堤、湖堤达标工程; 水库加固工程 ; 围垦工程 ; 防汛抢险. 1, water conservancy project: the seawall, dyke, Lake embankment project target; reservoir reinforce

13、ment engineering; reclamation project; flood control. 2、公路铁路航空港工程 : 软基加固处理 ; 边坡防护 ; 路面防反射裂缝结构层 ;排水系统 ; 绿化隔离带 . 2, highway and railway airport project: reinforcement of soft foundation treatment; slope protection; pavement reflection crack structure layer; drainage system; green belt separation. 3、电工

14、工程 : 核电站基础工程 ; 火电灰坝工程 ; 水电站工程 . 3, electrical engineering : basic project of nuclear power plant; thermal power plant ash dam project; hydropower project. 4、港口航道工程 : 港口4: port, port and Waterway Engineering 土工布安装施工注意事项的要点: Geotextile construction attention points: 1. 土工布只能用土工布刀进行切割(钩刀),如在场地内切割,对其他材料

15、须采取特殊保护措施,以防由于切割土工布而对其造成不必要的损坏;Geotextiles used 1 geotextile can only knife ( hook ), such as cutting in the field, on other materials shall take special protective measures, to prevent the cutting of geotextile and its cause unnecessary damage; 2. 在铺设土工布的同时, 必须采取一切必要措施, 以防止对下面一层材料造成破坏;2 in the layi

16、ng of the geotextile and at the same time, we must take all necessary measures to prevent damage, below a layer of material; 3. 在铺设土工布时,必须注意不要让石头、 大量尘土或水分等有可能破坏土工布、有可能阻塞排水渠或过滤网、 或有可能给接下来的连接带来困难的物质进入土工布或土工布的下面;3 in the laying of the geotextile, must now pay attention not to let the stone, a lot of du

17、st or moisture may damage the geotextile, likely blocked drains or filter, or may bring difficulty to the next connection material into the geotextiles and geotextile; 4. 安装结束后, 对所有土工布表面进行目测以确定所有损坏的地主,作上标记并进行修补,确定铺设表面没有可以造成损坏的外来物质,如断针等异物;4 after completion of the installation, all the geotextile sur

18、face was visually to identify all damage to the landlord, marked and repair, identify the laying surface can not cause foreign material damage, such as broken needle and other foreign bodies; 5. 土工布的连接必须遵循以下规定:正常情况下,坡面上不能有水平连接(连接须沿坡面的轮廓不与其相交),除修补的地方以外。6. 如采用缝合,缝合线须采用与土工布材质相同或超过的材料,缝合线须为防化学紫外线的材持。缝合线

19、与土工布应有明显的色差,以便于检查。5 geotextiles connection must comply with the following provisions: under normal circumstances, the slope can not be connected ( connected to be along the slope contour is not its intersection ), in addition to repair. 6 such as the use of suture, suture and geotextile material sha

20、ll be used for the same or more than material, suture line must be chemical UV material holding. Suture line and geotextile should have clear off color, in order to check. 7. 安装时对缝合特别注意以确保没有泥土或砾石覆盖层中的砾石进入土工布中间。7 installation of suture special attention to ensure that no dirt or gravel layer of gravel into the geotextile intermediate.中兴土工布 !



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