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1、学习必备欢迎下载课 时 教 案授课章节及题目Unit 2 Our Living Environment授课时间第 3 周课次6 学 时12 教学目标与要求1. Enlarge the students vocabulary relating to living environment2. Improve students speaking ability through class discussion3. Make students know the importance of environmental protection 教学重点与难点1. The usage of words and

2、 expressions 2. Grammar: The adverbial clause of time 3. Writing: writing a note of apology 4. Listening: pay attention to the listening skills and contents. 教学用具教科书,讲义,教案,PPT,黑板,粉笔教学过程环节、时间授课内容教学方法Lead-in (20 min)Warm-up Discussion :1. What suggestions do you have for environmental protection? Hint

3、: The environment can be protected if (1) people understand the importance of environmental protection (2) everyone makes his or her own surroundings clean (3) we create a beautiful environment for people to protect. 2. Do you know any pollution nowadays? What are the reasons? (1) Noise pollution (2

4、) Air pollution (3) Light pollution (4) Water pollution 3. What can college students do to contribute to a beautiful and comfortable living environment? Discussion精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载Background information (10 min) Environment protection is an important is

5、sue for people all over the world. Making our living environment beautiful and comfortable depends on our care and attention. People are concerned with the pollution of air, water, food, etc., while noise has great impact on us, too. It affects people s daily lives and health. Measures have been tak

6、en to reduce the noise around us. While enjoying the benefits of modern technology, mankind is also playing a high price. One example is the plastic bag, which has brought great convenience to people but has also done huge environmental damage. “ White pollution ” results from a combination of facto

7、rs, including China s fast consumption patterns. Promoting people s environmental consciousness should be give importance. The more they know about how severe “ white pollution”is, the more voluntarily they will help address the problem. ExplanationStudy of words and expressions in Text A (50min) Vo

8、cabulary: 1. accident n. 事故,意外,偶发事件Phrase: by accident 偶然2. trip n.旅行,航行e.g. 1) make a trip 进行旅行2)go on/ take a trip去旅游Synonym: journey n. 旅行,旅程3. step v. 走,踩,踏入n. 步子,步伐Phrase :step by step 按部就班地4. reproduction n. 再现,复制;繁殖e.g. reproduction furniture 仿制家具reproduce v. 再生产,复制,繁殖reproductive adj. 再生产的5.

9、 decorate vt. 装饰,装修e.g. Their house is decorated in the French style.他们的房子装潢是法国式的。Decoration n. Decorative adj. 6. sticky adj. 粘的,粘腻的e.g. The tape is not very sticky.这个胶带不是很粘。Stick v. 粘住,坚持,困住,使为难7. stuff n. 材料 v.填充,塞满,塞住Explanation Discussion Translation精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

10、第 2 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载e.g. 1) green / garden stuff 蔬菜2)sweet stuff 糖果,糕点3)He stuffed his fingers into his ears. 他拿手指塞住耳朵。8. considerate adj. 考虑周到的,体谅的e.g. It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late.你告知我们你会迟一点真是太周到了。Antonym: inconsiderate adj. 不体谅的Consideration n. 考虑;照顾8. li

11、cense n. 执照,特许证vt. 批准,许可,发许可证e.g. 1)license fee 牌照费2)a license to practice medicine 行医执照3)apply for a driving license 申请驾驶执照4)grant a marriage license 颁发结婚证书5) license sb. to practice as a doctor 批准某人做开业医生Licensed adj. 得到许可的,领有执照的Licensee n. 被许可的人,领有执照的人Licenser n. 认可者,发许可证的人9. reserve vt. 保留;预定,预约;

12、储备e.g. A great future is reserved for you. 远大的前程等着你。Reservation n. Make a reservation订座,订房间10. rarity n. 稀有,稀少rare adj. 稀有的,罕见的;稀少的e.g. 1) rare metal 稀有金属2)in rare cases/ on rare occasions 难得,偶尔3)It s very rare for her to miss a day of school. 她一天不上课是很少见的。11. respond vi. 回答,响应,作出反应e.g. Mike responde

13、d to my suggestions with a laugh. 迈克对我提出的建议报以一笑。Response n. Responsive adj. 有响应的,反应灵敏的Language points: by accident 碰巧,偶然e.g. I met my best friend in Nanjing quite by accident. make a trip to 到某处去e.g. He made a trip to Hangzhou to visit his colleague. make sure 确保,确信e.g. I made sure that 精选学习资料 - - -

14、 - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载the front door was locked. in order 整齐, 情况良好e.g. Please put everything in your dormitory in order. put up 张贴e.g. The exam results will be put up on Friday afternoon. hit on 偶然发现 e.g. I have hit on the only error in the whole program. add to 增添,增加e.

15、 g. I gave him a rare Swedish stamp to add to his collection. The moment I stepped into the cab, I realized it was different the moment that sb. does sth.: as soon as sb. does sth. e.g. I will tell him the moment he comes in. Review the new words and expressions, then do the exercises, vocabulary ch

16、eck (part C),page 25. Key: 1. instructions 2. accidentally 3. rarity 4. response 5. reservation 6. spotless inclination 8. decoration Grammar tips and Summary (10 min)时间状语从句(The Adverbial Clause of Time)在英语中,时间状语从句表示时间。可以分成三类:第一,由连词引导的;第二, 由一些表示的时间的短语引导的;第三,由一些关联连词引导的。一 由连词引导的从句这些连词是 as, after, befo

17、re, once, since, till, while, as long as 等e.g. It will warm up a little bit on Sunday as the cold front passes. e.g. As soon as I come back, I will call you. 二由一些表示的时间的短语引导的从句这些短语是the instant, the moment, the minute, the day, every time, each time, next time e.g. The moment he saw her he fell in lov

18、e. e.g. The day he returned home, his father was already dead. 三 由一些关联连词引导的从句这些关联词是hardly when , scarcelywhen, no sooner thane.g. Scarcely had he gone when she appeared. e.g. I had hardly closed my eyes when I heard a shot. Summarize the content of this lesson by reviewing the important points learn

19、t in this lesson. Ask students consider the following two questions: 1. What are the bad effects of pollutions? 2. What can college students do to contribute to a beautiful and comfortable living environment? Assignment and WritingReview what we have learnt today especially the vocabulary. .Ask the

20、students to finish the practice on page 26 Key: 1. I have never met my cousin again since he left Nanjing. 2. Before the next term begins, you each need to make some preparations for the course. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页学习必备欢迎下载3. When Xiao Ming had just arrived at the

21、 airport, it began to rain. 4. We talked while we were playing cards. 5. I decided to buy the book the moment I saw it. 6. Soon after he left, she arrived. It is necessary to teach some writing skills beforehand, and then study the sample. Ask Ss to write a note on the spot. Note-writing: Learn how

22、to write a note of apology. Sep. 10 Dear Mr. Smith, I am very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to meet you this Friday. This morning, manager asked me to go to Beijing on business. I wont return until next Monday. Could we meet next Wednesday afternoon? Please forgive me for an in convenience I may cause you . Sincerely yours, * 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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