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1、第十八讲English Writing Lectures (2007)Lecture One Structure of Composition(结构) Structure of Paragraph Topic Sentence-Supporting Sentences-Concluding Sentence Topic Paragraph-Supporting Paragraphs-Concluding Paragraph Sample One: Levi Strauss developed the blue jeans that have been so popular since the

2、1850s up till today. In 1850 Levi Strauss went west to California with a load of brown canvas to sell in exchange for money to buy a gold chain. When Strauss discovered how quickly miners pants wore out, he decided o use his tent canvas to make sturdy pants. The pants became popular at once, and Str

3、auss decided to manufacture the pants instead of mining gold. Even though the pants were sturdy, the pockets still tore off easily because the miners put lumps of ore in their pockets. Strauss worked with Jacob Davis to use copper rivets to strengthen the pockets. Later, Strauss switched from canvas

4、 material to denim material and used indigo dye to achieve the blue color of jeans. No wonder Levi Strauss is still called Father of Jeans today. Good Topic Sentence is neither too broad nor too narrow. It is supposed to cover the things to be related, no more, no less. Supporting Sentences consist

5、of facts, examples, reasons, quotations and statistics, etc. Concluding Sentence is used to restate the Topic Sentence, or to sum up the point of view of yours. Sample Two When winter comes around, special warnings must first be given to smokers, lonely old people and parents with small children. On

6、e the one hand, people use electric appliances more often to keep warm. Then, gas heaters in bathroom become a must for the old. Smokers, to stay warm, constantly smoke in bed before going to sleep. A burning cigarette butt is very dangerous. For example, the big forest fire in Northeast China fifte

7、en years ago lasted weeks, and caused great losses to the country. The very cause of that fire was a burning cigarette end. One more example, during last Spring Festival, fires broke out every day in my hometown when people of all ages were letting off fireworks and crackers. In dry and windy winter

8、 days. That is playing with fire. Keep in mind that when winter comes around, the biggest Chinese holiday comes with it. And usually, Chinese winter days are dry and windy. These factors account for the constant visits or unexpected fires in that season! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

9、第 1 页,共 12 页Lecture Two Ways of Organization( 组织手法 ) Chronological Order Spatial Order Order of Importance Listing Contrast and Comparison Cause and Effect *Chronological Order Sample A Wet Night Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their test in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, th

10、ey cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang sings by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm an

11、d comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way

12、across the field and then flowed right under their tent! Spatial Order Sample The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home. I like sitting by the Wayle on fine afternoons. It was warm last Sundays, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual. Some children were playing games on

13、 the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat. Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them. The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water. I t

14、urned to look at the children, but there weren t any in sight: they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized what had happened. He called out to the children and threw the ball back to the bank. Cause and Effect Sample The Battle of Midway Island The US navy was fighting against heavy odds

15、 when the Battle of Midway broke out in June 1942. However, it was the Japanese navy that suffered disastrous losses: four giant carriers sank; one heavy warship exploded; 234 aircraft were downed; and 2,200 seamen were drowned or killed. What led to the Japanese failure? A leading factor was the ma

16、rvelous decoding of the Japanese navy plan to attack the Midway Island. The Americans, when intercepting the communication of the Japanese navy, discovered that an island, coded 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页“ AF ” , would soon become the target of a Japanese sneak attack.

17、 However, they had no idea what “ AF” stood for. To obtain further information, the Americans made up a false message saying the Midway Island was short of fresh water. A Japanese submarine intercepted the plain message, and immediately transmitted it to their headquarters, saying that” AF” runs sho

18、rt of fresh water. The transmission enabled the Americans to draw a correct conclusion: the Japanese military activities were aiming at Midway Island. The American military thus got well informed and prepared. The Battle of Midway Island eventually turned out to be the biggest failure for the Japane

19、se Navy in 350 years! It was only six months after the Pearl Harbor Sudden Attack! Contrast and Comparison Sample Kennedy and Lincoln lived in different times and had very different family and educational backgrounds. Kennedy was born in 1917, whereas Lincoln was born more than 100 years earlier, in

20、 1809.As for their family backgrounds, Kennedy came from a rich family, but Lincolns family was not wealthy. Because Kennedy came from a wealthy family, he was able to attend expensive private schools, He graduated from Harvard University. Lincoln, on the other hand, had only one year of formal scho

21、oling. In spite of these differences in Kennedy and Lincoln s backgrounds, some increasing similarities between the two men are evident. In fact, books have been written about the strange coincidences in the lives of the two. For example, take their Political careers. Lincoln began his political car

22、eer as a US Congressman. Similarly, Kennedy also began his political career as a Congressman. Lincoln was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1847, and Kennedy was elected to the House in 1947. Another striking similarity between the two men was that, as you probably know, neither Presiden

23、t lived to complete his term in office Lincoln and Kennedy were both assassinated while in office. However both presidents had a tremendous impact on the social and political life of the United States and the imagination of the American people. Listing First, to begin with, in the first place, first

24、 of all, first things first. Second, then, next Third, and then. one more thing, among other things Fourth Fifth, last but not least, in short, to sum up, at last, finally, in the end 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页Order of Importance Furthermore, more important, most impor

25、tant The possibility of combination of different ways when organizing a paragraph is very often applied in writing Lecture three Persuasive Writing( 议论性写作 ) Topic sentence - Statement of position Supporting sentences - reasons, facts, examples, statistics, quotations, etc Explanation - Prediction -

26、Evaluation - Suggestion Sample The current booming of mobile phone business mainly comes from the need of the time. At first, businessmen started to use cell phones frequently, when they were discussing a deal far away from one another. It was about the beginning of the 1990s. Then, the price of cel

27、l phones went down, from 4000 yuan to 2000 yuan in less than 5 to 6 years. As a result, more professionals joined them using cell phones to communicate, which saved their time and energy. At the same time, the list of functions of the a mobile phone is extending with the development of cell phone de

28、signing and manufacturing. Soon cell phone users could send short messages through the tiny machine. Following the new convenience, came the camera function. Cell phone users can use the delicate box as a digital camera to take whatever pictures he/she likes after an instant decision. With the price

29、 coming down and the functions increasing, mobile phones become ever more popular. Mobile phones can satisfy the demands of our time, and they are now symbols of the Information Era. More new fashions of cell phones are to come out. By the way, mine is produced three weeks ago, which can function as

30、 a phone, a camera, a video-camera, a fax machine, a chat-room, a PC, a printer, etc. I can afford one with one tenth of my salary! Narrative Writing (记叙性写作 ) Characters - Setting (time and place) - Plot - Highlight - End Dialogue Fiction or True Story 写作 7 Many people will give up a seat to the old

31、 on the bus. She did it but she did it in a great way. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页It was on a hot Sunday morning. Lily was sitting on a bus. A girl was sitting in front of her. She wore a red T-shirt and white trousers. At one stop, an old man got on and walked straight

32、way to them. “ I will give my seat to him if he stands beside me,” Lily thought to herself. But he stood by the side of that girl in red, and she stood up and helped the old man to her seat. The old man thanked her. She smiled and said, “ My pleasure.” Then nobody ever noticed them any more.Then bus

33、 went on smoothly. Suddenly, the driver made a sharp turn to avoid a cyclist and the girl in red fell down. To Lily s great surprise, when she tried to help her up, she saw a wooden stick which should have been her left leg. She was handicapped and needed a seat herself badly. But she gave her seat

34、to the old man. She quickly covered her wooden leg and stood up. “ Your leg!” Lily murmured.“ Oh, it s okay. It s been a part of my body.” She smiled as if nothing had happened.“ Please take my seat. I m going to be off at this stop.” Lily said and reached out to let her sit down. Lily got off and w

35、aited for the next bus at that stop, That was of course not her stop. But the waiting is nothing, compared with what that girl had done. 人物 character Lily, the girl in red; an old man 地点 setting On the bus 情节(高潮)plot The girl in red slipped and fell Explanatory Writing (说明性写作 ) El Nino is a warm sur

36、face current that flows in the Pacific Ocean along the equator towards the South American coast. It occurs around Christmas time and therefore got its name. El Nino is Spanish and literally means the Christ child. Because of the current, the temperature of coastal water of South America goes up by 2

37、 C3C . El Nino also has dramatic effects on climate patterns in Australia and Southeast Asia, and may affect rainfall as far as Africa. Stock traders made a fortune when they successfully guessed El Ninos effect on food prices, expert and interest rates. But experts see it as the most destructive we

38、ather pattern of the century. For example, in 1982 1983, the anchovy (a kind of fish in South American coastal water) catch was reduced by 600% due to the effect of El Nino. Some scientists believe that it strikes every 2 10 years, and its effects are increasing. Lecture Four Writing Procedure (写作过程

39、 ) Step One - Study the given topic - make sure the type and the form the assignment. Step Two - Study the instructions Work out outline - in complete sentences or in phases Start out writing Check - to find out wrong wording, to tick off grammar mistakes See the samples Principles of Revision ( 修改原

40、则 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页 Unity - the material used in the writing must be focused on the topic, no more, no less Coherence - the writing is well organized; the writing is not a piece of addition of sentences. Consistency - verb tensed are logically applied, the u

41、se of person in the writing is carefully arranged Guard against misspelling and poor handwriting 修改。检查全文是否切题,有没有讲了偏离主题的地方,举了例子吗?语法有错吗?尤其注意动词时态这是我国学生最薄弱的地方。下面是一道 “ 引导写作题 ” ,要求就这副漫画中反映的父子关系,发表看法,写作说明同高考。接着有三篇写作,仔细阅读,而后研读对3 篇作文的评价。例 1:The cartoon provides food for thought. Some say tests are the talism

42、an for teachers, marks are the life of students. There is some truth in the saying. A few teachers love this talisman. But most students hate tests. First, school reports are not as important as parents think. Knowledge learned from is a small thing in the world. But parents think study holds the ke

43、ys to success in students life.Second, school reports often irritate parents and consequently they hit their children. Thus, teachers anger causes parents to lose temper;students life grow(grows) ever bitter.Third, poor school reports always deprive the children of their self-confidence. They fail m

44、ore often. That s why most students hate tests. Teachers always say tests let us know what you (we) need to study more. But in fact, tests become most students nightmare.Down with test! 例 2: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页In the picture, the boy was scared to show his schoo

45、l report to his father. Because he got a “ 2” (out of 5). Today parents pay more attention to the grade. Why? First, parents want their children to lay a good foundation and gain wide knowledge in difficult field. Second, a good grade show (shows) that the children work very hard. It reflects a clea

46、r picture of the knowledge. And learning well can help them get into a good school. A good school leads to better university; a better university means a better job with better pay! Third ,because parents think about their future, they want children (to) have prepared for life. But in reality, good

47、grade can t show the whole picture of a students ability and potential.例 3: In the cartoon, two things cause our attention. First, the boy did poorly in study, and then, he got a severe father. I think, a father should not be so be rude and a child should get acceptable results. Fathers is the guard

48、ian of his child. He has the duty to bring up and educated his child. Also he s more sophisticated and mature. But if he beats the child for (to) obedience, it ll be useless and inhuman. Because with punishment, the child will only be frightened, yet (he) still does not really understand why. On the

49、 other hand, children s duty is to gain knowledge in school. Anyway he/she should be responsible. In my view, a father should not be violent at home and a child should work hard at school. Assignment Exercise 1( from Entrance Examination 2007) About present It is all because of a present of mine tha

50、t I suddenly become famous. Now let me tell you the story of my present. Every day my father sends me to school by car. On my way to school I often see some student-like guys about my age walking to a certain place. They wear plain clothes or second-hand dresses, and unfit shoes. Some of them have s

51、omething like a school bag on their shoulder, others don t. Later I found out they, like me, are students, but, unlike me, they are poor migrants children. Their classroom is transformed from an old barn. I felt sorry for them and asked myself: we are living under the same roof, and why were they ba

52、dly in need of everything? I grew quite upset, and decided to do something to help them. I wrote a letter to them and sent them a present- my new year s red pack (8,000 RMB), with which I hope they can buy some books or whatever. I did it secretly, but somehow they successfully traced my whereabouts

53、 and came to my school to say thanks for my present. My secret present was made open, and consequently more presents from my schoolmates were given when my friends learned the reason why I sent this present of mine. It never occurred to me that my personal present would cause a chain reaction, and t

54、hat trivial present should grow into a big and meaningful one. Exercise 2 ( write a letter to the residents asking them to take precaution against fire or gas leak) Dear Residents 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页Since winter comes around, fires and gas leaks have happened in

55、 both urban and suburban districts. As a result, they have claimed dozens of lives and caused heavy property losses. Investigations into these accidents show that they were mostly avoi8dable if precautions had been taken. Accordingly we strongly suggest measures be taken as follows: i.Check your ele

56、ctric and gas appliances to repair or replace them if they are in bad or unsafe conditions. ii.Equip your kitchen with a fire-extinguisher. iii.Fix fire alarming device if possible. iv.Switch off power and gas after using or before going to bed. v.Make sure your ventilation is working when all the d

57、oors and windows are shut. vi.Forbid children playing with fire indoors. vii.Smokers mustn t smoke in bed. viii.Keep clear of anything along corridors or stairs that serve as emergency exits. ix.When a fire broke out, stop working electric appliances immediately, and escape yourself first, save your

58、 property second. x.In case of emergency, dial 119 or contact our office. Please report to us if you find any offences against the precautions Thank you for your co-operation Neighborhood Committee December 22nd, 2006 写作( 3)根据下列图表 (对学生早餐的调查), 分析学生早餐的情况.针对问题提出建议. Your class has directed a survey abou

59、t the breakfast you take. The statistics you have collected are as follows: Food for breakfast Quality Percentage 1. soaked rice Ordinary 10% 2. bread & milk only Good 40% 3.bread & milk and egg or fruit Best 15% 4.irregular Poor 25% 5.skipping Very poor 10% (1) The above table shows the findings of

60、 survey on the breakfast the students eat. (2) We can see something positive, but there exists a problem as well. (3) As is shown in the table, 55% of the students, do have quality fo od for breakfast. It s good.(4) but , on the other hand, one third of them either take irregular food or skip breakf

61、ast; (5) It is likely that some of them do not have time for balanced breakfast; some ignore the importance of join hands in taking great care of students breakfast, and others, maybe, can t afford good breakfast. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页(6) We suggest parents and sc

62、hools join hands in taking great care of students breakfast and try to solve the problem. (7) As we all know it is good breakfast that helps us to begin our school day with vigor and energy. 分析:本段落(1) (2)系主题句,句(3) (4) (5)为发展句,句(6) (7)为结尾句。图表题要求第一段落或者第1 句简要描述该图表内容。全文结构完整,引用数据得当。写作( 4)据报道 ,黄金时段不得播放暴力影

63、片It is reported that violence and murder movies will be banned from the prime time programs. I think it a correct decision, and it will benefit the young viewers, especially the students. I have every reason to support the regulation. To begin with, a violence and murder movie is a two-edged sword b

64、ecause it produces bad impact on the viewers. You know students are happy to imitate whatever they see on the screen when it is exciting, interesting or fabulous. Unfortunately, the imitation may lead to horrible results. For example, the other day some little girls play hanging in the absence of th

65、eir parents. One of the little imitators killed herself by accident. Second, the prime time is the time when most viewers are frame and relaxing. Why not offer some news of interest to them? Third, usually students are short time. Violence and murder movies may get the young viewers absorbed and div

66、ert their attention from study. They won t think hard to find the key to an important question, instead, they may think hard to figure out who is the mysterious murder. So the new regulation is a good one. 写作 5: 有些学校有作弊现象,就此发表看法 . 提纲:Cheating on exams is against the school disciplineIt s unfair It w

67、on t help you make real progressIt will have bad effects on you It will do harm to your growth It is advisable to give a second chance In favor of Object to, be against to, disapprove of First offender combination of education and punishment A college student was expelled from school because he chea

68、ted on exam Cheating on exams is against the school discipline. Without the discipline, all the school activities would be impossible. It would be like a city without traffic regulations! The traffic in that city would be stopped! I object to cheating. I have plenty of reasons. To begin with, cheati

69、ng won t help you make progress. Cheating won t solve your problems. For example, you might get good marks for your math, but your math problems remain unsolved problems. Second, if you often cheat, you may form a bad habit. In future you might become accustomed to cheating at work or in business. S

70、o cheating would do harm to your growth. Third, it s unfair for you to appear a good learner. You seem to have got ahead of your peers, but actually you are at the bottom. Your honors aren t 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页yours! So, I think, cheating should be stopped and t

71、hose who cheat should be properly punished. But it was reported that a college student who cheated on the exam was expelled from school. I don t think the punishment proper. Give him a second chance if he is a first offender. The combination of education and punishment will work. Writing steps for D

72、ata interpretation 1.Topic paragraph Now we see a cartoon which describes a common sight in our life There is a graph that indicate the trend of sale of cell phone in the latest decade. There we see two headlines in an English Daily. Have a look at the plan of our school concerning its recent recons

73、truction. This is a chart showing the changes of road accident rate in 2004. 2.Concluding paragraph To sum up, to reduce the number of road accidents, punishment must be combined with education. All in all, schooling is important in the growth of a student/ young person. However, one s quality is de

74、cisive.To conclude, helping with household chores is sure to reduce Mum s pressure. More important, it will arouse your sense of responsibility. 3.Connection As far as I know As I see it, In my opinion, As is known to all, So far as I can remember.It s common sense thatOne more thing.Last but not le

75、ast,Writing Outline Ex1 throw away leftover a wastefrugality be economical of/in be stunned and angry to seewhite steam bread found on the dustbin/garbage canplates of vegetables untouched50% of the diners left their food unfinished every grain of rice countsIn Africa thousands of children die of st

76、arvation education or punishment Ex2 the cartoon shows a common phenomenon ask the only child not to do any household choresso as to focus on schoolwork onlythe growth of a young person involves many thingslearning book knowledge is only one aspectrely on parents in everything causing dependencedeve

77、lop contempt for household choresisolation from the restlack sense of responsibility Ex3 It is justifiable to receive reward for returning lost properties you pick up - (for) If you don t return it because you do expect reward if you don t mind whether there would be a reward - (against) The lost pr

78、operty doesn t belong to you -the owner is in trouble- don t fish in troubled waters-unselfishness is a good virtue-Example (Taxi Driver) Ex4 After school activity 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页Why unforgettable Ex5 Min Hang District Simulate Roughly 90% of the subjects(被

79、调查人 ) turn to others for help- It is a problem -solution: psychological advisor at school-teachers-parents meeting-trace the root cause-lack of social activities-lack of team spirit-example (drop out of school;) cause and effect Ex6 My Experience as a volunteer (Charity activity collection of donati

80、on) Writing in practice Four Steps: Assignment Study; Outline preparation; Draft; Revision Example Assignment: School canteen finds leftover in large quantity after lunch. Make comments on the waste (in 120 to 150 words) Theme: your class teacher gives you a job: edit the wall newspaper. It s up to

81、you to decide whether you would accept the job or not. Explain why, and write down in the form of diary. ( 04高考)Step1: Type of writing Persuasive: Explaining Step2: Comment For or Against Step3: Outline be for it/ be in favor of it advocate respecting the aged care about the disabled and young don t

82、 take it for granted in the West: it s nothingeducate the rude passengers Guided Writing 实战Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. Ex1 展开Type of writing: Persuasive Outline: huge amounts of leftover-dumped in litter bins-every g

83、rain of rice counts-peasants put great efforts into growing rice-there is starvation in the world today-our grandparents suffered hangerOliver Twist is no fiction-ours is still a developing country-no waste Draft: Every day huge amounts of leftover of our lunch are dumped in litterbins in the cantee

84、n. It seems that few of us are aware of the saying that Every Grain of Rice Counts. That is tragic! (Topic Paragraph) We have been told since out childhood that for every grain of rice, peasants have to put great 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页efforts into growing it. But

85、nowadays we seem to take it for granted that we throw away the leftover no matter when where and how much. Once I saw white steam bread thrown untouched in the litterbin. Do we know that every minute sees an innocent child dying of hunger in some poverty-stricken areas in the world? And have we been

86、 told that our grandparents once suffered natural disasters and survived by eating tree barks? One more thing, did we read excerpts from Oliver Twist, and were shocked to lea rn how the hungry boys “ polish” (lick) the bowls for leftover? It is no fiction! We have dumped what could have been used to

87、 save more hungry children! (Supporting Details) Sometimes we just can t eat all the food the school canteen has prepared for us. We may ask for less. At times we find the meal not tasty, we may appeal or comment. Remember the saying Every Grain of Rice Counts. There are millions of poor people in our country. Don t waste any rice even if we have plenty of our own. (Concluding Paragraph)Check: well-written. To save time the writer may take away one example from the supporting details. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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