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1、Unit2HoldonaminutepleaUnit2HoldonaminutepleaseseA talk show: 脱口秀脱口秀3 oclock: giving directionHot chicks: beautiful ladies. Jake: 乡下佬乡下佬Joe: 乔,高大英俊的男子,且容易相处。乔,高大英俊的男子,且容易相处。Unit 2 Hold on a minute, please!Unit 2 Hold on a minute, please! By RoseBy RoseWarming-upCar phone chargerCordless phoneMobile p

2、honeHome phone chargerRotary phonebatteryBluetooth headset chargen. 责任,负责责任,负责e.g. 1) Miss Xiong is Business English class 2.2) Business English class 2 is Miss Xiong. v. 控告控告 VS accuse He is charged murder.He is accused murder. V. 充电充电He forgot to charge the battery. in charge ofin the charge ofwit

3、hofTask 1-Choose the 1st pair of your team(2-3)Can you help me to take some minutes this morning? (1-2)Can you send out a mass e-mail to the entire team? (1)Identifying yourselfHunan Information Science Vocational College, can I help you?This isspeaking.Asking for your connectionId like to speak toC

4、ould you put me through to?Could I have extension 211, please?Could I speak to someone in thedepartment?Asking the caller to identify itself(Whos calling, please?)May I ask/know whos calling, please?Who would you like to speak with/wish to talk to?Explain someone is not availableHes away on business

5、.Hes off today.Im sorry but hes tied up (被什么事情耽搁了被什么事情耽搁了)/ busy/ occupied/ in a meeting now.Im afraid he cant come to the phone/speak to you/take the call at this moment.He probably stepped out for a momentAsking the caller to leave a message/ call backMay I take a message or would you like to call

6、 back later? Would you like to have him return your call?Could you call back in a few minutes/later/ (again) in a little while? Closing a call 1ConfirmationSo, let me just go over thatCan I just make sure Ive got your name right?Closing signal I think that covers everything.Is there anything else?Im

7、 afraid Ive got a meeting now.Im sorry, I must leave it there.Closing a call 2Thanking Thanks for calling.Thanks for calling back. Thank you for the information. Thank you for your help.FarewellsBye. Goodbye.Speak to you soon.Team work 2-Choose the 2nd pair of your teamYour friend will go on a busin

8、ess trip for a week. He/ she calls to ask you to take care of his/her house, such as fetching newspapers, looking after the dog, answering phone calls and so on.fetchfetch=go + bring here: She has gone to fetch water. carry“随身携带随身携带(不说明固定方向不说明固定方向)”, 有时含有有时含有“负担负担”的意思的意思, Let me carry the box for yo

9、u. Take: Please take the letter to the post office. Bring: He brought a new book with him. get得到,明白,没有方向性得到,明白,没有方向性:Go and get some water. 口语化的口语化的fetch。 Home practice-3rd pair work (Dialogue2 and 3)Read dialogue 2 and 3 again and again. Home practice-4th pair workWork as the judge of the reading c

10、ompetition. You are supposed to give suggestions for improvement. General apologiesIm so /awfully /terribly sorry about that. I hope you will excuse me. It seems I owe you an apology. Please accept my sincere apology /forgive me. Words cannot describe how sorry I am. Accepting/deny Apologies Thats a

11、ll right /OK. Never mind. /Forget it. /Think no more of it. /Dont worry about it.Its not your fault.Okay. I accept your apology. Ill let you off this time. /Ill give you another chance. Dont ever. You cant do anything now. its too late! (whats done can not be undone)Its no use crying over spilt milk

12、.Apology-patternPattern 1: Apologyreasonsolution and promiseapologyPattern 2: Reasonapologysolution and promiseapologyTip: we usually use the second pattern, especially in daily life. But pattern 1 is much more advisable. Dialogue 1Task 1A: 1.Could I speak to John?2.Hold on a minute.3.Youre wanted o

13、n the phone.4.Who is it?5.Its a shame that I cant see you off.6.Take care!B:1.Its a shame that cant see you off.2.Could I speak to John?3.Take care!4.Who is it?Dialogue 2Task 11.Speak to2.Would you mind3.Id like to4.Is busy5.Come overTask 21.speaking. / Hold on the minute, please.2.Yes, could you ask him to call me back as soon as possible?3.Thats ok. When will you be free?4.Im afraid I will have no time then.5.See you. 结束结束



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