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1、金融专业英语金融专业英语Passage 1 欧洲经济与货币联盟欧洲经济与货币联盟背景介绍背景介绍1989年年6月,以欧共体委员会主席雅克月,以欧共体委员会主席雅克德洛尔德洛尔(JDelors)为首的委员会向马德里峰会提交了德洛尔计为首的委员会向马德里峰会提交了德洛尔计划。该计划与魏尔纳计划相似,规定从划。该计划与魏尔纳计划相似,规定从1990年起,年起,用用20年时间,分三阶段实现货币一体化,完成欧洲年时间,分三阶段实现货币一体化,完成欧洲经济货币联盟的组建。经济货币联盟的组建。1991年年12月,欧共体在荷兰月,欧共体在荷兰马斯特里赫特峰会上签署了马斯特里赫特峰会上签署了关于欧洲经济货币联关

2、于欧洲经济货币联盟的马斯特里赫特条约盟的马斯特里赫特条约,简称,简称马约马约。v马约马约目标是:最迟在目标是:最迟在1999年年1月月1日前日前建立建立“经济货币同盟经济货币同盟”(Economic and Monetary Union,EMU)。届时将在同盟。届时将在同盟内实现统一货币、统内实现统一货币、统-的中央银行的中央银行(European Central Bank)以及统一的货以及统一的货币汇率政策。币汇率政策。 v马约马约还规定,只有在还规定,只有在1999年年1月月1日达到以下四个日达到以下四个趋同标准的国家,才能被认为具备了参加趋同标准的国家,才能被认为具备了参加EMU的资格条



5、 。串讲全文串讲全文EMU Has Exchange Rate Policy Implications for Transition Countries Seeking EU Membership1.介绍介绍2.EMU货币区的优点与缺点货币区的优点与缺点3.汇率机制的安排汇率机制的安排4.EMU国家当前宏观经济形势国家当前宏观经济形势5.加入加入EMU的国家的几个进程的国家的几个进程6.成员国的几个两难问题成员国的几个两难问题Passage 1Notes1 Including convergence toward EMU reference values and adherence to th

6、e new exchange rate mechanism (ERM2) create for nonparticipating EU members.包括趋同于包括趋同于欧洲货币联欧洲货币联盟的参考标盟的参考标准与符合为准与符合为非欧盟国家非欧盟国家创设的新汇创设的新汇率机制。率机制。convergence. n. tendency toward or meet in one point or value1adherence. n. sticking fast (to)2Passage 1Notes2 ( (即那些不愿即那些不愿加入欧洲货加入欧洲货币同盟或不币同盟或不能入围的国能入围的国家家

7、) )opt out- choose not to take part 1leave out-to consider, neglect to put in 2(that is, those that have opted out, or been left out, of EMU) Passage 1Notes3 albeit. conj.-although it to be (that), even if, although, all be it 尽管尽管althoughalthoughPassage 1Notes4 entering the EMU currency area entail

8、s both cost an benefits for didate countries. 对候选国而对候选国而言,加入欧言,加入欧洲货币同盟洲货币同盟货币区既能货币区既能带来利益,带来利益,也必须承担也必须承担成本。成本。entail.v.-to bring on as an inevitable consequencee.g. The work entails precision. (这项工作需要精确性这项工作需要精确性)1Passage 1Notes5 Also, the current risk premium, reflected in the interest rate , wou

9、ld fall and eventually vanish. 反映在利反映在利率上的货币率上的货币奉献溢酬也奉献溢酬也会减小,直会减小,直至最终消失。至最终消失。Risk premium. n.风险酬金,奉献报酬风险酬金,奉献报酬:a. 指对出借风险贷款指对出借风险贷款多收利息;多收利息;b. 指具有较大风险项目的投资方案可能获得指具有较大风险项目的投资方案可能获得较多的利润;较多的利润;c. 指给予从事危险工作的人员以额外补贴指给予从事危险工作的人员以额外补贴1Passage 1Notes6 An important potential cost of joining a currency

10、area is that it impairs a countrys ability to absorb asymmetric real shocks in the absence of an independent monetary and exchange rant policy. 加入货币区的加入货币区的一项重大但潜在一项重大但潜在的代价在于,在的代价在于,在缺乏独立的货币缺乏独立的货币与汇率政策的情与汇率政策的情况下,它会损害况下,它会损害或削弱一国缓解或削弱一国缓解非对称性的实际非对称性的实际冲击的能力。冲击的能力。Impair. V.-to injure; to weaken, e

11、.g.ones health.损害健康损害健康1Absorb.v. to take up and transform(energy) instead of transmitting or reflecting, e.g. a shock er 减震器减震器2Passage 1Notes7 And, conversely, participation in a currency area leads to trades expansion and thus to more synchronized cycles. 反之,加反之,加入货币区会入货币区会扩大贸易,扩大贸易,从而使周期从而使周期的循环

12、更趋的循环更趋于同步化。于同步化。synchronize. v. to cause to coincide or agree in time; to time together or to a standard, e.g.Action and sound must perfectly.动作与声音必须完全同步动作与声音必须完全同步1Passage 1Notes8 their economic structure is only moderately more biased toward agriculture and industry relative to service than that

13、of non-core EU members, except Greece. 其经济结构较其经济结构较之除希腊以外之除希腊以外的欧盟非核心的欧盟非核心成员国来,相成员国来,相对于服务业而对于服务业而言只是略微更言只是略微更加偏重于农业加偏重于农业与工业而已。与工业而已。be biased toward-to be inclined to; to tend to, etc.1Passage 1Notes9 At one end of the spectrum, the Czech Republic follows a managed float subordinate to the inflat

14、ion target set by the central bank.在该区域的一端,在该区域的一端,捷克共和国采取捷克共和国采取服从于中央银行服从于中央银行所定的通胀目标所定的通胀目标的有管理的浮动的有管理的浮动机制。机制。Spectrum, n. range, such as, A diverse of political tendencies. 一系列不同的政治倾向一系列不同的政治倾向1Subordinate to- dependent on, submissive to, e.g. the minority is majority. 少数服从多数少数服从多数2Passage 1Note

15、s10 The current macroeconomic situation in these countries is broadly characterized by sustainable growth, underpinned by rapidly increasing labor productivity, and by a deceleration in inflation to low double-digits or high single-digit rate.这些国家的现有的宏这些国家的现有的宏观经济形势的普遍观经济形势的普遍特征是:迅速增长特征是:迅速增长的劳动生产率所

16、支的劳动生产率所支撑的持续发展,而撑的持续发展,而且通胀减至较低的且通胀减至较低的两位数或较高的一两位数或较高的一位数水平。位数水平。Be characterized by- to be a distinguishing mark or quality of, e.g. The contradictions are characterized by open antagonism 这些矛盾具有公开的对抗性这些矛盾具有公开的对抗性1Underpin. V.- to back up, support, etc. e.g. an argument with evidence 用证据来支持一个论点用证

17、据来支持一个论点 2Passage 1Notes11 The effect is compounded by a surge of foreign direct investments. 这一效应这一效应又与外国又与外国直接投资直接投资的浪潮相的浪潮相融合。融合。Surge. N.-a great wave; a swell, etc. such as , The of the sea. 海浪奔腾。海浪奔腾。 s of enthusiasm 热情洋溢热情洋溢1Passage 1Notes12 In sufficient financial and restructuring has rende

18、red the Czech economy vulnerable.财务与企业重财务与企业重组的不到位使组的不到位使捷克的经济变捷克的经济变得脆弱。得脆弱。 Insufficient. Adj.-inadequate1Render. v. to cause to be, e.g. illness has ed him rather weak. 疾病使他相当虚弱了疾病使他相当虚弱了2Vunlnerable. A. capable of being wounded, e.g. A point. 弱点弱点3Passage 1Notes13 All five countries-to varying d

19、egrees-will need to make steady progresses toward increased wage flexibility, containment of fiscal imbalances supported by a prudent monetary stance, and financial factor restructuring.五个国家都在不同程五个国家都在不同程度上需要稳步地推度上需要稳步地推进以下工作,即加进以下工作,即加大工资的灵活性、大工资的灵活性、通过谨慎的货币政通过谨慎的货币政策支持遏制财政失策支持遏制财政失衡,以及金融部门衡,以及金融部门

20、重组等。重组等。Containment. N.- act or policy of preventing the spread beyond certain limits of a power or influence regarded as hostile, by means of other than war.1Prudent stance- cautious attitude, e.g adopt a in international affairs 在国际事务中采取审慎态度在国际事务中采取审慎态度2Passage 1Notes14 However, accession countrie

21、s should exercise caution in widening the band during a period of turbulence in the foreign exchange market.但是,入围国家但是,入围国家在外汇市场急在外汇市场急剧波动时对于剧波动时对于放宽汇率波动放宽汇率波动限度应当谨慎限度应当谨慎处理。处理。Exercise. V.- to put in practice; to use; to wield,etc. e.g. collective wisdom 运用集体智慧运用集体智慧1Turbulence.n.-irregular movement

22、 in large scale or size.2Passage 1Notes15 To preserve credibility, the authorities should declare the countrys commitment to reinstate the former parity following a temporary deviation due to a speculative attack. 为了保全信誉,为了保全信誉,当局应公开承诺当局应公开承诺在因炒家攻击而在因炒家攻击而使汇率出现暂时使汇率出现暂时性偏差之后,政性偏差之后,政府将致力于恢复府将致力于恢复原有

23、的平价。原有的平价。Reinstate. V.- to insure again; to restore or re-establish in a former position or condition. e.g. sb. In his former office 恢复某人原职恢复某人原职1Deviation. N,- turning aside or away, e.g. guard against left and right s. 防止左与右的倾向防止左与右的倾向2Passage 1Notes16 The other dilemma centers on the requirement

24、 of full capital account liberalization while the candidate countries remain vulnerable to destabilizing capital flows prompted by rapid shifts in investor sentiment.另一矛盾集中在资另一矛盾集中在资本账户彻底自由本账户彻底自由化的要求与候选化的要求与候选国面对因投资者国面对因投资者情绪资本流动时情绪资本流动时的脆弱性,而引的脆弱性,而引起的不稳定。起的不稳定。Prompt.v. to help forward; to further the progress of, etc. e.g. be ed by sb.s example. 受某人榜样的带动受某人榜样的带动1Sentiment. N. opinion, judgement.2vhttp:/ END OF PASSAGE 1



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