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1、服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语扣考纲扣考纲话题诵读话题诵读固考基固考基教材梳理教材梳理课时限时自测课时限时自测提考能提考能技能速升技能速升析考点析考点重难突破重难突破服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语Module 4Great Scientists服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语话题22周围环境话题词汇【常见单词】1community n社区2facility n设施3harmony n和谐4approach n方法,接近v.接

2、近5direction n方向服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语6beyond prep. 在那边,超出7hospitable adj.好客的8distant adj.远的,遥远的9surround v围绕,包围10construct v建造,建筑服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【常见短语】1on the left /right在左边/右边2be located in/lie in位于3go straight直走4run out 用完,耗尽5adjust to调整,适应服服/务务/教教

3、/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语经典语篇【写作要求】(2013上海高考)上海博物馆拟举办一次名画展,现就展出场所(博物馆还是社区图书馆)征集公众意见,假设你是王敏,给上海博物馆写一封信表达你的想法。你的信必须满足以下要求:服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语1简述你写信的目的及你对场所的选择;2说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比)。_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【参考范文】Dear Sir/Madam,Ive learne

4、d that an art exhibition is to be held and that youre collecting suggestions on its location.Im writing this letter to share with you my opinions.In my opinion, it is more advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries.My reasons are as follows.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/

5、馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is located in the center of the city.And the museum is much more spacious than community libraries, which provides visitors with a more comfortable environment for appreciating art.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/

6、费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语On the other hand, as a wellknown museum, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions.Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.Therefore, I suggest

7、the exhibition be held in the museum.Yours,Wang Min 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语一试身手句型转换1将句型改为包含同位语从句的复合句。Ive learned _ _.2将句型改为包含定语从句的复合句。On the other hand,_, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions.the news that an art exhibition is to be hel

8、d andthat youre collecting suggestions on its locationas is known服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语完成句子1我的家乡坐落在东海之滨,有着300年的历史。My hometown,_, has a history of more than 300 years.2 这 个 小 山 村 被 绿 树 环 绕 。 The mountain village _.3用了很长的时间他才适应新环境。It took him a long time to_.located on the East S

9、eais surrounded by treesadjust to the new surroundings服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语一、单词速览1_ vt. 出版2. _ vt. 支持3. _vt. 取代;以代替4. _ n. 受害者5. _ vi. 逃跑;逃避6. _ adj. 直的7. _ vi. (烟雾)消散publishsupportreplacevictimescapestraightclear服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语8. _n. 生产者 _ vt. 生产9

10、. _vt. 教育 _ n. 教育10. _ adj. 原来的;最初的 _ n. 起源;原著 _ vi. 起源11. _ vt. 出口 _ vt. 进口producerproduceeducateeducationoriginoriginaloriginateexportimport服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语12. _ n. 数量 _ n. 质量13. _ vi. 毕业 _ n. 毕业14. _ adj. 个人的 _ n. 个性;人格15. _ vi. 爆炸 _ n. 爆炸;爆炸声quantityqualitygraduategra

11、duationpersonalpersonalityexplodeexplosion服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【看单词,学构词】在8. producer一词中,er为常见的表示“人”的后缀。课标中常见的还有leader领袖;writer 作者,作家;teacher 教师;fighter战士;employer雇主,主考官;driver驾驶员;discoverer 发现者;performer表演者等。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语二、短语快译1._ 培养;养育2. _ (做)某事

12、的关键3_ 对进行实验4. _引进5. _ 实施;履行6_ 由于的结果bring upthe key to (doing) sth.experiment withbring incarry outas a result of服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语7_ 因而出名/ 闻名8_ 被诊断患有疾病9_谋生10. _ 掌权be known forbe diagnosed withearn ones livingcome to power服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语三、句式构建1.

13、keep 宾语 宾补。The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.这些管子被绑在一根木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2. not everybody表示部分否定。But not everybody wanted to use rockets in battles.但并不是每个人都想在战争中使用火箭。3. 现在分词作结果状语。Or was he carr

14、ied miles into space, becoming the worlds first astronaut?或者他被带到了太空中数英里的地方,成为了世界上第一个宇航员?服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语解析4个考纲单词1. support vt. & n. 支持;供养;支撑(教材P32) The research was supported by the government.这项研究得到了政府的支持。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(2014广东高考阅读理解C) Eventu

15、ally,however,I won the support of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for application. 可是,最终我赢得了家人的支持,就交上了所有的申请文件。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语support sb. in 在方面支持某人in support of 支持;拥护服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语We support the police wholeheartedly in the

16、ir work against crime.我们全力支持警方打击犯罪活动的工作。Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.只有几个人表示支持这一提议。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2. quantity n. 数量(牛津P1406) The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity.这份资料在质量和数量上都很有限。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语服服/务务/

17、教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(2014重庆高考书面表达) Since I was born,I have received a good quantity of gifts.自从我出生起,我已经收到大量的礼物。(朗文P1605) Your work has improved in quantity and quality this term.本学期你的作业在数量和质量上都有提高。 We can offer you a better price if you can buy it in quantity.如果你能大量购买,我们能给你一个更好的价格。

18、服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【温馨提示】a large quantity of与large quantities of既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词,a large quantity n作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词,large quantities of n作主语时,谓语动词用复数。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语3. escape v. & n. 逃跑;逃避;逃脱 (2014山东高考阅读理解B) That particular day,my brother and

19、I sat through both movies twice,trying to escape the heat.那个特别的日子,我哥哥和我坐着把两部电影看了两遍,尽力避开酷热。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1)escape doing sth.逃脱做某事sth. escape sb./onesattention/notice/memory 逃过某人的注意/ 被某人遗忘(2) a narrow escape 死里逃生;九死一生make ones escape 逃脱;逃走服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三

20、一轮总复习 WY英语英语The driver narrowly escaped being killed (kill)in the traffic accident.司机险些在这起交通事故中丧生。Last year I had a narrow escape, and I dont want to risk my life a second time.去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒险了。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语4clear v. (烟雾)消散;(天)放晴;使清除;扫清 adj. 清澈的;晴朗的;清晰的(教材P39)When th

21、e smoke cleared, Wan Hu and his chair had disappeared.当烟雾散去后,万虎和他的座椅都消失了。 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1) clear away 清除;收拾clear up 整理;消除(误会、疑惑等);(天)放晴clear ones throat 清嗓子(2) make . clear 阐明;清楚表明(3) clearly adv. 清楚地;清晰地服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (2014江苏高考阅读理解C) Most

22、 damagingly, anger weakens a persons ability to think clearly(clear) and keep control over his behaviour.最具伤害性的是,愤怒消弱了一个人思维清晰的能力,并控制了他的行为。 Its raining now, but I think it will clear up soon.天还在下雨,但我想天很快就会放晴。 He has made it clear that he wont take over the job. 他已经明确表示他不愿接管此事。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高

23、三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语分析2个高考短语1. earn ones/a living 谋生(教材P37) got a job in an office to earn his living在一间办公室得到一份工作用以谋生服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语earn ones own living 自食其力make a living earn ones living 谋生live/lead a . life 过着的生活服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (朗文P1150) It

24、s hard to make a decent living as a musician.当一名音乐家想生活得好是很难的。 Since his parents died early, he had to earn his own living when he was a teenager. 因双亲早亡, 他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。 For me, living a healthy and happy life is good enough. 对我来说,能够健康快乐地活着那就是幸福。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语e to/into

25、power 掌权;执政(教材P37) left Germany when Hitler came to power and went to work in the US当希特勒上台时离开了德国,然后到美国工作了服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语in power 当权;掌权take/seize power 夺取政权beyond ones power 不能胜任;力所不能及within/in ones power 有能力;力所能及服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 The government

26、 in power is devoted to the improvement of education.这一届政府致力于提高教育。 It is quite beyond my power. Im determined to give it up.这大大超出了我的能力,我决定放弃。 I will do everything in my power to help you.我愿尽我的力量帮助你。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语剖析2个高考句型1. (教材P39)The tubes were attached to a long stick

27、which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.这些管子被绑在一根木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进。句法分析:keep sb./sth. doing sth.表示“使一直做某事”。keep后面可以跟复合结构,即“keep 宾语 宾补”。作宾补的可以是名词、介词短语、动词ing形式、过去分词、形容词、副词等。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (2014江苏高考阅读理解D) Having a baby in her unmarried state would have b

28、rought shame on the family in China,so she probably kept my existence a secret.她的未婚生子在中国会是一种耻辱,因此她很可能让我的存在成为一个秘密。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 (2014天 津 高 考 完 形 填 空 ) The question kept me wondering(wonder) for the rest of the night I had said “yes” but for the first time, I realized th

29、e tough decisions adults had to make.这个问题让我整个晚上一直在想,但是平生第一次我意识到了大人们必须要做的艰难的决定。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语 Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened(fasten)请坐好并系好安全带。 Youd better keep the child away from the fire.你最好让孩子们离火远一点。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2

30、. (教材P39)But not everybody wanted to use rockets in battles.但并不是每个人都想在战争中使用火箭。句法分析:代词everybody与not连用构成部分否定。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(1) 否定副词not与表示整体或全部意义的词every,everyone,everybody,everything,both,all连用时,不论not在任何位置都表示部分否定,意为“并不都是;不全是”。(2) 若要表示全部否定,则需要用相应的表示全部的否定词。如allnone,bothneith

31、er,everyno,everyoneno one,everybodynobody,everythingnothing。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(2014湖北高考阅读理解B) However, not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.可是,并非每个人都认为情况正在好转。(2014安徽高考阅读理解D) Not all historical buildings are attractive.并非所有的历史建筑都是吸引人的。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠

32、赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语(2014安徽高考短文填词) None of us, however, can completely avoid waste in our lives.然而,我们中没有人能在生活中完全避免浪费。Neither of his sisters agrees(agree) to his suggestion. 他两个姐姐都不同意他的提议。服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语专项对点集训.语境填词1His reputation as a writer depends more on _ than quali

33、ty.2Most of the flood_had to leave all their things behind.3The solider_(escape) from the enemys prison on a snowy night.4He called for much higher spending on _(educate) and training.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语5As we approached the coast, the skies _(clear) and presently became clo

34、udless.6The force of the _(explode) broke all the windows in the building.7The old man entered the room _(support) by his grandson.8Modern archaeology _(original) from Europe and then was spread around the world.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语9After _(graduate), he went to work, first a

35、s a teacher, then government officer.10She was only 17 at the time and the experience changed her _(personal)【答案】1.quantity2.victims3.escaped4.education5.cleared6.explosion7.supported8.originated9.graduation10.personality服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语.完成句子1. 很抱歉让你等了三个小时。I am sorry for

36、having _ for three hours.2. 但是并非每个人都同意这是正确的做法。But _ agrees that this is the right approach. 3. 记忆大量单词是提高你英语的关键。Memorizing a large number of words is _ improving your English.kept you waitingnot everyone/everybodythe key to服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语4. 一些没有知识和技能的人通过体力劳动来谋生。Some unedu

37、cated and unskilled people _ by doing manual work.5. 新统治者上台执政后,他与一切宿敌都和解了。When the new ruler _,he made peace with all his former enemies. earn their livingcame to power服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语教材对接高考语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the r

38、icegrowing world, born and _1_(bring) up in China. When he was a boy, he _2_(educate) in many schools, and was given the nickname, “the student _3_ asks questions”服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语He was interested in plants from an early age, and he studied agriculture in college. As a yo

39、ung teacher, he began experiments in crop breeding. He thought there was only one way_4_(have) more rice quickly. That was _5_(cross) different species of rice plant. Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male and sterile. When the _6_(nature) sterile male rice plan

40、t was discovered in 1970, it was _7_ breakthrough. As a result, Chinas rice production rose _8_ 47.5% in the 1990s. 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语And 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to _9_(grow) vegetables and other cash crops. _10_(follow) this, Yuan Longpi

41、ngs rice was exported to some other countries.服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语1【解析】考查非谓语动词。Yuan Longping与bring up为动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语。 【答案】brought2【解析】考查时态语态。此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故用was educated。 【答案】was educated3【解析】考查关联词。空格内的词表示人,引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,故用who/that。 【答案】who/that 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总

42、复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语4【解析】考查非谓语动词。way的后面应用不定式或of doing作后置定语,故用to have。 【答案】to have 5【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处表示“将要”,应用不定式作表语。 【答案】to cross6. 【解析】考查词形转换。此处应用副词修饰后面的形容词sterile,故用naturally。 【答案】naturally 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语7. 【解析】考查冠词。此处表示泛指,故用不定冠词a。 【答案】a8【解析】考查介词。表示上升或下降的幅度应用介词by。 【答案】by服服/务

43、务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语9【解析】考查动词的形式。此处were converted to的to为介词,应跟动词的ing形式。 【答案】growing10【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处应为现在分词作方式状语,故用following。 【答案】Following服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语高考24话题微写作话题(二十二)家庭、朋友与周围的人杰克【写作素材】提示:黑体部分用本模块词汇、句式表达1. 杰克毕业于一所著名大学,然后自己开办了一家公司。_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈

44、/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语2. 由于工作努力,他的事业开始腾飞。_3. 他成为他所在领域中的杰出人物。_4. 当记者采访他时,他更多提到了他的母亲,虽然靠打零工为生,但在他的教育上投入了大量的金钱。_5. 他把自己的成功归功于母亲的支持。_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【连句成篇】可选用then,as a result of,when,but等将以上句子连成一篇英语短文_服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语【参考范文】Jack graduated from a f

45、amous university, then he set up his own company. As a result of hard work, his career began to take off. He became an outstanding figure in his working field. When reporters interviewed, he talked more about his mother, who earned a living by doing odd jobs but spent a large quantity of money on his education. He owed his success to his mothers support. 服服/务务/教教/师师 免免/费费/馈馈/赠赠高三一轮总复习高三一轮总复习 WY英语英语课时限时自课时限时自测测( (二十二二十二) )点击图标进入点击图标进入



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