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1、英语导学设计编写人:长治三中闫晋芳2014-08-18 Module 1 People and placesUnit 1 People around us (Reading) Class:Name:温馨提示:Never give up no matter what problem you meet.【Learning objectives】学习目标1. Students can learn how to describe people around you and improve their skills in using some adj. words to describe people.

2、 2. Students can find out the specific information according to the questions. 3. Guide the students to learn to discover others merits.【Learning key points】学习重点Students can learn how to describe appearances , personalities and qualities after reading three students articles.【Learning difficult poin

3、ts】学习难点Students can write sth.about people according to the articles in their own words. 【Learning process 】学习过程设计理念Pre-reading(自主学习)Lead-in :look at some pictures. (say some adj. words to describe pictures) Task1 Think over some adj.words to describe the following people. 1.Tom is very _.He can alw

4、ays answer the teachers questions.2.We are_ students. We study hard. 3.My mother is_ . She always takes time to help me.Task2 Scan the articles quickly and find out the adjectives that describe their personalities.( 迅速浏览 P3的三段文章, 找出描述他们性格的形容词 ) a. Grandma was_ _ _ b. Alice is_ c. Mr. Li is _ _ 环节 1

5、通 过 看有 关 自 己 家庭 的 图 片 导入本课主题,并采取“头脑风暴”法让学生 充 分 发 挥精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页While-reading 想 象 力 来 描述人物环节 2 通 过 两个 教 学 任 务来 帮 助 学 生理 清 文 章 思路,为以下的精 读 环 节 作了铺垫(目标1)环节 3Step1以合书 听 录 音 的方 式 再 次 让学 生 感 知 本篇文章Step1 Listen to the passage. Step2 Read the passage again, discuss

6、in groups and fill in the following table. (小组共同 找读 填写下列表格中的信息并小组选代表展示)1) _ writer:_ Main character(主要人物 ) Relationship with the writer (和作者的关系)Appearance(外貌) Character(性格) Writer s feeling about the character(作者对主人公的感情)2) _ writer:_ Main character(主要人物 ) Relationship with the writer (和作者的关系)Appeara

7、nce(外貌) Character(性格) Writer s feeling about the character(作者对主人公的感情)3) _ writer:_ Main character(主要人物 ) Relationship with the writer (和作者的关系)Appearance(外貌) Character(性格) Writer s feeling about the character(作者对主人公的感情)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页Step3 Read the passage by

8、yourself and then work in pairs to talk about your own family members, friends or teachers. (二人一组根据例文提示相互谈论自己的家人,朋友或老师 ) Eg. My best friend is_, she is _years old. She is very _ and _. She likes eating _and_. She has many hobbies, such as playing the piano, _ and_. She wants to be a_ when she grows

9、up. She often helps me to study_. I am very lucky to have such a good friend. Step2再次浏 览 文 章 了解 文 章 主 旨大意,通过填写 表 格 加 深对 文 章 的 整体 理 解 , 以“ 找 读 ” 的方 式 进 行 研究 性 学 习 并由 我 引 导 学生 口 头 逐 个复述文章精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页Step3通 过 小组 合 作 互 相谈 论 自 己 周围 的 人 物 检验 学 生 是 否真 正 掌 握 描述 人

10、的 形 容词,并能根据所 给 范 文 连成 文 章 也 为后 面 的 提 升训 练 打 下 基础(目标 2)Post-reading (归纳提升)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页Role-play. (一名同学扮演学校小记者采访文章中的作者)A school newspaper reporter interviewed Ben, Alice and Mr.Li. Complete their conversations with the words from the box. forget gives up mis

11、s remain strict about successful 1. Reporter: Ben, do you still _your grandma? Ben: Yes. She was so kind. Ill never _ her. 2. Reporter: What do you think of Joyce, Alice? Alice: She s my best friend. Shes very friendly. I really like her. I m sure well always_ friends. 3. Reporter: What do you think

12、 of Amy, Mr Li? Mr Li: She s_her studies, so shes always_in her exams. She never _ when there are difficulties. 检测反馈基础反思 : 根据句意填写单词1.Tim is very_. He is always helping other people. 2.We are_ students. We study hard. 3.My dad is_ . he often works until midnight. 能力提升阅读理解Jack and I are good friends.

13、Jack is an English boy, but I am a Chinese girl. He is thirteen years old, and I am twelve years old. We are in the same class, Class Two. Jack has a nice frisbee. He is very good at it. I have a beautiful kite. I 环节 4 通 过 角色 表 演 来 加强 对 目 标 语言的学习, 同时 也 提 高 了学 生 学 习 英语的乐趣, 并实 际 运 用 于生活中, 增强了 学 生 善 于发

14、 现 他 人 的优 点 的 品 质(目标 3) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页can fly it, but I can not throw a frisbee . I think it is too hard. But I want to go. Jack teaches me to throw a frisbee 一.I think it is too hard. Jack teaches me to throw it like that, and I teach him to fly the kite li

15、ke this. Now we both can do them very well. ()1、 The writer ( 作者 )is _but her friend is _. A. JapaneseChinese B. Chinese English C. English American D. Chinese American ( )2、 How old is Jacks friend? _.A. Hes thirteen years old B. Hes three years old C. Hes twelve years old D. Hes twenty years old (

16、 )3、Both of them are _. A. not in the same class B. in different grades C. not in the same school D. in the same class 拓展创新 : Writing. (从人物的外貌、性格、行为、品德等角度,运用新学的形容词和短语简要介绍赵本山这位表演艺术家.)Write sth.about your favourite star with his appearances , personalities and qualities 环节 5 基 础 反 思 侧重 于 对 描 述人 的 形 容 词的检测;能 力 提 升 是精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页通 过 本 文 的学 习 加 强 对阅 读 课 的 阅读 技 巧 的 训练;拓 展 创 新 是本 节 课 的 生成检测, 完成了 通 过 阅 读精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页课 上 升 为 写作 的 最 终 目标精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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