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1、1.我们都是中国人.我们都是美国人We are all Chinese. All of us are Amercan. 我所有的新同学都很有礼貌All (of) my new classmates are polite. 2.让我看看这些照片Let me have a look at the photos. 你认识他吗 ? 认识Do you know him/her? Yes,I do. 3.两个铅笔盒十二个男老师二十个女医生two pencil boxes twelve men teachers twenty women doctors 4.请开门 . Open the door,pleas

2、e. 擦窗户 /黑板在一间美术室clean the window/blackboard in an art room 5.在墙上有一张海报和十三张图画. There is a poster and thirteen pictures on the wall. 6.在讲台上有十九只橡皮. There are nineteen rubbers on the teacher s desk. 7.在一班在我班在教室in class 1 in my class in the classroom 8.你上学迟到了. You re late foy school. 9.不许坐下小刀儿童图书馆Don t si

3、t down. knifeknifes child children library libraries 10.门后是什么 ? What s behind the door? It s a chair.=There is a chair behind it. 第二次1.二十三三十四四十七五十八twenty-three thrity-four forty-seven fifty-eight 2.汤姆的学校里有图书馆吗? 没有 . Are there any libraries in Tom s school? No,there aren t. 3.你学校里有美术室吗? 只有一间Is there

4、an art-room in your school? Only one. 4.B 楼没有图书馆There aren t any libraries in Building B. 5.在一楼有办公室和厕所There are offies and tolites on the ground floor. 6.在二楼没有一间阅览室. There s not any reading room on the first floor. 7.篮球场足球场两百个学生basketball court football field two hundred students 8.一个花园食堂当然好极了A gard

5、en dining hall of course That s great. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页9.十个班级十二个教室电脑室Ten classes twelve classrooms computer room 第三次1.这些是什么 ? 是爸爸的黑色牛仔裤. What are these? They are Dad s black trousers. 2.那是一件橘黄色的外套. 今天很冷 . That s an orange coat. It s (very) cold today./Today i

6、s (very) cold. 3.这是你的袜子. 把它们给你 . 把它给你Here are your socks. Here they are. Here it is. 4.你的牛仔裤是什么颜色? 它们是棕色的 . What colour are your jeans? They are brown. 5.这时谁的篮球?(两种 ). Whose basketball is this/it?=Whose is this/the basketball? 6.你的自行车在哪? 它在树下 . Where s your bike? It s under the tree. 7.讲台在教室 /黑板前面 .

7、 The teacher s desk is in the front of the classroom./in front of the blackboard. 8.双胞胎姐妹在我和他(她)之间 . The twin sisters are betwwen him/her. 9.这/那些风筝不是我们的.(2 种 ) These/The kites aren t ours.=Those aren t our kites. 第四次1.他们学校有多少图书馆/篮球场 ? How many libraries/basketball courts are there in their school? 2

8、.他们不在草坪上. 拿上你的风筝. They aren t on the grass. Take your kites. 3.这是汤姆哥哥的汽车This Tom s brother s car. 这是谁哥哥的汽车? Whose brother s car is this? 4.” us” 里面有一个 ” u” 和一个 ” s” . There is a u and a s in the word us . 5.世界卫生组织中华人民共和国贵宾美国音乐节目主持人身份证英国WHO PRC VIP USA DJ ID HK 6.他/她的表妹的职业是什么? What s his/her cousin?=

9、What s hi/her cousin s job? 7.二十个小孩40 个班摘花Twenty children forty classes pick the flowers 8.你的裤子是什么颜色? What colour are your trouses? 他的袜子在床下. His socks are under the bed. 9.元音字母 : Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 发音为 /ei/的辅音 : Hh Jj Kk 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页第五次1.我有一些漫画书. I have some

10、comic books.( 改为否定和一般) 我没有一些漫画书. I don t have any /have no comic books. 你有一些漫画书吗? Do you have any comic books. 2.这是你的模型飞机吗? Is this your model plane? Is this model plane yours? 3.a 我们是医生 ,他(们)呢? We are docters.What about him/ them? b:我们的图书馆很干净,那么他们的/你们的呢?Our libraries are clean,what about theirs/you

11、rs c:去游泳怎么样?What about going swimming ?How about going swimming? 4.每个学生都有一个存物. Every student has a locker 每个小孩都很认真. Every child studies hard/is in Grard 1 每个男孩都是星期天看电视. Every boy watches TV on Saturday everying. 5.汤姆的房间里有两个电脑/两个收音机 . Tom s cousin has two computers in his room. There re two radios in

12、 Tom s cousin s room. 6.米莉的左手上什么? What does Millie have in her left hand? What s in Millie s left hand? 7.他还有一些小刀。He also has some knifes in his bag.8.a.我的眼镜在熊左/右边。My glasses are on the left/right of the bear. b.这条裤子是我的。我非常喜欢他们。The pair of jeans is mine.I like them very much.c.裤子太短了。The trousers are

13、 too short.9.有多少双运动鞋子在他们右边. How many pairs of sports shoes are there on their right? 10.桌子上有一瓶果汁/一杯水。Theres a bottle of juice/ a glass of water on the table. 冰箱里有三盒牛奶。Therere three bottles of milk in the frige.11.有一些面包在门后. There is some bread behind the door.有一些收音机在梨子之间。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

14、总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页There are some radios beside the pears. 12.这些花是老师的。Here are some flowers for our teacher.这样东西是给我们学生的。Therere many things for us students. 13.在你们班有谁养宠物? 许多学生养。Who has a pet in your class? Many students have. 14.谁在那儿 ? Who is over there? 谁去学校骑自行车? Who goes to school by bike

15、? 第六次1。把你的包带到这儿。Bring your bag here 把它带到超市。Bring it into the shop 不要把报纸带回家/到那儿。Don t take the newspapers home/there. 把书带到办公室/图书馆。Take the book to the office/library. 2。在网上找资料Look for things on the Internet. 放风筝,后玩电脑游戏fly kites/a kite play computer games later 3。骑自行车我知道了ride a/the bike=ride on one s

16、bike I see. 你不能在书上写。You can t/mustn t write in the books. 4。把它们放在那儿把标志放在正确的地方。put them over there put the signs in the right places 5。他们不是同学。They aren t classmates. 他们不在篮球场上/食堂踢足球 . They don t play football on the basketball court/in the dining hall. 他们不能在美丽的花园里爬树。They can t climb the trees in the b

17、eautiful garden. 6。看标志 /黑板。你必须先做你的家庭作业。look at the sign/blackboard You must do your himework first. 7。去超市过马路等绿灯go to the supermarket cross the road waite for the green light 8。为她的车子找个合适的地方Look for a right place for her bike. 左右看上下看look left,then right look up and down 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

18、 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页9。使用购物蓝听音乐use a shopping basket listen to music 你不能用你的手机You mustn t use your mobilephone. 10。把车停在树下Park the car under the tree. 打扰一下 ,我能吃一些面包吗?Escuse me,can I have some bread? 11。汤姆每天在5:00 回家Tom goes home at five o clock every day. 让汤姆 5:00 回家Let Tome go home at five. 汤姆, 5

19、:00 回家Tom,go home at five. 12。我的照相机在桌上。你的相机在哪儿?My camera is on the desk(划线提问 ) -Where s your camera? 我的照相机在桌上. 哪个是你的?The camera on the desk is mine. -Which camera is yours? 13。他的裤子是绿色的。他的裤子是什么颜色?His trousers are grey. -What colour are his trousers? 棕色裤子是他的。哪条裤子是他的?The brown trousers are his. -Which

20、trousers are his? 第七次1。他大约在6: 30 吃早饭。He has/eat his breakfast at about six thirty. 他在家吃午饭吗? Does he have/eat his lunch at home? 他在哪儿吃晚饭?Where does he have/eat his supper? 2。几点了?What time is it?=What s the time? 七点了6:50 了It s seven o clock. It s six fifty. 3。快点一周 5 天一堂美术课Hurry up. five days a week an

21、 Art lesson 4。上语文、数学和英语课have Chinese,Maths and English lesson 5。只有在星期四,放学后/下课后,半个小时后only on Tuesday,after school/class,half an hour later 6。上其他像音乐,美术和体育的课。have other lessons like Music,Art and PE. 7。我在晚饭后写家庭作业。I do homework after dinner. 你晚饭后写作业吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共

22、11 页Do you do your homework after supper? 我晚饭后不写作业I don t do my homework after supper. 8。 互相聊天和他们去那儿和同学一起玩和我一起游泳chat with each other go there with them play with one s classmates swim with me 9。我们 8:00 开始上课,告诉我们关于你的家庭/国家。Our class begin at 8:00a.m., tell us about your family/country. 10。他在 6:00 起床。他

23、什么时候起床?He gets up at six(划线提问)-What time does he get up? 他每个星期六晚上看电视。他什么时候看电视?He watches TV every Saturday evening. -When does he watch TV? 第八次1。尼克起床起的早/晚吗?(两种)Does Nick get up early/late on Saturdays? = Does Nick get up early/late on every Saturday? 2。Lily 在 6:00 后做家庭作业。Lily does her homework after

24、 six o clock. ? Lily 在 6: 00 后做家庭作业吗?Does Lily do her homework after Six o clock.? Lily 不在 6:00 后做家庭作业Lily doesn t do her homework after Six o clock. 3。她在星期六做一些清洁吗?Does she do some/the cleaning on Saturday? 帮我打扫屋子。help me clean the househelp Tom do some housework 帮助汤姆做家务。help Tom do some housework 4

25、。他有时给他的朋友发电子邮件. Sometimes he (sometimes) writes e-mails to his friends. 5。在周末为我们做饭为他们打扫窗户cook dinner for us at the weekend clean the windows for them 为我把书带到办公室take the books to the office for me 6。他在晚饭后洗碗和看报纸。He washes the dishes and reads newspapers after dinner. 7。我表妹每个星期五早晨浇花并且听音乐。My cousin water

26、s the flowersand listens to music every Friday morning. 8。他还喜欢告诉我们关于他的班级。He also likes tell us about his class.=He likes to tell us about his class ,too. 9。我的双胞胎哥哥喜欢打排球。My twin brother enjoys playing volleyball. 10。她不喜欢沿着街道走。She doesn t like walking down the street. 11。他和他的狗走了多长时间。How long does he w

27、alk with his dog? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页她每晚读英语报纸两小时。She reads English newspaper for half an hour every morning. 12。在那之后,她去书店看新出的书。After that,she goes to the bookshop to have a look at the new books. 她经常在下午去看她的祖父母She usually goes to visit/see her grandparents in the

28、 afternoon. 13。他坐公交车回家。He takes a bus home.=He goes home by bus. 他骑车去动物园吗?Does he ride a bike to the zoo?=Does he go to the zoo by bike? 14。我的舅舅 /舅妈和她的家人购物或看电视。My uncle/aunt does some shopping or watches TV with her family. 15。她经常在图书馆和我们一起学习。She ofen studies with us in the library. 她经常和他在公园放风筝。She o

29、fen flies kites with him in the garden. 16。去钓鱼 /划船 /跑步 /购物 /滑冰 /游泳go fishing/boating/running/shopping/skating/swimming 第九次1。他生日时经常得到什么礼物?What does he ofen get for his birthday? 2。他想给她买一些贴纸。He wants to by her some stiekers. 他想买玩具熊给她。He would like yo by a teddy bear for her. 3。她不想乘公交车去图书馆。She doesn t

30、want to take a bus to the library.=She wouldn t like to go to the library by bus. 4。他和我们一起购物吗?Does he want to do some shopping with us?=Would he like to go shopping with us? 5 他想什么时候买礼物?When does he want to by the prsents? 他想什么时候读报纸?When would he like to read the newspapers? 6。今年,这个月/星期 /下午this year

31、/month/week/afternoon 穿着一件新的粉红T-恤一件旧的棕色大衣wear a new pinkT-shirt an old black coat 7。为他准备了许多礼物Have a lot of /lots of /many prents for him. 8。每个人在生日派对上都过的很开心。Everyone was happy at the birthday party.=Everybody had a good time at the birthday party. 9。最后他们一些人她朋友中的一些at last some of them some of her frie

32、nds 谈关于一本有趣的书我们 /他们所有人精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页talk about an interesting book all of us/them 10。向她走去走回家走到那儿 /这儿walk to her walk home walk there/here 走路去公园walk to the park=go to the park on foot 11。你的生日在什么时候?在四月在 4 月 8 日(第一,第二)When is your birthday? It s in April. It s

33、 on the eighth of April(first,second) 12。我妹妹和我共用一个电脑。My sister shares the computer with me. 我们和她共同分享一个大蛋糕。We share the big cake with her. 13。看起来酷 /强壮 /快乐 /伤心look cool/strong/happy/sad 桌上有一些饮料桌上没有饮料There are some drinks on the table. There are no/aren t any drinks on the table. 14。谁去参加你的生日晚餐?Who come

34、s to your birthday dpnner? 谁想和我去那儿在你们班上谁起床早/晚?Who wants to go there with me? Who gets up early in your class? 15。他们 /她感觉怎么样?How do they fell? How does she fell? 我们从 8:00 到 11:30 有 4 节课We have four lessons frobetween 8:00 to 11:30. 16。今天是我一年中最喜欢的日子。Today is my favourite day of the year. 这是汤姆最喜欢的漫画书。T

35、his is Tom s favourite comic book. 那是我爸爸最喜欢的车子。That s my father s favourite car. 7A1.1 1.他喜欢读关于足球的书。He enjoys reading books about football. 我非常喜欢和我的朋友聊天。I like chatting with my friends very much. 她爱戴一副眼镜。She loves wear a pair of glasses. 2。如何照顾他们他不知道它用英语怎么说how to look after them he doesn t know how

36、to say it in English 3。他想和他们交朋友。他想在下课后听音乐。He wants to make friends with them. He would like to listen to music after class. 4。这是在学校的最后一天。这是他们第二节英语课。This is the first day at school. This is their second English lesson. 这是我表兄的第8 个生日。Today is my cousin s eighth birthday. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

37、 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页5。他 12 岁,这个宝宝1 岁。He is 12 years old.The baby is one year.=He is a one year old baby. 6。他在几班?他在7 年级 1 班。What class is he in?He is in Class1,Grade 7. 在读书 /英语俱乐部in the Reading /English Club. 7。他们对我们有礼貌并且乐于助人。They are polite and helpful to us. 她有一头长长的黑发。She has long black hair.

38、=Her hair is long and black. 8。她有一双深褐色的眼睛。He has dark brown eyes. =His eyes are dark brown. 他学习(工作)认真。He works/studies hard. 9。看起来强壮在羽毛球场 /足球场在游泳池里look strong on the badminton court/football field in the swimming pool 10。和他在午餐时间用英语交谈。talk to/ with him in English at lunch time 谈论关于他们最喜欢的篮球运动员。talk ab

39、out their favourite football player 11。在餐馆里吃,去看比赛。Eat in restaurant go to watch the games 带汤姆和我去散步。take Tom and me for a walk 在我祖父母家吃饭。have dinner at my grandpants home 12。他感觉快乐。他感觉怎样?He fells happy. How does he fell? 13。她擅长跳舞Shi is good at dancing.=She does well in dancing. 14。我出生在上海你们在哪儿出生?I was (

40、be) born in Shanghai. Where were you born? 15。他来自北京。He is from Beijing.=He comes from Beijing. 他来自哪儿?Where is he from?=Where doesa he come from? 16。汤姆出生在4 月 8 日。Tom was born on 8th April. 汤姆在哪儿出生?Where was Tom born? 17。我们应该去打排It s time for us to play volleyball. 球了。他们应该去打扫图书馆了。It s time for them to

41、clean the library. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页7A1.2 1.他们擅长于进球? Are they good at scoring goals?=Do they well in scoring goals? 我不擅长于体育运动。I m not good at sport.=I don t do well in sport. 2。体育新闻两双运动鞋sports news two pairs of sports shoes. 他效力于黄河足球队。He plays for Huanghe foot

42、ball team. 在下届世界杯上踢。play in the next World Cup. 3。在我们队最新的成员。the newest member in our team 他在这些比赛踢的好。He palys well in these matches. 4.她再次获胜了。她是获胜者。She wins again. She is the winner. 这些鞋是获胜者的。the shoes are winner s 5。这些鞋是为那些长跑运动员准备的。The shoes are for those runners. 游泳运动员的名字在纸上。(游泳运动员,跑步运动员,获胜者,歌唱家)Th

43、e swimmers names are on the paper.(swimmer,runner,winner,player,singer.) 6。我能借你的尺/橡皮吗?对不起,我没有。Can I borrow your ruler/rubber? I don t have one. 7。他今天早晨把他的笔记忘在家里了。He left his pen at home this moring. 我不明白。我准备好了。I don t understand. I ll start/begin now. 8。他经常问我/图书馆接钢笔。He always borrows pens from me/th

44、ose libraries. 他没有笔。你必须为他借一个。He doesn t have a pen/has no pen. You must borrow one for him. 9。那个用英语怎么说?How do you say that in English?=What s that in English?=What s the English for that? 10。我的同学多很喜欢我。My classmates all like me. 他们都是优秀的运动员。They are all good players. 11。他们多来自南京吗?Do they all come from

45、Nanjing? 步行去不同的俱乐部。walk to differenr clubs 12。我很了解他们。你了解他们多少?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页I know them well. How well do you know them? 13。他鱼吃的不多。He doesn t eat too much fish. 你在班里英语读的越多,学的就越快。The more English you speak in class,the faster you will learn. 14。这个门的钥匙。问题的答案T

46、he key to the door. The answer to the question. 15。今天是星期六。今天是星期几?It s Saturday. What day is ir today? 他喜欢互相聊天。He enjoys chatting with each other. 7A1.3 1.他六点起床,不要叫醒他。现在是早饭时间吗?现在是吃晚饭时间吗?现在是他们吃晚饭的时间吗?2。吃完午饭后去睡觉。他就是不知道怎样学英语。一些狗确实不知道怎样获得乐趣。3。一位网友。他最好的朋友。他们对我是友好的/礼貌的 /乐于助人的。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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