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1、M2U2M2U2一般将来时和过去将一般将来时和过去将来时课件来时课件Mr. Snail and Mr. TortoiseWhere are you going?Im going to the store around the corner.What for?It will be my birthday in two days.How old will you be then?I shall be 5 hundred years old.I will buy you a car for your birthday, then.Its kind of you. But Ill still run

2、50 miles every day.Why?Remember the race last time?I am to beat you next time.Oh, really? But the store is about to close!Oh, no! I am to have nothing for supper!HOWHOWHOWwill / shall do to expressto express the the simple simple future future tensetensewill/shall dobe going to dobe to dobe about to

3、 dobe doing do/doesSimple future tense can be formed by:will dobe going tobe toshall do be doingdo/doesbe about towould dowas/were going towas/were toshould do was/were doingdidwas/were about toFuture in the past can be formed by:will do:1. 表将来的趋向和状态表将来的趋向和状态2. 表事先打算好将来发生的动作表事先打算好将来发生的动作3. ?4. 表意志、命

4、令、请求等语气表意志、命令、请求等语气Without water fish will die.He will finish his work by next Monday.Tom is ill? We will see him right now!This time I will pass the exam.You will hand in your paper right now.3.表无事先打算而即将发生的动作表无事先打算而即将发生的动作would表示过去的习惯性动作表示过去的习惯性动作He would get up at 6:00 a.m. every day.He used to ge

5、t up at 6:00 a.m. every day.强调过去的习惯强调过去的习惯强调现在的变化强调现在的变化would do would表示主语的意愿表示主语的意愿Would you give me a hand?We all tried to stop him, but he wouldnt listen to us.be going to:表事先打算好即将或最近发生的动作表事先打算好即将或最近发生的动作He is going to finish his work by next Monday.Tom is ill? We will see him right now!Weve hear

6、d that Tom is ill. We are going to/ will see him right now.无事先准备无事先准备事先有计划事先有计划was/were going to表示原先的打算表示原先的打算We were going to hold the meeting tomorrow, but now the chairman is ill, so we have to put it off to next week.be to:务必务必(必须必须)、命令、命令The boy is to go to school tomorrow.We are to meet at the

7、 school gate at 6.表按计划、安排表按计划、安排You are to be here at 8:00 tomorrow.If he goes on like this, he is to end with failure .注定、命运安排注定、命运安排was / were to 表示原先的打算表示原先的打算Toby was to leave London today, but his air ticket is lost. It sounds like he has to change his plan.Multiple choices1. Alice, why didnt y

8、ou come yesterday? I _, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. had B. would C. was going to D. did2. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. was working C. had just started D. had worked3. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _ office soon. A

9、 leaves B. would leave C. left D. had left4. Come in, Peter. I want to show you something. Oh, how nice of you! I _ you _ to bring me a gift. A. never think; are going B. never thought; were going C. didnt think; were going D. hadnt thought; were going 5. He_ anyone the minute he _ they needed help.

10、 A. would help; saw B. helped; saw C. will help: sees D. helps; sees6. As I _ the next day, I went to bed early on Thursday evening. A. was leaving B. had left C. will leave D. left 7. I had no idea if he _ the meeting. A. will attend B. attends C. will have attended D. would attend 8. I _ to start

11、off when it began to rain. A. was B. was able C. wanted D. was about 9. They wanted to know what _next. A. would happen B. has happened C. will happen D. is going to happenABDFEC参考要点参考要点(适当添加适当添加细节,使行文,使行文连贯):):1.在学在学习中遇到困中遇到困难时,我,我们要真要真诚帮助。帮助。竞争也是一种合作争也是一种合作(cooperation)。2.要有丰富的要有丰富的课外活外活动,这是必需的。是必

12、需的。(Its. that. )3.有一有一场难忘的忘的毕业舞会是很有趣的。(舞会是很有趣的。( What fun. )4.我我们首先要做的是努力学首先要做的是努力学习。(be to do )5.这样的生活才的生活才值得回得回忆。(be worth )My Dream High School Life Writing2)Finish writing the passage above.1)Consolidate the language points. and grasp them.Homework Haha, you get nothing!Smile more, and youll fin

13、d that life is very wonderful!1.Oh, boy, why are you killing your time in this way? Cant you find something_ doing at all?Auseful BvaluableCgood Dworth真题回放真题回放词条词条搭配搭配意义和用意义和用法法worthybe worthy of+n.be worthy of+n.应得某事应得某事物物be worthy of being donebe worthy of being donebe worthy to be donebe worthy t

14、o be done某事值某事值得被做得被做worthwhile Its Its worthwhile doing worthwhile doing sth./to do sthsth./to do sth值得做某值得做某事事worthbe worth +be worth +钱数钱数/ /名词名词值值.值得值得be worth doingbe worth doing某事值得某事值得被做被做辨析比辨析比较:worthy worthwhile worth1. With a lot of difficult problems_,the newlyelected president is having a hard time. Asettled Bto settle Csettling Dbeing settled高频考点高频考点 毫无疑问钓鱼岛是我们的毫无疑问钓鱼岛是我们的!Its _ that Diaoyu Island is we Chinese!certain结束结束



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