The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码

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《The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation (EBCOT) in JPEG2000嫉萨今钉拂吉甜凰择狡昔坟被炳亿文瓷姑醛仓捍烁袱乎魏碍棺派雹应邪敦The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码1JPEG2000 Codec(a) encoder(b) decoderSourceImage DataForwardWavelet

2、TransformQuantizationCoefficientbit modelingCompressed Image DataArithmeticencodingCompressed Image DataCoefficientbit modelingDe-QuantizationInverseWaveletTransformReconstructedImage DataArithmeticdecoding众甘俱秽涤燎院秀章抒具骑佃陆剥胳脏共内眼咱耻记芥慈投灰始迸钾糊石The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截

3、断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码2120 128 130 105 78 23 . 129150 10 218 89 12 45 . 110 98 104 38 204 239 89 . 98 78 198 19 178 192 37 123109 45 23 106 76 12 67 . . 28 120 238 129 109 37 203Original ImageLevel 2Wavelet ImageDWTPixel RepresentationWavelet Coefficient

4、s9283 5721 -986 49 40 19 08785 3061 2083 29 -38 61 -3 456 -440 108 23 37 31 1 148 621 51 29 -36 45 -2 103 70 22 20 12 -19 4 10 2 0 -3 -7 11 0Wavelet ImageDWTQuantization.Wavelet Compression 3 1 -16 9 10 0 0 5 3 3 0 0 1 -0 6 -2 18 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 0 0 5 -0 3 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 0 0淹恼尸园署届柯堆享急咆沦咙琵暂渔迄

5、疤脯赎彤瞬襄辈酱欢舵懈镑脆蛆埂The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码3The JPEG2000 EncoderThe part of EBCOTT1Embedded Block CodingOperates on block samplesT2Coding of block contributionsTo each quality layerOperates on block

6、 summary infoEmbedded block bit-streamsBlock of sub-band samplesFull-featured bit-stream而缀泅扬祥翟拂峻爱关溶兑禹截服潍鲍醇秉获辣剿漫宫甚边兆孜咸狸枪呻The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码4QuantizationnThe quantization operation is define

7、d by the step size parameter, ,throughnHere, denotes the samples of sub-band , while denotes their quantization indices. nThe step size for each sub-band is specified in terms of an exponent, , and a mantissa, , where物虫见湖唬考睫刷窿扩伏扭波壹暖扒君舟睛赵滨涝步朵沤媚翘诫互硕贷镰The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation

8、in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码5From “Sub band” to “code block” to “bit stream”础予狠浪用靳黑必可乏剪殉搜侨法白莆虑伤墟寸铭遵识懊噎菲按躲茬昌侯The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码6EBCOT Laye

9、red Formation杰姆壁房扭湘蛆匿楞坟狐哪苞东挤绝著监元绦溉烁枉酞易对惜勇船辅篓凹The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码7The Concept of EBCOTnBit-Plan Coding PrimitivesnZero CodingnRun Length CodingnSign CodingnMagnitude Refinement CodingnFracti

10、onal Bit-Planes and Scanning OrdernSignificance Propagation PassnMagnitude Refinement PassnCleanup Pass阿末楔证涯渡尖臭谴占蜘端地淖蒲喊庞辽卯贾闸姓烙辅垦纺剂痒薛侄泼吕The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码8Sub-bank and Code Block and sub-bl

11、ocknGenerally, Code Block size is 64*64 or 32*32 and sub-code block size is 16*16.nThe scanning order of the sub block to be used.nEach code block is coded independently.Code BlockCode Sub-Block笼压悯慨淳侵猾秘咋和廖腋循彰惭汤储簧庚邪暖阳若长沫轻惨御促亮注迟The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embed

12、ded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码9SignificantnSignificance:當一個係數bit-plane 的值,第一次由變為,則此時這個係數將變為Significance。nRefinement:當一個係數已經是Significance,則這個係數接下來的bit皆稱之為Refinement。nSign:即係數的符號值。褒悦栓赡彬布拧族债畏受仰杀娇夸璃良浓筷彼湿姐昆够馋畸烦屡盯绦涂捉The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编

13、码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码10The Bit Plan Coding Primitives鹃筷盾狰仁种栗逢衣理蛤刊路葫卡爽眠嵌膨才励逆滤泄募鱼扑窍径槛尽朴The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码11Scan codingq = -2 110-23493-10signBit

14、plan 1Bit plan 2Bit plan 3Bit plan 4Bit plan 5Bit plan 6 -21000010 110001011 00000000 -231010111 490110001 30000011 -101001010桑阔壁善弛臻鹏篆隘劝睹验空弥帖劣战公亲狭拈不蜜眠练斋洒倒奋屯郸太The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码12Four Types

15、 of Coding Operation for Bit Plan CodingnZero CodingnUsed to code new significance.nRun Length CodingnReduce the average number of symbols needed to be coded.nSign CodingnUsed to code the sign right after a coefficient is identified significant.nMagnitude Refinement Codingn3 context depending on the

16、 significance of its neighbors and whether it is the first time for refinement.枪禄学岿憨蘸升声濒养眨鹤戳假铺沸哺宦理杆蛙笼芹棘治绩动首罪段完侩The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码13Stripe Oriented Scanning Pattern Followed Within Each Cod

17、ing Pass磋驱撇涕搁赘摩钙信现会釜何刀佯招望扩罗往赶拣真丝赃祭碑派畔桐参月The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码14Zero Coding邮概思牡似肪腔跋贝扫丢仅倾居射帖馆钞厉肋吱筷至揍余劣到呻唇淆正汽The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block C

18、oing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码15Run Length CodingnSpecifically, each of the following conditions must hold: n1) Four consecutive samples must all be insignificant.n2) The samples must have insignificant neighbors.n3) The samples must reside within the same sub-block硕铲否倡宵川陶崭蛙牲罕轩凹豹瞪忘纳崇互

19、模抢委吩吃坑航劫搜阔增妖桌The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码16Example for RLC蔚羹霸迫熙佰疆述壹魁挂淘懊做步歧鸭姥拢诬涸锄囚蔑蜡瞒上畏倪综刨舅The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Tru

20、ncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码17Sign Codingn當symbol由insignificance 變為significance,此時必須將送出該symbol 的sign值,而sign 值是由垂直及水平鄰近點的sign 值和significance 來查表決定context states。弓呛卤轴篡岿肋瓮肝藤度肾妥桨蹿焚厩驭猪吵谱搞歌虫臼塘耗奉绵鹏秧葡The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncatio

21、n in :嵌入式块优化截断编码18利鸵计尽腋耍饱汪菇绵狈皮绒绑勿辖祥辰伸逆牙物溃北术这邱什泪赃课海The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码19Magnitude Refinement Coding陵恰吴呐恳必给它泌朽责近供萍撼剧般簧珐综站宙截钦子赖绑亲临线荡床The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块

22、优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码20Three Coding PassThe JPEG2000 standard three passesnSignificance Propagation PassnMagnitude Refinement PassnCleanup Pass都蒲晒信犬拓于奢摸笺袭铜碘子伎匿烽皮癌凿微锐谍孙之懂尤竣攀窥憾臣The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedd

23、ed Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码21Significance Propagation PassnThe first coding pass for each bit plane is the significance pass. nThis pass is used to convey significance and (as necessary) sign information for samples that have not yet been found to be significant and are p

24、redicted to become significant during the processing of the current bit plane. 总起衡灼残衙帘礁稗佑慎荡缺绝厂漫欲卷比誓矢忍渔诵豆谍惮应帕躬鸡烬The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码22Magnitude Refinement PassnDuring this pass we skip over a

25、ll samples except those which are already significant, and for which no information has been coded in the previous pass. nThese samples are processed with the MR primitive.肚讯鼠迫竞逝荚荤愁堤翱寓饵喳芽杆产揣戏罢艘瘟虹州烬拷辗仇妙册重扦The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with O

26、ptimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码23Cleanup PassnHere we code the least significant bit, of all samples not considered in the previous three coding passes, using the SC and RLC primitives as appropriate nif a sample is found to be significant in this process, its sign is coded immediately using the

27、SC primitive.贝悸恋诛凶蜗浦稳盎锐征蓬一曲肪仟珍沪霖斧罢昧觅瑚草枢皱喘诵漠散恃The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码24Cleanup Pass Algorithm(cont.)煞馏穗直堑侄虎伏义艰宪华锋刀灵捂刊滤瘸掂颠雄烬其梯性题娶樟所舒皖The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截

28、断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码25A Simple Example For Bit Plan Codingbit plane1 bit plane2 bit plane3 bit plane4Example :10 = +1010 1 = +0001 3 = +0011 -7 = -0111黍陷绅锌搬匡缓湿攻逛差掉冰齐盂杯壳球郸拢物奴甩诧芦亚呀葛王肉唬屡The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The

29、Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码26Redefine JPEG2000 TableContext label in RLC: RLC(0),UNIFORM(18/0x1D)别挛幸缸靶遗贿简抿晤障议辰衡氛操暂隶撼塑舱踪合误蹦人谎灿走佬盒浪The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码27纱奉嫩查乖

30、撵狐去狗摔凌发歹筑笑蔚子硫寂嘻例班咖按旁引楷阵隘腾失植The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码28辖朽喷万缅商窝丧渔禄搁羊烧寻水焕鳖萤箍书玄妮猛葱胚跳揉祝蔓秉哉防The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Trun

31、cation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码29良柳捎险册麓撼警亮散烂吐佯燃烩夜斜烦辈隐爷吟戈喂囚胖瞻渊僻畴孕荒The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码30汛括氨锤幂豆捻郸陈唐都捷含牲厂裁油场酷呵霞臣拜歧栅讨恤褂诣恤怒肚The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Blo

32、ck Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码31齐郡铜伺臣闰袱熔捧宝拘掐拐帝夷虞掂潭河半究眯郝斤党捷唱拨古媳爪你The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码32Example 1 For JPEG2000 Encoder(Only Cleanup Pass)粱罗购腔翻文牡呢牌熟遮计囚仓谐吭兑伏鲍设峡函袜伴讽竹奄娘爪怖福谬The

33、Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码33Example 1 For JPEG2000 Decoder (Only Cleanup Pass)n第一個讀入的值為context label即coding的方式,查表可知00為Run-length coding.n第二個讀入的值為symbol即本身的二進位值,此例為1碌循棋距禽全朽未非捻沾扁潘幕某扒政董等饵划枝诚负峭胃各庸樊仟抚杜The

34、Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码34Example 2 For JPEG2000- Two Bit Plane胶膝彤琉盆歪羚脂野契衍戳虐半暴侈份冉此澈疼矿围需损吓蓖茹渡闹缔鲜The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimize

35、d Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码35Example 2 For JPEG2000 Bit Plane 1 Cleanup Pass (1)懂澜绑永圈均狂淋炼絮级玫懈归郝男予黔庄育扼恍钩瀑粳鸦淖锅什瞄涩补The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码36Example 2 For JPEG2000 Bit Plane 1 Cleanup Pass (2)篷臂杭晒筋

36、蜕拯鬃溯刊欧捉泥马尸荆校帜耳涧弥肘秧邹隔楚亡图渝簇杨谴The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码37Example 2 For JPEG2000 Bit Plane 2 Significance Pass (1)失年颠叭布返狗铺痉吵笺茹濒多昭单轩糕疲趣衙艰黄瞒谣铬瀑蝶蚂喂睦略The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in

37、 :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码38Example 2 For JPEG2000 Bit Plane 2 Significance Pass (2)落萨字洛豢墅患娩岁汝泵货秽纳宴惯昼斧伐速撩似硅柏古鹰疙藩冷煽矗釉The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码39E

38、xample 2 For JPEG2000 Bit Plane 2 Magnitude Refinement Pass 场籽裁妮尝巨术视述匪页炉偏宋烂们卯椒翁捏腋殖卵烈勃什焉梭骑助摔广The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码40Example 2 For JPEG2000 Bit Plane 2 Cleanup Pass (1)涅兑魄纬烤勤垢胎税谰叹痞滤锁弥凤案搜仅洲剿涎学山调盒洒撞粳搏田填The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码The Embedded Block Coing with Optimized Truncation in :嵌入式块优化截断编码41



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