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1、Chpter2-ILexical DevicesIntroductionWhat you think are the criteria for the effectiveness of a discourse?Grammar?Vocabulary?George CampbellProper words in proper placesJonathan Swift:春色满园关不住,春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。一枝红杏出墙来。“春风又绿江南岸春风又绿江南岸”kissing with golden face the meadows green, Gilding pale streams with

2、 heavenly alchemy 2.1 Significance of Dictions1.The little girl is singing merrily. The wind is blowing hard.2.The little girl is singing merrily like a lurk. The wind is roaring.Literal language: speaks directly, in matter-of-fact statements.Figurative language& figures of speech: speaks indirectly

3、 and involves expressed or implied comparisons of some kind. 2.2 Criteria of the Lexical Options 英语措辞的标准英语措辞的标准 PurityPrecision/AccuracyAppropriateness2.2.1 Purity 措辞的纯正性措辞的纯正性Reputable 规范化,规范化,National 民族化,民族化,Present 现时化现时化 - George Campbell2.2.2 Accuracy/Precision措辞的精确性措辞的精确性lincorrectly expresse

4、d;lnot fully expressed;lgoing far from what is intendede.g.1.I was pleased by his fulsome praise.2.I thought it was a nice performance.3.As a result of examining the basic flaws in the situation, he came up with a radical solution to the problem. Reasons Leading to ImprecisionpTemptation of abstract

5、 wordsp Careless use of noun attribute e.g.(1)The cession of house-building operated over a period of five years.(2)There has been persistent instability in number of staff.(3) The staff has continually varied in numbers. (4) No houses were built for five years.(5) Nursery school provisiontonsils op

6、eration; ideas man2.2.3 Appropriateness措辞的适合性措辞的适合性(1)The patient has a severe contusion (2) Thats a contusion youve got there.(3) Thats a nasty bruise youve got there.Care should be taken for technical words.Four Categories of WordsLearned Words深奥词深奥词;Popular/Common Words大众词大众词; Colloquial口语词口语词; S

7、lang 俚语词俚语词 EXAMPLESLearned /Common :“agree” “prove” “surrender” concur ; verify; capitulateFormal Informal Colloquialdeception trick rip-ofdepart leave splitinsane mad nutty, a screw looseresidence house digsretire go to bed hit the sackEXAMPLESSlang space-out()(); grass (marijuana); faggotry(homo)

8、(1)Many students start out pretty together but then get weird. (2) Many students start out with clear goals but then lose their direction.深奥词大众词口语词俚语词最正式最不正式Levels of FormalityGenerally, popular/common words are right choice. The rule is to suit ones diction to the occasion, and not to mix the words

9、 with different language levels up. Do not use the language showing gender or other discriminationsPresident Reagan came to Nancys defense. Mrs. ReaganLadies are entering almost every occupation. WomenThe considerate doctor commends a nurse when she provides his patients with good care. who provides good care for patientsThe grocery shopper should save her coupons. his or herThank You!



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