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1、 1.To learn some methods to guess the meaning of a word from the context. 2. To learn to use the methods.Learning goals:Lead-inThe award music was written by Tan Dun, a world-famous composer.formationcontextkntekst 语境语境; 上下文上下文 构成构成 the person who writes musicQ1: Where was Tan Dun born?He was born i

2、n 上下文猜词法上下文猜词法 1. 定义法线索定义法线索 Definition Clues Clue words mean, be called, the capital city.central Hunan.It means Changsha.When he was young, he was fond of music. And he was called a music-lover by his classmates.liked/loveddefnn 省会省会be named, be, 1.The conductor, the person who sold and checked ti

3、ckets on the bus, got very angry and told him to get off.2. She decided to study agriculture, the science of farming, at university.3. When we talked the curriculum, we refer to the students course of study at school.P75 PartAkndkt grklt krkjlm attributive clause 定语从句定语从句售票员售票员农业农业课程课程apposition 同位语

4、同位语apposition 同位语同位语Have a try1. The glass is very hard but also very brittle. It means it can break easily. A. 刺耳的刺耳的 B. 不易弯的不易弯的 C. 易碎的易碎的 D. 明亮的明亮的2. The purpose was to catch “ringers”, students who take tests for others. A. 替考者替考者 B. 小偷小偷 C. 作弊作弊 D. 违纪者违纪者n. Q2: When he was young, what did he us

5、e to make music?He made music with common objects like stones andpaper上下文猜词法上下文猜词法 2. 举例法线索举例法线索 Example CluesHe likes the sounds without being processed, especially the sounds of the rushing water and theblowing wind.Clue words 加工、处理加工、处理, including water.v. for example, such as, includelike, inclu

6、ding, especially,1. Our Christmas dinner includes poultry for the main course, such as chicken, turkey, duck and so on.2. I appreciate what you have done for me very much. For example, after the mid-term exam, you comforted me, encouraged me and helped me with my study.be grateful 感激感激禽肉禽肉pltri pri:

7、iet v.Have a tryClue words that is (to say), in other words, His dream is to make music without boundaries. That is to say, he hopes that there will be no dividing line between Chinese and Western music.上下文猜词法上下文猜词法 3. 同义法线索同义法线索 Synonym CluesQ3: Tan Dun has successfully brought Chinese and Western

8、music together. Whats his dream?bring togethersnnm asas,the same as,that is /in other words Mother was tall, fat and middle-aged. The principal of the school was an older woman, almost as plump as mother, and much shorter.The underlined word “plump” means _.fatHave a try Yes. Some talents are innate

9、 while most of them are learned.上下文猜词法上下文猜词法 4. 反义法线索反义法线索 Antonym CluesQ4: Does Tan Dun have a real gift for music?Clue words while, net 天生的天生的 ntnm though, yet, instead of, rather than, unlike,(习得的习得的)but, however,To my surprise, US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan. Unlike

10、 them, in China, girls try every possible way to get their skin paler, or whiter.“Get a tan” means _ in Chinese.晒黑晒黑Have a try People think highly of him because he is an outstanding mucisian.上下文猜词法上下文猜词法 5. 常识法线索常识法线索 Common sense CluesQ5: Since Tan Dun has so many great achievements in music, what

11、 do people think of him? Guess according to the common sense, excellentnfrns 推理推理experience, inference When a doctor performs an operation on a patient, he usually gives an anaesthetic to makehim unconscious, because he does not want his patient to feel pain or to know what is happeningto him. nsetk

12、 a kind of medicineHave a tryobjectGuess1.There are many objects in the box, such as books, pens, coins and many hair clips.2. My object is to become a writer. This is my goal of life.3. In grammar, “books” are the object of “read” in the phrase “read books”.4. Some people objected to building the n

13、ew airport here while others agreed. 词性词性+meaning+why bdektn. thingsgoal /aim宾语宾语disagreedn.n.v.object to (doing) sth.1.Heisguilty,thatis(tosay)hehasdonesomethingagainstthelaw.2.Hehadbeengettingbetterbutduringthenighthisconditiondeteriorated.be guilty =get worse真题比拼真题比拼dtriret 有罪的有罪的do sth. wronga.

14、v. 真题比拼真题比拼1.Theshepherd,wholooksaftersheep,earnsabout650yuanayear.2.Childrenoftentrytoemulateorcopythebehaviorthattheyseeontelevision.52牧羊人牧羊人epd emjuleitIfthesentencedoesnotdefinetheword,first,trytodeterminethewordspartofspeech.Thenlookatthewayotherwordsareusedinthesentence,asthismightgiveacluetot

15、hemeaningofthenewword.I sat on the green grass watching the white clouds sailing across the azure sky.Inthesentenceabove,azureisthecolourofthesky-blue.B. Read the sentences below. Guess the meaning of the words in bold.1.Idonotlikepopmusic.Ipreferbluesinstead._2.Vehiclessuchascarsandbusesarenotallow




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