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1、the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative ch

2、arges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal incentives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government c

3、redit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and serv

4、ice industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, developmnt land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving

5、problems associated with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and appr oval items, simp

6、lify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yu

7、lu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with

8、the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no vi olation of

9、the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the fut

10、ure. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, thi

11、s area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulati

12、ons. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer

13、 to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, syste

14、m performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence o

15、f the scientific Outlook on development, di d not truly achieve mastery, to appl y, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the co

16、ntinuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to

17、pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not act

18、ively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of in

19、novation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideol ogical trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of

20、relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to list

21、en to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and计算机硬件常见故障解决方案主板是整个电脑的关键部件,在电脑起着至关重要的作用。如果主板产生故障将会影响到整个PC机系统的工作。 下面,我们就一起来看看主板在使用过程中最常见的故障有哪些。常见故障一:开机无显示电脑开机无显示,首先我们要检查的就是是

22、BIOS 。主板的 BIOS中储存着重要的硬件数据, 同时 BIOS也是主板中比较脆弱的部分,极易受到破坏, 一旦受损就会导致系统无法运行,出现此类故障一般是因为主板BIOS被 CIH病毒破坏造成(当然也不排除主板本身故障导致系统无法运行。)。一般BIOS被病毒破坏后硬盘里的数据将全部丢失,所以我们可以通过检测硬盘数据是否完好来判断 BIOS是否被破坏,如果硬盘数据完好无损,那么还有三种原因会造成开机无显示的现象:1. 因为主板扩展槽或扩展卡有问题,导致插上诸如声卡等扩展卡后主板没有响应而无显示。2. 免跳线主板在 CMOS 里设置的 CPU 频率不对,也可能会引发不显示故障,对此,只要清除

23、CMOS 即可予以解决。清除CMOS 的跳 线一般在主板的锂电池附近,其默认位置一般为1、2 短路,只要将其改跳为2、3 短路几秒种即可解决问题,对于以前的老主板如若用户找不到该跳线,只要将电池取下,待开机显示进入 CMOS 设置后再关机,将电池上上去亦达到CMOS 放电之目的。3. 主板无法识别 内存、内存损坏或者内存不匹配也会导致开机无显示的故障。某些老的主板比较挑剔内存,一旦插上主板无法识别的内存,主板就无法启动,甚至某些主板不给你任何故障提示(鸣叫)。当然也有的时候为了扩充内存以提高系统性能,结果插上不同品牌、类型的内存同样会导致此类故障的出现,因此在检修时,应多加注意。对于主板 BI

24、OS被破坏的故障,我们可以插上PCI 显卡看有无显示(如有提示,可按提示步骤操作即可。),倘若没有开机画面,你可以自己做一张自动更新 BIOS的软盘,或者光盘,重新刷新BIOS ,但有的主板 BIOS被破坏后,软驱根本就不工作, 此时,可尝试用热插拔法加以解决 (我曾经尝试过, 只要 BIOS相同,在同级别的主板中都可以成功烧录。)。但采用热插拔除需要相同的BIOS外 还可能会导致主板部分元件损坏, 所以可靠的方法是用写码器将BIOS更新文件写入 BIOS里面(可找有此服务的电脑商解决比较安全)。常见故障二: CMOS 设置不能保存此类故障一般是由于主板电池电压不足造成,对此予以更换即可, 但

25、有的主板电池更换后同样不能解决问题,此时有两种可能:1. 主板电路问题,对此要找专业人员维修;2. 主板 CMOS 跳线问题,有时候因为错误的将主板上的CMOS 跳线设为清除选项,或者设置成外接电池,使得CMOS 数据无法保存。常见故障三:在 Windows下安装主板驱动程序后出现死机或光驱读盘速度变慢的现象在一些杂牌主板上有时会出现此类现象,将主板驱动程序装完后, 重新启动精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction projec

26、ts in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxat

27、ion, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment

28、of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands,

29、 integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in thi s sector.

30、 When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficien

31、cy; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding p

32、roblems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abi

33、de by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no vi olation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the i

34、mplementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance wi

35、th the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard vi

36、sits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of v

37、ehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievemnts, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the m

38、asses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive lear

39、ning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not tr

40、uly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work t

41、ime, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Pro

42、paganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spi

43、rit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of

44、 propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, a

45、nd hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, th

46、ere artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and计算机不能以正常模式进入Windows XP桌面,而且该驱动程序在Windows XP下不能被卸载。 如果出现这种情况, 建议找到最新的驱动重新安装,问题一般都能够解决,如果实在不行,就只能重新安装系统。常见故障四: 安装 Windows或启动 Windows时鼠标不可用出现此类故障的软件原因一般是由于CMOS 设置错误引起的。在 CMOS 设置的电源

47、管理栏有一项modem use IRQ项目,他的选项分别为3、4、5.、NA ,一般它的默认选项为3,将其设置为 3 以外的中断项即可。常见故障五: 电脑频繁死机,在进行CMOS 设置时也会出现死机现象在 CMOS 里发生死机现象,一般为主板或CPU有问题,如若按下法不能解决故障,那就只有更换主板或CPU了。出现此类故障一般是由于主板Cache有问题或主板设计散热不良引起, 笔者在 815EP主板上就曾发现因主板散热不够好而导致该故障的现象。在死机后触摸 CPU 周围主板元件, 发现其温度非常烫手。 在更换大功率风扇之后, 死机故障得以解决。对于 Cach e 有问题的故障,我们可以进入CMO

48、S 设置,将 Cache禁止后即可顺利解决问题,当然,Cache禁止后速度肯定会受到有影响。常见故障六:主板COM 口或并行口、 IDE, 串口失灵出现此类故障一般是由于用户带电插拔相关硬件造成,此时用户可以用多功能卡代替,但在代替之前必须先禁止主板上自带的COM 口与并行口(有的主板连 IDE,串口都要禁止方能正常使用)。硬盘常见故障一: 系统不认硬盘系统从硬盘无法启动,从A盘启动也无法进入 C盘,使用 CMOS 中的自动监测功能也无法发现硬盘的存在。 这种故障大都出现在连接电缆或IDE端口上,硬盘本身故障的可能性不大, 可通过重新插接硬盘电缆或者改换IDE 口及电缆等进行替换试验, 就会很

49、快发现故障的所在。 如果新接上的硬盘也不被接受,一个常见的原因就是硬盘上的主从跳线,如果一条 IDE 硬盘线上接两个硬盘设备, 就要分清楚主从关系。常见故障二: 硬盘无法读写或不能辨认这种故障一般是由于CMOS 设置故障引起的。 CMOS 中的硬盘类型正确与否直接影响硬盘的正常使用。现在的机器都支持“IDE Auto Detect”的功能,可自动检测硬盘的类型。 当硬盘类型错误时, 有时干脆无法启动系统, 有时能够启动,但会发生读写错误。比如CMOS 中的硬盘类型小于实际的硬盘容量,则硬盘后面的扇区将无法读写, 如果是多分区状态则个别分区将丢失。还有一个重要的故障原因, 由 于目前的 IDE都

50、支持逻辑参数类型, 硬盘可采用“ Normal,LBA,Large ”等,如果在一般的模式下安装了数据, 而又在 CMOS 中改为其它的模式, 则会发生硬盘的读写错误故障, 因为其映射关系已经改变, 将无法读取原来的正确硬盘位置。常见故障三: 系统无法启动造成这种故障通常是基于以下四种原因:1. 主引导程序损坏2. 分区表损坏3. 分区有效位错误4. DOS引导文件损坏其中,DOS 引导文件损坏最简单,用启动盘引导后,向系统传输一个引导文精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页the principle of simpl

51、ified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential

52、 policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business cred

53、it credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To cr

54、eate policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated

55、with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and appr oval items, simplify examination and

56、 approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solici

57、t opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political

58、 disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political

59、discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central aut horities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, constru

60、ction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs further

61、treamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is stric

62、tly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots

63、, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is no

64、t strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Ou

65、tlook on developme nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and im plementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts d

66、eployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base

67、enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the ini

68、tiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiativ

69、es, study on the chara cteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd tim

70、eliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise,

71、satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and 件就可以了。主引导程序损坏和分区有效位损坏一般也可以用FDISK /MBR 强制覆写解决。 分区表损坏就比较麻烦了, 因为无法识别分区, 系统会把硬盘作为一个未分区的裸盘处理,因此造成一些软件无法工作。不过有个简单的方法使用 Windows XP 。找个装有 Windows XP

72、的系统,把受损的硬盘挂上去,开机后,由于 Windows XP为了保证系统硬件的稳定性会对新接上去的硬盘进行扫描。Windows XP的硬盘扫描程序 CHKDSK 对于因各种原因损坏的硬盘都有很好的修复能力,扫描完了基本上也修复了硬盘。分区表损坏还有一种形式, 这里我姑且称之为“分区映射”,具体的表现是出现一个和活动分区一样的分区。一样包括文件结构,内容,分区容量。假如在任意区对分区内容作了变动, 都会在另一处体现出来, 好像是映射的影子一样。我曾遇上过,很早的 6.4G 的硬盘变成 8.4G(映射了 2G的 C区) 。这种问题特别尴尬,这问题不影响使用,不修复的话也不会有事,但要修复时,NO

73、RTON的DISKDOCTOR和 PQMAGIC 却都变成了睁眼瞎,对分区总容量和硬盘实际大小不一致视而不见,满口没问题的敷衍你。对付这问题,只有GHOST 覆盖和用 NORTON的拯救盘恢复分区表。常见故障四: 硬盘出现坏道当你用系统 Windows 系统自带的磁盘扫描程序SCANDISK 扫描硬盘的时候,系统提示说硬盘可能有坏道,随后闪过一片恐怖的蓝色, 一个个小黄方块慢慢的伸展开,然后,在某个方块上被标上一个“B” 其实,这些坏道大多是逻辑坏道,是可以修复的。根本用不着送修(据说厂商之所以开发自检工具就是因为受不了返修的硬盘中的一半根本就是好的这一“残酷的”事实)。一旦用“ SCANDI

74、SK” 扫描硬盘时如果程序提示有了坏道,首先我们应该重新使用各品牌硬盘自己的自检程序进行完全扫描。注意,别选快速扫描, 因为它只能 查出大约 90% 的问题。为了让自己放心,在这多花些时间是值得的。如果检查的结果是“成功修复”,那可以确定是逻辑坏道, 可以拍拍胸脯喘口气了;假如不是,那就没有什么修复的可能了,如果你的硬盘还在保质期,那赶快那去更换吧。由于逻辑坏道只是将簇号作了标记,以后不再分配给文件使用。 如果是逻辑坏道,只要将硬盘重新格式化就可以了。 但为了防止格式化可能的丢弃现象 (因为簇号上已经作了标记表明是坏簇, 格式化程序可能没有检查就接受了这个“现实”,于是丢弃该簇),最好还是重分

75、区,使用如 DM ,PQ之类的软件还是相当快的,或者 GHOST 覆盖也可以,只是这两个方案都多多少少会损失些数据。常见故障五: 硬盘容量与标称值明显不符一般来说,硬盘格式化后容量会小于标称值,但此差距绝不会超过20,如果两者差距很大,则应该在开机时进入BIOS设置。在其中根据你的硬盘作合理设置。如果还不行, 则说明可能是你的主板不支持大容量硬盘,此时可以尝试下载最新的主板 BIOS并进行刷新来解决。此种故障多在大容量硬盘与较老的主板搭配时出现。另外,由于突然断电等原因使BIOS设置产生混乱也可能导致这种故障的发生。常见故障六: 无论使用什么设备都不能正常引导系统这种故障一般是由于硬盘被病毒的

76、“逻辑锁”锁住造成的,“硬盘逻辑锁”是一种很常见的恶作剧手段。中了逻辑锁之后,无论使用什么设备都不能正常引导系统,甚至是软盘、光驱、挂双硬盘都一样没有任何作用。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increa

77、se and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fisc

78、al ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Ba

79、nk-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt.

80、 All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person p

81、ush tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the

82、 education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherenc

83、e to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party,

84、 in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no vi olation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research meth

85、ods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining fi

86、le briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting,

87、 for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work

88、of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievemnts, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues

89、 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thin

90、king on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and in

91、itiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performa

92、nces, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough

93、for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack

94、of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd

95、cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself rig

96、ht, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive les

97、s. On hard and“逻辑锁”的上锁原理: 计算机在引导 DOS 系统时将会搜索所有逻辑盘的顺序,当 DOS 被引导时,首先要去找主引导扇区的分区表信息,然后查找各扩展分区的逻辑盘。“逻辑锁”修改了正常的主引导分区记录,将扩展分区的第一个逻辑盘指向自己, 使得 DOS 在启动时查找到第一个逻辑盘后,查找下个逻辑盘总是找到自己,这样一来就形成了死循环。给“逻辑锁”解锁比较容易的方法是“热拔插”硬盘电源。就是在当系统启动时,先不给被锁的硬盘加电,启动完成后再给硬盘“热插”上电源线,这样系统就可以正常控制硬盘了。 这是一种非常危险的方法, 为了降低危险程度, 碰到“逻辑锁”后,大家最好依照下

98、面几种比较简单和安全的方法处理。1. 首先准备一张启动盘,然后在其他正常的机器上使用二进制编辑工具(推荐 UltraEdit)修改软盘上的 IO.SYS文件(修改前记住先将该文件的属性改为正常),具体是在这个文件里面搜索第一个“55AA ” 字符串,找到以后修改为任何其他数值即可。 用这张修改过的系统软盘你就可以顺利地带着被锁的硬盘启动了。不过这时由于该硬盘正常的分区表已经被破坏, 你无法用“ Fdisk ”来删除和修改分区,这时你可以用Diskman等软件恢复或重建分区即可。2. 因为 DM是不依赖于主板 BIOS来识别硬盘的硬盘工具, 就算在主板 BIOS中将硬盘设为“ NONE ”, D

99、M 也可识别硬盘并进行分区和格式化等操作,所以我们也可以利用 DM软件为硬盘解锁。首先将 DM 拷到一张系统盘上,接上被锁硬盘后开机,按“Del”键进入 BIOS设置,将所有 IDE接口设为“ NONE ”并保存后退出,然后用启动盘启动系统, 系统即可“带锁”启动, 因为此时系统根本就等于没有硬盘。启动后运行DM ,你会发现 DM 可以识别出硬盘,选中该硬盘进行分区格式化就可以了。 这种方法简单方便, 但是有一个致命的缺点, 就是硬盘上的数据保不住了常见故障七: 开机时硬盘无法自举,系统不认硬盘这种故障往往是最令人感到可怕的。 产生这种故障的主要原因是硬盘主引导扇区数据被破坏,表现为硬盘主引导

100、标志或分区标志丢失。这种故障的罪魁祸首往往是病毒, 它将错误的数据覆盖到了主引导扇区中。市面上一些常见的杀毒软件都提供了修复硬盘的功能,大家不妨一试。但若手边无此类工具盘,则可尝试将全 0 数据写入主引导扇区, 然后重新分区和格式化, 其方法如下: 用一张干净的 DOS 启动盘启动计算机,进入A: 后输入以下命令(括号内为注释):A:DEBUG (进入 DEBUG 程序)F 100 3FF0 (将数据区的内容清为0)A 400(增加下面的命令)MOV AX,0301 MOV BX,0100 MOV CX,0001 MOV DX,0080 INT 13 INT 03 G=400 (执行对磁盘进行

101、操作的命令)Q (退 DEBUG 程序)用这种方法一般能使你的硬盘复活,但由于要重新分区和格式化,里面的数据可就难保了。以上是硬盘在日常使用中的一些常见故障及解决方法,希望能对大家有所启发。 如果硬盘的故障相当严重并不能用上述的一些方精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urb

102、an and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within

103、 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment

104、and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe

105、 area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to persona

106、lly intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and appr oval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line

107、of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check

108、 report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and t

109、he rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central aut horities of the eight provisions. Impro

110、ving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of

111、the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivi

112、ty. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the st

113、yle. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second,

114、 the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into l

115、ess. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the develop

116、ment and im plementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer the

117、atrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics

118、 and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no ta

119、ngible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the chara cteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, gr

120、ip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down

121、. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements,

122、the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and 法处理时,则很可能是机械故障。由于硬盘的结构相当复杂,所以不建议用户自己拆卸,而应求助于专业人员予以维修。常见故障八 : 硬盘不能 FORMAT(格式化 ) 如果装过 windows 优化大师。它为了防止病毒format 硬盘,所以改了几个系统文件的后缀名。 只要把他们改回来就可以了。 将 Windows目录下 Command 子目录下面的 Format.wom文件改为 F;Deltree.wom 文件改为 Deltree.exe即可恢复。常见故障九: 启动故障在电脑的使用过程中,

123、我们都有可能会遇到电脑无法启动的问题。引起系统启动故障的原因有很多种, 其中很多都与硬盘有关。 一般情况下, 当硬盘出现故障的时候, BIOS会给出一些英文提示信息。由于不同厂家主板或不同版本的BIOS ,其给出的提示信息可能会存在一些差异,但基本上都是大同小异的。 下面我们就以使用较为常见的Award BIOS为例,探讨一下如何利用其给出的提示信息,判断并处理硬盘不能启动故障的方法。1.Hard disk controller failure (硬盘控制器失效)。这是最为常见的错误提示之一, 当出现这种情况的时候, 应仔细检查数据线的连接插头是否存在着松动、连线是否正确或者是硬盘参数设置是否

124、正确。2.Date error (数据错误)。发生这种情况时,系统从硬盘上读取的数据存在有不可修复性错误或者磁盘上存在有坏扇区。此时可以尝试启动磁盘扫描程序,扫描并纠正扇区的逻辑性错误,假如坏扇区出现的是物理坏道,则需要使用专门的工具尝试修复。 3.No boot sector on hard disk drive (硬盘上无引导扇区)。这种情况可能是硬盘上的引导扇区被破坏,一般是因为硬盘系统引导区已感染了病毒。遇到这种情况必须先用最新版本的杀毒软件彻底查杀系统中存在的病毒,然后,用诸如 KV3000等带有引导扇区恢复功能的软件,尝试恢复引导记录。如果使用WinXP系统,可启动“故障恢复控制台

125、”并调用FIXMBR 命令来恢复主引导扇区。4.Reset Failed(硬盘复位失败)、 Fatal Error Bad Hard Disk(硬盘致命性错误)、 DD Not Detected (没有检测到硬盘)和HDD Control Error (硬盘控制错误)。当出现以上任意一个提示时,一般都是硬盘控制电路板、主板上硬盘接口电路或者是盘体内部的机械部位出现了故障,对于这种情况只能请专业人员检修相应的控制电路或直接更换硬盘。 5 开机后屏幕显示: Device error,然后又显示: NonSystem disk or disk error,Replace and strike any

126、 key when ready,说明硬盘不能启动, 用软盘启动后, 在 A: 后键入 C:, 屏幕显示:Invalid drive specification,系统不认硬盘。造成该故障的原因一般是CMOS 中的硬盘设置参数丢失或硬盘类型设置错误造成的。进入 CMOS ,检查硬盘设置参数是否丢失或硬盘类型设置是否错误, 如果确是该种故障, 只需将硬盘设置参数恢复或修改过来即可, 如果忘了硬盘参数不会修改, 也可用备份过的 CMOS 信息进行恢复, 如果你没有备份 CMOS 信息, 也别急, 有些高档微机的 CMOS 设置中有 HDD AUTO DETECTION( 硬盘自动检测 ) 选项,可自动

127、检测出硬盘类型参数。若无此项,只好打开 机箱,查看硬盘表面标签上的硬盘参数,照此修改即可。 6. 开机后, WAIT 提示停留很长时间,最后出现HDD Controller Failure。造成该故障的原因一般是硬盘线接口接触不良或接线错误。先检查硬盘电精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementat

128、ion of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production compa

129、ny, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the i

130、nvestment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to o

131、ptimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged

132、to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the m

133、ass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will

134、now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitut

135、ion and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no vi olation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisio

136、ns. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of mee

137、tings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot he

138、r a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha n

139、ge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievemnts, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve.

140、 Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi n

141、g into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the

142、 development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the sum

143、mer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characte

144、ristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, bu

145、t no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation throu

146、gh, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spiri

147、t down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirem

148、ents, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and源线与硬盘的连接,再检查硬盘数据信号线与多功能卡或硬盘的连接,如果连接松动或连线接反都会有上述提示,最好是能找一台型号相同且使用正常的微机,可以对比线缆的连接,若线缆接反则一目了然。7. 开机后,屏幕上显示: Invalid partition table,硬盘不能启动,若从软盘启动则认 C盘。造成该故障的原因一般是硬盘主引导记录中的分区表有错误,当指定了多个自举分区( 只能有一个自举分区 ) 或病毒占用了分区表时,将有上述提示。主引导记录(MBR) 位于 0 磁头/0 柱

149、面/1 扇区,由 FDISK.EXE对硬盘分区时生成。 MBR 包括主引导程序、分区表和结束标志55AAH 三部分,共占一个扇区。主引导程序中含有检查硬盘分区表的程序代码和出错信息、出错处理等内容。当硬盘启动时,主引导程序将检查分区表中的自举标志。若某个分区为可自举分区,则有分区标志 80H ,否则为 00H ,系统规定只能有一个分区为自举分区,若分区表中含有多个自举标志时,主引导程序会给出Invalid partion table的错误提示。最简单的解决方法是用NDD 修复,它将检查分区表中的错误, 若发现错误, 将会询问你是否愿意修改, 你只要不断地回答YES即可修正错误, 或者用备份过的

150、分区表覆盖它也行 (KV3000, 诺顿 8.0 中的 RESCUE 都具有备份与恢复分区表的功能) 。如果是病毒感染了分区表, 格式化是解决不了问题的, 可先用杀毒软件杀毒, 再用 NDD 进行修复。如果上述方法都不能解决,还有一招,就是先用FDISK重新分区, 但分区大小必须和原来的分区一样,这一点尤为重要, 分区后不要进行高级格式化, 然后用 NDD 进行修复。 修复后的硬盘不但能启动, 而且硬盘上的信息也不会丢失。其实用 FDISK分区, 相当于用正确的分区表覆盖原来的分区表。尤其当用软盘启动后不认硬盘时,这一招特灵。 8. 开机后自检完毕,从硬盘启动时死机或者屏幕上显示:No ROM

151、 Basic ,System Halted。造成该故障的原因一般是引导程序损坏或被病毒感染,或是分区表中无自举标志,或是结束标志55AAH被改写。从软盘启动,执行命令FDISK/MBR即可。FDISK中包含有主引导程序代码和结束标志55AAH ,用上述命令可使 FDISK中正确的主引导程序和结束标志覆盖硬盘上的主引导程序,这一招对于修复主引导程序和结束标志 55AAH损坏既快又灵。对于分区表中无自举标志的故障,可用NDD迅速恢复。 9. 开机后屏幕上出现 Error loading operating system或Missing operating system的提示信息。造成该故障的原因一

152、般是DOS 引导记录出现错误。DOS 引导记录位于逻辑 0 扇区,是由高级格式化命令formAT 生成的。主引导程序在检查分区表正确之后,根据分区表中指出的 DOS 分区的起始地址,读DOS 引导记录,若连续读五次都失败,则给出 Error loading opearting system的错误提示,若能正确读出DOS 引导记录,主引导程序则会将DOS 引导记录送入内存 0:7C00h 处,然后检查 DOS引导记录的最后两个字节是否为55AAH ,若不是这两个字节,则给出Missing operation system的提示。一般情况下用NDD 修复即可。若不成功,只好用formAT C:/S

153、 命令重写 DOS 引导记录,也许你会认为格式化后C盘数据将丢失,其实不必担心,数据仍然保存在硬盘上, 格式化 C盘后可用 NU8.0中的 UNformAT恢复。如果曾经用DOS 命令中的 MIRROR 或 NU8.0中的 IMAGE 程序给硬盘建立过IMAGE 镜像文件,硬盘可完全恢复,否则硬盘根目录下的文件全部丢失,根目录下的第一级子目录名被更名为DIR0、DIR1、DIR2.,但一级子目录下的文精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of constr

154、uction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he

155、area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, e

156、stablishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowland

157、s, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in

158、thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and appr oval items, simplify examination and approval links, im

159、prove efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on

160、 outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Consc

161、ientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political discipline problems

162、. 2, in the implementation of the central aut horities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in

163、accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four a

164、re standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, require

165、d the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality,

166、 close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; mo

167、re passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme

168、nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and im plementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stress

169、ed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master gras

170、s-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up,

171、 the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the ch

172、ara cteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci p

173、line, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, onl

174、ine promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and 件及其下级子目录完好无损,至于根目录下丢失的文件,你可用NU8.0中的UNERASE再去恢复即可。移动硬盘(系统不认硬盘)与系统有关的设置安装问题1. 不要以为只要主板有USB接口就可以使用移动硬盘,还要看系统是否支持。Windows2000 、WindowsXP 及以上 版本的系统是可以直接支持移动硬盘的,无须安装

175、驱动程序即可使用。2. 对于一些老系统用户来说, 在安装好移动硬盘的驱动程序之后,可以从设备管理器中查看到移动硬盘图标,但是在资源管理器中却没有相应的盘符标志,这就是系统设置不当所致。 在设备管理器中双击移动硬盘图标,并且点击弹出窗口中的“属性”按钮,此时可以看见“断开”、“可删除”、“同步数据传输”和“INT 13 单元”四个选项,其中“可删除”一项前系统默认是没有打钩的,勾选这个选项之后重新启动计算机,就可以在资源管理器中看见新增的移动硬盘盘符了。主板的 USB接口问题由于主板的 USB接口有问题引发移动硬盘不能正常使用,主要从以下方面着手解决:1.USB接口未开启:在一些老机器上 (包括

176、一些品牌机) 虽然有外置的 USB接口,但在 BIOS中却是默认关闭的, 这样即使系统支持也不行,因此应检查一下 BIOS设置中 USB接口选项是否开启:在启动电脑时按住Del 键,进入 BIOS设置,在“Chip set Features Setup”或“Integrated Peripherals”中将“ OnChip USB ”设置为“ Enabled”,保存并重启电脑即可。2. 系统不支持 USB接口:这种情况也主要出现在一些老电脑上。如主板 VIA 芯片外接 USB接口卡后系统竟然不认 , 在“设备管理器”中找不到“通用串行总线控制器”。上网一查,原来是主板芯片组有问题, 必须从网上

177、下载最新的主板BIOS进行刷新,又下载了 VIA 专为该芯片组提供的USB 驱动补丁,终于在我的电脑上认出了“移动存储设备”。操作不当导致移动硬盘不能被使用因操作不当而导致移动硬盘不能正常使用,主要是指插拔移动硬盘的时机没有掌握好。1. 在插接移动硬盘之前最好关闭正在运行的各种应用程序,也不要在系统启动过程中插接。2. 移动硬盘刚接上时会有一个系统认盘、读盘的过程,在这个过程结束之前最好不要进行任何操作(建议给移动硬盘少分一些区,分的区越多,系统认盘的时间越长),要等到移动硬盘的工作指示灯稳定下来才开始操作。3. 使用移动硬盘时也会出现以前能用,偶尔一次又不能用的情况, 出现这种情况时可以先将

178、“系统设备”中的“未知的USB设备”删除,再拔下移动硬盘,然后重启系统,再将移动硬盘接上,故障一般就能解决。移动硬盘本身的问题如果排除了以上故障原因,移动硬盘仍不能使用,那很可能就是移动硬盘自身有问题了。 移动硬盘的结构比较简单, 主要由硬盘盒和笔记本电脑硬盘组成,硬盘盒一般不易坏,出现问题多半是笔记本电脑硬盘引起的。为了避免移动硬盘自身硬件损坏,在使用中应注意以下几方面:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction project

179、s in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxati

180、on, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment o

181、f marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands,

182、integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in thi s sector.

183、When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficienc

184、y; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding pr

185、oblems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abid

186、e by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no vi olation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the im

187、plementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance wit

188、h the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard vis

189、its, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of ve

190、hicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievemnts, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the ma

191、sses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learn

192、ing, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not tru

193、ly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work ti

194、me, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Prop

195、aganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spir

196、it of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of

197、propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, an

198、d hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, the

199、re artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and1. 移动硬盘使用时应放在平稳的地方,不要在它正在读写时移动使之受到震动。2. 在拔下移动硬盘时要严格按照规程操作:等硬盘不读盘时, 双击任务栏右下角的“拔出或弹出硬件”图标,在出现的窗口中先“停止”设备的使用,再从系统中删除设备选项,最后再从主机上拔下移动硬盘 (切记不可在硬盘读写时拔下,否则极易损坏笔记本电脑硬盘)。3. 即使在非工作状态, 震动也是

200、移动硬盘的最大杀手, 这就要求用户在携带移动硬盘外出时要采取有效的减震措施 (一些品牌的移动硬盘在这方面做得比较好,设备本身已经采取了防震措施),最好把它放在四周有塑料泡沫的盒子里显示器常见故障一: 电脑刚开机时显示器的画面抖动得很厉害,有时甚至连图标和文字也看不清,但过一二分钟之后就会恢复正常。这种现象多发生在潮湿的天气, 是显示器内部受潮的缘故。 要彻底解决此问题,可使用食品包装中的防潮砂用棉线串起来,然后打开显示器的后盖,将防潮砂挂于显象管管颈尾部靠近管座附近。这样,即使是在潮湿的天气里, 也不会再出现以上的“毛病”。常见故障二: 电脑开机后,显示器只闻其声不见其画,漆黑一片。要等上几十

201、分钟以后才能出现画面。这是显象管座漏电所致, 须更换管座。 拆开后盖可以看到显象管尾的一块小电路板,管座就焊在电路板上。小心拔下这块电路板,再焊下管座,到电子商店买回一个同样的管座, 然后将管座焊回到电路板上。 这时不要急于将电路板装回去,要先找一小块砂纸, 很小心地将显象管尾后凸出的管脚用砂纸擦拭干净。特别是要注意管脚上的氧化层, 如果擦得不干净很快就会旧病复发。将电路板装回去就大功告成。常见故障三: 显示器屏幕上总有挥之不去的干扰杂波或线条,而且音箱中也有令人讨厌的杂音。如果未过保修期的话, 你可找相关部门去理论, 如果已过了保修期的话, 您可先更换一个 +300V的电容试试,也可以试着自

202、己更换电源内滤波电容,这往往都能奏效;如果效果不太明显,可以将开关管一并换下来。,如果无效就要交付专业维修部门了。还有就是显卡的质量有问题常见故障四: 显示器花屏。这问题较多是显卡引起的。 如果是新换的显卡, 则可能是卡的质量不好或不兼容,再有就是还没有安装正确的驱动程序。如果是旧卡而加了显存的话,则有可能是新加进的显存和原来的显存型号参数不一所致。常见故障五: 显示器黑屏。如果是显卡损坏或显示器断线等原因造成没有信号传送到显示器,则显示器的指示灯会不停地闪烁提示没有接收到信号。要是将分辨率设得太高,超过显示器的最大分辨率也会出现黑屏,重者销毁显示器, 但现在的显示器都有保护功能,当分辨率超出

203、设定值时会自动保护。另外,硬件冲突也会引起黑屏。有时主机由于主机的原因也会造成黑屏现象,但无论您怎么拍打彩显机壳也不会有所好转,所以有条件的话可将显示器接到别一台确定无故障主机上试试看。另外,目前有很多显示器在拔掉连在显卡上的信号线后就会出现自检显示功能,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementa

204、tion of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production comp

205、any, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Government credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the

206、investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and service industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to

207、optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solving problems associated with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged

208、 to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and appr oval items, simplify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the

209、 mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Wil

210、l now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance with the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constit

211、ution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no violation of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central aut horities of the eight provis

212、ions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of m

213、eetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications, this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot

214、her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha

215、 nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to impro

216、ve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delv

217、i ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect

218、the development and im plementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the

219、 summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of char

220、acteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power

221、, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the chara cteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation

222、through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising

223、spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict req

224、uirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and 如果显示正常就说明显示器基本无故障,故障点在信号线或显卡上,这样一来就能更方便地找到故障点了。常见故障六 : 图像扭曲变形其常见故障点通常是行或场的某校正电路出现了问题(比如 S校正电容等) ,由于维修起来要有一定的专业知识, 所以笔者建议您交付家电维修部门进行维修。当然,如果故障是在您对显示器进行了什么操作后出现的话,那么您可先参照说明书进行一些调试校正工作试试,只要您详细看过说明书通常都能搞定!常见故障七 : 系统无法识别显示器显示器出了硬件故障或某元件性能

225、不良所致,显卡出了硬件故障或显卡驱动程序损坏所致,显示器和显卡相连的数据线出现了问题 ,VGA插座出了问题 . 未安装显示器厂家的专用显示器驱动程序所致. 常见故障八 : 屏幕闪烁故障如果把显示器的分辨率和刷新率设置得偏高或过低的话也可能造成此类故障,所以可把分辨率和刷新率设置成中间值试试(注:长期工作于超频状态会使某些元件老化而出现此故障,而且故障点比较难找) 。还有就是显卡或显示器的驱动程序存在 BUG ,所以要先更新一下驱动程序试试。如果以上处理均无效,可重点检查一下高压包产生的加速极电压和高压是否正常,因为有时这两个电压异常也会导致此类现象。注:如果打开电视机也有闪烁的话,那就要先查一

226、下市电电源是否存在问题了如容量太小或电压波动过大等(最好找电工检查)。有时一些带磁物品(如一些低档电源盒或ADSL外猫电源等)放在显示器附近会造成屏幕的某一个角闪烁,所以遇到此现象要先试着清除显示器周围的物品看看,通常问题都能得到解决。显卡常见故障一: 开机无显示此类故障一般是因为显卡与主板接触不良或主板插槽有问题造成。对于一些集成显卡的主板,如果显存共用主内存,则需注意内存条的位置,一般在第一个内存条插槽上应插有内存条。 由于显卡原因造成的开机无显示故障,开机后一般会发出一长两短的蜂鸣声(对于AWARD BIOS 显卡而言)。常见故障二: 显示花屏,看不清字迹此类故障一般是由于显示器或显卡不

227、支持高分辨率驱动不兼容而造成的。例如最新的 ATI X2000 系列显卡,出现花屏 , 偏色等现象,必须从网上下载最新BIOS刷新,即可以解决次问题. 常见故障三: 颜色显示不正常,此类故障一般有以下原因:1. 显示卡与显示器信号线接触不良2. 显示器自身故障3. 在某些软件里运行时颜色不正常,一般常见于老式机, 在 BIOS里有一项校验颜色的选项,将其开启即可4. 显卡损坏;5. 显示器被磁化,此类现象一般是由于与有磁性能的物体过分接近所致,磁化后还可能会引起显示画面出现偏转的现象。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10

228、 页the principle of simplified EIA of construction projects in the region. In terms of land, li nked to the implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, replacement indicators for priority areas proje ct. Charges, into the proje cts of water, electricity, administrative

229、charges and preferential policies. In t he area of taxation, and settled in areas of industry and its production company, within 5 years after the completion of fiscal ince ntives to enterprises. In terms of financing, integration of land, tax, financial and other resources, a nd construct Governmen

230、t credit + business credit credit system, establishment of marketization, commercialization and modernization of the investment and financi ng platform; effective Bank-enterprise docking, e ncourages private capital into the Park, to raise industry development fund. 5, optimize the environment and s

231、ervice industries. To create policy lowlands, Highlands, integrity of service land, development land as the goal, to optimizethe area under development environme nt. All administrative law enforcement departments to appoint a full-time personnel statione d in areas dedicated to coordinating and solv

232、ing problems associated with businesses in thi s sector. When there are substantial issue s, se ctor leaders arranged to personally intervene, in-person, in-person push tangible area building a green light, easy line. To further reduce and standardize administrative examination and approval items, s

233、implify examination and approval links, improve efficiency; according to the .Since the educationa l practice of the mass line of the party, himself seriously in the education, practical control central eight rules and opposing the four winds and practicing three Suns, a nd che ck the spirit of Jiao

234、 Yulu, ideology, solicit opinions based on outstanding problems checked sw ing, careful analysis and reflection. Will now check report is as follows: first, adherence to the partys political di sci pline , eight in the central provision, change the style of the basic situation of 1, in compliance wi

235、th the partys political disciplines. Conscientiously abide by the partys political discipline, abide by t he Constitution and the rules and regulations of the party, in the political, ideologi cal a nd maintain hig hly consi stent with the CPC Central Committee on the action, there is no vi olation

236、of the partys political discipline problems. 2, in the implementation of the central authorities of the eight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods, but there are less grass-root s units, primary first-hand an inade quate grasp of the problem, which is to be strengthened in the

237、future. Second, construction, strictly in accor dance with the provisions to streamline and improve the quality of meetings of the Conference. Third, streamlining file briefs, cult ure involves all aspects of propaganda and ideology, sometimes due to the practical nee ds of invention notifications,

238、this area needs furthertreamlining. Four are standard visits, except as require d to participate in training, no ot her a ctivity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your prese ntation published strictly according to the regu

239、lations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicle s and office spa ce and corporate hospitality. 3, cha nge the style. Propaganda and i deological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievemnts, but further clo

240、ser to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the four winds some outstanding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is t hat he didnt, with less close contact. The oretical study of consciousness is not high enough, sy

241、stem performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvi ng into less. Espe cially based on rational thinking on major issues, applyi ng theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essenc

242、e of the scientific Outlook on developme nt, di d not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideologi cal w ork is the objective, which needs to keep the

243、 continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. F or example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communities and rural areas shows the implementation is ina dequate, insufficient cultural an educational role

244、to pla y. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and i deological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep e nough for grass-roots public opini on Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically driveless. For example, rural culture team active, . Im not

245、actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of

246、 innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends a nd cha nges are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack o

247、f relevance a nd timeliness. 4, disci pline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real sol ution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complace ncy, and work to see their scores more, less checking his ow n shortcomings, like to li

248、sten to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there artypical, and la ck of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and常见故障四:死机出现此类故障一般多见于主板与显卡的不兼容或主板与显卡接触不良;显卡与其它扩展卡不兼容也会造成死机。常见故障五:屏幕出现异常杂点或图案此类故障一般是由于显卡的显存出现问题或显卡与主板接触不良造成。需清洁显卡金手指部位或更换显卡。

249、常见故障六: 显卡驱动程序丢失(1) 在安装好操作系统以后,一定要安装主板芯片组补丁程序,特别是对于采用VIA 芯片组的主板而言,一定要记住安装主板最新的 4IN1 补丁程序。安装驱动程序: 进入“设备管理器”后, 右键单击“显示卡”下的显卡名称,然后点击右键菜单中的“属性”。进入显卡属性后点击“驱动程序”标签,选择“更新驱动程序”, 然后选择“显示已知设备驱动程序的列表,从中选择特定的驱动程序”,当弹出驱动列表后,选择“从磁盘安装”。接着点击“浏览”按钮,在弹出的查找窗口中找到驱动程序所在的文件夹,按“打开”按钮, 最后确定。此时驱动程序列表中出现了许多显示芯片的名称,根据你的显卡类型,选中一款后按“确定”完成安装。 如果程序是非 WHQL 版,则系统会弹出一个警告窗口,不要理睬它,点击“是”继续安装, 最后根据系统提示重新启动电脑即可。另外,显卡安装不到位,往往也会引起驱动安装的错误,因此在安装显卡时,一定要注意显卡金手指要完全插入AGP或者 PCIE 插槽精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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