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1、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of

2、evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resist

3、ance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; t

4、o perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthe

5、ning Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health med

6、ical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the business o

7、f zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to im

8、plementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standard

9、ize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To stre ngthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performa

10、nce management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengt hening four good leadershi p construction play level

11、s cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of eff

12、ectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously

13、 sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation compa

14、ny to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 fu

15、ll of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy!100 道二年级数学奥数题

16、1、用 0、1、2、3 能组成()个不同的三位数,能组成()个不同的两位数?2、小华参加数学竞赛,共有10道赛题。规定答对一题给十分,答错一题扣五分。小华十题全部答完,得了85分。小华答对了()题?3、 2,3,5,8,12,( ),( ) 4、 1,3,7,15,( ),63,( ) 5、 1,5,2,10,3,15,4, ( ),( ) 6、 、分别代表什么数?(1)、+=18(2)、+=14 (3)、+=20 =() =( ) =( ) 7、+=9 +=25=( ) =( ) 8、有 35颗糖,按淘气 -笑笑-丁丁-冬冬的顺序,每人每次发一颗,想一想,谁分到最后一颗?()9、淘气有 30

17、0 元钱,买书用去 56 元,买文具用去 128元,淘气剩下的钱比原来少多少元?()10、 5 只猫吃 5 只老鼠用 5 分钟, 20 只猫吃 20 只老鼠用()分钟?11.修花坛要用 94 块砖, ?第一次搬来 36 块,第二次搬来 38,还要搬多少块? (用两种方法计算 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to

18、manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools dete

19、ct potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based constructi

20、on, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system hando

21、ver; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture at

22、mosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, trai

23、ning employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level

24、, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfec

25、t risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance ma

26、nagement, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. T o stre ngthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch,

27、and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p construction play levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members you

28、th work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve

29、the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standa

30、rds, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recal

31、ling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a wor

32、ld-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy! 17、 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=( ) 18、 11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19=( ) 19、 按规律填数。(1)1,3,5,7,9,( ) (2)1,2,3,5,8,13( ) (3)1,

33、4,9,16,( ),36 (4)10,1,8,2,6,4,4,7,2,( ), ()20、 在下面算式适当的位置添上适当的运算符号,使等式成立。(2)4 4 4 4 4 =16 (3)9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1=22 21、 30 名学生报名参加美术小组。其中有26人参加了美术组, 17 人参加了书法组。问两个组都参加的有()人?24、2 个苹果之间有 2 个梨, 5 个苹果之间有()个梨?25、用 1、2、3 三个数字可以组成 ( )个不同的三位数,组成()个不同的两位数。26、有两个数,它们的和是9,差是 1,这两个数是 ( )和( ) 27、3 个小朋友下棋,每人都要与其他两人

34、各下一盘,他们共要下( )盘。29、15 个小朋友排成一排报数,报双数的小朋友去打乒乓,队伍里留下( )人。30、一只梅花鹿从起点向前跳5 米,再向后跳 4 米,又朝前跳 7 米,朝后跳 10 米;然后停下休息,你知道梅花鹿停在起点前还是起点后?与起点相距几米?31、 哥哥给了弟弟 2 支铅笔后还剩 5 支, 这时两人的铅笔一样多, 弟弟原来有铅笔 ( )精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system

35、, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to activel

36、y make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communicaton zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SC

37、M, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote pro

38、blem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and

39、 gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychol

40、ogical warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthe n risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans managemnt, will busin

41、ess business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification bus

42、iness financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize a

43、nd fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards .

44、Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core rol e, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p constructionplay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role

45、; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strngthen

46、 publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated managemen

47、t to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies ma

48、ture and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost opera

49、tion, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy!支。32、林林、红红、芳芳三个小朋友买糖吃。林林买了7粒,红红买了 8 粒,芳芳没有买。三个小朋友要平分吃,芳芳一共付了1 元钱,其中给林林 ( )角,给红红 (

50、)。33、三个人吃 3 个馒头,用 3 分钟才吃完;照这样计算,九个人吃9 个馒,需要 ( )分钟才吃完?34、环形跑道上正在进行长跑比赛。每位运动员前面有7 个人在跑,每位运动员后面也有 7 个人在跑。跑道上一共有( )个运动员?35、把 16 只鸡分别装进 5 个笼子里,要使每个笼子里鸡的只数都不相同,应怎样装?请把每只笼子里的鸡的只数分别填入下面五个方框中。36、今天红红 8 岁,姐姐 13岁,10 年后,姐姐比红红大 ( )岁。37、汽车每隔 15 分钟开出一班,哥哥想乘9 时 10 分的一班车,但到站时,已是9 时20 分,那么他要等 ( )分钟才能乘上下一班车。38、从底楼走到 3

51、 楼,用了 24 秒;那么从 1 楼走到 6 楼,需要 ( )秒。39、二(1)班小朋友排成长方形队伍参加体操表演。红红左看是第 6 名,右看是第 2 名,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure sm

52、oot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related trans

53、actions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information

54、resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology appli

55、cation of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult em

56、ployees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and ent

57、erprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concer

58、n financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and mea

59、sure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. T o str

60、e ngthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of cor

61、e role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p construction play levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in t

62、he of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management

63、, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar

64、calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic an

65、d full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion

66、of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy! 前看是第 4 名,后看是第 3 名。二 (1)班共有 ( )小朋友。40、汽车场每天上午 8 时发车,每隔 8 分钟发一辆。 那么从 8 时到 8 时 40 分,共发了( )辆车?41、一只苹果的重量等于一只桔子加上一只草莓的重量,而一只苹果加上一只桔子的重量等于 9 只草莓的重量,请问,一只桔子的重量等于几只草莓的重量。42、有一个天平,九个砝码,其

67、中一个砝码比另八个要轻一些,问至少要称几次才能将轻的那个找出来?43、按规律填数:(1)54321 43215 32154 ( ) (2) 1,2,3( ) 2,3,4( ) 3,4,5( ) (3)1,4,7,10,( ),16, ,( ) (4)1,2,3,7,11,16,( ),29 (5)2,5,4,5,6,5,( ),5 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady

68、 improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use o

69、f internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communicaton zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, informati

70、on system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons

71、 analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, an

72、d heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warni

73、ng prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthe n risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans managemnt, will business business

74、 plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financ

75、ial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Inn

76、ovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full p

77、lay party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core rol e, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p constructionplay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full st

78、rengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strngthen publicity a

79、nd education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a highe

80、r level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and sym

81、metry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full o

82、f humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy!(6)7,8,10,13,17,( )28 44、10 个一百是 ( ),10000里面有 ( )个一千。45、3572 最高位是 ( )位,读作 ( ),九千零五十写作 ( )。46、一

83、个 2 分币大约重 4( );小明今年 7 岁,他的体重约是28( )。47、90 里面有 ( )个十, 290 里面有 ( )个十。48、百位上的 6 比十位上的 6 多( )。49、49 个苹果平均分给 9 个小朋友,每人分 ( )个,还剩 ( )个。50、判断题 (对的在括号里打 ,错的打 ) (1)、一个数除以 4,所得的余数最大是3。 ( ) (2、48 3 2 = 48 6 ( ) (3、一个苹果重 120 千克。 ( ) (4、千位右面一定是万位。( ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 13 页We wil

84、l continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evalua

85、tion complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance.

86、o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perf

87、ect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening H

88、umanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical,

89、control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the business of zero

90、 risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implemen

91、tation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize tr

92、ading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. T o stre ngthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance m

93、anagement. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p construction play levels cadr

94、es in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effective

95、ness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum u

96、p the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to

97、flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of

98、challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy! 51、1 米与 1 克相比 ( )

99、A 无法比较B 1 米大C 1 克大52、积是 16的的算式是 ( ) A 32 2 B 4 4 C 8+8 53、下面的单位中,不是重量单位的是( ) A 元 B 千克 C 克54、一个三位数。三个数字的和是26,这个数最大是 ( ) A 899 B 989 C 998 55、8070 读作( ) A 八千七十B 八千七C 八千零七十56、口算5 8 = 24 6 = 57、1 千克梨有 8 个,1 千克苹果比 1 千克梨的个数多1 个,妈妈买了 2 千克梨和 2千克苹果,共有苹果和梨( )个。58、一只蜗牛向前爬25 厘米,又朝后退 15 厘米,在朝前爬 10 厘米,结果前进了 ( )精选

100、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal contr

101、ols, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the informat

102、ion management to ensure full communicaton zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play

103、 information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity

104、and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health

105、 and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o s

106、trengthe n risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans managemnt, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national pol

107、icy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management,

108、improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and l

109、evels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core rol e, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengt

110、hening four good leadershi p constructionplay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, s

111、trengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strngthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traf

112、fic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clear

113、ly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more s

114、pirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the

115、 new year, good health, happy, happy!厘米。59、小明第一天写5 个大字,以后每一天都比前一天多写2 个大字, 6 天后小明一共写了( )个大字。60、一辆公共汽车上有6个空座位。车开到团结站,没有人下车,但上来了9 人,空座位还有 2 个,上车的人中有 ( )人站着。61、两箱苹果都重40 千克,从第一箱中拿出8 千克到第二箱后,第二箱比第一箱多( )千克。62、学校校门的右边插了8 面彩旗,每两面彩旗之间的距离都是2 米,从第 1 面彩旗到第 8 面彩旗之间共有 ( )米。63、一个三位数,十位上的数字是9,正好是个位数字的3 倍,三个数位之和是13。这

116、个三位数是 ( ) 64、冬冬今年 10 岁,爸爸今年 40 岁,冬冬( )岁时,爸爸的年龄正好是冬冬的2 倍。65、小明栽树 5 棵,大强、李卫、大华和冬冬每个人栽的棵数和小明同样多。他们一共栽树 ( )棵。66、星期天,小刚在家烧水、泡茶。洗茶壶:1 分钟,烧开水: 15 分钟,洗茶杯: 1精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in abi

117、lity to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit to

118、ols detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based co

119、nstruction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and syst

120、em handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of cu

121、lture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention syst

122、em, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to a

123、ll level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; t

124、o perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of perfor

125、mance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. T o stre ngthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and

126、branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p construction play levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening mem

127、bers youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education,

128、improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, highe

129、r standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathin

130、g. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care

131、of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy! 分钟,拿茶叶: 2 分钟。问:小刚最少要 ( )分钟泡上茶。67、晚上小华在灯下做作业的时候,突然停电,小华去拉了两下开关。妈妈回来后,到小华房间又拉了三下开关。等来电后,小华房间的灯( )(填亮或不亮) 68、花

132、果山上的桃熟了,小猴忙到树上摘桃。第一次,它摘了树上桃的一半,回家时还随手从树上摘了2 个;第二次,它将树上剩下的8 个桃全部摘回家。小猴共摘回( )个桃。69、节日里,学校门前的彩灯从左到右按2 个红 3 个黄 4 个蓝的顺序排列。从左到右看,第 12只彩灯是 ( )色,第 36 只彩灯是 ( )。70、把一杯水倒入空瓶,连瓶共重140克,如果倒入三杯水,连瓶共重260克。空瓶的重量是 ( )克。71、李奶奶家现有 16 个鸡蛋,还养了两只每天下一个蛋的母鸡。如果李奶奶家每天都吃4个鸡蛋,她家可以连续吃( )天。72、一条毛毛虫由幼虫长成成虫,每天长大一倍,30 天能长到 20 厘米。问长到

133、 5 厘米时要用 ( )天。73、每 3 个空瓶可以换一瓶汽水, 有人买了 27瓶汽水,喝完后又用空瓶换汽水, 那么,他最多喝 ( )瓶汽水。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h p

134、rocesses, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions

135、, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communicaton zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resource

136、s shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application o

137、f training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees;

138、 carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprisin

139、g of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o strengthe n risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans managemnt, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financi

140、al, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and

141、 assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen pe

142、rformance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core rol e, an

143、d fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p constructionplay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force

144、 role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strngthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish

145、and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on

146、December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of co

147、nfidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Sprin

148、g Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy!74、小红做计算题时,由于粗心大意,把一个加数个位上的8 错误地当作了 3,把百位上的 6 错当成了 9,所得的和是 138,所得的和是 438,正确的和是多少? (写过程 ) 75、小明做计算题时, 把被减数个位上的3 写成了 5,十位上的 6 错写成了 0,这样得差是 189,正确的差是多少? (写出过程 ) 76、+=15,+=19,求 -=( )77、用两个 5 和两个

149、 0 组成一个四位数,当零都不读出来时,这个数是( ),当只读一个零时,这个数是 ( )。78、一座 5 层高的塔,最上边一层装了2 只灯,往下每低一层多装4 只灯,最下面一层要装多少只灯? (写出过程 ) 79、在合适的地方插入 + 或-,使等式成立。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9=99 80、一条毛毛虫由幼虫长成成虫,每天长大一倍,30 天能长到 20 厘米,问长到 5 厘米时要用 ( )天。 81、鸡兔共有腿 50 条,若将鸡数与兔数互换,则腿数变为54 条,鸡有 ( )只,兔有 ( )精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9

150、页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight

151、role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zer

152、o resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant

153、 role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o s

154、trengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career he

155、alth medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the bu

156、siness of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active shoul

157、d; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further

158、standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. T o stre ngthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve

159、 performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p construction pl

160、ay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key lin

161、k of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscie

162、ntiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generati

163、on company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across

164、 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy! 只。82

165、、学校派一些学生去搬树苗,如果每人搬6 棵,则差 4 棵,如果每人搬 8 棵,则差 18 棵,这批树苗有 ( )棵。83、有人问孩子年龄,回答: 比爸爸的岁数的一半少9 岁。又问爸爸的年龄,回答说: 比孩子的 4 倍多 2 岁。孩子年龄 ( )岁。84、每 3 个空瓶可以换一瓶汽水,有人买了27 瓶汽水,喝完后又用空瓶换汽水,那么,他最式喝多少瓶汽水?(写出过程 ) 85、哥弟俩共有邮票70 张,如果哥哥给弟弟4 张邮票后还比弟弟多面手多2 张,哥哥原来有邮票多少张?(写出过程 ) 86、口算。2 3 763 (3 3)54 6164157212305 446 66 60730 2 54991

166、1436精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen interna

167、l controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the i

168、nformation management to ensure full communicaton zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of breadth and dept

169、h, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of ca

170、pacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthe ning

171、 health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environme

172、nt. o strengthe n risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans managemnt, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, natio

173、nal policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring manag

174、ement, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance employee evaluatio

175、n and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core rol e, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continue s to

176、strengthening four good leadershi p constructionplay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work l

177、evel, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strngthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of t

178、he traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, w

179、e clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight

180、 more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff

181、 in the new year, good health, happy, happy!87、最大的两位数和最小的三位数相差( )。88、甲数比乙数少15,乙数是 28,甲乙两数的和是 ( )。89、量长短不同的物体,可以用( )或( )作单位。90、2 米比 120 厘米长 ( )厘米。91、 1616168( ) ( )。92、已知: 15, 1。那么 ( ), ( )。93、一些笔平均分给8 个同学刚好分完,最少有( )支笔。94、63 减去 7,减( )次结果是 0,算式 ( )。95、确定一个顶点,可以画 ( )个角。一个角的两条边延长,这个角的大小( )。96、判断 (对的打 ,错

182、的打 ,共 10 分) (1.在乘法算式里,积不一定比每个因数大。( ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in pla

183、ce; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in acc

184、ordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal syste

185、m appli cation of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees ap

186、plication information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, r

187、ich employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly

188、fraternity of Humanities environment. o stre ngthen risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage,

189、and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and co

190、ntrol feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. T o stre ngthen performance management, proce s

191、s control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and p

192、ioneer model role; to continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p construction play levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent

193、 Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, s

194、upervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is

195、about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development

196、 opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish

197、that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy! (2.一个方桌的一个角被截去后,这个方桌就剩下三个角。( ) (3. 9 乘一个数,这个数每增加1,积就增加 9。( )。(4. 13名同学做纸花,每4 人用一张纸,最少要用3 张纸。 ( ) (5. 36是 4 的 9 倍,就是 36 里面有 4 个 9。( )。97.操作题 (10 分) (1.画一条线断,长度是1 厘米的 4 倍。(2.在图中添一条线段,使它增加4 个直角。98.计算(1.脱式计算682713 541428

198、18(7227) 86(3514) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 13 页We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and contr ol, optimize business processes, to ensure smoot h processes, responsibilities in place; to further stre

199、ngthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. D

200、eepening the information management to ensure full communicaton zero resistance. o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system appli cation of br

201、eadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application informatio

202、n system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. o strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life;

203、strengthe ning health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humani

204、ties environment. o strengthe n risk management, ensure that the business of zero risk. o stre ngthened business plans managemnt, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business ca n control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving sch

205、eduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned a ssets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of clo

206、sed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, proce ss control, enhance empl

207、oyee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core rol e, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to

208、continue s to strengthening four good leadershi p constructionplay levels cadres in enterprise developme nt in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against cor

209、ruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strngthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluati

210、on as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. o conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this t

211、ime of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more

212、exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the familie

213、s of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy!(2.在括号中最大能填几?(4 分) 8 ( )71 479 ( ) ( ) 760 234 ( ) 99.列式计算(1. 一个因数是 8,另一个因数比 36 少 27,积是多少?(2. 54里面有几个 9?(3. 6 的 8 倍是多少?(4.被除数是 24,除数是 3,商是多少?100,列式计算(1.一只手有 5 个手指,那么两个人共有多少个手指?(2.有 4 盆黄花、 5 盆红花,每盆都开6 朵花,一共开了几朵花?(3.二班有男生 28人,有女生 24 人,二班比二班多3 人,二班有多少人?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 13 页



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