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1、英语写作英语写作5026375939Arrangement Write on every other line.Do not write to the very edge of the page. Place the title of the essay in the middle of the first line. Do not use full stop at the end of a title; a question mark is needed if the topic is a direct questionMy Impressions of LondonThe Conflict

2、 Between CompetitorsWhere Do All the New Words Come From?The Blue Sky Over Our HeadsDifferent Views on TEM-4Coherence and Cohesion in the Translation of EvelineWord Division 1. One-syllable words cannot be divided.2. A stressed close syllable goes with a consonant. e.g. min-gle; peo-ple; no-ble; etc

3、. 3. A a consonant+le: e.g. strug-gle; min-gle; gig-gle; etc. 4. A single letter or a two-letter ending should not be put at the beginning of a line: e.g. e-voke; heart-y; hand-ed; hard-en; etc.5. Two-syllable words with double consonants in the middle: e.g. strug-gle; lat-ter; 6. Proper nouns shoul

4、d not be divided;e.g. Beijing; London; Paris; etc. 7. The last word of a page should not be divided. It should be written on the next page. When not sure about the division of a word, consult a dictionary. CapitalizationCommon words as parts of proper names: Third West Ring; Central China Normal Uni

5、versity; the Yellow River; Summer Palace;Words deriving from proper names:Confucian; Darwinism; Marxist; Miss Johnson said, “When you write an essay, you should pay attention to both content and language.”“When you write an essay,” she said, “you should pay attention to both content and language.”“W

6、hen you write an essay, you should pay attention to both content and language,” the teacher said. Miss Johnson advised us to “pay attention to both content and language” when we wrote an essay. The Comma (,)Joining coordinate clauses; (and, but, or, so, nor, yet; etc)We started early in the morning,

7、 and before dark we reached the village. He wanted to go on, but other people disagreed. Hurry up, or well miss the train.He couldnt do it himself, nor could he find anyone to do it for him. Nobody was listening, for everybody was shouting to be heard. He tried hard, yet he failed to convince her. A

8、fter an Adverbial Clause or PhraseWhen the rain stopped, we continued to work in the fields. On hearing about the accident, he went to the site at once. Some listeners, bored by the lengthy talk, closed their eyes and dozed off. If the adverbial element follows the main clause, no comma is required.

9、 The students were busy working in the reading-room when the lights went off.Finally the boy found his bicycle key in his schoolbag. Separate Words with the Same FunctionPresent at the meeting were Dean Lee, Professor Brown, Associate Professor Major, Miss Lindon, and a few other members of the facu

10、lty. Every weekend she goes to the nearest supermarket to buy pork, chicken, fish, vegetables, bread and other foods for the next week. The children sang, danced, jumped and chased each other. Set off Nonrestrictive ClausesAt 22 she left the college, where she had spent four fruitful and memorable y

11、ears. Miss Wang, who has returned from America with a doctors degree, is going to offer a course in American history. Mr. Huang, the new director of the company, will soon announce his plans for reforms. The speaker, after glancing at his notes, began to talk about the next point. Set off Parentheti

12、cal ElementsThe machines you have supplied us, Im glad to tell you, work very well. Many interesting places in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven, attract thousands of visitors daily. The worlds three great religions, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, all have believers in

13、China. The Period (.)Used at the end of a declarative sentence, a mildly imperative sentence, and an indirect question. Punctuation marks are important in writing. Dont overuse punctuation marks. She asked the teacher how parentheses are different from brackets. Three Spaced Periods“What did he say?

14、”“He said many things, such assuch asoh, yes, he said that he would resign from the committee.”He said many things, and he said that he would resign from the committee.The Semicolon (;)She doesnt like this film; she is disgusted with it. She was interested in history a few years ago; today her main

15、interest is in anthropology. Conjunctive adverbs like therefore, however, nonetheless, hence, otherwise, besides, moreover, etc., should not be used as conjunctions to link two coordinate clauses. Before them there should be a semicolon (;), not a comma (,).He promised to come to the meeting; howeve

16、r, he didnt appear. She didnt go with them to climb the mountain; otherwise, she would have been caught in the storm. The students gained valuable knowledge from their professors; moreover, they learned how to do research work from them. He didnt hear the report; therefore, he doesnt know what new d

17、ecisions were made.The semicolon is used with conjunctions when the clauses contain internal punctuation. He wrote a few good books when he was young and poor; but after he came famous and rich, he wrote nothing worth reading. As he promised, he donated a large sum of money; and this money helped wi

18、th the completion of the project. The semicolon is used to separate a series of items with internal commas. Among those who joined the discussion were Miss Wu, a well-known writer; Mr. Li, editor of the literary supplemented of the local newspaper; Dr. Qian, a professor of literary criticism; and Ms

19、. Sun, a famous historian. The colon (:)Introducing a quotation or a statement. It will do everyone good to remember this old saying: “One will know that he does not know enough after he begins to learn.” The president has made the following announcement: students who need financial assistance may a

20、pply at the Student Affairs Office. Used for explanation, summary, appositive. He gave three reasons for his failure in the examination: poor health, insufficient time for preparation, and unusual question. She bought many souvenirs: two small bronze statues, a carved wooden case for jewelry, and a

21、kerchief with wax-printed designs.The Question Mark (?)Used after a statement turned into a question (said in a rising tune). “You like it? You want to buy it?”A question mark put between parentheses indicates the writers uncertainty about the correctness of the preceding word, figure or date. Cao X

22、ueqin, was born in 1715 (?) and died in poverty in 1764 (?).The Exclamation MarkHow beautiful Yellow Mountain is!Get out! Help! Help! Quotation Mark (“ ”)“Which American poet do you like best?”George Orwell wrote in one of his articles, “When you have come back to England from any foreign country, y

23、ou have immediately the sensation of breathing a different air.”“Confucius says, Do not impose on others what you do not desire yourself. This is a very good principle of moral conduct.”You can find Byrons poems “She Walks in Beauty” and “When We Two Parted” in The Romantic Poets.Good-bye and Good Luck!



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