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1、IntroductionWilliam Wordsworth (17701850) English poet, One of the great English poets, he was a leader of the romantic movement in England. 1I Wandered Lonely as a cloud 2I wandered lonely as a cloudI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high oer vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A

2、 host of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.我孤独地漫游,像一朵云 在山丘和谷地上飘荡, 忽然间我看见一群 金色的水仙花迎春开放, 在树荫下,在湖水边, 迎着微风起舞翩翩。3Continuous as the stars that shine,And twinkle on the Milky Way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand

3、 saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.连绵不绝,如繁星灿烂, 在银河里闪闪发光, 它们沿着湖湾的边缘 延伸成无穷无尽的一行; 我一眼看见了一万朵, 在欢舞之中起伏颠簸。 4The waves beside them danced; but theyOutdid the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed and gazed but little thoughtWhat wealth t

4、he show to me had brought:粼粼波光也在跳着舞, 水仙的欢欣却胜过水波; 与这样快活的伴侣为伍, 诗人怎能不满心欢乐! 我久久凝望,却想象不到 这奇景赋予我多少财宝: 5For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fillsAnd dances with the daffodils.每当我躺在床上不眠, 或心神

5、空茫,或默默沉思, 它们常在心灵中闪现, 那是孤独之中的福祉; 于是我的心便涨满幸福, 和水仙一同翩翩起舞。 6The poem tells us that the bliss we can enjoy in the real sense of the term if we can merge in the nature. Actual contact with the daffodils is not the point. Only when he reconstructs the moment with his inward eye does he actually feel pleasu

6、re from the experience. The poet is trapped. He cannot feel the world until pulls it through memory (time+imagination). He doesnt dance with the daffodils until he is alone and can reflect on them, and at this moment, isolated from the actual daffodils, he really only reflects on himself.7Wordsworth

7、 simply tells us of an experience he had and what it meant to him, and he also points out that it is this type of experience that you dont know how valuable it will be to you when it happens; it is later, after you have used the memory of it to cheer you up many times in your life that you realize h

8、ow much it affected you. To me this poem indicates the path to spiritual Enlightenment. 8Comment on the poem This is simply a superb poem depicting poets love for nature. It is a lyric poem focusing on the poets response to the beauty of nature. The poet is never alone when he is with nature.Poet ne

9、ver felt himself isolated in the company of nature. He is truely a Pantheist, who loves nature as a mother.Wordsworth s observations are very deep and may be crowd of Daffodils seems to him as heads of angels. Personification is also used by the poet and his intellect is reflected in this poem. All

10、images are full of life and mood of poem is joyous.9这首诗写于诗人从法国回来不久。诗人带着对自这首诗写于诗人从法国回来不久。诗人带着对自由的向往去了法国,参加一些革命活动。但法国由的向往去了法国,参加一些革命活动。但法国革命没有带来预期的结果,随之而来的是混乱。革命没有带来预期的结果,随之而来的是混乱。诗人的失望和受的打击是可想而知的,后来在他诗人的失望和受的打击是可想而知的,后来在他的朋友和妹妹的帮助下,情绪才得以艰难地恢复。的朋友和妹妹的帮助下,情绪才得以艰难地恢复。这首诗就写于诗人的心情平静之后不久。这首诗就写于诗人的心情平静之后不久。

11、 在诗的开头,诗人将自己比喻为一朵孤独的流云,在诗的开头,诗人将自己比喻为一朵孤独的流云,孤单地在高高的天空飘荡。孤傲的诗人发现一大孤单地在高高的天空飘荡。孤傲的诗人发现一大片金色的水仙,它们欢快地遍地开放。在诗人的片金色的水仙,它们欢快地遍地开放。在诗人的心中,水仙已经不是一种植物了,而是一种象征,心中,水仙已经不是一种植物了,而是一种象征,代表了一种灵魂,代表了一种精神。代表了一种灵魂,代表了一种精神。10水仙很多,如天上的星星,都在闪烁。水仙似乎是水仙很多,如天上的星星,都在闪烁。水仙似乎是动的,沿着弯屈的海岸线向前方伸展。诗人为有这动的,沿着弯屈的海岸线向前方伸展。诗人为有这样的旅伴而


13、这时的诗人双情绪振奋,欢欣鼓舞。的诗人双情绪振奋,欢欣鼓舞。 11诗歌的基调是浪漫的,同时带着浓烈的象征主义诗歌的基调是浪漫的,同时带着浓烈的象征主义色彩。可以说,诗人的一生只在自然中找到了寄色彩。可以说,诗人的一生只在自然中找到了寄托。而那平静、欢欣的水仙就是诗人自己的象征,托。而那平静、欢欣的水仙就是诗人自己的象征,在诗中,诗人的心灵和水仙的景象融合了。这首在诗中,诗人的心灵和水仙的景象融合了。这首诗虽然是在咏水仙,但同时也是诗人自己心灵的诗虽然是在咏水仙,但同时也是诗人自己心灵的抒发和感情的外化。抒发和感情的外化。诗人有强烈的表达自我的意识诗人有强烈的表达自我的意识,那在山谷上的高,那在

14、山谷上的高傲形象,那水仙的欢欣,那郁郁的独眠或是诗人傲形象,那水仙的欢欣,那郁郁的独眠或是诗人自己的描述,或是诗人内心的向往。诗人的心灵自己的描述,或是诗人内心的向往。诗人的心灵又是外向的,又是外向的,在自然中找到了自己意识的象征。在自然中找到了自己意识的象征。那自然就进入了诗人的心灵,在诗人的心中化为那自然就进入了诗人的心灵,在诗人的心中化为了象征的意象了象征的意象。 12I wandered lonely as a cloudIt revisits the familiar subjects of nature and memory, this time with a particular

15、ly (simple) spare, musical eloquence. Plot: the poets wandering and his discovery of a field of daffodils by a lake, the memory of which pleases him and comforts him when he is lonely, bored, or restless. Form: The four six-line stanzas of this poem follow (a quatrain + a couplet) rhyme scheme: ABAB

16、CC. Each line is metered in iambic tetrameter. 13Poem Analysis “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” was a great poet of nature, William Wordsworth was the first to find words for the most elementary sensations of man face to face with natural phenomena. These sensations are universal and old but, once exp

17、ressed in his poetry, become charmingly beautiful and new. With his pure and poetic language, Wordsworth brings us into a beautiful world where there are daffodils, trees and breeze. We come to realize the great power of nature that may influence our life deeply as revealed in the poem. as we read t

18、he poem, we become aware of the poets deep love toward nature through his lovely and vivid description about natural things with his figurative language. 14 我好似一朵流云独自漫游是华兹华斯抒情诗的代我好似一朵流云独自漫游是华兹华斯抒情诗的代表作之一,写于表作之一,写于1804年。据说此诗是根据诗人兄妹年。据说此诗是根据诗人兄妹俩一起外出游玩时深深地被大自然的妩媚所吸引这俩一起外出游玩时深深地被大自然的妩媚所吸引这一经历写成的,体现了诗人关

19、于诗歌应描写一经历写成的,体现了诗人关于诗歌应描写“平静中平静中回忆起来的情感回忆起来的情感”(emotion recollected intranquility)这一诗学主张。全诗可以分成两大部分:写景和抒这一诗学主张。全诗可以分成两大部分:写景和抒情。诗的开篇以第一人称叙述,格调显得低沉忧郁。情。诗的开篇以第一人称叙述,格调显得低沉忧郁。诗人一方面竭力捕捉回忆的渺茫信息,另一方面又诗人一方面竭力捕捉回忆的渺茫信息,另一方面又觉得独自飘游,可以自由自在地欣赏大自然所赋予觉得独自飘游,可以自由自在地欣赏大自然所赋予的美景。他把自己比作一朵流云,随意飘荡,富有的美景。他把自己比作一朵流云,随意飘

20、荡,富有想象的诗句暗示诗人有一种排遣孤想象的诗句暗示诗人有一种排遣孤独、向往自由的独、向往自由的心情。心情。15Dance of the DaffodilsIn stanza 1, the poet just mentions that the daffodils “dancing in the breeze.” In stanza 2, the dance becomes more concrete and vivid: “Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.” Here the word is used as a noun. When it com

21、es to the first line of the third stanza, it is the waves that dance, but the poet immediately adds that the daffodils “outdid the sparkling waves.” Anyway the word “dance” connects the waves and the daffodils, and it also connect the first two stanzas with the third. 16In the 3rd the poet gradually

22、 shifts his attention from the outer world to the inner world. In the final stanza, the poet says his heart “dances with the daffodils.” This suggests the harmony of the outer and inner worlds, revealing the power of imagination. The imagination is therefore “A motion and a spirit, that impels / All thinking things, all objects of all thought, / And rolls through all things.” Although the “outer eye” brings “sensations sweet,” but the “inward eye” can “see into the life of things” and thus offers greater spiritual pleasures. 17



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