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1、leisure-activities1leisure-activities1I. Guess these leisure activities.shoppingonlinesurfingstampcollectingplayinggolfplayingchesscampingbarbecue(BBQ)embroideryshadowboxing(taiqi)playingpokerstargazinggardeningII. Describe your favorite leisure activity.1)Whatyoudo2)Whenandwhereyoudoit3)Whetheryoud

2、oitaloneorwithothers4)WhyyouenjoythisactivityBenefitsofLeisureIncreasingself-confidence,socialrelationship,friendship,emotionalandmentalwell-being,andphysicalhealth.People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.WordBankBeneficialChallengingEnergeticF

3、ascinatingIntriguingRelaxingSatisfyingTranquilComfortingGo to the movies1)Whatkindofmoviesdoyoulike?romancehorrorsciencefictioncomedyactionsuspensecartoon/animatedmovies2)Talkaboutyourfavoritemovieandexplainwhyyoulikeitsomuch.Useful Expressions男主人公男主人公hero女主人公女主人公heroine导演导演director大片大片blockbuster剧情


5、oice.watching movies at home:Its more convenient. You dont have to buy tickets and be dressed formally.You can watch movies at home whenever you like.You can watch the movie you like over and over again.Its much cheaper.The quality of online movies is not as good as that of movies in the cinema.goin

6、g to the cinema:The sound effects are amazing in the cinema.Watching a film on a large screen is very exciting.The atmosphere is more suitable for watching movies than at home. The ticket is costly sometimes.The cinema is sometimes too noisy and dirty.Some famous filmsGonewiththeWind飘飘/乱世佳人乱世佳人Roman

7、Holidays罗马假日罗马假日Ghost人鬼情未了人鬼情未了Titanic泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号BraveHeart勇敢的心勇敢的心/惊世未了缘惊世未了缘Matrix黑客帝国黑客帝国ForrestGump阿甘阿甘正传正传Proposal不道德的交易不道德的交易Philadelphia费城故事费城故事TrueLies真实的谎言真实的谎言SleeplessinSeattle西雅图不眠夜西雅图不眠夜Somefamousfilmsareofferedforyourreference.InternetWebsearchengine ShoppingOnlineInstantmessaging Playi

8、ngcomputergamesWhat do you do when surfing the internet ? Chinahasthemostinternetusersintheworld WebsearchengineGmailGoogle EarthGoogle videosGoogle translate Google imagesAnd so on。search engine offers many services Taobao is a Chinese language web site for online shopping, similar to eBay, Rakuten

9、 and Amazon, operated by Alibaba Group. ShoppingOnlineIMusageismorepopularthanemailandusingsearchenginesinChina195millionChinese(anincredible77.2%ofChineseinternetusers)haveusedaninstantmessagingserviceinthelast6months,comparedtojust40.0%ofUSinternetuserswhohave_ever_usedIMOnceonline,39.7%ofChinesei

10、nternetusersciteIMastheveryfirstthingtheydo,morethananyotherinternetactivity InstantmessagingThe Social Network FastestgrowingnationonFacebook?China!The worlds largest social network may be blocked in the worlds most populous nation but according to the latest stats from Social Bakers China has been

11、 the fastest growing Facebook nation over the last three months.Social Bakers is not very clear about how they gather statistics for nation. I presume these are people who self-declare their location as China. To log onto Facebook from within China, users need to use a proxy service, which would sho

12、w an IP location outside of China.Renren a Chinese social networking site that is very similar to Facebook. It has been called the Facebook of China.It is popular among college students in China. In February 2011, Renren made a pre-IPO(initial public offering) announcement that it had 160 million re

13、gistered users 。 Using a proxy代理 servicePlayingcomputergamesBoysWarcraftGirlsHappy farm LeisureActivitiesDoSports As we know,sport plays an important role in our daily lives. Whenever we do some exercise,we can get a whole new refresh feeling through our body.It really does good to us.It helps us st

14、rengthen our bodies and avoid disease.It also teaches us cooperation, for most exer-cise is played by team. It is really a good choice in leisure activiti-es. TableTennisThe origin of table tennisTable Tennis is originated from the Table Tennis is originated from the United Kingdom in the late 19th

15、United Kingdom in the late 19th century.century. In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table tennis tools home, the game was tennis tools home, the game was therein introduced to china. ther

16、ein introduced to china. TheNationalGameofChina ping pong diplomacy外交The 1971 visit launched an era of Ping-Pong diplomacy, and according to Time, Probably never before in history has a sport been used so effectively as a tool of international diplomacy.April 10 marks the anniversary of ping pong di

17、plomacy.Outstanding athletes Wang Nan and her husbandZhang YiningWang Hao Badmintonisaracquet网拍网拍sportPlayedbyeithertwoopposingPlayers(singles)ortwoopposingpairs(doubles).ThePlayersorpairstakepositionsonoppositehalvesofarectangular矩形矩形courtthatisdividedbyanet. Todate,lindanebecametheonlyslam-widepla


19、姆斯杯,苏迪曼杯,亚运会,亚锦赛全部男子单打冠军的运动员。被称为超级丹。 basket-ball slam dunk NBA (NationalBasketballAssociation)Football小贝和儿子们 YogasoriginYoga in India had been circulating for Yoga in India had been circulating for thousands of years.Yogas origin can thousands of years.Yogas origin can be traced back to the earliest

20、 the be traced back to the earliest the Indus (Indus (印度河印度河)civilization times, )civilization times, dates back at least three thousand dates back at least three thousand years BC previouslyyears BC previously。Five thousand Five thousand years, it has been reflected India an years, it has been refl

21、ected India an important part of culture, yoga has important part of culture, yoga has many times changeful of vigormany times changeful of vigor活力活力. .reasons:1.reduceweight2.keepshape3.refreshing提神提神4.decompressio解压解压Belly Dance Belly dance is a style of dance with Arab form,originated in the Midd

22、le East,made great develop-ment in the Pakistan,India,Iran and other areas ,and passed into Europe and America,now it has been all over the world and become a more well-kown international dance.Belly dance is a very female dance .Along with the rapid and ever-changing rhythm,women swing the abdomen

23、and dance arm,chest,these actions become unbreakable traditional dancing of belly dance.Belly dance is a form of low-impact 低强度exerciseBelly dance helps weight lossBelly dance helps to strengthen self-esteem 自尊,自信=self-confidencecharacterscThere are many other forms of exercise,sucn as climbing 、hik

24、ing 、roller skating Taekwondo and so on.ReadingInterestLife fallow 生活休闲Kill timeSeek information The medical classic of the yellow emperor Yin-yang Theory 阴阳 Five Phase Theory 五行Correspondence between nature and human 天人相应Holism 整体观念Yin In Chinese philosophy, the feminine, latent and passive princip

25、le (characterized by dark, cold, wetness, passivity, disintegration, etc.) of the two opposing cosmic forces into which creative energy divides and whose fusion in physical matter brings the phenomenal world into beingYangIn Chinese philosophy, the masculine, active and positive principl (characteri

26、zed by light, warmth, dryness, activity, etc.) of the two opposing cosmic forces into which creative energy divides and whose fusion in physical matter brings the phenomenal world into beingYin-yang theoryan ancient Chinese philosophical concept, dealing with two opposite aspects of matters in natur

27、e which are interrelated with each other. Its principle is widelyapplied to traditional Chinese medicinepositive and negative yang within yin 阴中之阳yin within yin 阴中之阴yang within yang 阳中之阳yin within yang 阳中之阴opposition of yin and yang 阴阳对立mutual rooting of yin and yang阴阳互根waxing and waning of yin and

28、yang阴阳消长yin-yang balance 阴阳平衡yin-yang harmony 阴阳调和yin-yang conversion 阴阳转化five phase theoryThe five phases: wood, fire, earth, metal and water, and their movements and changes, also known as five elementsThe doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation (生, shng)

29、cycle and an overcoming or destruction (克, k) cycle of interactions between the phases. 五行五行木木火火土土金金水水方位方位东东南南中中西西北北季节季节春春夏夏长夏长夏秋秋冬冬气候气候风风热热湿湿燥燥寒寒五味五味酸酸苦苦甘甘辛辛咸咸五色五色青青赤赤黄黄白白黑黑五脏五脏肝肝心心脾脾肺肺肾肾六腑六腑胆胆小肠小肠胃胃大肠大肠膀胱膀胱三焦三焦七窍七窍目目舌舌口口鼻鼻耳耳形体形体筋筋脉脉肉肉皮毛皮毛骨骨志志怒怒喜喜思思忧忧恐恐声声呼呼笑笑歌歌哭哭呻呻病所病所颈项颈项胸肋胸肋脊脊肩背肩背腰股腰股五液五液泪泪汗汗涎涎涕涕

30、唾唾五指五指食食中中拇拇无名无名小小五荣五荣爪爪面色面色唇唇毛毛发发五化五化生生长长化化收收藏藏photograph photograph photographyThe advantage Analternativewaytorelaxmindandbodyafterstressfulwork Analternativereasontotravelandsightseeing makeaboltforoutandleavethehouseworktoothersAnimportantexerciseforgoodhealthsavepeoplefrommahjong,inordertonotb

31、eagamblershine forever like the sun and the moonIn Zhangye physiognomy , go hiking and look far into Chi-lien Mountains, when sun is rising, a moon is slowly dowm on January 18 The shore of Qinghai LakeIamsureitisthemostbeautifulscenewhatIsawuptonow,althoughitisdifficulttoacknowledgetheresult,Itellm

32、yselftodayIamtheluckiestoneintheworldShangri-La One day, April 2011, I am staying on hillside nearby tangdui village in Zhongdian Yunnan Province from 9 am to 6 pm, only for this moment I will never forget in my whole life Grand champion from national geographic photo contest author: Aaron Lim Boon

33、Teck from: SingaporeChampion in person class from national geographic photo contest author: Chan Kwok Hung from: HongKong Champion in place class from national geographic photo contest author: Jana Asenbrennerova from: Bangladesh Champion in natural class from national geographic photo contest autho

34、r: Sean Heavey from: USAThe contents The story is about a passenger plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean a desert island, 48 passengers who survived. Facing this deserted island, unexpectedly, man-made cabin! Other people who is it? Why radio repeating a cry for help? How can they survive? Many surviv

35、ors, nationality, race, culture, background, personality and so on has the huge difference, They had to overcome the bad natural environment, and in the tropical forest in the wild for food, water, also face in a night to all the people of war bravery calls mystical creatures; The more difficult is

36、that they must win over personal desires, eliminate the estrangement and differences, in the same boat, survive. Ben LinusJack Shephard AlexCharlie Pace Kate AustenClaire Littleton Michael Dawson Danielle Rousseau Desmond Hume Hugo Hurley Reyes James Sawyer FordJin KwonJohn Locke Juliet BurkeSayid JarrahSun KwonThank you for listeningThank you for listening结束结束



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