八年级英语下册 周周清8 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet综合测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 周周清8 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet综合测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《八年级英语下册 周周清8 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet综合测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 周周清8 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet综合测试课件 (新版)人教新目标版(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 单元测试卷单元测试卷周周清周周清8听力部分听力部分一一、听听句句子子,选选择择合合适适的的应应答答语语。句句子子读读两两遍遍。(5分分)Have you bought the book that we need?()1. A. Yes,I will. BNo,I havent. CNo,I didnt.How many books have you already read?()2. A. I have read five. BIt is a bit boring. CThere were four.What kind of music does Annie like?()3.

2、A. It makes her relaxed. BYes,it is. CShe likes pop music.What do you think of the book?()4. A. It is interesting. BNo,it doesnt. CIt is about an emperor.What kind of book is Peters favorite?()5. A.Science fiction. BIt was written in 1990. CHe is my favorite writer.BACAA二二、听听对对话话,选选择择最最佳佳答答案案。对对话话读读

3、两两遍遍。(5分分)M:Linda,when did Alex leave?W:Oh,he has already been away for ten minutes.()6. When did Alex leave?ATen minutes ago. BFifteen minutes ago.CHalf an hour ago. W:Dahai,last night did you see the movie Dearest?M:Right.And that is my second time seeing that movie.()7. How many times has Dahai s

4、een the movie Dearest? AOnce. BTwice. CThree times.ABW:Cui Jie,Ive finished reading the book Tom Sawyer.M:What do you mean,Lucy? Do you want me to help you return it this afternoon.W:Haha,thats right.()8. What will Cui Jie do this afternoon?AHelp Lucy return the book. BBorrow a book from the library

5、.CRead a book in the library.AW: Hey, Dale, I havent seen Sarah for a long time.M: Oh, she has gone to Nashville to take singing lessons.W:Really?Does she want to be a singer like Garth Brooks?()9. Why has Sarah gone to Nashville?ATo visit Dale. BTo take singing lessons.CTo see a singer.W:Bob,are yo

6、u interested in drawing?M: No, but my brother is interested in it.()10. Who likes drawing?A Bob. B Bobs brother. CBobs sister.BB三三、听听长长对对话话,选选择择最最佳佳答答案案。对对话话读读两两遍遍。(共共5分分)听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。小题。W:Mark,can you see Jane?M:Yes,shes in the living room.W:Whats she doing there?M:Shes talking about

7、country music with her friend on the phone.W:Oh,I know. Jane is talking with Mike. I know Mike likes country music.( )11. Whats Jane doing in the living room?AWatching TV. BListening to music.CCalling her friend. ()12. What does Mike like?ACountry music. BCountry life.CMaking friends. CA听第二段对话,回答第听第

8、二段对话,回答第1315小题。小题。M:Gina,have you finished the book Treasure Island?W:No,Jimmy. Ill finish reading it in three days.M:Wheres it now? Is it in the bookcase?W:No,its on the table.M:Well,can I take it home and keep it for two days.W:Sure. What day is it today?M: Today is Monday. Ill return it to you on

9、 Thursday.( )13. How soon will Gina finish reading the book?AIn two days. BIn three days. CIn four days. ()14. Where is the book?AIn the bookcase. BOn the table. COn the sofa.()15. When will Jimmy return the book?AOn Thursday. BOn Tuesday. COn Monday.BBA四四、听听短短文文,完完成成下下面面的的表表格格。短短文文读读两遍。两遍。(5分分)cart

10、oon96doglostreturnThe movie Bolt is an interesting 3D cartoon. It lasts 96 minutes. The movie is about a dog and his name is Bolt. One day a boy takes him to New York,but the poor dog gets lost there. The place is far from his hometown,about 2,000 miles away. But Bolt wants to return to his world. S

11、o he begins his return journeyhe has to go across the USA. On his way he first meets Mittens,a lonely cat. Then they meet a mouse. His name is Rhino. They become friends. And they meet many strange animals and people on their way. At last Bolt feels that he is a hero.笔试部分笔试部分五、单项选择。五、单项选择。(15分分) ()2

12、1. Look! There is _ island in the middle of _ lake.Aa;/ Ba;aCan;an Dan;the ()22.How did you know the song? I heard it _ the radio yesterday evening.Aof Bfor Con Dto()23. Who is your favorite actress? Im a great _ of Zhou Xun.Afan Bkeeper Cteacher Dpupil()24. The woman looks young,but _ she is over 5

13、0 years old.Acompletely Bhardly Creally Dactually()25. _ he won first prize in the competition,he wasnt happy.ABut BAlthough CBecause DUntilDCADB()26.Hello! Let me _ myself. Im Jenny. Nice to meet you,Jenny. Im Martin.Aintroduce Brealize Cbelieve Dprepare()27.Is this your dictionary? No. It _ to the

14、 library.Aleads Bincludes Cowns Dbelongs()28. If you want to catch the school bus,you have to _Aput up Bgrow up Churry up Ddress up( )29.“My parents are always _ small things in life. I dont want to go home,” Sandy said.Adepending on Bfighting over Cputting off Dworking out()30. The village is very

15、famous._ people visit it every year.AMillion of BTwo millions CMillions of DTwo million of ADCBC()31._have you lived in the city? For three years.AHow often BHow long CHow much DHow many()32.Where is Bruce? Is he at home? No. I think he _ to school.Agoes Bhas gone Cgoing Dwill go( )33.I have _ finis

16、hed my homework. What about you? I havent finished it _Aalready;already Byet;yet Cyet;already Dalready;yet( )34. I_ him about it two days ago,but he _ what to do yet.Atold;hasnt decided Bhave told;doesnt decideBtold;doesnt decide Dhave told;hasnt decided()35. Have you decided what to buy for your si

17、ster? _AYes,I do. BYes,I am. CNo,I havent. DNo,I wont.BBDAC六、完形填空。六、完形填空。(10分分)Sonoma County is known for its worldfamous wine and its great food. My hometown Glen Ellen is the best place to experience these things.The best time to _36_ Glen Ellen is in late September and October. It is also very _3

18、7_ because so many people like to come here at this time of year. The _38_ is good,not too hot during the day or too cool at night. Near the vineyards(葡葡萄萄园园),there are usually a lot of butterflies at this time of year.November is the best time to go there if you like to _39_ of the vineyards. The l

19、ight is the best and the leaves change colors as Thanksgiving comes.If you want to fly to Glen Ellen,I think you should rent(租租) a car after you _40_ off the plane. Then find a place to park the _41_ and then walk around the town. There arent many sidewalks(人人行行道道),but it is safe to _42_ alone in th

20、e streets and it is the best way to see the downtown area.If you want to go to _43_ wine,either rent a car or find a taxi driver to take you around. This is very _44_ because you may think that you cant get drunk by tasting wine. But winetasting can _45_ you a horrible(可怕的可怕的) driver.()36. A. hide B

21、visit Cinclude D. realize( )37. A. crowded Bquiet Cfree Dthick()38. A. wine Bweather Cwater Dscene()39. A. take a break Btake examples Ctake the place Dtake pictures()40. A. get Bturn Cgive Dput()41. A. plane Btrain Ccar Dbike()42. A. walk Bswim Cdrive Dtalk()43. A. taste Bstand Chear Dsound()44. A.

22、 difficult Bimportant Cexciting Ddangerous()45. A. marry Bprovide Cmake DprotectBABDACAABC七、阅读理解。七、阅读理解。(30分分)Have you watched the film Frozen? How do you like it?I love this movie. It made me laugh. The music and characters are great. And the story is interesting.AnnaAThe movie is beautiful, especi

23、ally the dresses and hair. And Elsas magic is wonderful. The songs are great,too.MirandaThe movie is cute. But I dont think some of the songs to well with the story. There is only one song that is beautiful. I think Disney should spend more time on the story and music.SimonIts a good movie for all a

24、ges.But I cant understand why Disney always had the children in their movies lose their mother or both patents.Edmund根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(10分分)()46. The movie Frozen made Anna _Alaugh Bcry Cfeel surprised Dfeel sad()47. Miranda thinks _ is/are wonderful.Athe dresses Bthe characters Cthe musi

25、c DElsas magic()48. _ like Frozen best.AAnna and Simon BMiranda and Anna CSimon and Edmund DEdmund and MirandaADB()49. What does Simon think of Frozen?AIt has great characters.BIt tells a great story.CIts songs are not so good.DIts dresses are beautiful.()50. Which of the following is TRUE according

26、 to Edmund?AThe characters in Frozen are funny.BThere is no children in Frozen.CFrozen is a movie for children only.D The children in Frozen probably lose their mother or both parents.CDBWhen Im in trouble,I always take out a book and read quietly. I put my heart into it so that Ill forget all the u

27、nhappy things. Ive developed a habit of reading in this way.When I was a little boy,I was interested in comic books and storybooks. When I was a middle school student,I began to read novels,plays,essays(散散文文) and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little,I took great interest in li

28、terature(文文学学) and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest(作作文文竞竞赛赛) among high school students in our city.Reading The Emperors New Clothes makes me laugh a lot over the emperors silly behavior. The Little Match Girl makes me very sad. Robinson Crusoe takes me into a strange worl

29、d full of danger. And I was also deeply moved by Helen Kellers spirit of being strong and never giving up. Besides these,books also tell me other things how to be a brave man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word,good books can let me know what I dont know before. So I th

30、ink good books are just like my best friends.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(10分分)()51. What was the writer interested in when he was a little boy?AComic books. BEssays. CNovels. DPlays.()52. What does the writer think of the emperor in the story The Emperors New Clothes?AClever. BBrave. CStupid. DOutg

31、oing.( )53. Why does the writer think that good books are like his best friends?ABecause they can teach him many things that he doesnt know.BBecause they can make him learn a lot about history.CBecause they have beautiful pictures for him to enjoy.DBecause they can tell him interesting stories and m

32、ake him laugh.ACA()54. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A Why the writer liked good books.BHow to find many interesting books.CDifferent books the writer liked and his achievement.DWhat the writer thought of the good books.()55. What is the best title for the passage?AMy Interesting Hob

33、byBEveryone Should Read BooksCClassic Books Are GoodD Students Should Be Friends With BooksCACIt was a bright Saturday morning. But Tom Sawyer was not happy. His aunt Polly asked him to paint(油油漆漆) the garden fence(花花园园篱篱笆笆)Tom painted a small corner and soon he felt bored. So he sat down under a tr

34、ee to have a rest.Tom knew that after a while,other boys would come together and they might laugh at him. Suddenly he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and went back to work again.Soon,Ben Rogers came by. He sang a song happily,with an apple in his hand. He invited Tom to go swimming. But

35、 Tom refused. He said he was having fun. He painted so carefully that he looked pleased with it.Ben got interesting in it. He wanted to have a try,but Tom didnt agree. At last,Ben gave his apple to Tom to get the chance(机机会会)Tom gave Ben his brush with worry on his face,but joy in his heart. He sat

36、down again under the tree,and started to eat the apple.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(10分分)()56. On Saturday morning,Tom felt_Abright Bhappy Cbad Dworried()57. Why did Tom go back to work again?ABecause he loved the work.BBecause he had a good rest.CBecause he wanted to finish it quickly.DBecause he h

37、ad a good idea.()58. What does the underlined word “pleased” mean in Chinese?A愉悦的愉悦的 B严肃的严肃的 C无助的无助的 D煎熬的煎熬的()59. What chance did Ben get at last?ATo eat an apple. BTo go swimming with Tom.CTo paint the fence. DTo teach Tom to paint.( )60. What can we learn about Tom from the passage?AHe didnt like

38、Ben. BHe was a smart boy.CHe wanted Bens apple a lot. DHe didnt want Ben to help him.CDACB八、词汇运用。八、词汇运用。(20分分)A根根据据句句意意及及首首字字母母提提示示补补全全单单词词,使使句句子或对话完整、通顺。子或对话完整、通顺。(10分分)61Dont worry. Ive left a few m_ along the way so that we wont get lost.62How will you go to Singapore next week? Ill go there by s

39、_ so that I can enjoy the beautiful sea view(海景海景)63Wang Lihong is a pop singer and he has many f_all over the world.64I hope our friendship will last f_. I like sharing my life with you.65Hainan Island is in the s_ part of China and its a good place for traveling.arkship/eaansoreverouthernB根根据据句句意意

40、及及汉汉语语意意思思写写单单词词,使使句句子子完整、通顺。完整、通顺。(10分分)66They went to the mountain to look for_(财宝财宝) but finally failed.67 The children are playing with _(沙沙子子) and want to use it to build a little house.68 My sister likes winter very much because of the _(美丽美丽) of the snow.69Mr. Smith has never been _(国国外外) bef

41、ore so he decides to take a vacation there.70 Jack is interested in science and _(科科技技). He always watches many films and imagines the future life.treasuresandbeautyabroadtechnology 九、任务型阅读。九、任务型阅读。(10分分)(本文节选自本文节选自The Little Women一书一书)Annie Moffat did not forget her promised _,and one April day Meg

42、 went to stay at the Moffats large house. Meg thought it was _.She loved riding in fine carriages(马马车车),wearing her best dress every day,and doing nothing except enjoy _She soon began to talk about _clothes and hairstyles in the way that the other girls did. And the more Meg saw of Annies pretty thi

43、ngs,the _she wished that she,too,was rich.Annies older sisters,Belle and Clara,were fine young ladies;Mrs. Moffat was a fat,friendly lady.(A)They were all very kind to Meg and did their best to make her feel at home.When the evening for a “small party” came,Megs best dress looked very old next to Sa

44、llies new one,but no one said anything about it. (B)女女孩孩子子们们正正在在做做准准备备,这这时时仆仆人人送送来来一一盒盒花花。“For Miss March, ” she said. “And heres a letter.”“What fun! Who are they from?” said the girls. “We didnt know you had a young man.”“The letter is from Mother and the flowers are from Laurie,” said Meg,simply.

45、根据短文内容,完成下列任务。根据短文内容,完成下列任务。(10分分)71在在至至处处选选词词填填空空(注注意意单单词词的的变变化化形形式式)。_72把画线部分把画线部分(A)翻译成汉语:翻译成汉语:_73把画线部分把画线部分(B)翻译成英语:翻译成英语:_根据短文内容,回答下列问题。根据短文内容,回答下列问题。74What was Mrs. Moffat like?_75Who is the letter from and who are the flowers from?_invitation wonderfulherselffashionable more她们对麦格都很好,并且尽她们的所她

46、们对麦格都很好,并且尽她们的所能使麦格就像在家里一样舒适。能使麦格就像在家里一样舒适。The girls were getting ready when a servant brought in a box of flowers.She was a fat,friendly lady.The letter is from Megs mother and the flowers are from Laurie.十、书面表达。十、书面表达。(15分分)假假设设你你是是赵赵凯凯,你你的的英英国国朋朋友友Frank最最近近迷迷上上了了郑郑渊渊洁洁的的童童话话作作品品。他他发发来来电电子子邮邮件件,询询

47、问问郑郑渊渊洁洁的的有有关关情情况况。请请根根据据以以下下提提示示给给他他回回复复一一封封电电子子邮邮件件。80词词左左右右。邮邮件件的的开开头头、结结尾尾已已给给出出,不计入总数。不计入总数。Dear Frank,I am happy to hear that youre interested in Zheng Yuanjies fairy tales. Now let me tell you something about Zheng Yuanjie._Yours,Zhao KaiOne possible version:Dear Frank,I am happy to hear that

48、 youre interested in Zheng Yuanjies fairy tales. Now let me tell you something about Zheng Yuanjie. Zheng is one of the most famous writers in China. He is good at writing stories for children. He was born in Shijiazhuang,Hebei on June 15th,1955. In 1970,he joined the army.He stayed there until 1976. He began writing in 1977. In 1985, he started a childrens magazine named King of Fairy Tales. For more than 20 years,he has kept on writing stories by himself for the magazine. I think it is really amazing to do that. I like him very much.Yours,Zhao Kai



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