高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 4 What’s in the papers Vocabulary 课件 北师大版必修4

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1、VocabularyObjectivesAt the end of this lesson, youll be able to use compound adjectives correctly. create an article for a local paper.WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?Chinasfirstnationaldisasterpreventionday&theone-yearanniversaryoftheWenchuanearthquake.AFTER FATAL LESSON, CHINA BUILDS STRONGER SCHOOL IN QUAKE

2、 ZONE. (XINHUA) UPDATED: 2009-04-29 20:47 AworkerdrivesadiggerattheconstructionsiteoftheLeiguMiddleSchool,oneoftheworst-hitschoolsinthequakeinBeichuancounty,southwestChinasSichuanprovince.Inthebackground,morethan100workerswerebusyfinishingthethree-storybuilding,whichissettoopenonMay12,thefirstannive


4、ersitieslikeQinghuaUniversity,theUniversityofHongKong,TongjiUniversityandtheMassachusettsInstituteofTechnology.ConstructionworkerSongGuobinhopeshis3-year-oldson,WangHaoyu,canstudyinasafebuilding.Nowthathisbrotherisdead,hecarriesallmyhopes,Songsaid.COMPOUND ADJECTIVESLeiguMiddleSchoolisoneoftheworst-

5、hitschoolsinthequakeinBeichuancounty.Morethan100workerswerebusyfinishingthethree-storybuilding.Thenew200-million-yuanbuildingwasdesignedbystaffatwell-knownuniversitieslikeQinghuaUniversity.SongGuobinhopeshis3-year-oldson,WangHaoyu,canstudyinasafebuilding.Whatdotheunderlinedwordsmean?COMPOUND ADJECTI

6、VEStheworst-hitschoolswell-knownuniversitiesthethree-storybuilding.the200-million-yuanbuilding.His3-year-oldson, P29 7 Find more phrases with compound adjectives in the texts .4) a journey of 3,000 miles (text c)3) a very long holiday (text c)a 31-year holiday3,000- mile journey2) a driver of 60 yea

7、rs old (test B)60-year-old driver1) a famous film (text A)the well-known filmCOMPOUND ADJECTIVEStheworst-hitschoolswell-knownuniversitiesthethree-storybuilding.the200-million-yuanbuildinga31-yearholiday3000-milejourneyhis3-year-oldson60-year-0lddriver副词副词+过去分词过去分词adv+ p.p数词数词+ 形容词形容词+名词名词(numeral +

8、adj.+n.)数词数词+ 名词名词(numeral +n.)Discuss:Howarethecompoundadjectivesformed?Notes:thenounsafternumbersaresingular.1 I gave the man a ten-pound note when I bought The Times and got 9.65 back.2 A won one of the big womens tennis championships in the USA last year.3 Mrs. Pierce gave us a just before the e

9、xam. It helped us to revise everything.fifteen-year-old girl two-hour lesson P72EX3Practice4 At the age of forty, fireman Dennis Thomas climbed a .6 A called Barbara Windsor is appearing in the soap EastEnders on TV.5 The shouted for more after Shania Twain finished singing.three-thousand-metre moun

10、tain 400-strong audience well-known actress Practice一个五年计划一个三岁的男孩一座30米长的桥一张10美元的钞票a five-year plana 3-year-old boya 30-meter-long bridgea 10-dollar note Rewrite the sentences using compound adjectives.We went on a holiday for two weeks.We went on a two-week holiday. Example:Practice 82.Hebrokethe10,

11、000-metrerecord./the10,000-metreracerecord.3.Shewentforanearly-morningwalk.4.Isawadocumentaryabouta120-year-oldman.PracticeSpeaking and writing Imagine you work for a local newspaper. Write notes about real or imaginary news stories. Choose one of these areas:entertainment (e.g. a concert),sports (e

12、.g. a local match),personal (e.g. a local girl won a national chess competition),good news (e.g. a new hospital opened), bad news (e.g. an accident)9Speaking and writingReport the Ballet girl, liyues visit to Hongkong for Takung Pao (大大公公报报).9 5月月10日来自四川的日来自四川的12岁的岁的“芭蕾女孩芭蕾女孩”李李月与母亲到香港庆祝她们灾后第一个母亲节。月

13、与母亲到香港庆祝她们灾后第一个母亲节。香港迪士尼乐园接待了李月及其他十多位地香港迪士尼乐园接待了李月及其他十多位地震生还者及其家人,让他们共度溫馨感恩的震生还者及其家人,让他们共度溫馨感恩的灾后第一个母亲节灾后第一个母亲节, 李月还在观塘一商场表演芭蕾舞,她的坚李月还在观塘一商场表演芭蕾舞,她的坚持、认真和勇敢,感动在场不少围观市民。持、认真和勇敢,感动在场不少围观市民。对于首次來港表演,李月表示,心情非常激对于首次來港表演,李月表示,心情非常激动,很感谢主办单位给予的机会,给她一个动,很感谢主办单位给予的机会,给她一个这么好的平台去度过这个母亲节。失去一条这么好的平台去度过这个母亲节。失去一

14、条腿的李月表示,她没有准备什么礼物,因为腿的李月表示,她没有准备什么礼物,因为好好生活就是送给妈妈最好的礼物。好好生活就是送给妈妈最好的礼物。“今天今天是妈妈照顾我,将来妈妈老了,就由我来照是妈妈照顾我,将来妈妈老了,就由我来照顾她!我要好好学习,长大了报答妈妈。顾她!我要好好学习,长大了报答妈妈。” Work in groups. Make notes about what, when, where, why, how and comment. ExampleWhat? A family reunion.Who? Lillian DerbyshireWhen? Now, (31 years ago) Where? West Gorton, Manchester. To California, AmericaWhy? Lillians four daughters went on holiday to America with her ex-husband and never came back.Comment: “I cant stop crying with happiness.” HomeworkHomework Finish your writing, try to use some compound adjectives in your writing.



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