2022年电大开放英语专科考试小抄 2

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1、1 / 24 第一部分交际用语1. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?C_ A. Sorry, you cant B. No, you cantC. sorry, he is busy at the moment2. What kind of TV program do you like best?- A A. Its hard to say, actuallyB. I only watch them at weekendC. I m t oo busy to say3Oh, sorry to bother you. C. A. Oh, I don

2、t knowB. No, you cantC. That s okay 4Can you turn down the radio, please? A. A. I m sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud B. Please forgive me C. I ll keep it down next time5. -Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? - CA. That s fine, thank you B. Yes, please C. Of course not 6. He

3、llo, could I speak to Don please? -B A. Who are you B. Whos speakingC. AreyouJane7. -May I know your address? - AA. Sure. Here you are B. I have no ideaC. Its far from here8. How s the movie? Interesting?BA. I was seated far away in the corner B. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV C. It

4、 was shown late until midnight 9. What if my computer doesnt work?BA. I m not good at computerB. Ask Anne for helpC. Ive called the repair shop10. -Lets take a walk.- C A. Yes, letsB. Oh, thanks C.Yes,please11. 11、 What s the problem, Harry?- A. A. I cant remember where I left my glassesB. No proble

5、m at all C. Thank you for asking me about it 12. Is this the motel you mentioned? A. A. Yes, its as quiet asweexpectedB. It looks comfortable C. No, the prices reasonable 13. Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?B .A.I don t knowB.Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to

6、meet my parents C.No, I cant14. Well, Mary, how are you? - C . A. I m goodB. I m pleasedC.I mfine15. Would you like to see the menu? A . A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clear C. I hear the food here is tasty 16. - I think the Internet is very helpful.- A. A. Yes, so

7、do I B. That s a very good ideaC.NeitherdoI 17.I think the Internet is very helpful. - _ _A_. A. Yes, so do I . B. That s a very good ideaC. Neither do I D. I d rather go surfing on it18.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. - _ _C_. A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Pleas

8、e wait for minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 24 页2 / 24 19.Afternoon, sir. Where to? - _ _A_. A. Please get me to the airport B. please pick me up next time C. I ve been to the airport D. The plane will take off in an hour 20. Can I

9、 help you to get it down? C. A. No problem B. Yes. Lets get itC. Thanks. Its so nice of youD. Its no trouble at all21. Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer.D. A. I didnt realize thatB. Here is a message for herC. Im really sorry about itD. Really? Maybe shes out 22. Are you sure about that?

10、 D. A. You needn t worry about that B. I like the idea.C. Oh, no. Im afraidofthatD. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive 23. Would you like to see the menu? A. A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clearC. I hear the food here is tasty D. The setting is very comfortable 24. Wha

11、t if my computer doesnt work?B. A. I m not good at computerB. Ask Anne for help C. I ve called the repair shop D. There must be something wrong 25. How s the movie? Interesting?C. A. It was shown late until midnightB.It was starred by a few famous peopleC. Far from. I should have stayed home watchin

12、g TVD.I was seated far away in the corner 26. Is this the motel you mentioned? B. A.ItlookscomfortableB. Yes, its as quiet as we expectedC. Youre soconsiderate D. No, the prices reasonable第二部分词汇与结构1. The difinition leaves _ B for disagreement. A. a small room B. much room C. great deal room 2. I pre

13、fer classic musicB pop music. A.thanB. to C. with 3. Ancient Greece is theCof western civilization. A.sorces B. source C. origin 4. It is very convenient A here . A. living B. to live C. live 5. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, C.A. as B. therefore C. however 6. The sun heats

14、 the earth, Cis very important to living things. A.that B. what C. which 7. When we were having a meeting, the directorthe bad news by telephone. A. was telling B. was told C.couldtell 8. More and more people in China now _A_to work regularly. A.drive B. drives C. have driven 9. Let me _B_ the case

15、carefully before I draw a conclusion. A. look out B. look into C. look after 10. The patient acted on the doctors _C_ and finallyrecovered. A.advices B.advise C.advice . 11. Silk_A by Chinese for thousands of years now. A. has been used B. was used C. is used 12. You _Bto lock the door at night. A.

16、shall B. ought C. must 13. You must explain _C_ how they succeeded _ the experiment. A. of us, for B. at us, at C. to us, in 14. Before I got to the cinema, the film_A A. had begun B. has begunC. is begun 15. I have lived here _B_ 1997 . A. for B. since 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

17、 2 页,共 24 页3 / 24 C. from 16. A lecture hall is _B_ where students attend lectures. A. that B. one C. which 17. I m tired. I _ B _ working very hard. A. have B. have been C. had 18. He keeps _B_ at himself in the mirror. A. to look B. looking C. look 19. The bedroom needs _C_. A.decorate B.to decora

18、te C. decorating 20. Before she left on the trip, she _ A _ hard. A.hadtrained B. has trained C. would trained 21. He is the man_C_ dog bit me. A.that B.which C. whose 22. Mary forgot _B_ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. A. writing B. to write C. to have written 23. What s happe

19、ned to Tom?- _A _ to hospital. A. Hes been takenB. Hell be takenC. Hes taken24. He was _ C _ about his new job. A. above the moon B. on the moon C. over the moon 25. Everything _B _ if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.A. will be destroyed B. would have been destroyed C. would be destroyed 26. On

20、 his first sea _B_, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. A.tripB.voyageC.tour 27. I broke my leg when I_A_ skiinginAmerica. A.was B.is C.would be 28. She was convicted _C_ murder. A.to B.in C.of 29. He, as well as I, _ A _ a student. A.is B.am C.are 30Mother was busy.

21、 Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she _A _ it on the radio. A. was listening to B. was hearing C. was listening 31. Hardly _A_ home when it began to rain. A.had I got B.I had got C.hadIarrivedin 32. It happen _C_ a winter night. A. at B. in C. on 33.After _C_ the shopping list, I

22、found that I forgot to buy salt. A.examining B.testing C. checking D. seeing 34.Ann is studying _ B _ at university. Apolitic B.politics C. politician D. political 35.After_C _the bid, major constructionbegan in Beijing. A. win B. wining C. winning D. won 36.A lecture hall is _ C_ where students att

23、end lectures. A. there B. which C. one D. that 37.Be sure to _ A _ your wife when you come here this evening. A.bring B.take C. get D. carry 38.Before she left on the trip, she _ D_ hard. A.trained B. has trained C. would trained D. had trained 39.-Can I get you a couple of tea? -_ _A_ A. That s ver

24、y nice of you B. With pleasure C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea 40. Don t worry. There is _ C_ room for all your books here.A. more B. much C. enough D. some 41._ A _fine weather it is! A. WhatB. What a C. How D. How a 42._ C_for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance. A. Bid

25、B. To bid C. Bidding D. To be bidden 43.Everything _ D_ if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.A. will be destroyed B. will have been destroyed 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 24 页4 / 24 C.would bedestroyed D.would have been destroyed 44.Her parents died when she was very young

26、, so she was _ A _by her aunt.A. brought up B. brought out C. grown up D. grown 45._ B _ he said is quite right. A.That B. What C. How D. Why 46.He kept the light in his room _ B_ the whole night. A. burnt B. burning C. burn D. to burn 47.He keeps _ B _ at himself in the mirror. A.to lookB. looking

27、C. look D. looked 48.He was _ A_ about his new job. A.over the moon B. on the moon C. off the moon D. above the moon 49.He has been _B_ in hospital for a month.A.danger B.in danger C.dangerous D. a danger 50.He spends a quarter of the day _B_. A.tosleep B. sleeping C. sleeps D. to sleeping 51.He is

28、the man _D _ dog bit me. A. that B. which C. whos D. whose 52.It happened _D_ a winter night. A. at B. in C. by D. on 53.If you _A_ stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.A. wontB. wouldn tC. don tD. can t54. It s not safe _C_ in the street. A. to play B. play C, playing D. plays 55._

29、 _D_ it with me and I ll see what I can do.A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave 56. I don t suppose he will attend the meeting, _ B_ _? A.wont heB. will he C.do I D.dont I57.I think all these are main points _B_ much attention. A.being worthy ofB. worthy of C.which worth D.which worthy o

30、f 58.I have given _C_ eating meat. A.over B.down C. up D.down 59. I know it isnt important but I cant help _ B _ about it. A. but to think B. thinking C. to D. think 60. Im tired. I _ B _ working very hard.A.have B.have been C. had D. has 61.Linda offered him her congratulations _D_ his passing the

31、college entrance exams. A.at B.forC. of D. on 62.Mr. White has a wife and three children to _ A _. A. raise B. keep C. grow D. take 63.Mary forgot _B_ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. A. writing B. to write C. having wrote D. to have written 64.Not only I but also Jane and Mary

32、_B_ tired of having one examination after another. A. is B. are C. am D. be 65.Our plane _A_ from London at 7:00 yesterday evening. A. took off B. put off C. flew off D. left off 66.On his first sea _D_, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.A. trip B. travel C. tour D.

33、 voyage 67. She s unlucky, and shes always suffering _D _ luck one after another. A. a sick B. an ill C. sick D. ill 68.She has lived here _B_ three years. A. since B. for C. during D. in 69.Time is money! We should _B_ our time. A. be fit for B. make good use of C. play a part of D. take the place

34、of 70.They _ B_ the train until it disappeared in the distance. A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed 71. Thats all settled. It _D_ talked about. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 24 页5 / 24 A. shouldn t B. mustn t beC. can tD. needn t be72.The bedroom needs _A_. A. decorating

35、B. to decorate C. decorate D. decorated 73.- What s happened to Tom?- _D_to hospital. A.Hes taken B. Hell be takenC. Hell takeD. Hes been taken74.-Which do you like better, real movies _D_ cartoons?- I prefer cartoons _ real movies. A. and , than B. or, than C. and, and D. or, to 75.What a fool I ha

36、ve been! Why _ B_I think of that before? A. don tB. didn t C. not D. do 76.We must make a difference between _A_ language and _language. A. spoken, written B. speaking, written C. speaking, writing D. speak, write 77.We _A_ every day when we were children. A. used to swim B. used to swimming C. use

37、to swim D. use to swimming 78.You must explain _C_ how they succeeded _ the experiment. A. of us, for B. at us, atC. to us, in D. for us, to 79.You look _D_ _. What _ you _? A. tire, diddoB. tiring, havedoneC. tired, dodoD. tired, havebeen doing第三部分阅读理解短文理解1CAABBThere have been changes in all sorts

38、of different areas of British society. In recent years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced. After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapid increase in the number of divorces. The rate increased steadily and in recent years has increase

39、d much more rapidly. But there are also quite a lot of people who do actually get married. At present the marriage rate in the UK is about 70 per cent, which has gone down since the number of people who marry has gone down quite a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantly in the last 10 years

40、. Quite high proportions of people now live together without marrying, and, for example, 40 per cent of children born in the UK are born to couples who arent married or are born to lone parents. There are quite a large number of lone parent families, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woman rather

41、 than a man. The average family size now in the UK is 1.8 children per couple, which means that theres been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss?_C_A. The declining divorce rate in the UK. B. Trends in marriage and d

42、ivorce in the UK. C. The increasing divorce rate in the UK. 2. During the last ten years, _ A_. A. the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK B. the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UK C. 40% of children were born to unwed couples in the UK 3. According to the passage, the cohabita

43、tion rate in the UK tends to _A_. A. soar (急剧上升 ) B. not mentioned in the passage C. stay stable 4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? _ B_A. The marriage rate has gone down in recent years. B. The highest divorce rate was around 1969. C. The marriage rate is cu

44、rrently 70 percent. 5. The last paragraph tells us _B_. A. the birth rate in the UK is increasing at the moment B. the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now C. the birth rate in other European countries keeps increasing 短文理解2ACBCCPeople all over the world today are beginning to hear and lea

45、rn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man s release of completely new and often artificial (人造的) substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance (物质) ,such as oil from oil tankers into the sea. Whatever its un

46、derlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three of four times in packages that all have to b

47、e disposed of。 drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cant be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metal and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want

48、nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying, excess use and careless disposal (处理 ) of the products we use in our daily lives. 1. The main cause of pollution is _A_. 精选学习资料 - - - - -

49、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 24 页6 / 24 A. the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment B. the production of new industrial goods C. increased amounts of a natural substance 2. Much of the pollution could be controlled if only _C_. A. farmers would use less artificial

50、 fertilizers B. governments would take effective measures C. all sides concerned would make more efforts 3. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause _B_. A. air and water pollution B. both a litter problem and a waster of resources C. to pay for the service 4. Which of the following can

51、not help solving the problem of pollution? _C_A. Cutting out unnecessary buying. B. Reduce excess use C. Eating. 5. What does the underlined word “litter” mean in paragraph 2? _C_A. Bits of wastthings B. serious problem C.industrial pollution 短文理解3 ACBCB A funny thing happened on the way to the comm

52、unication revolution: we stopped talking to each other. I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and poof! I was cut off as if I had become absent from the conversation. The

53、 park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs. It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact. The telephone used to connect you to the absent.

54、 Now it makes people feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing design

55、ed to make communication easier. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a setback (退步) to the closeness of human interaction. With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or tal

56、king to one another. With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine. As almost every contact between human beings gets automatic, the emotional distance index goes up. Pumping gas at the station? Why s

57、ay good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neighborhood when you can put your card into the ATM? More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail

58、to do a job meant for conversation or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didnt really have time to talk. The technology devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier. I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail telephone, and an e-mail account. Giving them up isnt a c

59、hoice. They are great for what they are intended to do. Its their unintended results that make me upset. What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out “Gee whiz”?1. The authors experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel _A_.

60、 A. unhappy B. funny C. wonderful 2. According to the author, human contact in a park means _C_. A. looking at each other and saying hello when passing B. noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs C. both A and B 3. According to the author, the more connected we get in communications tech

61、nology, the _B_ we are. A. more automatic B. more disconnected C. closer 4. What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction? _C_A. With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can n

62、ow communicate without seeing or talking to one another. B. With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. C. All of the above. 5. What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author? _B_ A. It makes communication easier and conversati

63、on possible everywhere. B. It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing them together. C. It makes human contacts limitless with electronic voices everywhere 短文理解4CBCAC Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Th

64、eir answer is the bicycle, or “bike ”.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a BetterCity. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the dow

65、ntown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 24 页7 / 24 For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bike riders. For example, they want the city to draw bicycle lanes on some of the m

66、ain streets, because when bike riders have to use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a BetterCity feels that if there were special lanes more people would use bikes. But no bicycle lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea - they say it will slow traffic. Some s

67、tore owners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike. The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. Only on weekends, Central Park is closed to cars, and th

68、e roads may be used by bicycles only. But Bike for a BetterCity says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown. 1. According to the passage, bicycles _C_. A.are more convenient than cars B.are safer traffic tools than cars C.are the solution to some city problems 2.The

69、 idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by _B_. A.the city government B.some bike riders C.some store owners 3.“Bicycle lanes” in the third paragraph probably means _C_. A.roads for bicycles only B. roads full of bicycles C. special parts of the road for bicycle riders only 4. Which of the fo

70、llowing is not true according to the passage? _ _A_A. In New York City, many people use bikes as they have special lanes B. Sometimes accidents may occur when cars and bikes are on the same lanes. C. The Central Park is closed to cars on weekends. 5. The best title for this passage is _C_. A. Traffi

71、c Crowding in New York City B.Special Lanes for Passengers C.Solution to Traffic Problem in New York 短文理解5ABBACBenjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, “London is not a city, - it is a nation.” Today this is an understatement 。 London, with its vast range of different e

72、thnic groups, is a world. Certainly, London is the most culturally diverse city in the world. The city was founded by the Romans and since then new arrivals have constantly added to its character and prosperity. Within 10 years 40% of Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups, including the grow

73、ing number of Londoners of mixed ethnic origin, but most of them will have been born in Britain. Children of Caribbean-Chinese marriages will go to school with children of Russian-Irish couples. None of them will be English but all of them will be Londoners. Most of Britains ethnic minority resident

74、s live in the capital, speaking over 300 languages. Nearly all of the African population and many of the Caribbean population of Britain live in London (83% and 58% respectively)。 39% of the Chinese population of Britain and 36% of the Asian population of Britain live in London. The largest migrant

75、community is from the IrishRepublic with 256,000 people, 3.8% of the total population of London. There are an estimated 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in London, with most recent arrivals coming from Eastern Europe, North Africa and Kurdistan. Young people, in particular, are skilled at

76、dealing with a large number of different and hybrid cultures. They themselves often have several different ethnic identities since their parents and grandparents may come from several different backgrounds and their friends and partners do also. They are “skilled cross-cultural travellers” without l

77、eaving their home-town. 1Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraelis statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _A_. A. a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity B. even larger than some countries in the world C. not a nation at all 2. London is regarded as the

78、most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _B_. A. within 10 years 40% Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups B. many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds C. London accommodates about 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers from many other c

79、ountries 3. Ethnic minority groups will make up _B_ of the London population in the future. A. 36% B. 40% C. 39% 4. The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _A_. A. young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures B. young people are raised in a multicultural environment C.

80、young people find it hard to adapt themselves to hybrid cultures 5. The passage mainly deals with _C_. A. the advantage of hybrid cultures in London B. the composition of the population in London 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 24 页8 / 24 C. the cultural diversity in London 短文理解

81、6CACDDWho will stage the games?Preparing for the Olympics Games is a huge undertaking. Just like the athletes, the host city spends years getting ready for the event. Before deciding which city will host the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has to examine bids from all over t

82、he world. Bidding for the games begins about ten years in advance. Without preparing a very strong bid1, a city will not win the competition to host the games. Beijing was chosen for the 2008 games from five bidders Osaka, Paris, Toronto and Istanbul.2Why does it take so long to prepare? Building th

83、e infrastructure costs huge amounts of money. Holding the World Cup in 2002 inJapan and South Korea, for example, meant that ten new stadiums had to be built, as well as many hotels and an improved transport system. In Beijing, after winning the bid the government began major construction projects t

84、he extension of the underground, the improvement of the airport and the building of new motorways3. Each host city must also build an Olympic village for the athletes. By planting trees and creating parks, the city becomes more attractive for tourists. Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games

85、? Hosting the games has a major effect on the economy and brings international prestige to the country. Thousands and thousands of visitors come to the games and the host cities are permanently improved. 1. Bidding for the Olympic Games usually starts _C_ before the games are really held. A. two yea

86、rs B. eight years C. ten years 2. Beijing was one of the _A_ bidders for the 2008games. A. five B. four C. three 3. The World Cup 2002 was held in _C_ _. A. Japan B. South Korea C. A and B 4. What construction projects did Beijing start after winning the bid? _D_A. The extension of the underground.

87、B. The improvement of the airport. C. The building of new motorways D. All of the above 5. Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games? _D_A. Because it has a major effect on the economy. B. Because it brings international prestige to the country. C. Because the host cities are permanently impro

88、ved. D. All of the above. 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(T)、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(NG )。短文理解7FFTTNGThe ancient Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in honour of the Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses. The festival and games were held in Olympia, a religious sanctuary. The

89、athletes came to Olympia from all parts of the Greek world, from as far as Spain in the west and Turkey in the east. The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BC when Koroibos, a cook from the city of Elis, won a 200-metre-long race. They took place for a period of 617 years until the last gam

90、es were held in AD 393. In the ancient games, athletes received prizes worth large amounts of money. In fact the word “ athlete ” is an ancient Greek word, meaning “ one who competes for a prize ”. Although women did not compete in the games, there was a separate festival held at the same time in ho

91、nour of Hera, wife of Zeus. At this festival unmarried girls competed in foot races. The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games. The marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Olympic Games in 1896. It was named after a village called Marathon where the Persians were

92、 defeated by a small Greek army. The news of the victory was brought to Athens by soldier, who ran the 26 miles from the village of Marathon to the capital. 26 miles was therefore adopted as the distance of the modern marathon race. The Olympic flag was introduced in 1908 and carries the symbol of f

93、ive linked rings. Which represent the five continents Africa, America, Asia, Australasia and Europe. The Olympic flame was first carried in the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. There was no torch relay in the ancient Olympic Games. The first torch relay in the modern Olympic Games was staged in Be

94、rlin in 1936. 1. The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 617 BC. F2. The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games for 393 years. F3. They did not allow women to compete in the ancient Olympic Games. T 4. They first used the Olympic flag in 1908. T5. Both the Olympic Games and the Marathon Ra

95、ce are very popular for old and young people in many countries of the world. NG短文理解8TTNGFF Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother. I wake up early every day, its usually about 6.30 am, and wait until I hear Tilly, my mum, moving abo

96、ut. Then I make her a cup of tea. At about half past seven she gets up and we have breakfast together. We normally just have toast, but on Sundays we always have bacon and eggs. After breakfast she reads the newspaper, then she sits by the window and waves to the neighbours as they walk by. She hard

97、ly ever goes out but she is very proud of her personal appearance, so she goes to the hairdresser once a month. She doesnt like being left on her own for very long, so I always arrange for a neighbour to come and sit with her when I go out. Now and again, my friend and neighbour, Joan, comes to spen

98、d the day with her, and I can go and have lunch with another friend, May, who lives in town. I have a brother, Syd. He comes to stay two or three times a year. He is very good and keeps in touch, but he lives 300 miles away. Once a year, he collects mum and takes her to stay with him in London for a

99、 week. She doesnt really like going because its a long journey, but I need the rest. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 24 页9 / 24 Sally, the nurse, comes to see mum regularly. My next-door neighbour, Jack, often calls in. In the evening we usually watch TV and we sometimes play ca

100、rds. Mum is fantastic for her age. But I can never decide to go anywhere spontaneously. I always have to plan it, so I feel a bit trapped. But what is the alternative? An old peoples home? I couldnt do that to my mother.1. Lily wakes before her mother. T2. Joan sometimes spends the day with Lilys mo

101、ther.T3. Tilly is satisfied with her hairdresser.NG4. Lilys brother comes to visit every three weeks.F5. Lily and her mother play cards more than they watch TV. F短文理解1Who will stage the games?Dear all,This message is just to confirm the details for the next few days. Daves picking up the van tomorro

102、w and were loading it at his place at 10.00 on Friday morning. Ive booked us all into The Tolly for one night. Its a hotel near the university in Welbeck Street. Steve and I are getting the 4.30 p.m. train. Were stopping to check in at the hotel to pick up the keys and get changed at 6.00. We have t

103、o check out of the hotel by 9.00 on Saturday morning because they have a big group coming to the hotel. So we have to get up early, Im afraid!Dave and Paul, if you cant get to the hotel by about7.00, lets meet in the cafe at the university at 7.30. Well set up the equipment at 8.00 for the gig and h

104、ave a rehearsal.See you all,Mary 1. They ll load the van _A_.A. after Dave has picked it up B. tomorrow morningC. when Dave comes 2. They ll stay in a hotel for _B_. A. two nightsB. one night C. a few hours 3. Mary will get to the hotel _C_. A. at 4.30 pmB. at 5 pm C. before 6 pm 4. Theyll stay at t

105、he hotel on _B_ night . A. Saturday B. FridayC. Sunday 5. Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they _B_. A. arrive before 7.30 B. arrive before 7 C. get up early in the morning 短文理解2 Hi, Sharon,I ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe Ive already been here for a year? Theres so

106、much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I dont have to find somewhere else to live. Im going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting

107、the whole flat because Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly. I cannot believe that Ive been here for a whole year. And I must start packing too I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. Ill give some things to charity shops I think.Anyway, Im rea

108、lly writing to say that Ill be back in Shanghai on the 27 April, and it would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. Ill phone as soon as I get back.How are things with you?Love Xiaoyan1. When will Xiaoyan leave England?BA A month later. B. 10 days later. C. A year later. 2. Where will Xia

109、oyan live after moving out?AA. She will stay in her friends place.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 24 页10 / 24 B. She will be on the plane to Shanghai. C. She will have to find a hotel to live in. 3. What will happen to Francos flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out? BA. It will be

110、sold at a good price. B. It will be rented to other people. C. It will be kept for Xiaoyan when she comes back. 4. Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase?AA. She has got more things than she came with. B. Her old suitcase is broken. C. She has to give things to charity shops. 5. What would Xiaoyan m

111、ost possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon? BA. To ask Sharon to show her around Shanghai. B. To talk about what happened to them recently. C. To show Sharon her new clothes. 短文理解3 My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as a chief accountant, and he w

112、orked really long hours. People used to say that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didnt use to be sociable at all. He used to spend a lot of time alone working in the garden. I used to be frightened of him as a child. He used to shou

113、t at us all the time. Then, suddenly he became ill, and then the doctors told him he had to give up work. He changed almost overnight. His attitude to lots of things changed. He relaxed and spent time with his grandchildren. When he died, I think he was a really happy, relaxed man. 1. My grandfather

114、 used to _B_. A. drink a lot B. work very hard C. be the manager 2. He was _C_ when he came home. A. very pleasant B. excited C. easy to get angry 3. When I was a child, I _C_. A. liked him very much B. I hated him C. was afraid of him 4. Doctors asked him to _A_after he had a stroke. A. stop workin

115、g B. change his attitude C. work less 5. When he died, he _C_. A. was feeling worried B. was irritable C. was a happy man 短文理解4. Ivydale Guesthouse * Bath Tourist Association ApprovedRon and Ann welcome you to Ivydale, where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet. Conveniently located a sh

116、ort walk from the city centre. Well-equipped all rooms have an en suite bathroom, colour TV with satellite channels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini bar and phone. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 24 页11 / 24 Excellent food we offer full English and buffet breakfasts. Vegetar

117、ian food available on request. Peace and quiet Ivydale is situated in its own gardens, offering the perfect atmosphere for business travellers and tourists. P lease note that we operate a strict no-smoking policy. Mini-break deals available. For reservations or a brochure, please call (01225) 121235

118、5 1. The owner of the guesthouse is/are _B_. A. Ivydale B. Ron and Ann C. Bath 2.The guesthouse is _A_the city center. A. near tB. far from C. in 3.Guests can _A_. A. make tea in their room B. get online with their computerC. smoke in their room 4. The guesthouse is _B_. A. boring but quietB. peacef

119、ul and quiet C. noisy and busy 5. People _C_ smoke in the guesthouse. A. can B. don t want to C. are not allowed to 阅读理解 1 :Right/Wrong/Doesn t say1. Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin (皮肤 ) ,so she went to her doctor about it. He could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent h

120、er to the hospital for tests. The hospital, of course, sent the result of the tests to Mrs Blacks doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, because any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.Mrs Black carefully wrote a

121、ll the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a party.When she came back home several hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a basket full of packages (包)beside him, and when he saw her, he said, “Hello, dear. I have done a

122、ll your shopping for you.”“Done all my shopping?” she asked in surprise, “But how did you know what I want?” “Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone and bought everything you have written down.”1. Mrs Blacks doctor didnt know what was wrong with her skin. AA. Right. B

123、. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.2. The hospital sent Mrs Black the test results. B A. Right.B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.3. Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the party.B A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.4. Mr Black usually does the shopping for the family. CA. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.5. Mr Bla

124、ck thought his wife needed the things written on the paper. A精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 24 页12 / 24 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.阅读理解2. The day was like any other day in his life. Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of sh

125、oes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she cou

126、ld. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him care

127、fully and was surprised to see the boy had no feet. He looked at his own feet. “It s much better to be without shoes than without feet,” he thought. There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was happier. 1.Tom passed the shop by bus. BA. Right. B. Wro

128、ng. C. Doesnt say.2. Tom stopped in front of the shop to look at the shoes he liked.A A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.3. The pair of shoes were too expensive for Tom and his mother. A A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.4. The boy sitting in the wheel chair had no legs.BA. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt

129、 say.5. Tom went home to tell his mother about what had happened.CA. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.阅读理解3. I go to the barber(理发师) every month. I dont like very short hair, so my barber doesnt cut off much. I have known him for almost four years now, andwhen I go to him, we always talk a lot. He tel

130、ls me all his news, and I tell him all mine. He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop and he talks to most of them, so he always has a lot of news for me.Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays, and when he comes back to England, he has a lot of interesting news. W

131、hile he is cutting my hair, he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages, strange food and drinks and many other things. I sit there and listen to the old man with open ears. Although mybarber is old, he always tries new things. He never said, “I have never eaten this food before

132、, so I am not going to eat it now.”1. The writer has his hair cut every month.AA. Right. B.Wrong. C. Doesnt say.2. They got to know each other only a few months ago.BA. Right.B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.3. Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France.AA. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say

133、.4. The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks. BA. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.5. The barber lived in France when he was young.CA. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.阅读理解4. Sarah Peters was born on January 4th, 1973 inBrighton. She and her family lived in Brighton until

134、 she was ten. Then they moved to Oxford and stayed there until she left school - that s FendaleSecondary School - at eighteen. Then she went to London Business College and got a diploma (文凭 ) in Marketing(市场营销). After that Sarah Peters got a job with a hotel group - the TFC Hotel Group - in Liverpoo

135、l, as a marketing assistant. That happened in 1992 and she left the hotel 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 24 页13 / 24 group in October 1993. She left because she didnt like to stay in Liverpool. She wanted to work in London. Her life changed a lot after she went to London. She

136、joined a large business company and soon made a name for herself (出名) because of her special ability and excellent work in marketing.Sarah Peters is now married with two lovely daughters(女儿) . Besides (除了) being an excellent marketing expert and a good mother, she is also a good writer. She has writ

137、ten two books about her marketing experiences. 1. Sarah Peters received her secondary education (中学教育 ) in Brighton.BA. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.2. She studied Marketing in LondonBusinessCollege.AA. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.3. She got her first job in 1993. B A. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.

138、4. She got on well with people working in the business company in London. CA. Right.B. Wrong. C. Doesnt say.5. She wrote books about how to be a good mother and a marketing expert.BA. Right.B. Wrong.C. Doesnt say.第四部分翻译1.A: Did you use to get on (well) with your brother? (你曾经和你哥哥/ 弟弟关系处得好吗?)B:Not to

139、o well. We used to fight a lot. 2.A: Do you ever do any exercise? B: I used to swim ,(我以前一直游泳,)but I haven t lately. 3.You ll be here tomorrow, won t you ?(是不是)4.She looks like her mother, doesnt she (是不是) ? 5.There s enough salad, isn t there? (是不是 )6.He asked me if Id(would) like a cup of tea . (我

140、是否想喝一杯茶)7.They said they didn t know where the books were.(他们不知道书在哪儿)8.A: Shall we go out for a drink, Mary? B: Im afraid I can t, Bill. I m having the TV repaired now .(我正在让人帮我修电视呢。)9.Peter, you need to have your hair cut . (该理发了)10. I ve had the website changed . (我已经请人修改了网站。) Now its much better.

141、 11. Which isthe best football team(最好的足球队) in the world? 12. Soccer is one of the most dangerous sports(最危险的体育活动) in the world. 13.If my brother calls, tell him to meet me at six . (告诉他六点钟和我见面。)14. A: What shall we do this evening? B: Let s go out for a meal / Let s eat out . (我们出去吃顿饭吧。)15.A: John

142、didnt come to the party yesterday. Where did he go? B: He could have gone (可能去 ) to visit his parents in Bath. 16.A: I put a folder here. Where is it now? B: I dont know. There isnt any folder here. You must have put it (一定是把它放在) somewhere else. 17.A: Who is playing the Irish music? B: It must be Da

143、ve. A: No, it cant be him (不可能是他) . It must be Paul, who is really keen on Irish music. 18. A: Would you like to order now? B: Salad for me, please/ Id like a salad, please(我要份沙拉。) . 19. A: Where is Jack? B: He is over there.He is in blue jeans . (穿蓝色牛仔裤的。)20.A: We have plenty of time before the fil

144、m. We could have something to eat (可以吃点儿东西) after the film or go to a pub. B: Sounds great. 21. Your hair is too long. You need to have it cut。( 理发了 )22. Im very hungry now. I want to buy something to eat 。 ( 一些吃的东西)23. He asked me ifI wouldlike a cup of tea . ( 我是否想喝一杯茶)24. Mr Hilton is not good at

145、 sports. _ Neither are his children _. ( 他的孩子也不擅长体育)25. The room, which is in a mess, ( 乱七八糟的 ) needs to be cleared up immediately. 26A: Would you 1ike to go to the cinema? B: hisverycoldoutside. I dliketo (我宁愿 ) stayathome 27 A :Would you like the silk shirt or the cotton one? B: Either will do(哪个都

146、行 )28 Sheasked whethershe couldhaveacup of tea(她是否能喝一杯茶)29. Looking after children ( 照顾小孩 ) canbeverytiring30. Im late, arent I ( 是不是 ) ? 31. I used to like singing ( 我曾经很喜欢唱歌) , but I dont sing anymore.32Because it was late( 因为时间晚了) , we didn t go to the film.33The wall can be either blue or red (

147、或是蓝色,或是红色). 34 I would buy a car ( 我就会买一辆车) if I won the lottery. 35. When I see her, Ill tell her about her brother ( 我会告诉她有关她弟弟的事情) . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 24 页14 / 24 36. We ve known each other ( 我们就互相认识了 )since we went to school. 37. He didn t use to smoke( 过去不常吸烟

148、) , but he does now. 38.I didnt get up( 才起床 ) until 11 this morning. 39. This T-shirt is mine and that one s /one is yours( 那件是你的)40. Dolo is wearing blue jeans, a black T-shirt, and Nancyis wearing a short black cotton skirt( 穿着黑色的短棉裙 ) 。41. A: Why has he gone into town? B: He has gone into town to

149、 buy a shirt( 他进城去买件衬衫 ) . 42A: I am going to play tennis on Sunday. B: What did he say? C: He said he was going to play tennis on Sunday( 他打算星期天打网球 ) . 43What would you do if youwon the lottery ( 如果你赢了彩票 )?44If it rains tomorrow,we ll have to stay at home( 我们将不得不留在家 ) . 好吗? shall we? 我最喜欢的。I like b

150、est. 是不是wont you 该理发了have you hair cut 太大了are too big 我恐怕Im afraid 我宁愿Id rather 过去不常吸烟didnt use to smoke 才起床didnt get up 那件是您的that ones yours. 她曾经住在这里。she had ever lived here. 我要份沙拉。Id like a salad, please. 他穿着一件红色的T恤衫。He wears a red T-shirt. 他穿着一件绿色的衬衫He is wearing a green T-shirt. 吃点儿东西好吗?How abou

151、t have something to eat一定是把它放在must have put it 这是部非常有意思的电影This is a very interesting最好的足球队the best football team 我以前一直打网球I used to play tennis 让人帮我修一修have it repaired 最危险的体育活动the most dangerous sports我们就互相认识了Weve known each other 你和你的同学关系好吗?Do you get well with your classmates?可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁。either

152、by bus or by subway英译汉。1. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long. 虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了。2. Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress. 桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。3. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 oclock. 我得在六点前到达机场。4. I must have left the camera in a shop. 我一定是把相机丢在那家商店里了。5. The accounts, which are

153、in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month. 帐目现在有点乱,必须要在下个月清理好。6.I didnt have breakfast this morning. 今天早上我没有吃早饭7.The flat was in a bit of mess. 房子里有点乱。8.We needed to have the website redesigned. 我们需要重新设计网站。9.I ve asked John to check the computer. 我已经让约翰去检查计算机了10.It would be great to see yo

154、u again. 能再见到你那该多好啊。11.He got on well with his sister. 他和他的姐姐(妹妹)相处得很好。12. He pointed out that she needed a better violin. 他指出她需要一把更好点儿的提琴。13. They walked slowly along the road. 他们沿着那条路慢慢地走着。14. She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday. 她借了那本书, 后来星期一把书还了. 15. I m in a meeting until 1.00. 我开会

155、开到一点钟。16. We have enough money to improve the website. 我们有足够的钱改进网站。17. Do you take after your mother or father? 你像你的母亲或父亲吗?18. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. 我周五得从房子里搬出来, 因为佛朗哥又招了一位房客。19. One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic G

156、ames. 奥运会是世界上规模最大的体育赛事之一。20. It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. 到时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事聊一聊,会多开心啊。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 24 页15 / 24 21. Polly(波莉) is worried about her lack of experience. 42. 波莉担心自己缺乏经验。22. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 oclock.我得在六

157、点前到达机场。23. Ive got the same sense of humour as my mum.我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。24、While she was waiting, her phone rang. 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。25.I didnt get up until 11.30 this morning.我今天上午十一点半才起床。26.Football is the most popular sport in the world.足球是世界上最流行的体育运动。27. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 oclock.我得在六点前到

158、达机场。28. I ve never been to Greece, and I d love to go there. 我从没去过希腊,我很想去那儿。29. We ve got enough money to hire extra staff.我们有足够的钱额外雇用员工。30.They lived in a village north of London. 他们住在伦敦北边的一个村子里。31. I ve played table tennis a lot, but Ive never tried tennis. 我乒乓球打得很多,网球却从未打过。32. I must have left th

159、e camera in the shop. 我一定是将相机丢在了商店里。33. If I won the lottery, I d buy a flat. 如果我中了彩票,我就买一套公寓。34. The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods.饭店四周田野树林环绕。35. The bride was dressed in a long white dress.新娘穿着白色的长裙。36. The window was smashed and the lock on the front door is broken. 窗户给砸了,前门的锁也被弄坏了。37.M

160、y dad used to be a farmer and so did my grandfather. 我爸爸从前是农夫,我爷爷也是。38. He came across an old violin at his aunt s house. 他在他姑(姨)妈家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。39. I must get some slides made. 我必须(让人)做一些幻灯片。40. The new suitcase which Xiaoyan(晓燕) got yesterday is full already. 晓燕昨天新买的箱子已经装满了。41、His father came across

161、a really old instrument at his aunt s house. 他父亲在他姑母家偶遇一个真的很旧的乐器。42、I m sorry. I can t hear what you re saying. Can you speak more loudly? 对不起,我听不见你在说什么,你可以说大声一点吗?43: Which of these shirts would you like? B: Neither of them, thanks. 这两件衬衫你想要哪一件?两件都不想要,谢谢。44、I cant go back until 9 this evening. 今晚我 9

162、 点后才回来。45、He asked when the work would be completed. 他问什么时候将完成这项工作。46、He studies in a university west of Beijing.他在北京西部的一所大学学习。47、I had the windows cleaned yesterday. 我昨天让人把窗户清洁了。48、He used to play basketball every Sunday. 他过去每周日都打蓝球。49、The flat was in a bit of mess.那公寓很乱。50、Both of the boys are goo

163、d at singing. 这两个男孩都擅长唱歌。51、They enjoyed themselves at the party. 他们在舞会上玩得好开心。52、She doesnt like swimming and neither does her sister.她不喜欢游泳,她妹妹也不喜欢。53、Ive been learning English for three years.我已学了三年英语了。54、We have enough to improve the website.我们有足够的经费来改网站。55、Do you take after your mother or father

164、? 你长得像妈妈还是爸爸?56、I have to move out of my room on Friday be困为弗兰克有了新房客,我不得不在星期五搬出我的房间。57、It would be great to see you to catch up on all oure news. 你知道了我们所有的消息,太好了。选择: 6. Im deputy manager. I (work for) an IT company. 7. What is your job -I m (an) accountant. 8. Who is that man over there? Do you know

165、 (his ) name? 9. I usually go to the office (by ) train. 10. (How much) wine do you need for the party? 11. You have more apples than (we ) do. But ( ours ) are better than yours. 12. How do I (get to ) the gym? 13. He can ( speak ) good English. 14. Does David (like flying)? 15. The business Bankin

166、g Department is on (the ) second floor. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 24 页16 / 24 16. The shop (closed ) at six every day. 17. You can paint the walls and (put up ) posters. You can do what you want. 18. The coat is (much more expensive) than that one. 19. Jack ( never comes)

167、 late because he is a good student. 20. I don t get up late on Sundays.- (Neither ) do I. 21. I have got a pain in my chest. - You ( should ) see the doctor. 22. Sallys parents ( are going to) come and stay with her soon. 23. (How long) will the meal take? - It ll take two hours, I think.24. It ofte

168、n (snows ) in winter in the north of China. 25. I dont want ( any ) milk in my coffee. 6. The Business Banking Department is on (the ) second floor. 7. ( Her) name is Jane. (She ) is from the USA. 8. Have you got (any ) Iychees? 9. Mr Green is now (on) a holiday. 10. Id like to ( invite ) you to a p

169、arty this Saturday. 11. How many (oranges ) would you like to buy? 12. Hurry up. We dont have ( enough ) time. 13. (What ) time do you have lunch? - I usually have lunch at 12. 14. Im a deputy manager. I work ( for ) an IT company. 15. This radio is (more expensive) than that one. 16. The chair is n

170、ot comfortable enough. - Yes, I agree. It is (too uncomfortable). 17. ( Is there ) a coffee machine in the room? 18. I have two brothers. One is a driver, (the other) is a policeman. 19. (How long) will the meal take? - It ll take two hours, I think. 20. Mark is responsible (for ) the international

171、market. 21. How often (should I) take the medicine? - You should take it three times a day. 22. It (is raining) heavily here at this moment. 23. How do I (get to) the gym? 24. My aunt (enjoys cooking) for her friends at home. 25. I haven t got a car.- (Neither have I). 交际用语1、(B) The shower isnt work

172、ing. I ll call the plumber .2、(B) What do you do? I am a policeman.3、(B) What would you like.An orange juice, please.4、( A)What is she doing right. NowShe is talking to Mary.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 24 页17 / 24 5、( C)Hello. Im David Manning. Nice to me you.Nice to meet y

173、ou, too. Im Xiaoyan. 6、(C) Hello. Im Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. Im David Manning.7、(C)Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? -It s next to the newsagent.8、(A)Do you have any family?-Yes, I do. My mother and my father live in Oxford.9、( B )How much is the rent of the fla

174、t? It is 450 pounds a month.10、(C)What does her boyfriend look like? -He is quite tall with fair curly hair. 11、( A)Whats the matter with you ?I ve gor a bad cough.12、(C)Could you ring them up please ? Im sometimes quite nervous on the phone. Yes, of course . I will phone them for you.13、( A )How ab

175、out seeting a film this evening? Yes , thats a good idea.14、(C)What time does the train leave? At half past five. 15、( B )What do your parents do? My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse. 1.How do I get to the airport, please?You can take the tube.2.What does your English teacher look like?shes

176、 tall and has long, wavy hair.3.Whats the weather like in this area?it s rainy .4.Would you like to go with us?I d love to . 5.Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?It s next to the newsagent .6.Excuse me, how do I get to the gym , please? You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket.7.Wh

177、ats the matter with you?I ve got a bad cough.8.Why dont we write the invitations now . That s a good idea.9.What time does the train leave? At half past five. 10.How long does it take from Beijing to London by plane? It s takes about 7 hours.11. What do your parents do? My father is a manager. My mo

178、ther is a murse. 12. Can I help you? Yes, Id like some apples, please.13. Hello, Linda, how are you? Very well, thank you . Are you good. 14. What does her boyfriend look like? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 24 页18 / 24 He is quite tall with fair curly hair.15. Could you ring

179、them up please? Im sometimes quite nervous on the phone. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.词汇与结构1.He works at a school. 2. I usually get up at 7 o clock in the morning.3. The Business Banking Department is onthe second floor. 4. David is the only accountant in my fathers company.5. Mr Green

180、is now on a holiday. 6. Have you got any family? 7. Mark is responsible for the international market. 8. Her name is Clair. 9. I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. 10. Polly enjoys playing the guitar in a band in her free time. 11. There are three plants in the office. 12. He works

181、in the Finance Department ofa large company. 13. What does “nr ” mean?14. I sometimes go to the pub on Friday. 15. These people are my friends. Thosepeople are my husbands friends.16. He lives in New York City. His parents live in Dallas. 17. My husband doesn tlike shopping. But I like it very much.

182、 18. Where do your parents live? 19. I m a university student. 20、 How muchdoes the flat cost a month? 21. What isSingapore like? it s small and well organised.22. How many oranges would you like to buy 23. I d ont need any coffee, thanks. 24. How much rice do you want to buy? 25. I dont need to buy

183、 any wine 26. It is raining heavily here at this moment. 27. I haven t got a car. Neither have I. 28. He can speak good English. 29. What about Wednesday evening? Sorry, Im too busy then.30. I m interested in cooking. 31. It often snows in winter in the north of China. 32. Would you like to come to

184、dinner tonight? 33. I don t need any mineral water, but Id like some tea, thanks. 34. I am not keen on sports. 35. You can paint the walls and put up posters. You can do what you want. 36. I prefer watching TV. So do I. 37. How much dose it cost by bus? 38. The area is too dirty. - Yes, I agree. Its

185、 not clean enough.39. He goes to work on foot but comes back home by taxi. 40. How abouttaking a taxi? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 24 页19 / 24 41.Are there any classes in the evenings? 42.Which is longer , the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? 43. I mmaking a list of thing

186、s to buy. 44.Rose is experienced at training. 45.She is making herself a cup of coffee, 46.When are you leaving London for Paris? 47.I think there will be 50 people at tomorrows party.48.Carlos has to serve the drinks and take the orders. 49. Hurry up. We dont have enough time. 50. I ll give the man

187、 the book. 51.I am not feeling very well. I need to see the doctor. 52.How are you feeling?I am feeling really ill. 53.Was Chris worried about the presentation last week? 54. I don t like London. It is different fromBeijing. 55. Why dont we prepare everything today? 56.I have an English class three

188、times a week. 57.Chris usually go to the gym at the weekend. 58.You should go to bed and sleep. 59.Which of these two books do you prefer? 60. I m bad at spelling. But Jane is worse than me. 二.词汇与结构I m a deputy manager. I work about an IT company. What is your job? I m an accountant. Who is that man

189、 over there? Do you know his name? This is his bock. Could you give it to him? How much yine do you need for the party? Would you like a drink? Wine? Beer? How do I get to the gym? I d like to invite you to a party this Saturday. I like documentaries on TV. So do I.The Business Banking Department is

190、 onthe second floor. The shopcloses at six every day. He is a good student. Healways comesearly. Whats wrong with your clock? Pandas and monkeys are not . dangerous animals. Is your father reading a book or watching TV? We often have our supper at home. What was the meeting like? It was very excitin

191、g. I m interestedin cooking. There are four children in the picture. This watch is as expensive as that one. 翻译补充Are you free(你有空吗 ) on Saturday? Her husband works in insurance.(在保险行业工作) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 24 页20 / 24 My friend works in computetrs(在计算机行业工作) I m afr

192、aid not. I have to go to the English classes on SaturdayWhat does he look like? (他长什么样儿 ) Hes very tall with blue eyes and short beard. I m not feeling well. I thinkI ve got a cold.(我得了感冒 )。David Smith isn t good at (不擅长 ) wed management. (playing football)What do you feel today (你今天感觉如何?) I feel ve

193、ry tired. I was very late last night. Could yu ask him tocall me before seven(在 7 点前给我打电话) this evening. Shanghai is fast and exotic, dont you think so? Yes, but it is not as exciting asLondon (不如伦敦那样令人兴奋). Who is responsible for (谁负责 ) advertising. Whats the matter? I m not feeling well (我感觉不舒服 ).

194、Ive got a toothache.Which of these twodo you prefer(你更喜欢 )? I prefer the green one. What is the weather like today? (今天天气如何?) it s very cold.The living room is not comfortable enough .(不够舒服 ). The bank is opposite the supermarket. (在超市对面 ). Can I speak to Jane, please? I m sorry shes not in. Would y

195、ou like to leave a message? ( 您要留言吗 )?Tom is not good at (不擅长 ) playing football. Whats the time? it is a quarter past seven。(七点一刻 ) I work from eight am to three pm. (从早上八点到下午三点) How about going to an estate agent? Yes, that s a good idea.(是个好主意 ) Why dont you (你为什么不 )go and talk to them face to fa

196、ce? What would you like to drink? (想喝点什么 ) I d like a glass of wine(我要杯葡萄酒 )。Thank you. Shall we take the lift? Sory. The lift doesnt work ( 不运转了 ) Why dont we have a barbecue ( 我们和不搞一次户外烧烤)to celebrate hisbirthday? Yes, the weather is good for a barbecue( 烧精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

197、- -第 20 页,共 24 页21 / 24 烤 )将下列句子翻译成汉语。She doesn t like borrowing things from others.她不喜欢向别人借东西。London is busy, noisy, crowded and exciting, But its too expensive.伦敦是一个繁华的,吵闹的,拥挤的,令人兴奋的城市。但消费很高。I go to a gym twice a week with my friends. We swim and work out there. 我和我的朋友每周去体育馆2 次,我们在那里游泳和做其它运动。Hes g

198、ot shore, brown wavy hair with blue eyes and a short beard.他一头短短的棕色卷发和蓝色的眼睛,留着短胡须。He has short hair with a beard.(他有一头短发,留着胡须) She has got long ,fair, wavy hair.她有头长长的金色卷发。It takes forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi. 从机场到城市中心坐出租车大约需要40 分钟。What about playing football tom

199、orrow afternoon? 明天下午去踢球怎么样啊?What about seeing a film?去看电影怎么样?I don t like the flat. It is too near the road.我不喜欢这个公寓,它离铁路太近。I m interested in that large flat .我对那套大公寓感兴趣I am looking for a flat on the ground floor. (third or fourth floor)我正在找一个在一楼的公寓。 ( 四层或五层 ) Do you like reading English newspapers

200、?你喜欢阅读英语报纸吗?He isn t a programmer. He is an engineer. (architeer 建筑师 ) 他不是一名程序员,他是一名工程师。She is talking to a customer right now.她现在和客户在谈话。How many days did you stay in Beijing? 你在北京呆几天了?The month after next. I do two gym sessionsa week. 再下个月,我每周练两次体操。He is good at web-design, much better than her. 精选

201、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 24 页22 / 24 他擅长网页设计,比她强多了。We have too much cheese in the fridge.我们有很多奶酪在冰箱里。I feel terrible. Ive got a headache, backache and a sore throat.我感觉非常难受,感觉头疼、背疼、嗓子疼。My cousin is quite outgoing. 我的表兄人很外向。My English teacher is very funny.我的英语老师很风趣。He is n

202、ot very tall and wears glasses.他个子不是很高,戴着一副眼镜。The bank is on the corner. Its opposite the newsagent.银行在拐角处,在报摊的对面。Jane( 简) is better at web-design than Mary(玛丽 ), but Mary is more experienced at training. 简比玛丽更擅长于网页设计,但玛丽在培训方面更有经验。There are two armchairs, a sofa and a television in the living room.

203、起居室里有两把扶手椅,一张沙发和一台电视。Do you like playing computer games? 你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗?Can I go to have lunch before 12 oclock? 我 12 点之前能去吃午饭吗?I like the flat. Its large light and modern. 我喜欢这套公寓宽敞、明亮而且现代化Hes currently working on TV advertisements.他目前从事电视广告工作一、阅读下列短文,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。短文一 1 Helen s husband is mark.m

204、ark and Helen have got two children: a son and a daughter.The ons name is Andrew and the daughter s name is Joyce. Joyce has got two children, a son and a daughter. So Helen and Mark have got two grandchildren. Helen s granddaughters name is Pam and grandsons name is Dan . Andrew isnt married and he

205、 hasnt got any children . Pam and Dan like playing on the computer with their uncle . Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law , Tom 1、Who is Andrew? Andrew is Dans uncle2、Who is Mark? Mark is Dans grandfather3、Who is Tom? Tom is Dans uncle4、Who is Joyce? Joyce is Toms wife5、Who is

206、 Pam? Pam is Andrews niece 短文一 2 Betty is from Italy. Now she lives in Edinburgh (爱丁堡 ) . But her parents still live in Italy. She is 25 years old. She is a teacher. She works in a high school in Edinburgh. She teaches science (科学 ) and she likes her work. Most of her students are 15 or 16 years old

207、. They all like her. They think she is a great teacher and a beautiful girl with long golden hair. Betty has a boyfriend. His name is Ray. He is British. He is 30 years old. He likes books and music. He can play the piano very well. He is in IT. He works very hard. But he does not like his job. 1、Be

208、tty s parents live in Roma . Doesnt say2、Betty has long beautiful hair. right 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 24 页23 / 24 3、Ray likes his joy Wrong 4、Both Betty and Ray like traveling Right 5、Ray likes staying at home Doesnt say 短文二 1 In Britain the weather is very changeable(多

209、变的) . It often rains, but the sun sometimes shines too. The winters are quite cold, with an average(平均的) temperature of 5 degrees. It is colder(更冷 ) in the north of England and it often snows there, but in London it doesnt often snow. The summers are sometimes cool and sometimes warm, but the temper

210、ature doesnt usually go above 30 degrees.It is often cloudy and there are sometimes grey(灰色的) skies for days or weeks. Foreigners think it is always foggy in England, but in fact(事实上) it is not often foggy now. 1. It often rains in Britain. 2.The average temperature of Britain is 5 degrees in _ wint

211、er _ 3. It is sometimes warm in summer in England. 4. It is often cloudy in England. 5. It is often cloudy in England 短文二 2It is Sunday morning . Johns just sitting around and doing nothing. He hates it. He doesnt like spending Sundays at home. He likes going out. He likes doing things. He likes pla

212、ying sports. He enjoys dancing and he loves going to the gym. He sometimes says at the gym all morning. But his wife doesnt like going out. She enjoys watching TV at home. She is watching TV right now. She is watching TV in their bedroom. Theyve got a big TV there. But John never watches it. He hate

213、s watching TV John and his wife live in a big house. Doesnt say1、John is keen on sports. Right 2、John doesnt like watching TV Right 3、Both John and his wife enjoy going out Wrong 4、John is at home and his wife is at the gym now Wrong 短文三 1Hi xiaoyan,You want to know about my gym.The gym is “New You

214、”. The phone number is 0207911340. Its near Oxford Circus. Theres a swimming pool and there are a lot of classes . There is a yoga class on Tuesday morning (I go to it) and there are aerobics classes every evening . There is also a Tai Chi class. I dont know when .There are lots of running machines

215、and weights machines , but there arent any bicycles . Theres a sauna , but there isnt a steam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmerics! See you there?Jan 1、Jan goes to yoga class on Tuesday morning 2、There are a lot of classes in the gym 3、There is the aerobics class in the gym in the

216、 evening 4、There is a sauna in the gym 5、The cosmetics is free in the gym 短文三 2Kathy lives in Sydney(悉尼 ) . She works in an office and she is a secretary . She begins work at nine every day . She is always on time for work . In fact , she is often early . She is never late ., and she is never sick .

217、 Kathy usually types letters and answers the telephone . She sometimes files(把文件归档 ) and makes copies(复印文件 ) . She seldom makes mistakes (出错 ) when she types or files , She always answers the phone politly(礼貌地 ) . She has lunch from 12.30 am to 1.30 pm , and she finishes work at 5.00 pm . In the eve

218、ning sometimes she goes out with her friends . Sometimes she stays at home watching TV .She doesnt work on the weenkend . On Saturday , she cleans the house , does housework and goes shop ping . On Sunday she relaxes or goes to the cinema 31、Kathy is never late for work . Right 32、Kathy types very f

219、ast Dosent say33、In the afternoon Kathy starts work at 1.30 Right 34、In the evening , Kathey always stays at home watching TV Wrong 35、Katy never does any work on Sunday Doest say短文四 1The permanent employees get a salary every month, but because I am temporary I get my wages in cash every week. I do

220、nt get a lot of money, because I am a waiterbut the customers often give me tips. I am friendly to my customers because I hope they will be generous. Because I am temporary, I only get 6 an hour, and I dont get money when I dont work. I want to go to Italy to see my parents. But I havent got enough

221、money and I dont get holiday pay. Its a pity. Also, I dont get sick pay when I am ill. But I can work extra hours. I often do overtime at the weekend if the restaurant is busy. At Christmas the boss gives us extra moneya bonus. 1. How often do temporary employees get their pay? Every week. 2. “Tip ”

222、 is closest in meaning ( 意义 ) to _ money for good service _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 24 页24 / 24 3What does the writer do? He serves customers in a restaurant 4. The writer _ often works on Saturdays and Sundays _ 5. The writer doesnt have enough money to _ see his pare

223、nts in Italy _ 短文四 2 In schools all over the world, boys and girls are learning foreign languages. Everyone knows his own language, but another one is very useful especially(尤其 ) when you travel to other countries. If you go to France, you should be able to speak French, and in Germany, people will

224、expect you to understand German. How many languages are there in the world? There are about fifty hundred, but a lot of them are not very important. English is one of the most important because so many people use it, not only in England and America but also in other parts of the world. About 200,000

225、,000 people speak it as a second language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it. Many millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so. 31、learning foreign languages is very useful. Right 32、There are about 1,5oo languages in the world Wrong33、A lot of languages in the world are very important . Wrong 34、People in Brazil(巴西 )also apeak English . Dosent say.35、About 200,000,000 people are learning English , Wrong 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 24 页



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