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1、学习必备欢迎下载五河县“三为主”课堂八 年级 英语(上)导学案Unit 2 School life Comic strip and welcome to the unit 一、学习目标:1.学会使用下列单词,词组和句子:1)British, post, lift, fall, math, vocation, math, movie; 2)go to school, watch TV , be like; 3)Why don t dogs go to school, Eddie? What s school like? It s like watching TV, but there are f

2、ew advertisements. 2.简要谈论学校生活,复习与学校生活有关的词汇。3.掌握相同概念在英语和美语中的不同表达方法,了解英语和美语的区别。二、预习指导:1、请同学们认真阅读课本P22-23 中的内容,根据上下文语境猜测生词意思,并根据拼读规则试读生词。2、预习课本P22 中 Eddie 和 Hobo 的对话,试着理解对话大意,听录音正确地模仿课文中的语音和语调。3、 预习课本 P23, 自己试着完成Parts A and B,掌握英国英语和美国英语的不同表达方法。预习自测:A.翻译下列词组和句型。1. go to school_ 2. be like_ 3. watch TV

3、_ 4. be smarter than_ 5. fewer advertisements_ 6. What s school like?_ B.观察表格 , 写出相应英国英语单词和美国英语单词. BE=British English AE=American English BE autumn lift football maths rubber post ground floor secondary school AE 三、课内探究:1.听 P22 对话录音,回答问题:What does Eddie think school is like? 2.了解了Eddie 和 Hobo 心目中的学校

4、,那么学校到底是什么样的呢?和你的同伴讨论What is school like? 把你们的讨论结果写下来。4.朗读并表演Eddie 和 Hobo 的对话。5.和你的同伴讨论你已完成的P23 A、B 部分的内容,核对答案,然后朗读这些单词,先读英国英语,后读美国英语。同学们在学习过程中可能有不理解的地方吧?以下内容对你理解课本有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. Why don t dogs go to school, Eddie? 请翻译 _教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 20 页学习必

5、备欢迎下载你能总结出此句的句式结构吗?_ 你能写出此句的同义句吗?_ 这个句型表示建议,你还知道有哪些句式可以表示建议,请试着写一写吧:练一练: 写出同义句。Why dont you come and see me tomorrow? _ 2. What s school like?请翻译 _ What slike? 用来询问对方对有关人或物的评价,相当于How is?此句中的like 是_词,意为 _,后面可接 _词或 _词。e.g. 1) It s like watching TV. 它像看电视一样。2) He can climb trees like a monkey. 他可以像猴子一样

6、爬树。请同学们再仔细观察下面的句子:He likes ice-cream/ swimming/ to swim/ her.他喜欢冰淇林/游泳 /她。此句中的like 是 _ 词,意思是_。练一练: Answer these questions:1) What s your cousin like?_ _.2) What does your cousin like?_. 3. It s like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements. 请翻译 _此句中的few 意思是 _,修饰 _词。同学们,请认真观察下面的几个句子:There are

7、a few books on the desk. 桌子上有几本书。The question is too difficult, so few students can answer it. 这个问题太难了, 所以很少有学生能回答。We can speak a little English. 我们可以说一点英语。There is little milk, I will buy some. 几乎没有牛奶了,我要去买一些。你能根据以上几个句子的区别,总结few, a few, little, a little的用法吗?试试吧,可以和同伴一起讨论完成。练一练: 用 few, a few, little

8、, a little填空。1) It s like watching TV, but there are _advertisements. 2) I m new here, so I have _ friends. 3) Don t worry, there s _ time left. 4) Hurry up! There s _ time left. 四、达标检测 : .根据句意或用所给词的适当形式填空。1. In England, we call it “ autumn ” , but in America, they call it “ _”.2. In England, people

9、 go up and down by _ in the tall building. 3. Do you know another way of saying “holiday” ? I know , it s _. 4. What does “ soccer ” mean? It means _. . 用 few 和 little 的适当形式填空。1. He made _mistakes than you. 2. He has _ friends than she. 3. I have _ strength(力量) than he has. 4. I have _ money than yo

10、u. 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Reading(1)一、学习目标:1.掌握下列单词和短语:1) mixed, subject, sew, myself, tasty, even, guys, practice, hero, close, taste, article; 2) in Year 8, a mixed school, near the end of, have driving lessons, twice a w

11、eek, spenddoing sth., have a great time doing sth., talk to sb. 2.了解英国和美国的学校生活。3.感受中外文化差异,积极查阅资料,丰富自己的知识。二、预习指导:1、读前热身活动,请同学们在小组内讨论下面的问题:What do you think British/American school would be like? 2、请同学们阅读课本P24 中的课文,根据上下文语境猜测生词意思,并根据拼读规则试读生词。3、预习课本P24 中的课文,试着理解课文大意,听录音并能正确地模仿课文中的语音和语调,然后试着自己朗读课文。预习自测:翻

12、译下列词组:1.在八年级2.一个混合学校3.一起上课4.家政5. 学习如何烹饪和做针线活6.做健康可口的饭菜7. 一个阅读周8.临近每堂课快结束时9.开车送我去学校10.花费干11.驾驶课三、课内探究:1.认真阅读第一篇有关John 的文章填空。John was in _ at Woodland School near London. It s a _school. His favorite subject is _.So he can cook healthy and _meals now. His school has a_ week every year. He and his clas

13、smates can read books from the school library. And they can also _ in books and_ from home. The reading week is too _ because he wants to read others books _. 2.认真阅读第二篇有关Nancy 的文章填空。Nancy is 14 years old. She is in 9th g_ at Rocky Mountain High School. Her brother Denver had d_ lessons last year. It

14、 s great for her because he d_ her to school every day. It s f_ than taking a bus. She plays s_ twice a week. She spends lots of time p_. Every Monday she goes to a b_ club. Her buddy is Julie. Julie h_ Nancy learn all about her new school. She helps Nancy with her homework and listens to her p_. Na

15、ncy thinks Julie is a h_. During lunchtime, she has a good time t_ with her friends. Sometimes, they go to s_ malls after school. 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载3.跟录音朗读课文,然后自己大声地朗读课文,比一比谁读得好!同学们在学习过程中可能有不理解的地方吧?以下内容对你理解第一篇短文有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. I know

16、how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 请翻译 _此句中的tasty 是_词,意思是 _,你知道它的同义词吗?_ tasty 的名词形式是taste,意思是“味道” ,除此以外,我们以前学过taste 还可做 _词,意为 _. e.g. The fish tastes delicious. 这鱼尝起来可口。练一练: 翻译下列句子:1)我妈妈会做可口的饭菜。My mother can cook _ meals. 2)这些苹果尝起来很好吃。The apples _ delicious. 2. Reading Week is always too short bec

17、ause we want to read all our classmates books as well. 请翻译 _此句中的as well 意为 _,通常放在句末,多用于口语,且不用逗号隔开。e.g. Most of my classmates can swim, I can swim as well. 我的很多同学都会游泳,我也会游泳。我们以前还学过“也”的其它表达方法,你知道还有哪些词可以表示“也”吗?你知道它们的区别吗?先自己思考,然后和你的同伴讨论,试着写下来:练一练: 选择填空。1)He_ plays the piano. A. too B. also C. either D.

18、as well 2) You cant sing this song, I cant sing it, _. A. too B. also C. either D. as well 四、达标检测: .根据句中提示或题意写出单词的正确形式。1. I brush my teeth _(two) a day. 2. My mum can cook _(with a pleasant taste) meals, and the chicken_(尝起来)wonderful. 3. These students are studying in a _(mix) school now. 4. Tom is

19、 very poor in English. He cant _(甚至 ) understand the easiest sentence in this unit. .用 as well, too, either, also 填空。1.I like this color, I like that color_. 2. Sandy is my friend, Kate is my friend, _. 3. I _ want to read the computer books. 4. John doesn t like basketball_. 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料

20、- - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Reading(2)一、学习目标:1.熟练掌握并能正确运用本课的单词和词组。2.能描述不同国家的学校生活。3.通过学习感受校园生活带来的异国文化差异。二、预习指导:1.通过上一课时的学习,本课的单词和短语你记住了多少,试着写下来,看看谁写得最多、最好!2.再大声地、 认真地朗读课文, 然后试着完成课本P25-26 中的练习, 比一比谁做得最好。三、课内探究:1.认真阅读课文第一部分Life in a British school ,完成下列判

21、断正误练习:( )1) John is in Year 9 at Woodland School, a mixed school. ( )2) John knew Home Economics best of all. ( )3) He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals before coming to this school. ( )4) There is a Reading Week in his school every year. ( )5) The students can read any books from the school

22、library, but they can t bring in books from home. 2.认真阅读课文第二部分Life in an American school ,回答下列问题:1) What did Jim do in school last year? 2) How does Nancy go to school every year? What does she think of it? 3) What do the students do in the Buddy Club? 4) Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero? 5) Wha

23、t do American students do during lunchtime? 6) What do the students sometimes do after school? 3.请同学们再认真阅读有关John 和 Nancy 的两篇有关英国和美国的学校生活小短文,完成有关 John 和 Nancy 的一列图表。Who?John Nancy Where ?What ?When? Why? 同学们在学习过程中可能有不理解的地方吧?以下内容对你理解第二篇短文有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. Now, he drives me to school every day

24、. 请翻译 _drive sb to sp 开车送 /带某人去某地=take sb to sp by car 因此,此句的同义句是_ 练一练: 翻译句子。上周一我爸爸开车送妈妈上班。Last Monday my father _ my mother _ _. 2. Twice a week, I play softball after school. 请翻译 _twice a week 表示 _,类似的用法还有once a week, three times a year, often, usually, always, seldom, never, sometimes,对其提问用_。练一练:

25、 对划线部分提问。教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Millie plays the piano once a week. 3. I love this game and I spend a lot of time practicing. 请翻译 _A. spend 在此句中意为_,是 _词。e.g. He spent twenty yuan on this book. 他花了 20 元买这本书。你能根据这两句话总结出spend的用法吗?试试吧:除了 spend 外, “花费”还有三

26、个词:cost, take, pay, 认真观察下面几句话:1) That coat cost him 200yuan. 那件外套花了他200 元。2) It took me three days to finish reading the novel. 读完这本小说花了我3 天时间。3) I paid $50,000 for the car. 我花了 5 万元买这辆车。你能试着总结出cost, take, pay 的用法吗?先自己思考,然后可以和同伴讨论,试着写出这三个词的用法并举例说明。练一练: 用 spend, cost, take, pay 适当形式填空。1) I _ two hour

27、s doing my homework every day. 2) It _ me half an hour to walk to the hospital yesterday. 3) She _ 300yuan for the new bike. 4) The TV _ us 3,000yuan. 练一练: 翻译句子。他经常放学后练习打垒球。He often _ _ softball after school. 4. During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each othe

28、r. 请翻译 _have a great time doing 意为 _,相当于 have fun doing e.g. We had a great time swimming yesterday. 昨天我们游泳游得很开心。你能试着写出这句话的同义句吗?_ 练一练: 翻译句子。他们正一起开心得踢足球。They are having a great time _ _ together. 四、达标检测: .根据句意和所给单词填空。1. In a _(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together. 2. Lin Tao goes to the

29、country to see his grandparents_(two) a month. 3. The dishes in the restaurant are very _(taste). We often go there. 4. I am old enough to look after _ (I). You needn t worry about me.5. We always have a great time _(chat) with each other. .翻译句子。1. 每节课快结束时,我们通常进行一次自由交谈。We usually have a free talk _

30、_ _ _ each class. 2. 他们每年去英国两次。They go to England _ _ _ . 3. 她每天花很多的时间练习汉语。She _ much time _ Chinese every day. 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Vocabulary 一、学习目标:1.掌握下列单词和短语:1) art, geography, language, PE, useful, science, unimport

31、ant, useless, unpopular; 2) send an e-mail to sb. 2.识别并运用有关学校科目的名词和名词词组。3.运用意义相反的形容词。二、预习指导:1.请同学们收集有关学校科目的词汇,并思考在这些课中你可以做什么。Subject What to do music sing songs 2. 请同学们试着写出下列词语的反义词,并试着总结其规则。1)thin_2)tall_3)far_4)rich_ 5)same_6)cheap_7)early_8)fast_ 9)big_10)easy_11)good_12)fewer_ 13)popular_ 14) int

32、eresting_ 15)important_ 16)healthy_ 17)useful_ 18) lucky_ 19)kind_ 20) careful_ 预习自测:通过前面的预习,你一定会有很多的收获吧!试着完成课本P27 中的 A 、B 部分的练习,比一比谁做得最好。三、课内探究:1.结合 P27 Part A 的内容,小组内两人一组讨论我们在学校所学习的科目,以及在这些课中可以做的事情,比一比哪组说得最好!2.讨论 Part B 的内容,总结形容词可以加什么前缀和后缀构成反义词。教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

33、第 7 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载3.大声朗读本课有关科目的词以及形容词。认真学习下列内容,对你理解课本有帮助!1.art 美术,艺术art 名词,不可数e.g. the art of cooking 烹饪艺术;works of art 艺术品练一练: 完成句子。我们研究法国早期的艺术。We studied the_of the early France. artist 名词美术家,艺术家,画家。他是一名艺术家. e.g. He is _ _. 2. language 语言 . e.g. a foreign language 一门外语;sign language 手语;body lang

34、uage 肢体语言练一练: 完成下列句子。1)汉语是我的母语。Chinese is my native_. 2)他在国外学习两种语言He is learning two foreign _. 3. useful 有用的,有益的useful 形容词,其反义词是加后缀less,useless ,无用的。练一练: 完成下列句子。1) 记下这些单词会有用。It can be _to write down these words. 2) 我知道和他说是毫无意义的。I realized it was_ to say to him. 四、达标检测 : 用所给词的适当形式或首字母填空。1. She often

35、 left her books at home, so she is a _(care) girl. 2. This is an (important) meeting, so I don t want to attend(参加) . 3. This is an (popular)song, we don t sing it now. 4. Some students think that Geography is u , but I don t think so. I think it s very interesting, because I want to learn more abou

36、t it to help me travel around the world when I grow up. 五、收获与反思 : 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Grammar(1) 一、学习目标:1.掌握下列单词和短语:1) point, least, health; 2) free time, plant trees, the funniest girl, tell funny jokes. 2.运用 morethan, fewertha

37、n 和 lessthan 比较数量。3.运用 the most 比较两个以上的事物,表示数量最多, 运用 the fewest 和 the least 比较两个以上的事物,表示数量最少。二、预习指导:1.请同学们复习形容词的比较级和最高级,然后完成下面的练习,比一比谁做得做好。A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1) Our school is much _(big) than yours. 2) My classroom is _(bright) in our school. 3) I found it _(easy) to learn Language than to learn Science

38、. 4) Computer Studies is _(popular) than Art among us. 5) -Which would you like best of these dresses? -This one. It s _(cheap)and_(nice) 6) History is _(unpleasant) of all subjects. 7) I like Home Economics better because it is _ (interesting) than Languages. B.写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。many _ _ much _ _ litt

39、le _ _ few _ _ ill _ far _ 2.请同学们认真阅读课本P28-29 中 Part A 和 Part B 中的内容, 我们来学习本课重要的语法:数量的比较。Part A 谈论 两者 之间数量比较,我们要用到三种表达方式:1) _, 意为 _; 2) _, 意为 _; 3) _, 意为 _; Part B 谈论 两者以上 的数量比较,我们也要用到三种表达方式:1) _, 意为 _; 2) _, 意为 _; 3) _, 意为 _; 预习自测:通过前面的预习,你一定会有很多的收获吧!试着完成课本P28-30 中的 A1 ,A2,A3 和B1,B2,B3,B4 部分的练习,比一比

40、做得最好。三、课内探究:1.表示两者之间的数量比较Lucy has more pencils than Lily. (manymore) 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载I have more milk than you. (much more) Lily has fewer pencils than Lucy. (fewfewer) Lucy has less money than Lily. (little less) 通过以上句型,试着总结两者之间数量比较的用法:more +

41、_名词 _数或 _名词 +than”表示“比(数量)更多”fewer +_ 名词 _数+than”表示“比(数量)少”less +_名词 than”表示“比(数量)少”练一练: 用 morethan, fewerthan 和 lessthan 填空。1) Amy has _ flowers than Millie. Amy 比 Millie 的花少。2) Kitty has _ CDs than Daniel. Kitty 比 Daniel 的 CD 多。3) Sandy has _orange Juice than Simon. Sandy 比 Simon 的桔汁多。2.表示两者以上的数量比

42、较:Millie has the most books. (many most) Daniel spent the most money. (much most) Linda ate the fewest eggs. (few fewest) Simon drank the least water. (little least) 通过以上句型,试着总结两者以上数量比较的用法:most +_名词 _数或 _名词”表示“ (数量)最多”fewest +_ 名词 _数”表示“(数量)最少”least +_名词”表示“ (数量)最少”练一练 :用 the most, the fewest 和 the

43、least 填空。1) I have _ story books of us three. 在我们三人中我有最多的故事书。2) Sandy has _ bread of all. Sandy 在所有人当中面包最少。3)Nancy studies _ subjects. Nancy 学得科目最少。四、达标检测:( ) 1. Mr. Brown is fat. The doctor told him to eat _ food and take _ exercise. A. more, more B. more, less C. less, more D. less, less ( ) 2. Ca

44、n you do the work well with _ time and _ people? A. little, less B. few, little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less ( ) 3. I see some orange in the glass. Please give me _. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little ( ) 4.The English story is very easy for me. There are _ new words in it. A. a little B. little

45、 C. many D. few ( )5.I have _ money than you, but I have _ friends than you. A more; more B less; more C fewer; more D more; less 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Grammar(2) 一、学习目标:1.复习“more than ” , “ fewer than ” , “ less than ” ,

46、 “ the most” , “ the fewest”and “ the least”2.运用“the same as” 和“ different from”做比较。二、预习指导:1.复习“more than ” , “ fewer than ” , “ less than ” , “ the most” , “the fewest” , “ the least” 的用法,然后分别各造一个句子。2.请同学们认真阅读课本P31 中 Part C 中的内容,认真观察课本中的三幅图以及两句话,你发现了什么?在表示某事物与另一事物完全相同时,我们用_; 在表示某事物与另一事物相异时,我们用_. 预习

47、自测:发现了规律吗?那么试着完成课本P31 中的 C1,C2 中的练习题吧,检测自己掌握的好吗?三、课内探究:认真阅读以下内容,可以帮助你更好地理解本课内容!1.the same as意为 _,用于表示某事物与另一事物完全相同,通常指的是相同的数目、颜色、大小、质量等。e.g. 1) Your shirt is the same as his. 你的衬衫和他的一样。2) This book is just the same as that one, isn t it? 这本书和那本书一样,是不是?the same as还可以分开使用the same + n + ase.g. 1) He has

48、 the same age as you. 他的年龄和你一样。2) He wants to buy the same coat as I have. 他想买和我一样的外套。练一练: 翻译句子。1) 我的自行车和你的一样。My bike is _ _ _ yours. 2) 我的外套和你的外套同样颜色。My coat has _ _ _ _ yours. 2. different from 意为 _,用于表示某事物与另一事物不同。e.g. His school life is different from your school life. 他的学校生活和你的学校生活不一样。练一练: 翻译句子。

49、你的手表和我的手表不一样。Your watch _ _ _ mine. 四、达标检测:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载翻译下列句子。1.他的裤子与你的相同。His trousers _ _ _ _ yours. 2.吉姆拥有最少的自由时间。Jim has _ _ free time. 3.我吃的苹果比你多。I ate _ apples than _. 4.你们的校服和他们的不同。Your school uniforms are_ _ _. 5.莉莉的自行车不同与她妈妈的自行车。L

50、ily s bike _ _ _ _ _. 五、收获与反思:学习了本课,你学到了什么?都有哪些收获?还有哪些疑问?请认真想一想,把你的收获和疑问写下来。我的收获_ _ 我的疑问 _ 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Integrated skills 一、学习目标:1.学会使用下列短语和句型:1) in the summertime, spend doing/on sth; have Computer Studies lessons; the

51、number of; 2) I spend less time doing homework than John does. How many Grade 8 classes are there at your school? 2.听取细节,提炼信息。3.了解更多中外学校生活的异同点。4.进一步复习巩固本单元的语法项目。二、预习指导:1.用我们前面学过的信息完成下面的表格。Name school Nationality( 国籍 ) Daniel Woodland School Nancy 2.认真阅读课本P32-33 中的的内容,尤其是A1 部分内容,为课堂听力练习做准备。预习自测:A. 词汇

52、:写出对应的英语单词。(1) _ 长的(2) _长度,长(3) _夏季(4) _ 制服(5) _数量B.词组:翻译下列词组。(1)暑假的长度 _ (2)学生的数量 _ (3)在夏天 _ (4)穿校服 _ (5)做早操 _ (6)放假一天 _ 三、课内探究:1.听录音完成P32 Part A1 中的表格。2.根据 A1 先独立完成A2,然后和同伴讨论核对答案。3.根据 A1 和 A2,完成 A3。4.和你的同伴一起讨论学习Part B 中的对话,然后跟录音朗读对话,并试着表演对话。以下内容对你理解课本有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. length of summer holi

53、day 暑假长度length 在此句中是 _词,意为 _,它的形容词形式是_. e.g. 1) The length of the road is 2,000 kilometers. 这条路的长度是2000 千米。2) My hair is long. 我的头发长。练一练: 用 long 和 length 填空。1) My ruler is very _, its _ is 50cm. 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载2) The _ of the river is 500m.

54、2. Number of students 学生的数量the number of 意为 _e.g. 1) The number of the birds is 1000. 鸟的数量是1000 只。a number of 许多,大量e.g. There are a number of visitors in China. 中国有大量的参观者。你能根据上面两个例句总结“ the number of ”与“ a number of” 的区别吗?the number of +_ 词 _数(单 /复数) +谓语 _数(单 /复数) ,意思是_。a number of 意思是 _,后面接 _词_数(单 /

55、复数) ,作主语时,谓语动词用 _数(单 /复数) ,可用 small, large, great 修饰 number。注意: “ a number of” 后面的名词前不加定冠词,表示泛指;“ the number of ”后面的名词必须带定冠词,属于特指。练一练: 用所给词的适当形式填空。1) The number of the students _(be) increasing (增加) . 2) A large number of books _(miss) from the library now. 3. Chinese students have more weeks off in

56、 the summertime than British school. 请翻译 _ 词组 have /take.off 是“休假”的意思。“off” 是副词。e.g. I have two days off next week. 下个月我有两天的假期。练一练: 完成句子。He had _( 请了一星期假) because of his illness. 四、达标检测: .词组翻译。1. 穿校服 _ 2. 休一周假_ 3. 做早操 _ 4. 学生的数量 _ .用括号里的词造句。1. their library/ our library (like) _ 2. the weather in th

57、e north / the weather in the south (different) _ 3.Amy s trousers / Millie s trousers (the same as) 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Pronunciation 一、学习目标:1.掌握本课单词:able, tonight, monkey 。2.识别并运用适当的语调模式。3.在陈述句句末使用降调。4.使用升调来表示惊奇。二、预习指导

58、:在我们讲英语时,不同的语调可以表示不同的含义。我们通常在肯定句的结尾用降调表明结束。然而当表示惊讶的语气时,我们则可以用升调。明白了吗?那么预习课本第 34 页 A、B 部分的内容,自己试着读读,如有条件,也可先跟着录音跟读。预习自测: .翻译下列词组。1.伤到腿 _ 2.生病住院 _3. 能够 _ 4.向外面看_ 5.某人出现在电视镜头中_ .自己试着用正确的语调朗读P34 Part A 和 Part B。三、课内探究:1.听 P34 中 Part A 录音并跟读。2.自己大声朗读,然后总结语调模式。3.分组朗读对话,注意使用正确的语调。4.完成 Part B,然后跟录音模仿朗读,再分组朗

59、读,要注意声调表示惊讶语气的句子。认真阅读以下内容,可以帮助你理解课本!1. She has to stay in hospital for a month. 请翻译 _1) has to 在此意为 _,是 have to 的第三人称单数形式,后面接_词原形。e.g. I have to do my homework first. 我必须先做作业。2) in hospital 在句中的意思是_,在句中作定语或表语。in a/the hospital 意为“在医院” (工作或探视病人等) 。e.g. 1) Simon was ill in hospital last week. Simon上周生

60、病住院了。2) Linda is a nurse. She works in the hospital. Linda 是一位护士,她在医院工作。练一练: 完成下列句子。1) 我妈妈生病住院了,我不得不照顾她。My mother is ill _, so I _ look after her. 2) 我的姐姐在医院工作。My sister works _. 2. She won t be able to play basketball for three months. 请翻译 _be able to 在此意为 _,它的同义词是_. 它们的区别如下:1) 表示目前的能力时,可以换用。I can

61、swim. = I am able to swim. 我会游泳。教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载2) 表示猜测时,只能用can, 而不能用be able to。It cant be my bike, my bike is black. 那不可能是我的自行车,我的是黑色的。3) be able to 可用于各种时态,而can 只能用于一般现在时或一般过去时。You will be able to pass the exam if you study hard. ( 一般将来时 )

62、如果你努力学习,你会通过考试的。注意:1) be able to 表示将来能做某事时,一般不用can代替。如上面的第三个例句。2) 当 be able to 用一般过去时,表示过去在某一场合成功地完成了某一具体事的能力,含有“设法,成功地”等意思,不能用can 或 could 替换。但是如果某事经过努力没有成功,则可用“couldn t” 。I was able to climb the tree in the end. 最后我终于爬上了那棵树。I did my best, but couldn t climb the tree. 我尽力了,但也没能爬上那棵树。练一练: 完成句子。Do you

63、 think Amy will _(能够) speak Japanese very well soon? 你认为 Amy 很快就能说很流利的日语了吗?3. Look out of the window. It s snowing. 请翻译 _look out of 意为 _,与 look 相关的词组,常见的有:look out_ look at_ look for_ look like_ look around_ look over_ look the same_ look up_ 你能试着写出上述短语的意思吗?可以查阅资料,试试看!练一练:翻译: 当你乘坐公共汽车时不要向窗外看。Don t

64、_ the window when you take a bus. 4. Mr. Wu is going to be on TV tonight. 请翻译 _此句中的on 是_词, sb. be on TV 意为 _ e.g. The famous singer will be on TV tomorrow evening. 练一练: 翻译句子。周杰伦今晚将出现在电视上。Jay Chou will _this evening. 四、达标检测: .根据句意及汉语提示完成单词和短语。1. The doctor said that Lily would have to stay_(住院) for t

65、wo weeks. 2. The baby will _ (能够) walk in a few months. 3. Dont _(向外面看) the windows in class, John. 4. _( 多少只猴子 ) can you see over there? 5. The King family _(搬家) Canada last month. 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Main task 一、学习目标:

66、1.掌握下列单词、短语和句型:1) finish, tennis, chess, hall, pop, baseball, drama, ideal; 2) table tennis, Art Club, my ideal school, get up late, have lots of time for, listen to music, at weekends, go on a school trip to ; 3) My ideal school has a park on one side and a shopping mall on the other. We have a big

67、 library with lots of useful books. 2.了解问卷调查的有关知识,根据个人信息完成一份调查问卷。3.根据学校及个人情况选择具体信息,包括选择自己最喜欢的活动。4.构思一篇文章,描述自己理想中的学校。二、预习指导:1.阅读课本P35-36 中的内容,根据上下文语境猜测生词意思,并根据拼读规则试读生词。2.先独立完成P35 中的问卷调查,然后和同伴讨论,互相比较结果,交流自己的看法。3.根据你个人的喜好完成P36 中的时间表。预习自测:A. 翻译词组。1.起床迟2.在周末3.听流行音乐4.吃半小时的早饭5.上电脑课6.穿校服7.在学校的一边8.在学校的另一边9.(

68、两者中)一个另一个10.一个游泳池三、课内探究:1.和同伴交流讨论P35 Part A1 的问卷调查,大胆说出自己的观点。2.和同伴交流Part A2 中你们自己所填的时间表。3.认真阅读P36 中 Part B1 中的文章,试着理解文章大意,听录音并能正确地模仿课文中的语音和语调。然后回答下列问题,并结合问题理解课文。1) When does the school finish? 2) How long is his lunchtime? 4.总结 B1 中文章各部分大意。Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 5.分组讨论你理想中的学校,把你的想法写下来先独立

69、思考,然后再讨论解决。6.认真阅读以下内容,可以帮助你理解课本!1. go on a trip (to)去某地旅行go on a school trip 参加学校组织的旅行e.g. We will go on a school trip to the theatre. 我们将参加学校组织的去剧院的旅行。练一练: 完成下列句子。1) 你计划去长城旅行吗? Are you planning to_ _ _ _ _ the Great Wall? 2) 每年春天我们参加学校组织的旅行. We_ every spring. 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

70、 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载2So we will have lots of time for after-school activities. 请翻译 _have lots of time for sth/ to do sth意为 _ have no time for sth/ to do sth 没有时间做某事e.g. We are busy, so we have no time to watch TV. 我们很忙,所以没有时间看电视. 练一练 :完成句子。她没有时间让自己享受一下She _ _ enjoy herself. 3. There a

71、re about 15 students in each class. 请翻译 _ in each class 意为 _ each在此句中修饰名词 class;此外 each还可作 pron., 可直接作主语或宾语 ,谓语动词用单数。e.g. He gave each boy a present. 他给每个男孩一件礼物。Each of us has a big bag. 我们中每个人都有一个大包。every 也可指“每个” ,它和 each 有什么区别吗?注意观察下面的句子:e.g. 1) Every child knows it.= All children know it. 所有的孩子都知

72、道它。2) Each man can try twice.( 强调个人 ) 每个人都尝试了两次。each 指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的每一个,注重_(个体 /整体 ),可以和of连用。every 用于指三个或三个以上的人或事物中的每一个,侧重于_(个体 /整体 ),意思与“ all”接近,表示他们都如此,不可以和of 连用。练一练_ of them has a new dictionary. A. Every B. Both C. Each D. All 4. There is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on t

73、he other. 请翻译 _ one the other意为(两个人或两个东西的)_。e.g. Mr. Smith has two daughters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. Smith 先生有两个女儿,一个是老师,另一个是医生。练一练: 翻译句子。我有两支钢笔,一支是蓝色的,另一支是黑色的。I have two pens. _ is blue, _ _ is black. 四、达标检测:完成下列句子。1. Do you like to _ _ _ _ _ ( 去参加学校旅行)? 2. I like to _ _( 穿校服 ). 3

74、. Please write something about your _ _( 你理想中的学校). 4. There are about 15 students _ _ _(在每一个班 ). 5. We have a big library _ lots of _books ( 有许多有用的书). 6. There s a shop _ _ _ (在一边 ) of the river and there s a restaurant _ _ _ _ (在另一边 ) of the river. 7. We only have _ _ _ homework (半小时的作业) every day.

75、 五、收获与反思:教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 School life Checkout 一、学习目标:1.复习本单元的语法项目。2.通过识别单词间的联系来理解单词分类的意义。二、预习指导:1.本单元的重要单词、短语和句型,你们掌握得怎么样了?和你的同伴一起互相提问听写,并用重要单词和短语造句。比一比谁最棒!2.关于本单元的语法,同学们掌握得怎么样了呢?和你的同伴合作检测一下自己的学习情况吧!利用我们所学的有关数量的比较以及相同、相异事物的比较的句式结构,描述我们

76、周围的或你生活中的一些情况,比一比谁说得最好。预习自测:通过复习,你又有很多收获吧?那么试着完成课本P37 中的 Part A ,Part B 中的练习题吧,检测自己掌握的好吗?三、课内探究:请同学们认真复习本单元语法数量的比较,完成下面的内容。1.在表示两者之间的数量比较时,我们可以用 _, _, _. 你能举例说明它们的用法吗?教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 20 页学习必备欢迎下载2.在表示两者以上的数量比较时,我们可以用_, _, _. 请举例说说其用法。3.在表示某事物与另一事物完全相同时,我

77、们用_; 在表示某事物与另一事物相异时,我们用_. 试着各举一个例子。四、达标检测 : .用括号内所给词的正确形式完成下列句子。1. The _(long)of summer holiday is nearly two months. 2. We have _ (many) weeks off in the summertime this term than before. 3. Millie is a good student. She is in the_ ( nine ) grade this term. 4. Red is _ (popular ) than black. 5. San

78、dy is very thin and weak. She eats the _ (little) food in our class. 6. My mother always cooks _ (taste) meals on Sunday. 7. This is a_ ( 无用的 ) dictionary. 8. I study in an _ ( 理想的 ) school in Shanghai. 五、收获与反思 : 学习了本课,你学到了什么?都有哪些收获?还有哪些疑问?请认真想一想,把你的收获和疑问写下来。我的收获_ _ 我的疑问 _ _ 教学思路学生纠错精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 20 页



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