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1、- 1 - Lesson 1 Unit 3. Shopping 1. This unit is about Topics: ?Kinds of retail outlets ?How supermarkets make shoppers buy ?The first supermarket ?Chinese clothing size converter ?Traditional shopping vs. online shopping ?eBay Skills:Talking about shopping and shopping habits ?Speaking: Role-play: S

2、hopping scenes Giving a personal opinion about Internet use ?Writing:Comparing mail-order shopping and Internet shopping A guided summary Project: A shopping guide for your neighborhood Grammar: ?Adjectives: Comparison of adjectives Shopping Habits ?How often do your family shop? ?Where do you usual

3、ly go shopping? Useful Expressions ?weekly; daily ?occasionally during the week ?department stores; online retailers 2. Focus Work with a partner. 2.1 Label the photos with an expression from the box. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 30 页- 2 - 1. supermarket 2. market 3. corner s

4、hop4.street vendor 5. specialist store 6. online retailer (chemist s) 7. department store 8. chain store 9. shopping mall?chain store corner shop department store ?market online retailer shopping mall ?specialist store (chemists) street vendor supermarket精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -

5、第 2 页,共 30 页- 3 - 2.2 Where do you do your shopping? often sometimes never department store online retailer market shopping mall specialist store street vendor supermarket 2.3Talk about your shopping habits. Useful Expressions ?I often/sometimes/never do my shopping/shop at a/an department store/ ?M

6、y partner/He/She/(sb. name) does his/her shopping/ at a/an 3. Text Study (Passage A) 3.1 Background Information online shoppingonline retailing, the act of purchasing products or services over the Internet Key words: physical stores online stores convenient bargain holiday season wait in long lines

7、consumerism a belief that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever-greater amounts Key words: consumerist movement a set of policies 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 30 页- 4 - regulate standard manufacturers in the interests of impulse purchase impulse buying, an unp

8、lanned decision to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase Key words: impulse purchaser impulse buyer financial difficulty family disapproval feeling of guilt disappointment 3.2 Words and Expressions expert n. 专家trolley n. 手推车purchase n.购置物shopping list 购物单pepper n.辣椒sorted adj.properl

9、y arranged or planned 分选的pre-packed adj. already packed 预先包装的special offer bargain 特价商品packet n. 小包,小袋bakery n. 面包烘房roll n. 小圆面包display n. 展列canned adj. 罐装的bottled adj. 瓶装的frozen adj. 冷冻的goods n. 货品delicatessen n. 熟食店freshness n. 新鲜食品electrical adj. 电气的product n. 商品精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

10、- - - - - -第 4 页,共 30 页- 5 - essential n.必需品butter n.黄油impulse item 一时冲动购买的商品profit n.利润brand name 品牌processed food 加工食品pre-cooked meal 半成品食品profitable adj. money-making 盈利的at eye level 齐眼的高度checkout n.收银台leaflet n.传单loan n.贷款insurance n.保险mobile phone 移动credit card 信用卡3.3 Text 译文被动消费步入大型超市时,千万不能大意!

11、那帮精明狡诈的人已经看到了你的到来。而他们正是那些让你变成购物狂的行家里手。周六下午 3 点。你想到超市买些你需要的物品。东西不多就是咖啡、 牛奶和鸡蛋。 你推了一辆手推车, 这是第一个错误。现在你根本感受不到购物篮内商品的重量,自然你可能会越买越多。手推车又大又深,其结果可以想见。. “进入超市,首先会经过的是美丽的鲜花和植物。再往前走,水果与蔬菜新鲜与自然的颜色映入眼帘。购物单上虽然没有蔬菜,但是这些红椒、青椒和黄椒看上去如此诱人。它们已被分类、清洗而且包装好了多么便利。而且还在特价优惠!或许你会拿一盒。不管怎么说,蔬菜对人有好处,对不对?接着你走到了面包房。哦,新鲜的面包卷香气扑鼻!比昨

12、天家里的面包好多了。或许你会就买一点儿可是如此也就停不下来了。来自销售专家的记录1.店内通常会摆放新鲜的水果、蔬菜与鲜花。这会让准备购买超市内普通的罐装、瓶装和冷冻商品的顾客产生一种清新、健康的感觉。2.入口处的特价优惠商品会让顾客开始购物。拿下第一件商精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 30 页- 6 - 品后,人们通常就会欲罢不能了。3.店内的装饰通常为绿色。这会令人感受清新自然。面包、鱼类和熟食柜台也要保持清新勾起人们对从前购物的愉悦回忆。4.许多大型超市现在还会向老主顾兜售其他商品比方,衣服和电子产品。5.生活必需品

13、放在超市的后面。在拿到牛奶、鸡蛋或者奶油之前,顾客必须经过一大堆好看但并不真正需要的商品。而这些非必需的“一时冲动购买的商品” 同时也是给超市带来丰厚利润的物品。6.名牌产品和熟食等加工食物的利润很高,通常会被摆在眼睛平视就看得到的地方,以此吸引人们的注意。7.留意结账柜台旁的杂志和糖果店家促使顾客接着冲动购物的最后一个时机。 留意超市提供其他服务的宣传单:贷款、保险、廉价旅行,甚至还有。8.用超市的信用卡支付多么便利。先购物,后付款。欢送再来哦。3.3.1 Explanation of important words in detail. 1. purchase n. something b

14、ought 购买的物品e.g. The saleslady put my purchase into a beautiful bag. 女售货员把我的东西装进一个漂亮的袋子里。v. 购买e.g. He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck. 他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。2. natural adj. the way it was grown 自然的,天然的e.g. My hair soon grew back to its natural colour. 我的头发很快又恢复了本色。The gigantic natural harbou

15、r is a haven for boats. 这个巨型天然港是船只的避风港。3.after all used to say you must remember that 毕竟;别忘了e.g. Why shouldn t Dan eat the cake? After all, he baked it. 为什么丹不该吃蛋糕?别忘了,还是他做的呢。Dont blame him. After all, hes only a child. 别责怪他。别忘了,他还是个孩子。4. bakery 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 30

16、 页- 7 - n. where bread and cakes are made 面包房;面包店e.g. A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery. 一阵面包的香味从远处的面包房飘来。The baker bakes his bread in the bakery. 面包师在面包房内烤面包。5.display n. show 展览,陈列e.g. A new kind of car was on display in the shop. 商店里正展出一种新汽车。The jewelers display showed the diamond

17、s to advantage. 珠宝商的展示使那些钻石更为醒目。6.essential n. something necessary 必需品;不可或缺之物e.g. The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life. 那套公寓配有单身生活的基本必需品。These foods are essentials for the healthy growth and development in children. 这些食物是孩子们健康成长和发育的必需品。adj. 绝对必要的;必不可少的;基本的e.g. It was absolutely

18、essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture. 将庄稼和放牧区分开是绝对必要的。Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child s development.大多数权威人士都同意,玩耍在孩子成长过程中起着非常重要的作用。7.profitable adj. money-making 盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的e.g.Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in

19、America. 制药业是美国利润最丰厚的业务。That business became profitable last year. 那项生意去年变得很赚钱。8.profitability n. 赢利能力;收益性;利益率e.g. Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 30 页- 8 - 为了提高利润,经营方式上发生了改变。9.loan n. money somebody

20、lends you 贷款,借款e.g. The loan is due for repayment by the end of the year. 这笔借款要在年底还清。I asked the bank to help me with a loan. 我请银行给我一笔贷款。3.3.2 Explanation of important sentences. 1.Bakery, fish and delicatessen counters also offer freshness and bring back pleasant memories of traditional shopping. T

21、here are also many fresh food displayed at the bakery, fish and delicatessen counters. These fresh and natural food reminds people of the fun and pleasure of shopping in the past.2.bring back a memory/memories of: Something that brings back a memory makes you think about it. e.g.Your article brought

22、 back sad memories for me. 你的文章勾起了我悲伤的回忆。The words “part-time job ” always bring back to me the memory of my first interview for a part-time job. “兼职”这个字眼总会令我想起我的第一次面试。3.4 Question Time Directions: Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions and particles. 1. Watch out when you go _ a super

23、market. 2. Supermarket designers are experts _ the business _ making people buy. 3. _ a trolley, shoppers dont feel the weight _ their purchases _ a basket 4. They put special offers _ the entrance help shoppers start shopping. 5. _ shoppers have made one purchase, others follow more easily. 6. They

24、 put attractive goods _ eye level so that they are easy to after at at at by in in into near of of out with精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 30 页- 9 - get _. 7. There are sweets _ the checkouts. 8. They make it easy to pay _ credit card. Key: 1, into 2, in, of 3, with, of, in 4, n

25、ear, 5, after 6, at, at 7,at 8, by Assignments: P.35 Ex. 1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 30 页- 10 - Lesson 2 Unit 3. Shopping1. Have a Review for Exercises in Lesson 1 Directions: Complete the following answers to the questions with expressions from the box. 1. How do supermar

26、kets often make you feel good to be there? They put beautiful flowers and plants in the entrance _. 2. Give three examples of how supermarkets persuade shoppers to buy more goods than they planned. Firstly, they use _ so that shoppers dont feel_, secondly, they have _and, thirdly, shoppers have to _

27、to reach the essential demand items .3. What do many supermarkets do to make it easy to pay for your purchases? Shoppers can use _ for their goods. 4. How do supermarkets encourage you to come back soon and may be spend more? They _, which_ very attractive special offers. Keys: 1, to encourage shopp

28、ers to come into the store2, trolleys instead of baskets; the weight of their purchases special offers; pass many semi-demand and impulse items3, credit, charge or debit cards to pay 4, add points to loyalty cards, customers can use to pay for Directions: Use the material in the box to discuss how s

29、upermarket designers make it easy to buy. Think particularly of the positioning of goods. add points to loyalty cards credit, charge or debit cards to pay customers can use to pay for pass many semi-demand and impulse items special offers the weight of their purchases to encourage shoppers to come i

30、nto the store trolleys instead of baskets 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 30 页- 11 - ?(to) place/put attractive goods near the checkout/entrance at eye -level ?(to) make goods easy to reach/get at ?(to) highlight special offers/low prices ?(to) play relaxing/soft music ?(to) br

31、oadcast information about special offers Suggested answer:Designers put attractive goods like sweets near the checkout. They also place big brand names and processed food like pre-cooked meals at eye level to attract attention and to make goods easy to reach. They highlight special offers/low prices

32、 with a red pen to attract attention to them. They play soft music in shops to make you feel relaxed. They broadcast information about special offers through loudspeakers in the shop. 2. Coming into Lesson 2 2.1 Listening 1: Asking for directions. SupermarketsDirections: Listen to the radio report a

33、nd then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). True False 1.Michael J. Cullen had an ordinary grocery store in 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 30 页- 12 - New York. 2.Michael s idea was to tell customers to fetch goods from the shelves themselves. 3.C

34、ullen had to do three things to make his idea work. 4. Michael sorted goods into groups like fruit and vegetables , for example. 5. Customers also had to pack the goods themselves. 6. The shop assistants just packed goods and filled shelves. 7. Cullen opened the worlds first real supermarket in New

35、York on 14 September 1930. 8. Supermarkets sold a few high quality products at a fair price keys: T T F T F T F F 2.2 Listening 2: A trip to townDirections: 1. Listen and link photos a c to the dialogues 1 3. a. camera shop b. farmer s market c. supermarket Dialogue 1. _c_ 2. _b_ 3. _a_ Directions:

36、2.Listen again and note down the details. 1. Who is Jinjing talking to: a farmer, a shop assistant or a checkout assistant? Dialogue 1: _; Dialogue 2: _; Dialogue 3: _ 2.What is she doing: paying for groceries, buying eggs, buying a camera? Dialogue 1: _; Dialogue 2: _; Dialogue 3: _ 3. How much has

37、 she to pay: 58; 0.65; 5.75? Dialogue 1: _; Dialogue 2: _; Dialogue 3: _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 30 页- 13 - keys: 1. a checkout assistant; a shop assistant; a farmer,2. paying for groceries, buying eggs, buying a camera 3. 5.75; 0.65; 58; 2.3 Listening Shopping dialogue

38、 Directions:Listen to the shopping dialogue. Then choose the correct answer. 1. Anna wants to buy _A. some shoes B. a swimming suit C. a tracksuit 2. Anna is size _A. 36 B. 38 C. 39 3. The colour of the first suit was_A. blue B. green C.red 4.Anna doesn t want red because it attracts_ A. animals B.

39、birds C.dogs 5. The second track suit was made of _ A. cotton B.nylon C.polyester 6. Anna wants a tracksuit that is made of_ A. pure cotton B. nylon C. wool 7.Anna choose the_ tracksuit.A. second B.third C.fourth 8.Anna pays _ euros for the tracksuit A.thirty B. thirty-five C. thirty-eight keys: 1.C

40、 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B Script: Dialogue 1 Supermarket Michael J. Cullen had a grocery store in New York. Business was all right, but he wanted to do much better. Then he had an idea: he would tell customers to fetch goods from the shelves themselves and pay for them as they left the store. For

41、 this to work, he had to do two things. First, he had to sort goods into groups, fruit and vegetables, and meat, for example. Secondly, he had to pack and price goods in individual portions. His assistants didnt serve customers any longer. They just packed goods and filled shelves. Cullen opened Ame

42、ricas first real supermarket in New York on 4 August 1930. And it was an immediate success. When he died just six years later, there were already seventeen King Kullen 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 30 页- 14 - supermarkets in the USA. Cullen s idea of having separate food depa

43、rtments and selling large amounts of food at discount prices soon changed food retailing throughout the world. Michael J. Cullen opened Americas first real supermarket and made it a great success. His supermarket operation and original food retailing mode influenced the whole world. Listening 2: A t

44、rip to townDialogue 1 CA = checkout assistant CA Hello. Jinjing Hi. CA Can I help you pack your purchases? Jinjing Thanks, but I m fine. I ve only got a few things some coffee and sugar and some cans of coke. CA Right . Thats five seventy-five, please. Jinjing Heres my credit card. CA Thanks. And do

45、 you have a loyalty card? Jinjing Oh, yes, here you are. CA Could you enter your PIN, please? Jinjing Sure. CA Thank you. Here are your cards. Jinjing Thanks. Bye. CA Bye. Dialogue 2 Jinjing How much are the eggs, please? Farmer The large ones are one fifty a dozen. Jinjing Er . one fifteen, did you

46、 say? Farmer No, sorry. I m afraid they re one fifty. You see, they re organic. And organic produce has to be a bit more expensive than ordinary food. Jinjing I see. And the medium-size eggs? Farmer One thirty. Jinjing Fine, well, I dont need many. Just half a dozen, please.Farmer Right. One small b

47、ox of medium-size eggs. Here you are, Miss. And I promise you theyre the best eggs in the world. Not like the rubish they sell you in the supermarket! 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 30 页- 15 - Dialogue 3SA = shop assistant SA :Good morning. Can I help you? Jinjing: Well, yes.

48、Im interested in a digital camera. But the problem is that I dont want to pay more than about sixty pounds, say. SA:That s no problem, madam. I can show you three models at about that price. How about this Canon, for example. That s a very good camera. Jinjing: Oh yes. I had a Canon before. How much

49、 does this one cost? SA: Sixty-five pounds ninety-five. It has ten megapixels, which is more than enough for most purposes. Jinjing: Okay, but what about the price? Do you have anything cheaper? SA: Well, yes, I do. At fifty-eight pounds, this Nikon L23 is quite a lot cheaper because its on special

50、offer. It has ten megapixels, too. Jinjing: Oh, fine. Id like the Nikon, then, please.SA: Certainly, madam. Listening 3 Shopping dialogue Assistant: Good morning. Can I help you? Anna:Well, yes. Im looking for a tracksuit. You know, the ones in the sale. Assistant: Oh, yes. The track suits in the sa

51、le are over here. Let me show you. Yes, well, here we are. What size are you? 38? Anna:That s right. Im size 38. Assistant: Okay. Let s see. What about this one? It s thirty percent below normal price. Anna:Yes, but its red. I like jogging and red attracts dogs. Id like blue or green if possible. As

52、sistant: Fine. What about this green one, then? Anna:Yes, but its polyester, isnt it? I dont like that. Id like pure cotton, please. Assistant: All right. Let me see. Well, this one is pure cotton and its the right size and colour, too. Anna: yes. I like that. And what about the price? Assistant: We

53、ll, its exactly half price. Thirty-five euros instead of seventy. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 30 页- 16 - Anna:Perfect. Ill take it, please.Assistant: Fine. Would you like to come this way to the checkout? 3. Speaking Directions:Use the dialogue guide to role-play shopping s

54、cenes. Change roles shopper and assistant several times. TIP:Chinese clothing size converter Chinese size5X S4XS3XS2XSXSSMLXL2XL3XL4XL5XL6XLUS size246810121416182022242628European size3234363840424446485052545658?What is the Chinese equivalent of a European size 40? ?If it is US size 12, what is it

55、in a European size? ?You need a Chinese size 4XS. What do you need when you are in America? ?It s 2XL in a Chinese size. What is it in a European size?Assignment: review 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 30 页- 17 - Lesson 3 Unit 3. Shopping Text Study (Passage B) Shopping Mall or

56、 Cyber-mall? 1. Words and Expressions cyber-mall n. 网上商店online adv. 联机,在线predict v.say before it happens 预测travel website 旅游网站fare n.费用travel agent 旅行代办人;旅行社in fact 事实上convenient adj.方便的security n.protection from danger 安全性detail n. 详细信息multichannel shopping 多渠道购物offline adj. 脱机的,离线的digital image 数码

57、图像dealer n.经销商replace v. take the place of 替代flexible adj. willing to change 灵活的efficient adj. 高效的competitive adj. better for the customer 有竞争力的Before reading 1. Have you ever compared products and prices on the Internet before buying something in the shops? If so, what sort of thing? 2. Have you ev

58、er thought or sold anything online? If not, might you in future? 2. Text Shopping Mall or Cyber-mall? The Internet is part of everyday life for most young Americans: about three-quarters of 18-24 year-olds regularly go online. Many have now added Internet shopping to email and other activities. Sinc

59、e the mid-1990s, shopping online has grown from almost nothing to about five per cent of all US retailing. Sales have been increasing by 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 30 页- 18 - over 25% per year, and last year goods and services worth $93 billion were bought online. In the b

60、eginning, many predicted the end of traditional shopping, but will this really happen? Are ordinary shops and even shopping malls about to close? Could millions of sales staff lose their jobs? Well, Internet shopping certainly has big advantages. Travel websites can quickly find the cheapest flights

61、, for example, and fares cost less than they do from a travel agent. In fact, most Internet prices are lower than shop prices. It can also be very convenient to do your shopping from home, day or night. (Internet sales always rise rapidly at Christmas because many people dont like the crowded shops

62、and the cold weather.) However, there are problems. Orders can take two weeks or more to arrive and have to be returned if something is wrong. Many people worry about the security of their credit card details. Some also miss the fun of shopping with friends. Online retailing has brought different le

63、vels of success to different types of business. Amazon is a very successful online retailer, but many others have failed. They spent too much, sold too little, had delivery problems and finally went bankrupt. But, perhaps surprisingly, some traditional retailers have also done well. The Internet can

64、 offer a bigger market to small, specialist shops, for example. Bill Ross, owner of a farm shop, says, “Using the net is like opening shops all over Britain.”Big traditional retailers have introduced their customers to multichannel shopping even more successfully. Online orders are simply supplied f

65、rom their stores or warehouses. Walmart, the world s largest supermarket chain also cleverly mixes offline and online channels. For example, you can leave a film at a Walmart store and then collect digital images from the companys website.Multichannel shopping s biggest winner is often the customer.

66、 Look at American car buyers: 75% now research everything from cost to colour on the Internet before they go to the car dealer with the best offer. It now seems clear that Internet shopping is not going to replace traditional retailing. Rather, it is making traditional retailing more flexible, effic

67、ient and competitive. This is great news for the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 30 页- 19 - consumer. 参考译文:大型购物中心还是网上商城?因特网与大多数美国年轻人的日常生活息息相关:大约四分之三的 18-24 岁的年青人会经常上网在线。除了收发电子邮件等事务之外,他们当中很多人还会网上购物。自20 世纪 90 年代中期开始, 网上购物从白手起家发展到现在, 占到全美零售业的5%。销售额每年以 25%以上的比例大幅增长,去年更是创下了930 亿的网上销

68、售总额。起初,很多人都预测传统购物行将结束,然而果真如此吗?普通商店以及大型购物中心也会关门大吉吗?会有成千上万的销售人员因此失业吗?网上购物当然有它的巨大优势。比方说,旅游网站上可以迅速地找到最廉价的航班,而且机票价格低于旅行社的报价。事实上,大多数网上价格都低于实体店的价格。不分白天还是晚上,足不出户即可购物, 十分便利。 圣诞节期间网上销售总是火爆异常,因为很多人都不喜欢拥挤的商店和室外寒冷的天气。然而,网上购物也不是尽善尽美。订购的物品可能要花两个多星期才能送到,如果物品有瑕疵还要退货。不少人担忧信用卡信息泄露。还有人思念和朋友一起购物时的乐趣。对于各行各业而言,网上零售所带来的成功不

69、尽相同。亚马逊网站就是一家非常成功的网上零销商,但是也有不少网商倒闭歇业。这些网商支出多,销售量少,商品递送问题不断,最后只能走向破产。然而,或许令人意想不到的是,一些传统的零销商却生意红火。网络为那些小规模的特种商品商店提供了更为广阔的市场,比方,一家农产品商店的店主比尔罗斯说道, “利用网络,就如同在全英国都开设分店一样。 ”而大型传统零销商在把顾客引入“多渠道购物”方面甚至更为成功。网上订购的商品可以由他们的商铺或货仓直接供给。沃尔玛这个全世界最大的超市销售链也把网下和网上购物巧妙地结合起来。例如,你可以把一卷胶卷交给沃尔玛的某家超市,然后从该公司的网站上接收胶卷的数码照片。多渠道购物的

70、最大赢家通常是顾客。 以美国汽车消费者为例: 75%的人会事先上网查阅,对汽车从价格到颜色一一做足功课,然后再到汽车经销商那里拿到最低报价。现在看来,很明显网上购物不会取代传统零售。相反,它只精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 30 页- 20 - 会让传统零售更加灵活、高效、更具竞争性。这对于消费者而言绝对是个好消息。3. Words and Expressions online adv. on the Internet 在线地e.g. At night, she would go online and chat wit

71、h her friends back home. 晚上,她会上网跟家乡的朋友们聊天。Dont you know how dangerous it is to meet men online? 你难道不知道在网上认识人是很危险的吗?predict v. say before it happens 预言,预测;预示,预告e.g. It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue. 预言这次对话可能有什么结果为时尚早。He predicted that my hair would grow back “in no

72、time”.他预言我的头发“一眨眼”就会长回来。It is impossible to predict who will win. 要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的。prediction n. 预言;预告;预测e.g. He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year. 他不愿意预测来年哪些书会有销路。predictableadj. 可预言的;可预报的;可预见的;可预料的e.g. The ending of the book was entirely predictable. 那

73、本书的结局完全是可以想见的。predictability n. 可预测性;可预言性e.g. Predictability is one thing, fear of change is something else. 可以预见是一回事,怕改变又是一回事。convenientadj. useful 方便的;便利的e.g. May I come and talk with you whenever its convenient? 在你方便时我能来和你谈谈吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 30 页- 21 - Is it

74、convenient for you to go out tonight? 今晚你方便出去吗?securityn. how safe a thing is 安全e.g. There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools. 教师们对必须加强学校的安保有普遍的共识。They lulled her into a false sense of security. 他们哄骗她,使她产生一种虚假的安全感。flexibleadj. willing to change 易变通的;

75、适应性强的;灵活的e.g. We need a foreign policy that is more flexible. 我们需要一种更灵活的外交政策。flexibilityn. 柔韧性,机动性,灵活性e.g. The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers. 远程学习的灵活性对日理万机的经理人来说特别适合。Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.

76、人类的适应能力是无穷尽的,为了生存可以适应任何环境。competitiveadj. better for the customer 具有竞争力的e.g. Only those homes offered for sale at competitive prices will secure interest from serious purchasers. 只有那些价格优惠的住房才会引起真想买房的人的兴趣。It is a travel company specializing in amazingly competitive rates for flights. 这是一家专门提供极优惠航班折扣的

77、旅游公司。Sentences Structure Are ordinary shops and even shopping malls about to close? Will the ordinary shops and even shopping malls close down and stop doing business?be about to: If you are about to do something, you are going to do it very soon. If something is about to happen, it will happen very

78、 soon. e.g. Argentina has lifted all restrictions on trade and visas are about to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 30 页- 22 - be abolished. 阿根廷已经取消了所有的贸易限制,签证就要被废除了。4.1 Looking at the text. 4.1.1 Directions: Choose a person from the box who might say the following. Explain why.

79、car buyer Christmas shopper high school student music retailer shop assistant travel agent 1. A_They can be ready for you here by 5 p.m., or if you want, you can just download them from our website when you get home. 2. A_With email, school work, trading on eBay and downloading music, I guess I m on

80、line about 20 hours a week. 3. A_ We ve certainly lost sales as the airlines can now sell direct online for about 15% less than we have to charge. 4. A_At first, my music store wasnt very successful, but now Ive got thousands of customers worldwide, thanks to the net. 5. A_ This year Ive decided to

81、try to do all my shopping for the holiday season in the comfort of my own home. 6. A_I found a fantastic deal on the internet. Its just $18,999, with registration plates and a years insurance.Key : 1. shop assistant 2. high school student 3. travel agent 4. music retailer 5. Christmas shopper 6. buy

82、er 4.1.2 1. Give an example from the text that shows the Internet making traditional retail more competitive. The Internet offers a bigger market to small, specialist shops, making traditional retail more competitive. It is like having shops all over the country. 2. Give an example from the text tha

83、t shows the internet making traditional retail more flexible and also more efficient. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 30 页- 23 - Traditional retail has become more flexible and also more efficient by using the Internet to sell the goods they have in their stores or warehouses.

84、Customers can check online before buying in a traditional shop. 3. Give your own answer to the question in the title: Shopping mall or cyber-mall? Say why / why not.Assignment: P43. EX2精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 30 页- 24 - Lesson 4 Unit 3 Shopping. 1. Have a Review for Les

85、son 3 Working with words Directions: Match an item from the text, 1 8, to one of similar meaning, a h. _1. in the beginning a. at the start _2. closed b. benefits _3. advantages c. customer _4. returned d. download _5. bankrupt e. find out about _6. collect f. out of business _7. research g. sent ba

86、ck _8. consumer h. shut down Key: 1-4. a h b g 5-8. f d e cDirections: Replace one word or expression in the sentences with a word or expression from the lists in previous exercise. 1. Internet shopping has big advantages because you can shop at any time and from home. _ 2. While Amazon is very succ

87、essful, many Internet shops have gone out of business._ 3. Some Internet shops closed after a few months because they spent too much and had delivery problems. _ 4. Nowadays, a customer can leave a film at a store and then download the digital images from the store s website. _ 5. Buyers can researc

88、h products on the internet before buying them in traditional shops. _ Key: 1.benefit 2.bankrupt 3.shut down 4.collect 5.find out about Come to Lesson 4 Writing 1.Directions: Read part of the introduction to the Treasurehouse mail order catalogue. As you read, compare mail order shopping with shoppin

89、g on the Internet. Make notes about: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 30 页- 25 - prices comfort and convenience receiving / returning goods ordering payment Welcome to mail order the Treasure house way!Enjoy top quality at low prices. Shop in the comfort of your own home, day or

90、 night. Receive orders at your door within 7 days. Send back unwanted goods, no questions asked. Order: by mail with postage-paid form by phone on 0845450 4596 by fax on 0845 450 4597 by email to salestreasurehouse.co.uk Payby check / by credit card / by direct debit Key: price: the prices on the In

91、ternet are mentioned as lower than shop prices and prices in the mail order catalogue are also top quality at low fort and convenience: you need an Internet connection to buy online which is no good for older people or people living where there is no Internet. With the mail order catalogue you can s

92、hop from anywhere. receiving / returning goods With the mail order catalogue you receive your good within seven days, which is not always the case with online shopping. You can send your order back without saying why you do not want the article. It is not always possible to send the article back whe

93、n you purchase it, for example, on eBay. ordering You can order by mail with postage-paid form, by phone, by fax or by email when you buy through the mail order catalogue. When you shop online you can only order through the Internet. Payment You can pay by check, by credit card or by direct debit wh

94、en you buy through the mail order catalogue. When you shop online you can only pay by credit card or some other secure system like Paypal, or by direct debit. 2.Directions: Use the material in previous exercise to write a summary “Mail order versus Online shopping”.Mail order versus online shopping

95、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 30 页- 26 - There are big similarities between these two ways of shopping. Like online shopping, mail order shopping is usually very convenient as you can shop in your own home without going into crowded shops and the cold weather. However, there

96、are some differences. With online shopping, you order goods on the Internet, while with mail order, you can order from a catalogue. With online shopping you can compare prices from other retailers online, while with mail order you only have the one retailer. With online shopping it is not always pos

97、sible to return the goods, while with mail order there is no problem with that. There are more options for paying with mail order shopping. I prefer because it is (Individual answer here) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 30 页- 27 - Lesson 5 Unit 3. Shopping Grammar Check (Adject

98、ives) Adjectives 形容词一、形容词的比较等级形容词有三种语法形式原级、比较级和最高级,统称为比较等级。原级就是原形。比较级和最高级有规则形式和不规则形式两种。说明如下:1. 单音节形容词,加 -er/-est new 新 / newer / newest rich 富 / richer / richest 2. 以 e结尾的形容词,只加 -r/-st nice 好 / nicer / nicest wise 聪明 / wiser / wisest 3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的单音节形容词,先双写结尾辅音字母,再加 -er/-est big 大 / bigger /

99、biggest fat 胖 / fatter / fattest 4. 以一个辅音字母加y 结尾的双音节形容词,先变y 为 i,再加-er/-est easy 容易 / easier / easiest ugly 丑 / uglier / ugliest 5. 少数双音节形容词,既可用-er/-est,也可用 more/most形式simple 简单 / simpler / simplest (more simple / most simple) stupid 愚蠢 / stupider / stupidest (more stupid / most stupid) 6. 其他双音节 /三音节

100、 /多音节形容词,用more/most形式careful 小心 / more careful / most careful expensive 昂贵 / more expensive / most expensive 7. 形容词 good / bad / far用不规则形式good 好 / better / best bad 坏 / worse / worst far 远 / farther / farthest 二、形容词的比较结构把上述三种语法形式用来对人或物进行比较,就形成比较结构。形容词比较结构有三种基本模式:1. This is as cheap as that. 这种和那种一样廉

101、价。This book is as interesting as that. 这本书和那本书一样有精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 30 页- 28 - 趣。2. This is cheaper than that. 这种比那种廉价。This book is more interesting than that. 这本书比那本书有趣。3. This is the cheapest of all. 这是三种中最廉价的一种。This book is the most interesting of all. 这本书是三本中最有

102、趣的一本。注意上述模式的互换使用问题。例如“not so+形容词 +as” (= not as+形容词 +as) 一般来说与“ less+形容词+than”含义相同:Jack is not so tall as Jill. 杰克没有吉尔高。 Jack is less tall than Jill. 杰克没有吉尔高。相比之下,“less+形容词 +than”不如“ not so+形容词 +as”自然。为此,有人认为下面这些句子是“不好”的句子:1. This exercise is less good than your last one. 2. John is less short than

103、his brother. 3. A tram is less quick than a bus. 建议改用“ not so +形容词 +as”表示:1a This exercise is not so good as your last one. 这个练习没有你上个练习好。2a John is not so short as his brother. 约翰没有他弟弟矮。3a A tram is not so quick as a bus. 电车没有公共汽车快。4a He is not so stupid as I thought he was. 他没有我想象的那么笨。如果一定要用“形容词比较级

104、形式+than” ,也可以采用“原句形容词的反义词的比较级形式+than”表示,如前述四例可以改为:1b This exercise is worse than your last one. 这个练习比你上个练习差。2b John is taller than his brother. 约翰比他弟弟高。3b A tram is slower than a bus. 电车比公共汽车慢。4b He is cleverer than I thought he was. 他比我想象的聪明。1.Directions:Read the report from a high school magazine

105、and underline all the adjectives. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 30 页- 29 - ( ) Maria Aristo, 16, likes the idea of strict clothes rules to stop silly shopping competitions. “Before the new rules came in, I spent a lot of money on shopping for the most fashionable clothes, wea

106、ring the correct make-up and making sure that I always looked good,” she says. “And if you got it wrong, well, it was awful. People laughed at you and some said nasty things about your ugly clothes. But now we all wear ordinary jeans and a simple shirt or sweatshirt. It s much easier now.”Tom Wilson

107、, 17, would like to go further. “I think we should all wear a compulsory uniform,” he says. “It s just not true that stupid fashion competitions have stopped. Some guys still buy expensive designer clothes that most kids cant afford. These guys are shopping to send an aggressive message. When they b

108、uy this exclusive stuff, they re saying, I m not like you. Im richer. Im cooler.” But Toms classmate, Hilary Schwarz, thinks that the rules are a bad thing. “Theyre undemocratic,” she told us. “Clothes say who you are. Theyre a form of free expression.”Directions: Complete the table with the underli

109、ned adjectives and give their other two forms, the comparative and the superlative or their original form. Adjective Comparative Superlative strictstricterstrictestsilly sillier silliest new newer newest fashionable more fashionable most fashionable correct more correct most correct good better best

110、 wrong more wrong most wrong awful more awful most awful nasty nastier nastiest ugly uglier ugliest ordinary more ordinary most ordinary simple simpler Simplest 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 30 页- 30 - Adjective Comparative Superlative easy easier easiest compulsory more comp

111、ulsory most compulsory true truer truest stupid more stupid most stupid expensive more expensive most expensive aggressive more aggressive most aggressive exclusive more exclusive most exclusive rich richer richest cool cooler coolest bad worse worest undemocratic more undemocratic most undemocratic free freer freest 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 30 页



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