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1、Unit7三步法写暑假安排 写作思路主题:本单元围绕“介绍国家”开头:My summer holiday is coming. I am.引起话题中间:Firstly, I have to.Secondly, I am going to. We will.There are. I am going to.介绍活动结尾:I am looking forward to it!表达感情知识储备一、单词:photo 照片stay 停留Taipei 台北travel 旅游sound 听起来,听上去traveller 旅行者Disneyland 迪士尼乐园different 不同的二、词组:summer

2、holiday 暑假go for the holiday 去度假talk about their plans 谈论他们的计go back to London 回到伦敦划stay there for a month 在那里待一个月go by train 乘火车去how long 多久visit my uncle and aunt 拜访我的叔叔want to see the city 想看这座城市婶婶take some photos 拍些照片go to Ocean Park 去(香港)海洋公园read a travel book 读一本旅游的书show you some photos 给你展示一些

3、travel around the world 环游世界照片be excited about 对.感到兴奋take a taxi 乘出租车full of joy 充满欢乐want to be a traveller 想成为一名旅行the Grand Canyon 科罗拉多大峡谷家Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布travel plans 旅游计划get to the UK 到达英国have different plans for.对有不同的计划Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫some great cities in the world 世界上的一些人城市三、句型:1. Th

4、e children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. 孩子们正在谈论他们的暑假计划。-Where will you go for the holiday? 你假期将去哪里?-I go back to London.我将回伦敦。2.-How long will you stay there?你将在那里待多久?-Ill stay there for a month.我将在那里待一个月。3.-Will you go to Beijing by plane?你将乘飞机去北京吗?-Yes, I will.是的,我将会(乘飞机去北

5、京)。/-No, I wont.不,我将不会(乘飞机去北京)。4.Ill show you some photos after the holiday.假期后,我将给你展示一些照片。5.That sounds great.那听起来很棒。四、语法总结:1. will 引导的一般疑问句:句型结构为“Wil+ 主语+动词原形(+ 其他)?”肯定回答为“Yes,主语+ will.”否定回答为“No,主语 +wont(will not 的缩略形式).”例如:-Will the boy skate this afternoon? 那个男孩今天下午将去溜冰吗?-Yes, he will.是的,他将会(去)。

6、/-No, he wont.不,他将不会(去)。2.will 引导的特殊疑问句:句型结构为“特殊疑问词+ wil+ 主语+动词原形(+其他)?”回答视具体情况而定,问什么答什么。例如:-When will we go?我们将何时去?-We will go tomorrow.我们将明天去。3. how long 的用法:how long 可以用于询问时间的长短,意思是“多长时间;多久”例如:-How long did he stay in London last year?他去年在伦敦待了多久?-Twenty days.二十天。how long 也可以用于询问物体的长度,意思是“多长”例如:-H

7、ow long is the bridge?那座桥有多长?-Its about 500 metres.它大概 500 米长。4. plan:plan 作为名词时,是可数名词,“计划,打算”,通常与 for 连用,即 a plan/plans for.,表示“关于某方面的计划”。plan 还可以作动词,常用搭配是 plan to do sth,表示“计划、打算去做某事”5. go back to: 意为“回去”,后面接地点名词。如果后面是 home, here, there 等地点副词,则 不能加介词 to。如果指回到说话人这里来则用 come back to.6. be excited abo

8、ut: 表示”(某人)对某事物感到兴奋。about 后面接事物。7.same 和 different:same 意为“相同的”,前面加 the,后面通常接单数名词。例如:They look the same.他们看上去一样。different 意为“不同的”,后面接复数名词。例如:They have different dreams.他们有不同的梦想。 实战演练题目一: 假如今年暑假要去北京,你会去哪些地方游玩呢?请写一写你今年暑假计划要做的事情。参考词汇:summer holiday暑假plan to do 计划做某事the national flag-raising ceremony升旗仪

9、式Tiananmen Square天安门广场the Great Wall长城参考句型:The summer holiday is coming, I plan to.We will.Then we are going to.Finally, we will. 范文一:My summer holidayThe summer holiday is coming, I plan to visit Beijing with my family. We will arrive on July 5th, and we will stay in Beijing for three days. We will

10、 watch the national flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square. Then we are going to enjoy a hike along the Great Wall, and see beautiful scenery there. Finally, we will fly back to Guang Zhou.题目二: 假如今年暑假要去北京,你会去哪些地方游玩呢?你会做些什么事情呢?请写一写你今年暑假计划要做的事情。参考词汇:excited激动的by plane坐飞机the Palace Museum故宫the Great

11、 Wall长城take photos拍照along the way沿途have a good time玩的开心make some memories留下一些回忆参考句型:My family and I are. were going to.We will. We plan to.Were sure to have a good time and make some memories to last a lifetime!范文二:My summer holiday plansMy family and I are excited because were going to Beijing for

12、a week! We will go there by plane. We plan to visit the Palace Museum and the Great Wall, and take plenty of photos along the way. Were sure to have a good time and make some memories to last a lifetime!题目三: 假如今年暑假要去苏州,你会看见哪些美景呢?请写一写你今年暑假计划要做的事情。参考词汇:summer holiday暑假excited激动的do many things做许多事finis

13、h the homework完成家庭作业go on a trip去旅行be good for有益于参考句型:My summer holiday is coming. I am.Firstly, I have to.Secondly, I will. We will.There are. I will.I am looking forward to it!范文三:My Summer ProgramMy summer holiday is coming. I am very excited. Because I can do many things. Firstly, I have to finish my homework and read some books. Secondly, I will go on a trip with my parents. We will go to Suzhou. There are many rivers and old buildings. I will practice swimming because it is good for my health. It will be an interesting summer holiday. I am looking forward to it!


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