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1、五年级英语调研试卷一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,用“S” 或“D”表示。(每题1分,共5分)( ) 1. bus jump ( ) 2. cook food( ) 3. minus five ( ) 4. grow how ( ) 5. run hot 二、翻译词组。(每题1分,共10分)1.拍照_ 2.浏览英特网_3.收集邮票_ 4.做衣服_5.从周一到周五_ 6.跳得高_7. swim well _ 8. cook nice food _9. the same hobby _ 10. speak loudly _三、从B栏中找出能对A栏句子作出正确反应的句子,将序号填写在题前的括号

2、内。(每题1.5分,共12分)A B( )1.Do you have any hobbies? A. No, she doesnt.( )2.What are you dong there? B. Hes in the computer room.( )3.Lets go and play table tennis. C. Yes, I do.( )4.Does Nancy live in Nanjing? D .Yes, I can.( )5.Can you play football well? E. Im watering the trees and flowers.( )6.Are y

3、ou writing an e-mail? F. He likes Maths.( )7.Where is Wang Bing? G. All right.( )8.What subject does he like? H .Yes, I am.四、 选择填空。(每题2分,共20分)( ) 1. Ben _ these flowers stamps. A. like B. likes C. is like( ) 2. Whats your fathers hobby? He likes _. A. play chess B. plays chess C. playing chess( ) 3.

4、 She usually _ _ six oclock. A. gets up, in B. gets up, at C. get up, in ( ) 4. _ Su Hai and Su Yang like growing flowers? Yes. They have the same hobby. A. Do B. Does C. Are( ) 5. Is he surfing the Internet? No, hes _music. A. write B. writing C. writes( ) 6. Ben is showing _ his stamps . A. they B

5、. their C. them( ) 7. What subjects_they study _school? A. do, in B. do, on C. does, at ( ) 8. I often _ the Internet _ Saturdays and Sundays. A. surfs, on B. surfs, in C. surf, on ( ) 9. _ you run fast? Yes, I can. A. Do B. Can C. Are( ) 10. Look! My brother _ in the playground.A. plays B. is play

6、C. is playing四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共10分)1My aunt _(like)_(grow) beautiful flowers.2.Can you _(take)a photo for_(I)? Sure.3.Do you _(watch) TV every day?4.They are all_(listen)to music in the sitting-room.5.Liu Tao _(have) many beautiful_(stamp).6.He_(draw) a picture in his classroom now.7.My father_ (

7、read)newspapers after supper every day.五、找出句中的一处错误并在横线上改正。(每题2分,共12分)( ) 1. Lucy and Lily have same hobby. A B C D( ) 2. My brother like playing tennis. A B C D( ) 3. How are you feel now? I feel better now. A B C D( ) 4. How many Art lesson do you have in a week? Seven. A B C D _( ) 5. May I speaki

8、ng to Mr White? A B C D _( ) 6. Can you make a nice dress of my doll? A B C D _六、句型转换。(1-4题每条横线0.5分,5-7题每题1分)1. My uncle lives in Nantong. (划线部分提问) _ _your uncle _?2. David likes playing basketball. (改为否定句) David _ _ playing basketball.3. Do you have any hobbies? (作否定回答) No, _ _.4. Show us his stamp

9、s.(改为同义句) Show to _.5. I like Science. (划线部分提问) _ _ do you like?6. have,and, family,his, hobbies,any, do,Wang Bin( ? ) (连词成句) _7. Yang Ling, Shanghai, lives, a, town, in, near, small( . )(连词成句) _七、选择方框内所给内容填空。(每题1分,共6分)sitting quietly, fromto, very much, water flowers, watches TV, listen carefully1.

10、 Jane is _on the grass.2. _ in class.3. We work _ 9:00 _ 18:00.4. My brother likes playing basketball _.5. Sometimes I_ in the evening.6. Mr Smith usually_ with his daughter.八、阅读理解。(每题1分,共10分)A根据短文内容判断正误,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。Linda is twelve. She is a student of Jingling Primary School. Its not far from

11、her home. She goes to school from Monday to Friday. In the morning, She gets up at six oclock and have breakfast at seven. After that, she goes to school with her friend. Every morning, she waters her flowers and does some exercise. She often plays table tennis with her classmates after class. On Saturdays, she often surfs the Internet and sometimes she rides her bike to the country(郊外) with her parents. She likes going shopping with her mother on Sunday mornings. And sometimes she likes reading at home and finishes her homework.( )1


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