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1、Unit 1Talia: Its all so incredible, Mom. Im working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford. No, thats the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe hes innocent. Talia: Look, Mom, I have to go. III call you tomorrow OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too

2、. ByeNick:HiI came as soon as I couldWhats up?Talia:Ive been thinking about this all day. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman?Nick:Ive already told youShe came up to me at the juice barWe set up a meetingTalia:RightAt her officeExcept you never went up to her officeN

3、ick:Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands , and she takes me to lunchTalia:Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII. Nick:Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia:Yeah. You told me theyre called Kicks. Nick:Right. And she explains that I, II have t

4、o wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads.Talia:OK. Can you think of anything else?Nick:Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercialTalia:A commercial? What commercial?Nick:I told you about that, didnt l? They wanted me to be in a commercial Unit 2Talia:Tony

5、, I need to see you. I have to bring you up to date on the Nick Crawford story.Tony:Come in. Whats going on?Talia:I just spoke to Nick. He was tricked. The tape was edited. He didnt take a bribe. It just sounds that way.Tony:Well, what does you r audio expert say?Talia:I forgot to tell you. Its defi

6、nitely Nicks voice. And he said the tape was definitely edited. Tony:But I dont get it. Whos behind this?Talia:One of Nicks teammates, Dean Bishop. He resents being in Nicks shadow. He wants to be the only star on the team.Tony:Of course! The bottom line is being the star is worth a lot of money in

7、endorsements.Talia:Still. I cant imagineTony:OK. So, now, whats you r plan?Talia:I have an idea. I need some help from Amy.Tony:Fine. You can have another day on this and we wont run the story yet. But one more thing, Talia, I hope youre not emotionally involved in this story.Talia:Me? Emotionally i

8、nvolved?Tony:I know you wanna clear Nicks name. But if you wanna have a career in journalism, you have to remember to stay objective.Unit 3Amy:Talia, are you almost here?Talia:Im about ten minutes away. Can you see her?Amy:Yes. Shes sitting on a sofa. Hurry up. Classes start in about 20 minutes.Tali

9、a:Well, just go over to her and start a conversation.Youve done you r homework, havent you?Amy:My homework?Talia:I mean, have you found out what courses shes taking, and everything?Amy:Oh, yeah. I can do a little acting myself, if thats what you mean. Talia:So go act like a drama student, and go and

10、 talk to her. III be right there. Amy:Excuse me. Youre in the drama program, right?Jackie:Yes! Oh, hi. Amy:Do you know if Professor Roberts is teaching this semester?Jackie:Yes, he is. Hes fabulous. Im in his improvisation class. In fact. its tonight. Amy:Oh, great. Jackie:Ive been taking classes he

11、 re for about a year and I think hes been my best teacher.Amy:I know what you mean. Hes veryinspiring.Jackie:Yes, absolutely. Ive become a much better actor since I started taking his classesAmy:Yes, Im sure you have. Unit 4Talia: Amy! Great to see you again.Amy: You too. Uh, Jackie, this is Talia.

12、Talia, this is Jackie. Jackie: Charmed. Charmed.Talia: Nice to meet you, too.Amy: Talia is a researcher at Newsline.Jackie: How exciting.Talia: Gee, you look so familiar.Jackie: Really? We might have seen each other around campus.Talia: I guess so. Or we may have been in a class together. Im taking

13、journalism classes.Jackie: No, it couldnt have been a class. Im taking acting classes, like Amy.Talia: Oh, well. Ill probably think of it later.Jackie: Speaking of classes, Id better run. I dont want to be late for Professor Roberts.Talia: Hold it. I think I remember where Ive seen you. Jackie: Real

14、ly?Talia: Yes. The Gower Building.Unit 5Talia: Oh, thank goodness you got my message!.Nick: Yeah. Whats going on? Talia: Dont worry. Im not trying to get you to take me out on a date. Im trying to help you save your career.Nick: Oh, that. Yeah, right, I almost forgot.Talia: Be serious. I care about

15、I care about your future.Nick: So do I !Talia: Good, you wore a tie.Nick: Yeah, your message said, wear a tie and a jacket. You look nice, by the way.Talia: Thanks. So do you.Nick: Whats that?Talia: Here. You have to put these on. Nick: Im sorry. Did I miss something here? Is it is it Halloween? Are you really going to make me put these on?Talia: Yes. And thats how youre going to hear their conversation. Theres an earphone in the


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