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1、 英语听力材料:大发明家爱迪生There are many people who say Thomas Edison single-handedly invented the twentieth century. Although there are those who may disagree, one thing cannot be denied: Edison was a genius, and his inventions greatly affected the development of modern society. Born in 1847 in Ohio, Thomas E

2、dison attended school for only three months. After his teacher claimed that he could not learn, Edison”s mother decided to teach him at home. There he was allowed to explore the subjects that most interested him. By age ten, Edison had built a science laboratory in the basement of his family”s home

3、and had become an avid experimenter. Edison got his first job at age twelve on the railway selling candy and newspapers. Three years later, he suffered an ear injury from a train accident and lost much of his hearing. He could have had an operation, but he refused. He insisted that being deaf helped

4、 him concentrate on his experiments. Thomas Edison”s first invention was the automatic telegraph repeater. He was already an expert on the telegraph before he came up with a gadget that sent telegraph signals between unmanned stations. Thanks to Edison, people were then able to send several telegrap

5、h messages simultaneously . Next came the electric vote recorder. It made voting quicker and more accurate, yet no one wanted to buy it. Edison then moved on to tackle the stock market ticker, the machine that gave information about stock market prices. Edison improved it, and sold the rights for US

6、$40,000. In his late twenties, Edison built an “invention factory“ where he and his business partners could dedicate all their time to inventing. After improving upon the telephone, Edison created the phonograph, his favorite and most lucrativeinvention. Although Edison did not actually invent the l

7、ight bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use. A tireless achiever, Edison established the first central electric power station in 1882, enabling New York to be the first city in the world to have electric lights. This was the beginning of the modern world in w

8、hich electricity became a way of life. The following year, one of Edison”s engineers discovered electrons, which eventually led to electronics, the branch of science dealing with electricity. This discovery was patented as the “Edison effect“. Without electronics, we might not have radio, TV, comput

9、ers, or space travel. The rest of Edison”s life was spent making and improving inventions including the motion picture camera, the alkaline battery, the copy machine, and the microphone. Thomas Edison died at the age of eighty-four in 1931. Three days later, much of America dimmed its lights in hono

10、r of the inventor man who had more impact on the development of present-day civilization than anyone else in history. 大创造家爱迪生 有很多人认为是爱迪生一手制造了二十世纪。虽然有不少人可能有不同的看法,但有一 件事是无法否认的,爱迪生是个天才,以及他的创造深刻地影响了现代社会的进展。 1847年爱迪生诞生于俄亥俄州。他仅仅只上了三个月的学。在爱迪生的教师声称他有学 习障碍之后,他的母亲打算在家教他。在家里,爱迪生可以随心所欲地探究最使他感兴 趣的事物。十岁那年,爱迪生在家里的

11、地下室建了一间科学试验室。从今,爱迪生就成 了一位孜孜不倦的试验者。 十二岁时,爱迪生找到了他的第一份工作在火车上卖糖果和报纸。三年后,一场火 车事故导致他耳朵受伤,几乎完全失聪。他本可以承受手术治疗,但他拒绝了,由于他 坚信听觉的丢失可以让他更用心地做试验。 电报自动转发器是托马斯爱迪生的第一个创造。他创造的这种装置,用于在无人看管 的两站之间传输电报信号,在此项创造前,爱迪生就已经是位电报专家了。幸亏有爱迪 生,我们才能在同一时间传送好几封电报讯息。 接下来的电子记票器让统计票数的速度更快、更精确,但却没有人要买。之后,爱迪生 转而进展股票行情收录器的讨论,他把收录器作了改良并将该项专利以

12、四万美元卖出。 近三十岁时,爱迪生盖了一座“创造工厂”,可让他和他的同事用心致力于创造工作。 在改良了电话功能后,爱迪生又创造了留声机,这是他宠爱的而且最能赚钱的一项创造 。虽然爱迪生实际上并没有创造灯泡,但他确实创造了电灯照明系统,这导致了灯泡的 广泛使用。 1882年,这位孜孜不倦的实践家建成了第一座中心电站,使纽约市成为世界上第一个有 电力照明设备的城市,这就是现代世界的开头,电成为人们的一种生活方式。 其次年,爱迪生手下的一名工程师发觉了电子,最终导致电子学的产生。这个发觉以“ 爱迪生效应”获得创造专利。假如没有电子学,我们可能就没有收音机、电视机、电脑 ,甚至太空旅行。在最终的岁月里,爱迪生连续制造并改良那些创造,其中包括电影摄 像机、碱性电池、复印机,以及麦克风。 爱迪生1931年去世,享年84岁。在他死后三天,美国大局部地区使灯暗下来来纪念这位 在历对现代文明进展影响力的创造家。



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