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1、济南市2022年1月高三年级学情检测英语试题注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、考号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThere are hundreds of non-profits welcoming studen

2、ts under the age of 18 as volunteers. In these activities, students can develop important life skills, cultural awareness and a lifelong passion for service.Union Station Homeless ServicesWhether you volunteer in our kitchens to prepare meals or in our offices to help with administrative projects, y

3、ou will be a valuable member of our family. We do our best to match volunteers with a position that suits their interests and skills.Minimum Age: 12Call: 626-240-4550Northeast Animal ShelterThe Northeast Animal Shelter, established in 1976, is one of New Englands largest non-profit shelters where th

4、e pets can be taken good care of. We have placed thousands of dogs and cats since we opened our doors. As soon as a dog or cat arrives, our staff begin searching for the perfect host for them. While waiting for a warm home, the dogs and cats receive the best of care.Minimum Age: 16Call: 745-988-8305

5、Needham Community FarmThe mission of Needham Community Farm is to deepen our communitys connection to nature and the food system by providing farm-based education, increasing access to healthy produce and encouraging environmental protection.Minimum Age: 13Call: 781-449-5300Arlington Public LibraryS

6、erving more than 1.5 million people a year, Arlington Public Library holds more than 600,000 items, from books, eBooks, and DVDs, to digital photo collections and provides funded kits for parents and teachers. We only accept the volunteers with community service experience.Minimum Age: 14Call: 817-4

7、59-69001. Which non-profit cares for people in need?A. Arlington Public Library.B. Northeast Animal Shelter.C Needham Community Farm.D. Union Station Homeless Services.2. What will volunteers do for animals in Northeast Animal Shelter?A. Cook healthy meals.B. Build perfect homes.C. Find adoptive fam

8、ilies.D. Search for their owners.3. What is the requirement for volunteers in Arlington Public Library?A. They are skillful at sorting out items.B. They ought to be at least 12 years old.C. They have experience in community service.D. They should be capable of taking digital photos.【答案】1. D 2. C 3.

9、C【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了4个适合18岁以下学生参与的非盈利性组织。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Union Station Homeless Services(Union Station无家可归者服务)中“Whether you volunteer in our kitchens to prepare meals or in our offices to help with administrative projects, you will be a valuable member of our family. (无论您是自愿在我们厨房做饭,还是在我们的办公室帮助行政项目,您

10、都将是我们家庭中宝贵的一员。)”可知,Union Station Homeless Services是一个给无家可归者提供帮助的公益项目。故选D。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Northeast Animal Shelter中“As soon as a dog or cat arrives, our staff begin searching for the perfect host for them.( 只要一只狗或猫来了,我们的工作人员就会开始为它们寻找完美的主人。)”可知, Northeast Animal Shelter的志愿者可以为宠物们找到收养宠物的家庭。故选C。【3题详解】细节理解

11、题。根据Arlington Public Library中“We only accept the volunteers with community service experience.( 我们只接受有社区服务经验的志愿者。)”可知, Arlington Public Library要求志愿者有社区工作经验。故选C。BMany of us have heard of Alex Honnold, who made history in 2018 when he became the first man to climb EI Capitan without ropes or safety eq

12、uipment. But his mother, Dierdre Wolownick, just became the oldest woman to conquer the famous peak: she reached the top on September 23the morning of her 70th birthday.Dierdre, the writer and language teacher, decided to take up climbing as a means to connect more with her son. In 2008, accompanied

13、 by her son Alex, she visited a climbing gym and completed 12 routes that first day with his help, but it was months before she worked up the courage to return and practice on her own.Dierdre became committed to the sport, and began to meet friends and sharpen her skills. She scaled(登上) parts of Hal

14、f Dome and Cathedral peak at a time when many people at her age are thinking about retirement and slowing down. The writer would go on to publish a book about her climbing experiences with Alex called The Sharp End of Life: A Mothers Story.“As a mother, I am impressed by this role exchange process.

15、Parents and children often wind up changing roles in life as they get older,” she writes in her book. “But never, I thought, is that transformation as obvious as when they climb together.”On September 23, Dierdre and her friends set out in the dark, at 6 am. The route is steep (陡峭的) enough to requir

16、e all-fours, grabbing rocks and trees and whatever else will hold the weight. Yet despite all difficulties the team made it to the top.“It was really inspiring to watch her and then to have her on top with all of us,” said one of Dierdres friends.“There was a special look on everyones face. We knew where we were. We knew how amazing the moment truly was.4. Why did Dierdre



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