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1、七年级下学期书面表达Unit 1 Can you come to my party?根据图示和提供的词句,写一篇短文,Ann邀请Bruce参加她的生日聚会。词。提示词:beautiful day I hope you can come to What party forget to Would you likeSureIts a beautiful day today. Ann is going to have a birthday party next Sunday. She hopes Bruce can come to her party. But Bruce doesnt know t

2、he party. Ann says,“Im sorry , I forgot to tell you. Would you like to come?” Bruce says, “Sure, I would love to come. Thanks a lot.”Unit 2 Im more outgoing than my sister 提示:你和两个好朋友(Tom 和 Mike)都喜欢运动,如:足球、游泳、滑冰、跑和跳。但你们三个人高矮轻重各不相同,对各种运动的爱好程度和水平也有差异。请你以此为话题写一篇词左右的短文,注意使用比较级的句式。 I have two good friends

3、. They are Tom and Mike, Tom shorter than Tom, Tom is shorter than Mike. We all like playing football, but I am better at it than Tom, Tom is better at it than Mike. I am smarter than Tom, I like math and physics, Tom like history, Mike likes PE, he is more athletic than we two. We all study hard.Un

4、it 3 How do you make a banana milk shake? 根据下面表格里的提示,写一篇短文,开头已给出。词数。IngredientbananaapplepearwatermeloncinnamonyogurtAmountoneoneoneoneTwo teaspoonsOne cup How to make fruit salad? I like fruit salad very much. How to make fruit salad? I like fruit salad very much. I eat lots fruit salad every day.

5、Do you like fruit salad? Do you know how to make fruit salad? Let me tell you.First cut up one banana, one apple, one pear and one watermelon. Next put the fruit in a bowl. Then put into two teaspoons of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix them all up. And you can enjoy it. It must be deliciou

6、s. Come on! Have a try, please.Unit 4 How was your school trip?请以第一人称按以下提示用英语写一篇题为appy Trip 的短文,词数左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。提示:、在假期,完成作业后和好朋友一起去爬泰山。(Mount Tai)、坐公共汽车去旅行,到达目的地后开始爬山。、要描述山上环境及游人状况。、吃野餐并拍照,累但玩得很开心。A Happy Trip On holidays, after I finished my homework A Happy TripOn holiday, after I finished m

7、y homework, I went to climb Mount Tai with my good friends. We went there by bus. When we got there, we began to climb. There were many people on the hill. Some were climbing, some people were on the hill. Some were taking photos, others were buying the souvenirs. They looked very happy. There were

8、a lot of trees and flowers on the hill. We had a picnic for lunch and took many photos. When we got home, it was dark. We were very tired but we were very happy.Unit 5 When was he born?根据表格内所给信息和词汇介绍Helen Keller 的成长经历,写一篇短文词(开头已给出)。henWhat6 months old Can say a few words2 years old Be badly ill ; ca

9、nt see ,hear or talk6 years oldHave a teacher; learn to read through her handsgrow up Become a famous writer; first book-The story of My LifeHelen Keller was a very famous write. She was smart when he was young Helen Keller was a very, famous writer. She was smart when she was young. She could say a

10、 few words when she was six months old. But she was badly ill when she was two years old. Then she could not see, hear or talk. She had a teacher when she was six years old. She learned to read through her hands. When she grew up, she became famous and wrote her first book The Story of My Life.期中测试题

11、请根据下面的提示,简要介绍一下奥运冠军张怡宁。她于年生于北京,身高米。岁开始打乒乓球,年进入北京队,年进入国家队。她在雅典奥运会上夺得女单、女双两项冠军;在届北京奥运会上夺得女单冠军。她最崇拜的人就是邓亚萍。(词)Zhang Yining was born in Beijing in 1982. She is 1.68metres tall. She started to play table tennis at the age of five. She joined the Beijing table tennis team in 1994 and then joined the natio

12、nal table tennis team in 1996. She won two gold medals at Athen Olympic Games in 2004. She won gold medals at Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Her favourite sports star is Deng Yaping. Unit 6 What are you doing for vacation?“十一”长假即将来临,你打算去什么地方度假,什么时候出发,度假期间干什么,在外呆多长时间。请以My Vacation Plan 为题写一篇介绍你假期计划的短

13、文。文章的开头已给出。My Vacation PlanNational Day is coming.My vacation plan National Day is coming. Im going to Beijing for my vacation. Im leaving on September 30. Im staying there for five days. Im going to visit some places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, Tianan men and so on. Im r

14、eturning home on October 6th. I think Im having a great time in Beijing. What about you?Unit 7 Im going to be a basketball player根据汉语提示及要求,以 My Dream Job 为题用英语写一篇短文(60词左右)。提示:1、想成为一名记者。 2、打算给报纸、杂志写文章。 3、高中毕业后想去北京上大学。 4、想在一家电视台工作并环游世界。My Dream Job I have a dream. When I grow up, I want to be a report

15、er. I think its an exciting job. Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. And after I finish high school. I want to go to university in Beijing. I want to work in a TV station and travel over world one day. Unit 8 Could you please clean your room?以“ Do Chores ”为题,写一下你在家里做哪些家务,不做哪些家务,并说明理由。可参照下列短语。Wash the dishes; do the l


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