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1、-语法填空练习50 篇( 1)When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets1the traffic drives on the left. Before youcross a street you must look to the right first2then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to orcome from3, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most4( dange

2、r) then.When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful,5. always remember the traffic moves on the left.So you must be careful.6Have a look first, or you will go7wrong way.In many English cities, there are big buses8two floors. Y our can sit on the9( tow) floor, from10you can see the city ver

3、y well. It s very interesting.( 2)Finishing their shopping at the supermarket, a middle-aged couple found their new car 1_(steal). They filed areport 2_ _ the police station and a detective drove them back 3_ the parking lot to look for evidence.To their 4_ ( amaze), the car had been returned 5_ the

4、re was a note in it that said:“ I apologtaking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to send her to the 6_ as soon as possible. Please forget theinconvenience. There are two tickets 7_ tonights Rowan Atkinson concert.”Their faith in humanity restored(恢复) . The couple attended 8_ concert. But

5、 when they returned home, theyimmediately found that their house 9_( be) ransacked (洗劫) . On the bathroom mirror was 10_ note: “Ihave to put my kid through collegesomehow, dont I?”( 3)People 1_ ( live)in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred2_ in th

6、e world.Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, forexample, contains four3_ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need 4_ these. To read short stories you need to know onlyabout two thousand words. 5_ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.The words y

7、ou know are called your vocabulary. Y ou should try to make your vocabulary 6_( big) . Read asmany books as we can. There are a lot of books 7_( write)in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet8_ new word, look it 9_ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your 10_(much ) useful book.( 4)1_

8、artist had a small daughter. Sometimes he painted women 2_ any clothes on, and he and his3_ always tried to keep the small girl out 4_ he was doing this,“ She is 5_ younthey said.But one day, when the artist 6_( paint) a woman with no clothes on, he forgot to lock the door, and the girlsuddenly ran

9、into the room. Her mother ran up the stairs 7_ her, but when she got to the room, the little girl wasalready in the room and looking at the woman. 8_ her parents waited for her to speak.For a few seconds the little girl said 9_, but then she ran to her mother and said 10_( angry),“ Why doyou let her

10、 go about without shoes and socks on when you don t let me?”( 5)Most Americans don liket to get advice 1_ members of their family.They get advice from “ 2_( strange) ”. When they need advice, they don t usually go to people they know. 3_ many of them write letters to newspapers and magazines 4_ give

11、 advice on many different subjects, 5_ (include) family problems, theuse of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and even on how 6_( buy ) a house or a car.Most newspapers regularly print letters from 7_(read) with problems. Along with the letters 8_are answers writtenby people who are su

12、pposed to know how to solve such problems. Some of these writers are doctors,9_ are lawyers or educators. But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special 10_( train) for this kind of work.-1( 6)Without proper planning, tourism can cause 1_. For example, too many tourists can c

13、rowd public places2_ are also enjoyed by the inhabitants (居民)of a country. If tourism creates too much traffic, the inhabitants willbecome 3_ (annoy) and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists 4_ to treat them impolitely. They forgethow much tourism canhelp the countryeconomys. 5_ is important to t

14、hink about the people of a destinationcountry and 6_ tourism affects them. Tourism should help 7_ country keep the customs and beauty thatattracts tourists. Tourism should also advance the wealth and 8_( happy) of local inhabitants.Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism 9_( grow) too quickly, people must leave other jobs towork 10_ the tourism indu


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