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1、高一英语必修1编号3101 编制人:杨红 周密 审核人:郭小明 责任领导: 韩 军 班级 组别_姓名: 小组评价 教师评价 Unit 1 Festivals around the World 预习导引熟读本单元生词及短语探究与交流1. starve vi/vt. 使挨饿,饿得要死;渴望,急需1)They will either die from the cold or starve to death. 2)Shes starving herself to lose weight. 3)The school is starved of funds.4)Children starve for at

2、tention. 5)Ive been starving to see you. 6)You must be starving! Come and have lunch.拓展 starvation n. 饥饿,饿死把某人饿死. _ 断绝食物或资金来源以迫使某人做某事_ 渴望,急需,迫切需要 _急切或迫切地做某事_ 饿得要死_ 巩固训练 1)They got lost in the desert and _ (饥饿而死)2)The wounded are _(急需)help.3)They tried to_(使敌军因饥饿而投降)2. gain v.获得,得到1)She gained high g

3、rades in English and Maths.2)My watch gains five minutes a day.n.利益,利润;增加,增进 No pains, no gains 1)我从以前的经验中学到很多东西。I_ my former experience.2) She hopes to _(获得朋友的尊敬)。3. gather vt., vi. 收集,采集,召集; 集合;聚集1)She quickly gathered her books and left the room.2)The teacher gathered us all together and made an

4、announcement.3)A group gathered to see the fire. 辨析 gather与collect gather是指把分散的东西“聚集、聚拢”;collect是指有计划、有选择地“收集”,含有精心收集之意。 E.g. :I have collected over three hundred stamps.用gather/collect的适当形式填空1.)A crowd _ to see what had happened.2.)_ the books and put them on the shelf.4.awardv 1)The judges awarded

5、 the first prize to her for the picture. 2)The court awarded him damages of 5000. n. win the award of 10000. win the best actress award. The picture was given the highest award at the show. 归纳总结: 授予某人某物 1) _ 2) _ 辨析 award与rewardreward 酬谢, 报答,强调对人的付出的回报,而award意为授予;判定用award/reward填空They were _ for the

6、ir helping the poor.He was _ the first prize for being the fastest runner.I dont expect to receive any _ for my work.He received a medal _ _ _ his contribution to science.5.admire 钦佩;赞美;羡慕 v. (n. admiration ) admire sb / sth 羡慕某人/某物admire sb for sth 钦佩某人某物(1)She is the_ (钦慕的对象)of her students.(2)We_

7、 Madam Curie _(我们因居里夫人的发明而钦佩她)her discovery.(3)I _(钦佩他在商业上的成功)in business.6. permit v.permit sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事 permit doing sth.允许做某事 with ones permission ( with the permission of sb)经某人允许ask sb for permission 请求某人允许without permission 未经允许give sb permission to do sth 允许某人做某事1)We dont permit smok

8、ing in the office.2)I dont permit you to smoke in the office.3)You are not allowed to park here unless you have a permit.4)The teacher gave me permission to go home early.5)He entered the room without permission. The policeman_ (允许他在那儿停车)._(天气允许的话), well have a party.Visitors_.(不准在这儿拍照)7.dress up 盛装

9、;打扮;装饰1)We dressed up for the wedding. 2)They dressed me up as a monkey.3)He dressed the facts up to make them more interesting.巩固训练1)What they wanted was to _(打扮得漂漂亮亮)and display themselves. 2)I_(给孩子们打扮整齐去参加舞会)3)The children_(装扮成士兵) . 8. apologize vi. 道歉 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 因做某事向某人道歉a

10、pologize to sb. that +从句 因向某人道歉 E.g . She apologized deeply for being late.I apologized to my mother that I went home late.make an apology to sb. for doing sth.9.drown vt.&vi. 淹没;溺死;淹死E.g. The floods drowned the streets and houses.a drowning man 一个溺水的人(还未淹死) a drowned man 一个溺水而亡的人10. obvious adj.明显的

11、;显而易见的It is /was obvious that Obviously, + 句子It is obvious that he told you a lie. = Obviously, he told a lie.11.set off 出发;动身;使爆炸All the family set off in search of the missing boy.Our manager will set off for Australia.The bomb could be set off by the slightest touch. 最轻微的碰撞都可能引爆这颗炸弹。12. remind vt

12、.提醒;使想起remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事remind sb. that 使某人想起;提醒某人E.g. Hearing that song always reminds me of my childhood.Remind me to get up early. Ill call Jane to remind her that we will meet at 8.13.forgive vtforgive sb. sth. 宽恕某人某事 forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人做某事1.)I

13、 forgave him his mistake. 2.)Ill never forgive you for what you said to me last night.巩 固 练 习单选题1.The blockade was aimed at _ the country _submission(屈服).A. starve; on B. starving; into C. starve; into D. starving; at2.In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are starving _their products more competitive. A. to make B. making C. to have made D. having made3.-What was she doing when you visited her? -She was _ herself in the mirror.A. enjoying B. admiring C. devoting D. seeing4. Jack tried to play a trick _ his sister but she wasnt taken _


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