1、99 个高频易错词1、亭亭(婷婷)玉立2、辐(幅)射3、迫不及(急)待4、甘拜(败)下风5、一副(幅)对联6、备(倍)受关注7、自暴(抱)自弃8、战略部(步)署9、一如既(继)往10、针砭(贬)时弊11、有言简意赅(骇)12、草菅(管)人命13、像(象)一样14、气概(慨)15、矫(娇)揉造作16、脉搏(博)17、一鼓(股)作气18、挖墙脚(角)19、松弛(驰)20、悬梁刺股(骨)21、歉(欠)收22、一筹(愁)莫展23、粗犷(旷)24、扯淡(蛋)25、川(穿)流不息26、食不果(裹)腹27、竣(峻)工28、精粹(萃)29、震撼(憾)30、不落窠 ke 第一声(巢) 臼31、受益匪(非)浅32
3、65、贻(遗)笑大方66、人情世(事)故67、啰(罗)嗦68、走投(头)无路69、就绪(序)70、蛛丝马(蚂)迹71、趋之若鹜(骛)72、额手(首)称庆73、萎靡(糜)不振74、徙 xi 第三声(迁) 徒75、追溯(朔shuo 第四声)76、沉湎(缅)77、犹(尤)如猛虎下山78、饮鸩(鸠)止渴79、洁白无瑕(暇)80、竭泽而渔(鱼)81、坐镇(阵)82、九霄(宵)83、滥竽(芋)充数84、旁征(证)博引85、宣(渲)泄86、世外桃源(园)87、炙(灸)手可热88、寒暄(喧)89、赃(脏)款90、九州(洲)91、订(钉)书 92、蘸 zhan 第一声(醮 jiao 第一声) 水93、各行其是(
4、事)94、赝(膺)品95、蛰(蜇)伏96、恣 zi 第一声(姿)意妄为97、不能自已 yi 第三声(己 ji 第四声)98、装帧(祯)99、编纂 zuan 第四声(篡 cuan 第四声)“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teachin
5、g position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!