2011年高考英语二轮复习考点突破 Unit2 非谓语动词

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《2011年高考英语二轮复习考点突破 Unit2 非谓语动词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011年高考英语二轮复习考点突破 Unit2 非谓语动词(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 非谓语动词.单项填空1Having bought the new car, _ to tell my wife the good news.Aa phone call was madeBa phone call was neededCI made a phone callDI would make a phone call解析:句意为“买了车后,我打电话告诉妻子这个好消息”,可判断主语为“我”,且用过去式。答案:C2If _ help, regardless of what, please dont refuse!No, I wont. Thank you.Aoffering B

2、to be offering Chaving been offered Doffered解析:此处用offered表被动,即If you are offered。答案:D3Some of our industrial products may well be said _ advanced level.Ato reach Bto be reachingCto have reached Dto have been reaching解析:考查非谓语动词。be said to have done表示“据说已经”,句意为“我们的某些工业产品完全可以说已达到了先进水平”。此题易误选D。答案:C4Ther

3、e was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently _ what he thought was a reason for his American characteristics.Agiving BgaveCto give Dgiven解析:giving在本句中作定语修饰remark。答案:A5Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone _to the system, so does the

4、 value of a computer system with each program that turned out.Aadding Bto have addedCto add Dadded解析:withn.v.ed结构在句中作状语,added 为过去分词表被动,作宾补。答案:D6According to an agreement _ between civil aviation associations of the Mainland and Taiwan, the direct chartered flights are scheduled to run from Jan.20 th

5、rough to Feb.13 this year.Ato reach Breached Creaching Dreach解析:此处reached同which is reached,作后置定语,“被达成的”。答案:B7Many job applicants in the west increasingly find themselves _ such strange questions as “Which do you think is more important, law or love?”Aasking Basked Cto ask Dhaving asked解析:find themse

6、lves asked,“发现自己被问到”(这样的问题),asked作宾补,表被动。答案:B8It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.Arepairing Brepaired Cto repair Dbeing repaired解析:本句为强调句型,强调repairing the old clock。答案:A9“Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” is a proverb, _ life is beautiful and full of

7、frustrations as well.Ameaning Bto mean Cmeans Dmeant解析:meaning“意味着”,在句中作定语。答案:A10What have you been busy with recently?_ for the college entrance examination.ATo make preparations BPrepare myselfCPreparing myself DThe preparations解析:完整答语应为“I have been busy with the preparations for the college entra

8、nce examination recently”。答案:D.完形填空Section AMama sat quitely in the corner of her bedroom,sewing a torn shirt.She decided to _1_ Toronto,Canada,to take a job as a domestic helper.As an health inspector in a small town,Mama barely _2_ enough for our family.She wanted to improve our lives by working a

9、broad.She wanted to be a good provider,a role she has shouldered since her marriage to our father broken up when I was seven.,After that,we never saw him or received any _3_ from him.Mama pulled me back from my _4_ as I stared at the suitcase in the corner.Holding out her needle and thread,Mama said

10、,“Inday,could you please do it for me?”She always asked me to put the thread through the needle hole when she was sewing.Sometimes it _5_ me,But anyhow,I took the needle and began to thread it for Mama.I suddenly realized at that moment that it was a very _6_ favor compared to what she had already d

11、one and will be doing for us.I handed the needle back to her.I dared not look her in the eyes,because I knew what she would see in mine_7_.That feeling only grew _8_ as my eyes fell on the suitcase again.Without thinking,I said,“Whos gonna put the thread through the needle for you in Canada?”I wante

12、d her to know that I would put every thread through every needle just to make her _9_,even if it did annoy me.Tears started rolling down Mamas cheeks.She reached out and pulled me into a tight embrace.I knew what Mamas _10_ wasno one.I realized she would be willing to _11_ a thousand needle holes if

13、 it meant a better life for us.I knew at that moment that _12_ Mama would be far away from us for years to come,our hearts would forever be sewn together.【语篇导读】 妈妈为了改善我们的生活要去加拿大的多伦多打工,临行前我们大家都很难过。1A.get around Bwalk towardsCleave for Dcome to解析:由下文“She wanted to improve our lives by working abroad.”

14、可判断在家乡小镇当 健康检查员的妈妈即将出国到加拿大的多伦多打工,leave for意为“前往某地”,符合语境,故选C项。A项意为“到处走动,传播出去”;B项意为“朝某处走去”;D项意为“来到某地”,均不符合语境。答案:C2A.earned Bworked Ccollected Dwon解析:由下一句“She wanted to improve our lives by working abroad.She wanted to be a good provider”可推断此处指妈妈在家乡小镇工作所赚得的钱仅够维持生计,earn意为“赚,挣得”,符合语境,故选A项。worked意为“工作”;C项意为“收集,聚集”;D项意为“(获)胜,赢得”,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A3A.congratulations BencouragementCreward Dsupport解析:根据上文“She wanted to be a good provider,a role she has shouldered since her marriage to our father broken up when I was seven.”可知自从爸爸和妈妈离婚后由她个人承



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