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1、元宵节英语手抄报图片元宵节英语手抄报图片精选元宵节手抄报的英语版确定会莫非一批同学。下面是我收集的元宵节英语手抄报谚语,希望大家仔细阅读!Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, as far back as 2000 years ago in the western han dynasty, yuanxiao watching lanterns began in the Ming emperor of the eastern han dynasty period, the Ming emperor advocate Buddhism

2、, heard that Buddhism has a view on the fifteenth day monk Buddha sarira, worship Buddha light, ordered this one night in the palace and the temple worship Buddha light, make the cremation subaltern hanging lamp. Later this kind of buddhist rite festival gradually formed the folk grand festival. Thi

3、s section experienced the development process from the court to the people, from the central plains to the whole country.During the reign of emperor wen, the fifteenth day of the first month was ordered to be the Lantern Festival. During the reign of emperor wudi of the han dynasty, the sacrificial

4、activity of "taiji" was set on the fifteenth day of the first month. The god of the universe. When sima qian created the "too early calendar", the Lantern Festival was designated as a major festival.Another said that the custom of the Lantern Festival originated from Taoism's

5、 "three yuan" On the fifteenth day of the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, and on the fifteenth day of the tenth month. In charge, in the middle and lower three yuan respectively for heaven, earth, people three officials, the

6、heavenly officials are happy, so the Lantern Festival will be lit.The festival and festival activities are extended and extended with the development of history. In terms of the length of the festival, the han dynasty was only one day. It was three days in the tang dynasty, and five days in the song

7、 dynasty. The Ming dynasty was a light from the eighth day of the Ming dynasty, and it was not lighted until the night of the 17th, the full ten days. With the Spring Festival, the day is the city, lively and extraordinary, night burning lamps, is spectacular. In particular, the delicate and colorfu

8、l lights make it the climax of the entertainment activities during the Spring Festival. To the qing dynasty, it added dragon dance, lion dance, dry boat, walking on stilts, yangko dance and other "drama" content, only shortened to four to five days.元宵节是中国的传统节日,早在2000多年前的西汉就有了,元宵赏灯始于东汉明帝时期,


10、扩展的。就节期长短而言,汉代才一天,到唐代已为三天,宋代则长达五天,明代更是自初八点灯,始终到正月十七的夜里才落灯,整整十天。与春节相接,白昼为市,喧闹非凡,夜间燃灯,蔚为壮丽。特殊是那精致、多彩的灯火,更使其成为春节期间消遣活动的高潮。至清代,又增加了舞龙、舞狮、跑旱船、踩高跷、扭秧歌等“百戏”内容,只是节期缩短为四到五天。The Lantern FestivalAfter the Spring Festival, here comes the Lantern Festival. In China, people celebrate it on the lunar calendar fift

11、een. It symbolizes the short rest has come to an end after the spring festival; people need to get back to work with their best wishes in the brand-new year. We all celebrated this festival with plenty of food and fun. The most important and traditional food on the Lantern Festival is Tang-yuan. Wit

12、h sweet and soft rice outside and peanuts or sesame inside, this little rice ball stand for the happy reunion, and the best wish for the whole families. Apart from having dinner with parents and relatives, there are also lots of activities on that day. The Lantern shows as well as guessing riddles a

13、re part of the Lantern Festival; and the most interesting part of the show is that the riddles are written on the Lantern. After dinner, the whole families go to the lantern fair, to enjoy the happiness in this moment.春节过后,就迎来了元宵节。在中国,人们在正月十五庆祝元宵节。这一天意味着短暂的新年假日结束了。在这新的一年,人们会带着最好的祝福回到他们的工作岗位上。在这个节日里,

14、吃的玩的都是非常丰富而且好玩的。汤圆,是最重要也是最传统的食品外面包袱着甜软的糯米皮,而里面填满了花生或芝麻馅料。这个小小的糯米球象征着阖家团聚,及对家庭最美妙的祝福。除了和父母亲戚一起吃饭之外,还有许很多多的活动等着你。看花灯、猜谜语是元宵节的传统组成部分。最好玩的是谜语都写在花灯上。晚饭过后,一家人就高兴奋兴的去大街上看花灯,猜谜语,享受着这华蜜的时间。In every city, there are always a main street known for its lantern fair, on that special day, the street will become as

15、 bright as daylight in the night with myriads of lanterns and streams of spectators. At this moment, the happiness in the heart is beyond all description. By watching various lanterns, eating sweet Tang Yuan, and hanging out with the people we love, thinking of the bright future in front of us. Its worth everything.每个城市,都有条大街作为花灯展的主会场。这个特殊的日子,各种各样的巨大花灯发出像白昼一样的光线,照亮了赏灯的人们,也照亮了漆黑的夜。这一刻,任何言语都不能表达心中的喜悦之情。元宵节赏花灯,猜谜语,吃汤圆,和我们爱的人在一起,想着美妙的将来,全部的一切,都值得了。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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